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South Africa: Land Claims Court
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South Africa: Land Claims Court decisions beginning with K ...
Kanhym (Pty) Ltd v Mashiloane (LCC17R/98) [1999] ZALCC 1 (7 January 1999)
Kanhym (Pty) Ltd v Shabangu (LCC16R/98) [1998] ZALCC 24 (10 December 1998)
Kara NO and Others v Department of Land Affairs (LCC44/98) [2003] ZALCC 10; 2005 (6) SA 563 (LCC) (15 April 2003)
Kara Re: Properties formerly known as the farm Cato Manor No 812 (LCC44/98) [2001] ZALCC 46 (15 November 2001)
Karabo and Others v Kok and Others (LCC5/98) [1998] ZALCC 2 (20 February 1998)
Karino Farms (Pty) Ltd v Magagula (LCC65R/00) [2000] ZALCC 34 (30 August 2000)
Keller v Fourie and Another (LCC92R/02) [2002] ZALCC 51 (7 October 2002)
Keppler and others v Department of Land Affairs (LCC116/98) [2003] ZALCC 16 (1 July 2003)
Keswa v Van Dyk and Another (LCC110/99) [2001] ZALCC 5 (27 February 2001)
Kgaphola v Mogashoa (LCC15R/98) [1999] ZALCC 2 (19 January 1999)
Kgoantha, Molekoa Families and Others v Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development and Others (LCC 2019/139) [2021] ZALCC 24 (30 September 2021)
Khumalo and Others v Botha and Others (LCC 161/2020) [2021] ZALCC 3 (25 March 2021)
Khumalo and Others v ERF 507 Charles Street (Pty) Ltd and Others (LCC 232/2009) [2009] ZALCC 14 (8 November 2009)
Khumalo and Others v Grafcor Farming (Pty) Limited and Another (LCC128/2015) [2016] ZALCC 16 (16 September 2016)
Khumalo and Others v Potgieter and Others (LCC34/99) [1999] ZALCC 59 (5 November 1999)
Khumalo and Others v Potgieter and Others (LCC34/99) [1999] ZALCC 68 (17 December 1999)
Khumalo NO v Minister of Land Affairs and Another (LCC109/99) [2004] ZALCC 7; 2005 (2) SA 618 (LCC) (5 April 2004)
Khumalo v Len Smith Investment Holdings CC (LCC175/2016) [2020] ZALCC 1 (3 March 2020)
Khumalo v Len Smith Investment Holdings CC (LCC175/2016) [2020] ZALCC 28 (3 March 2020)
Khumalo v Len Smith Investment Holdings CC and Another (LCC175/2016) [2024] ZALCC 25 (2 September 2024)
Khumalo v Pretorius and Another (LCC74/2014) [2014] ZALCC 17 (9 July 2014)
Khuzwayo v Dludla (LCC33R/00) [2000] ZALCC 26 (10 July 2000)
Kiepersol Poultry Farm v Pasiya (LCC36/06) [2007] ZALCC 11 (30 July 2007)
Kift v Windvogel and Others (LCC99R/00) [2001] ZALCC 2 (20 February 2001)
King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality v Kwalindile Community and Others (LCC147/08) [2010] ZALCC 33 (14 December 2010)
King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality v Njemla, Njemla v King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality and Others (LCC 66/07) [2010] ZALCC 2 (26 March 2010)
Klink v Klink (LCC59R/2007) [2007] ZALCC 15 (1 January 2007)
Kloof Gold Mining Limited t/a Leeudoorn Gold Mine v Mnengele and another (LCC62/01) [2003] ZALCC 5 (10 February 2003)
Kloof Gold Mining Limited t/a Leeudorn Gold Mining v Mnengele and Another (LCC 62/01) [2002] ZALCC 66 (24 June 2002)
Kok en Andere v Karabo en Andere (LCC5/98) [2000] ZALCC 1 (6 January 2000)
Koloko N.O v Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development and Others (LCC85/2020) [2022] ZALCC 39 (16 November 2022)
Koloko N.O v Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development and Others (LCC85/2020) [2022] ZALCC 40 (16 November 2022)
Kotze v Scholefield & others [2021] ZALCC 9 (4 May 2021)
Kranspoort Community Re: Farm Kranspoort 48 LS (LCC26/98) [1999] ZALCC 67 (10 December 1999)
Kranspoort Community Re:Farm Kranspoort 48 LS (LCC26/98) [2000] ZALCC 41 (3 October 2000)
Kranspoort Community Re:Farm Kranspoort 48 LS (LCC26/98) [2001] ZALCC 21 (13 June 2001)
Kriek v Buthelezi (LCC24/01) [2003] ZALCC 39 (26 September 2003)
Kromkrans Community and Others v Government of the Republic of South Africa and Others (LCC20/2016) [2018] ZALCC 3 (13 February 2018)
Kruger v Sibanyoni and Others (LCC119/2020) [2023] ZALCC 37 (26 October 2023)
Kubheka v Adendorf and Others (LCC140/2010) [2019] ZALCC 9; [2019] 3 All SA 566 (LCC) (29 April 2019)
Kubheka v Tonkin and Another (LCC148/2018) [2019] ZALCC 28 (4 January 2019)
Kudus Kloof Trust v Teni and Others (LCC 61R/2008) [2010] ZALCC 18 (22 April 2010)
Kuilders and Others v Pharo's Properties CC and Others (LCC101R/00) [2001] ZALCC 17 (22 May 2001)
Kuilders and Others v Pharo's Properties CC and Others (LCC101R/00) [2001] ZALCC 25 (27 June 2001)
Kunene and Another v Hattingh and Others (LCC126/2008) [2016] ZALCC 28 (13 January 2016)
Kungwini Local Municipality v Puntlyf 520 Investments (Pty) Ltd and Others (LCC 86/2007) [2007] ZALCC 12 (14 September 2007)
Kusa Kusa CC v Mbele (LCC39/02) [2002] ZALCC 58; 2003 (2) BCLR 222 (LCC) (20 November 2002)
Kwaliddolo Communal Property Association v Mahlangu and Others (LCC287/17) [2020] ZALCC 32 (15 February 2020)