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South Africa: North West High Court, Mafikeng
>> South Africa: North West High Court, Mafikeng decisions beginning with P ...
South Africa: North West High Court, Mafikeng decisions beginning with P ...
P Masako v M Masako and Another In re: M Masako v P Masako (CIV APP/RC07/18; NW/ODO/RC256/16) [2020] ZANWHC 23 (26 March 2020)
P.L.M v MEC for Education (1639/2015) [2018] ZANWHC 23 (4 May 2018)
P.M obo A.M v MEC, Department of Health North West Provincial Government (754/2016) [2020] ZANWHC 6 (6 February 2020)
P.M.S.J.E v C.H.E (DIV 56/2013) [2013] ZANWHC 83 (2 May 2013)
P.R v J.R (M182/2015) [2017] ZANWHC 81 (15 December 2017)
Paballo N.O v Magini (UM28/22) [2022] ZANWHC 46 (29 December 2022)
Papendorf and Another v Ice-Breakers 106 (PTY) LTD (M91/17) [2017] ZANWHC 116 (2 November 2017)
Patsa v S (CA 29/2021) [2024] ZANWHC 97 (3 April 2024)
PBD Boeredienste v Visser (1592/10) [2011] ZANWHC 10 (10 March 2011)
Peele v Van Der Schyff and Others (1010/12) [2013] ZANWHC 77 (5 December 2013)
Peermont Global (North West) (PTY) Limited v Chairperson of the North West Gambling Review Tribunal and Others (M420/2017) [2018] ZANWHC 83 (29 March 2018)
Peermont Global (North West) Pty Ltd v Chairperson of the North West Gambling Review Tribunal and Others (M420/17; M184/18; M185/18) [2020] ZANWHC 13 (21 February 2020)
Peermont Global North West (Pty) Ltd v Chairperson of the North West Gambling Board and Others (M3/2016) [2016] ZANWHC 66 (13 October 2016)
Pelega v S (CAF 03/2012) [2012] ZANWHC 54 (1 June 2012)
Pellow N.O and others v Zondagh and Others (41/02) [2002] ZANWHC 24 (20 June 2002)
Pelo v Road Accident Fund (120/2006) [2007] ZANWHC 78 (22 November 2007)
Pelser v Minister of Police (1296/2018) [2023] ZANWHC 223 (29 November 2023)
Pelser v Miruka (898/2014) [2015] ZANWHC 69 (29 October 2015)
PG Bison Limited v Master od High Court and Others (655/03) [2004] ZANWHC 14 (24 June 2004)
Phacwana v Road Accident Fund (645/2005) [2005] ZANWHC 54 (12 August 2005)
Phakedi and Another v MEC Department of Education and Sports Development and Another (1949/2016) [2019] ZANWHC 48 (31 October 2019)
Phalane and Another v S (CA35/14) [2015] ZANWHC 81 (12 November 2015)
Phalatse v S (CC 52/99) [2009] ZANWHC 21 (3 September 2009)
Phasha v S (CA 11/2012) [2012] ZANWHC 55 (22 June 2012)
Phawe and Others v Minister of Police (1403; 1404/2016; 1405/2016) [2019] ZANWHC 51 (28 November 2019)
Phefo v S (CA 63/2022) [2024] ZANWHC 13 (29 January 2024)
Pheloane v S (1359/14) [2018] ZANWHC 14 (24 May 2018)
Phephetho v Road Accident Fund (RAF416/19) [2024] ZANWHC 224 (27 August 2024)
Phete v Road Accident Fund (RAF189/2014) [2015] ZANWHC 34 (29 July 2015)
Phetla v Mamusa Local Municipality and Others (UM117/2022) [2022] ZANWHC 37 (1 July 2022)
Philander v Minister of Safety and Security (473/2011) [2013] ZANWHC 51 (6 June 2013)
Phiri v Koreneka Events Managers CC and Others (M40/2016) [2016] ZANWHC 17 (13 May 2016)
Phiri v Road Accident Fund (2821/2008) [2011] ZANWHC 94 (4 August 2011)
Phiri v S (CA 55/2015) [2024] ZANWHC 185 (11 July 2024)
Phoko v Minister of Safety and Security and Others (1127/2013) [2016] ZANWHC 52 (21 October 2016)
Pholo v Minister of Police (687/2021) [2024] ZANWHC 203 (5 August 2024)
Phukuntsi v S (CA42/2019; RC4/2019) [2024] ZANWHC 123 (25 April 2024)
Phutswane v S (CAF06/16) [2016] ZANWHC 57 (1 September 2016)
Pienaar N.O and Others v Matthysen and Others (UM26/2020) [2020] ZANWHC 45 (5 March 2020)
Pienaar t/a KTS Boerdery v Pienaar and Others (40/2016) [2017] ZANWHC 50 (29 June 2017)
Pienaar v Director of Public Prosecutor (562/2017) [2021] ZANWHC 42 (7 June 2021)
