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South Africa: Constitutional Assembly Resources beginning with I ...
I Am a Private Citizen. I Am Not Representing [1995] ZAConAsmRes 520 (1 February 1995)
I Am Pleased to Say that There is Still Time [1995] ZAConAsmRes 778 (13 February 1995)
I Am Student of Politics and Sociology [1995] ZAConAsmRes 904 (21 February 1995)
I Am Writing to Express My Concern [1995] ZAConAsmRes 848 (16 February 1995)
I Am Writing to You to Express My Personal Disgust [1995] ZAConAsmRes 889 (20 February 1995)
I Ask that the Law Must Also Take Us Who are in the Farms [1995] ZAConAsmRes 71 (13 January 1995)
I Have Just Completed After Many Years a Comprehensive [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1161 (20 April 1995)
I Hereby Beg to Put to You [1995] ZAConAsmRes 273 (26 January 1995)
I Proppose that the Legislation Dealing with Racism Be Clear [1995] ZAConAsmRes 83 (15 January 1995)
I Received Your Report Letter in Two Hands for My Submissions [1995] ZAConAsmRes 938 (24 February 1995)
I Refer to Your Advertisement in the Sunday Times [1995] ZAConAsmRes 112 (17 January 1995)
I Refer to Your Advertisement in the Sunday Times [1995] ZAConAsmRes 240 (25 January 1995)
I Submit Below My Views on the Future [1995] ZAConAsmRes 808 (14 February 1995)
I Take the Liberty of Saying that I Thank [1995] ZAConAsmRes 738 (10 February 1995)
I Thank You for the Newspaper Advertisement [1995] ZAConAsmRes 37 (10 January 1995)
I Urge You to Read This Letter Carefully [1995] ZAConAsmRes 128 (18 January 1995)
I Want Free Education Up to University [1995] ZAConAsmRes 870 (17 February 1995)
I Wish to Submit the Following as My Contribution [1995] ZAConAsmRes 831 (15 February 1995)
I Would Like a Right to Free and Equal Education [1995] ZAConAsmRes 872 (17 February 1995)
I Would Like the Constitutional Assembly to Take Note [1995] ZAConAsmRes 871 (17 February 1995)
I Would Like the Right to a Free Education [1995] ZAConAsmRes 864 (17 February 1995)
I Would Like to Ask for Stricter Laws [1995] ZAConAsmRes 720 (9 February 1995)
I Would Like to Ask Whether Room Cannot Be Made [1995] ZAConAsmRes 813 (14 February 1995)
I Would Like to Have Free Education [1995] ZAConAsmRes 873 (17 February 1995)
I Would Like to Propose that the New Constitution [1995] ZAConAsmRes 814 (14 February 1995)
I Would Like to Suggest that the Constitution Has a Clause [1995] ZAConAsmRes 376 (30 January 1995)
I Would Like to Take the Opportunity [1995] ZAConAsmRes 241 (25 January 1995)
I Would Prefer to Stay with the Country's Present Name [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1120 (4 April 1995)
I'm Writing This Letter to Ask You to Help [1995] ZAConAsmRes 869 (17 February 1995)
Idea Creation, Analysis and Development [1995] ZAConAsmRes 916 (22 February 1995)
Ideas on Imprisonment/Release in Future [1995] ZAConAsmRes 426 (30 January 1995)
Ideas on Some Aspects of the New Constitution [1995] ZAConAsmRes 364 (30 January 1995)
Ifp Proposal for the Drafting of Constitutional Assembly [1995] ZAConAsmRes 784 (13 February 1995)
In Response to the Invitation [1994] ZAConAsmRes 38 (16 September 1994)
In Response to the Requests on Tv, I Present the Following [1995] ZAConAsmRes 721 (9 February 1995)
In Response to Your Invitation in the Media [1995] ZAConAsmRes 670 (7 February 1995)
In This New Constitution Gunds Should Not Be [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1536 (30 May 1995)
Inclusion of a Right of Access to Information in the Final South African Constitution [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1215 (5 May 1995)
Inclusion of Competition Principles in the South African Constitution [1995] ZAConAsmRes 780 (13 February 1995)
Inclusion of Sexual Orientation Clause in Interim Constitution [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1448 (25 May 1995)
Income Tax Burden Equality [1995] ZAConAsmRes 902 (21 February 1995)
Income Tax Burden of Single Females [1995] ZAConAsmRes 611 (3 February 1995)
Inconsistencies with Basic Constitutional Principles in the Latest Draft of Constitution [1996] ZAConAsmRes 38 (30 May 1996)
Incorporation of the Equality Clause in the New Constitution [1995] ZAConAsmRes 1471 (26 May 1995)
Information Concerning Churchs [1995] ZAConAsmRes 389 (30 January 1995)
Initial Submission on the New Constitution [1995] ZAConAsmRes 131 (18 January 1995)
Input on the Above Subject [1995] ZAConAsmRes 331 (29 January 1995)
Institution of the Recall into the Constitution [1995] ZAConAsmRes 366 (30 January 1995)
Institution of the Recall into the Constitution [1995] ZAConAsmRes 404 (30 January 1995)
Interim Submission to the Constitutional Assembly by the Disability Programme in the Ministry in the Office of the President Responsible for the Reconstruction and Development Programme [1995] ZAConAsmRes 581 (2 February 1995)
Issues Affecting New Constitution: Abortion [1995] ZAConAsmRes 540 (1 February 1995)
Issues I Will Like to Raise [1995] ZAConAsmRes 171 (21 January 1995)
It is Imperative that the Death Sentence Should Be Retained [1995] ZAConAsmRes 867 (17 February 1995)
It Seems that the Whole of the Country to Whatever [1995] ZAConAsmRes 958 (28 February 1995)