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South Africa: Constitutional Assembly Resources beginning with O ...
Objection Against the Certification of the New Constitutional Court, on the Grounds of the Omission of an Intellectual Rights Clause in the Bill of Rights [1996] ZAConAsmRes 39 (30 May 1996)
Objection by Raymond Edward Chalom Attorney, to the Certification of the Constitution Adopted by the Constitutional Assembly on the 8Th May 1996 [1996] ZAConAsmRes 41 (30 May 1996)
Objection in Respect of Proposed Inclusions in Our Constitution [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1243 (11 May 1995)
Objection to Certification of the New Constitution of the Republic of South Africa by the Constitutional Court [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1488 (27 May 1995)
Objection to New Constitution [1996] ZAConAsmRes 55 (31 May 1996)
Objection to Section 6 and Section 9 of the New Constitution Bill [1996] ZAConAsmRes 28 (27 May 1996)
Objection to the Certification of the Constitutional Text in Terms of Paragraph 4 of the Direction G by the President of the Constitutional Court in Terms of Rule 15 [1996] ZAConAsmRes 71 (11 June 1996)
Objection to the Certification of the New Constitution of the Republic of South Africa by the Constitutional Court [1996] ZAConAsmRes 47 (30 May 1996)
Objection to the Certification of the New Constitution of the Republic of South Africa by the Constitutional Court [1996] ZAConAsmRes 52 (31 May 1996)
Objection to the Certification of the New Constitutional Text in Terms of Paragraph 4 of the Directions Given by the President of the Constitutional Court in Terms of Rule 15 [1996] ZAConAsmRes 13 (22 April 1996)
Objection to the Certification of the New Constitutional Text in Terms of Paragraph 4 of the Directions Given by the President of the Constitutional Court in Terms of Rule 15 [1996] ZAConAsmRes 18 (15 May 1996)
Objection, in Terms of Rule 15, to Item 23 A.(1) of Item 13 of Annexure a of Schedule 6 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996 [1996] ZAConAsmRes 44 (30 May 1996)
Objection: Secular State [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1127 (5 April 1995)
Objections [1996] ZAConAsmRes 25 (25 May 1996)
Objections to Certification of the New Constitution [1996] ZAConAsmRes 26 (27 May 1996)
Objections to the Constitution [1996] ZAConAsmRes 21 (21 May 1996)
Official Language [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1275 (16 May 1995)
Official Language [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1308 (18 May 1995)
Official Languages [1995] ZAConAsmRes 114 (17 January 1995)
Official Languages [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1272 (16 May 1995)
Official Languages [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1332 (19 May 1995)
Official Languages [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1546 (30 May 1995)
Official Languages [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1597 (13 June 1995)
Official Languages: J Burke [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1400 (23 May 1995)
Official Letter of Petition for Transmission to the Constitutional Assembly Given to the Port Elizabeth Trnasitional Local Council [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1489 (27 May 1995)
Official National Anthem [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1380 (22 May 1995)
Old Age Pensions [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1390 (23 May 1995)
On the Committee at the Constitutional Assembly [1995] ZAConAsmRes 918 (22 February 1995)
On the New Constitution [1995] ZAConAsmRes 313 (28 January 1995)
On the Question of Official Languages [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1278 (16 May 1995)
On the Question of Religious Freedom [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1277 (16 May 1995)
Onyx Properties [1995] ZAConAsmRes 999 (4 March 1995)
Opinions for Inclusion into the New Constitution [1995] ZAConAsmRes 600 (3 February 1995)
Opposed to Phrase 'Sexual Orientation' in Clause 8(2) [1995] ZAConAsmRes 794 (13 February 1995)
Organisation of Civic Rights [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1063 (10 March 1995)
Our New Constitution [1995] ZAConAsmRes 482 (31 January 1995)
Our New Constitution: Abortion [1995] ZAConAsmRes 909 (21 February 1995)
Our New Constitution: Abortion [1995] ZAConAsmRes 913 (21 February 1995)
Outlines of a Christian Response to the Constitutional Debate for a New South Africa [1995] ZAConAsmRes 317 (28 January 1995)
Ownership of Firearms [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1386 (23 May 1995)