Piet NO and Others v Minister of Rural Development and Land Reform and Others (M160/19) [2020] ZANWHC 51 (17 September 2020)
Pilane and Another v Pheto and Others (582/2011) [2011] ZANWHC 63 (30 September 2011)
Pilane and Another v Pheto and Others (CA 582/11) [2012] ZANWHC 10 (19 April 2012)
Pilane and Another v Pilane and Another (263/2010) [2011] ZANWHC 80 (30 June 2011)
Pilane and Another v Pilane and Another (263/2010) [2012] ZANWHC 66 (1 March 2012)
Pilane and Another v S (CA 59/2009) [2010] ZANWHC 25 (17 September 2010)
Pilane and Others v Premier of the North West Province and Others (UM127/2020) [2023] ZANWHC 103 (4 July 2023)
Pilane and Others v Premier of the North West Province and Others - Application for Leave to Appeal (UM127/2020) [2023] ZANWHC 231 (14 December 2023)
Pilane o.b.o The Organising Committee of the Bakgatla Ba Kgafela Kgothe and Another v MEC for Co-Oprative Governance and Traditional Affairs, NW Province and Another (UM217/2023) [2024] ZANWHC 11 (18 January 2024)
Pilane v S (CA 10/2014) [2015] ZANWHC 10; 2016 (1) SACR 247 (NWM) (5 March 2015)
Pilane v S (CAF10/2016) [2016] ZANWHC 58 (29 September 2016)
Pirija N.O and Another v Roos and Others (M420/2020) [2024] ZANWHC 15 (31 January 2024)
PJ & ILM Broedery v Lichtenburg Graan Trustees (75/04) [2007] ZANWHC 48 (19 September 2007)
Platina Motor Group (Pty) Ltd v TAC Digital Solutions (Pty) Ltd (1835/2020) [2024] ZANWHC 158 (27 June 2024)
Platinum Aggregates (PTY) Ltd v Quick Stone Crushers (PTY) Ltd and Others (M390/2020) [2022] ZANWHC 17 (24 March 2022)
Pole and Another v Stolz and Another (1303/2007) [2007] ZANWHC 22 (21 June 2007)
Pollock NO and Others v Camara and Another (2395/2010) [2013] ZANWHC 35 (18 April 2013)
Potch Action Group and Another v MEC for Local Government and Another (400/07) [2007] ZANWHC 3 (19 March 2007)
Potgieter (Nee Steyn) v PE Moffat and SJ Van Der Walt (Pty) Ltd and Others (M95/2022) [2023] ZANWHC 111 (21 July 2023)
Power Plus Performance (Pty) Ltd t/a Mica Plus & Mica D v Koopsaam Mica Build (Pty) Ltd t/a Mica 10 (1183/2007) [2007] ZANWHC 53 (27 September 2007)
Powercem Trading And Manufacturing (Pty) Ltd T/A Powercem SA v Thobakgale N.O (1391/2012) [2014] ZANWHC 48 (11 September 2014)
Preller v Sayman and Others (943/2003) [2004] ZANWHC 11 (3 June 2004)
Premier Foods Limited v DTS Distributors CC (189/2006) [2006] ZANWHC 26 (6 April 2006)
Premier of the North West Province and Others v Kagisano Molopo Local Municipality and Others (CIV APP FB 01/2020) [2022] ZANWHC 7 (10 March 2022)
Pretcor v Ekermans (13/2006) [2007] ZANWHC 49 (20 September 2007)
Pretorious v Coetzee and Others (1356/2004) [2005] ZANWHC 38 (27 May 2005)
Pretorius v Pretorius (1468/11) [2011] ZANWHC 72 (8 December 2011)
Pretorius v Pretorius (168/2010) [2011] ZANWHC 46 (25 August 2011)
Pretorius v Wagner NO and Another (1736/09) [2010] ZANWHC 46 (17 September 2010)
Pretorius v Wessels and Others (1064/08) [2008] ZANWHC 2 (12 June 2008)
Pretorius v Wessels, Pretorius v Wessels (814/03, 184/05) [2005] ZANWHC 7 (1 January 2005)
Prime Instrumentation CC v Modise (UM263/2020) [2021] ZANWHC 40 (9 April 2021)
Prins v Minister of Safety of Security (1153/06) [2006] ZANWHC 58 (8 September 2006)
Private Sector Security Provident Fund v Naphtronics (Pty) Limited (971/05) [2007] ZANWHC 37; (2008) 29 ILJ 289 (B) (10 August 2007)
Propshaw (PTY) LTD v Karoo-Osche, Vryburg (PTY) LTD and Another (1808/16) [2018] ZANWHC 45 (20 September 2018)
Protech Readymix (Pty) Ltd v Viljoen and Another (160/2012) [2014] ZANWHC 67 (19 June 2014)
Provincial Government: North West and Another v Tsoga Developers CC and Others (M 115/15) [2015] ZANWHC 36 (4 June 2015)