1 6 February 1 995
It has come to my attention since a friend of mine
was attacked and seriously beaten in her home, that the "man in the street" has
very few rights and that the criminal has all the rights.
When a country
gets to this kind of a situation there is very little hope for the country. I
would like to know, in fact we, the
citizens demand to know how this has come
about. What has happened to the country and the promises made at the time of
the magnificent
changes made in our country so recently? I really do so any
important in any of the laws.
It must be written into the constitution
that why person has a right to protect and defend their property against
any form of intrusion at the moment of anyone coming onto your property.
Why must we wait to find out what the intent is, because by then it is too late
for most. Rather have very strict laws and in no time at all, through the
example of but a few, people will cease to trespass on
anyone else’s
property. The innocent have a right to protection.
In view of
changes being brought about by the desires of a few people, we The citizens of
our country must be given the right to vote
for all major changes intended to be
brought about, before they occur that would be the democracy. The government is
supposed to
represent the wishes of the people and as a result the people have
the right to vote for any and all changes made.
Please let's ensure this
country is an example to the rest of the world, instead of merely failing along
the wayside into chaos apparently
as so many African countries have done in the
past and the way South African countries have also. It's too precious a country
destroy. We are the ones who can prevent this from