CONS AI 0 0 1 84 5 2 2 FED
14.02.1995 Dear Sir, I submit below my
views on the future Constitution of this Country.
I believe that it is
very important to have a Federation of States with each State drawing up its own
Constitution with certain autonomous
rights.A very good guide is that of the
United States of America which has existed for hundreds of years without any
major change.
Policing should be the responsibility of each individual
State whist the Defence Force should be controlled nationally.
official language should be English and should be compulsory at all schools
which will ensure that the entire population will
be universally compatible
in Business,Aviation and in many other walks of life.
Human rights
should be entrenched in the Constitution except for the death penalty which
should be re-introduced to prevent the wanton
killing of innocent
The Judiciary should be independent of the State and selected on
a non party basis.
Yours Faithfully