Johannesburg 11 June 1996
To: The Registrar of the
Constitutional Court
We refer to your letter of the 4 June 1996. We
enclose our written arguments supplementing our objections.
As we have
had very limited time in order to prepare adequately, what we are now submitting
forms only part of our argument.
We earnestly request the opportunity to
give oral evidence before the Court in due course.
We submit that it is
extremely relevant to our objection to prove that the unborn child is a person
or falls within the term "everyone"
as stated in the 34 Constitutional
Principles. The video accompanying this submission shows clearly that the
unborn child is a human
being and is fully deserving of legal personal and the
full protection of the law. Accordingly we request permission to submit the
video in support of objection.
Dr. Claude E. Newbury President
of Pro Life of South Africa (also representing in this matter: Human Life
International, Victims of Choice The World Federation of Doctors Who
Respect Human Life) ------
Very relevant to this objection is evidence that the unborn
child is a person and thus falls within the definition of "Everyone" in
Constitutional principles. Such evidence is accordingly submitted as
- Opinion
by Professor Johan van der Vyver (Formerly of the Law School of the University
Witwatersrand) (Reported in the Medical Chronicle
Section 9 of the Interim Constitution provides that every person shall have
the right to life, and the crucial question is whether
or not the human foetus
is a person. In terms of section 35(1) of the Interim Constitution, when
interpreting the particular provisions
thereof, one must also look at the
meaning given to rights such as the above in international law. One is also
authorised to take
cognisance of judgements in foreign jurisdictions. In all
such judgements in e.g. Canada, USA, UK and the European Court of Human
it has been decided that the human foetus is not a person. However, certain
interests of the unborn are protected in South
Africa, just as they are in
foreign jurisdictions. Those persons in favour of abortion will try to persuade
the constitutional court
that, on the basis of the judgements of the foreign
jurisdictions, the human foetus should not be regarded as a person and thus not
qualify for the right to life. This is not correct, for the following reasons.
In our legal system, since the days of the Romans,
the human foetus has always
been regarded as a person for certain purposes. When referring to the
judgements of foreign jurisdictions
one cannot ignore our common law. In terms
of our common law, the human foetus is a person, not only for the
protection of certain rights, such as hereditary rights, but also in respect of
the right to life specifically.
If our law thus far has maintained that the
human foetus is a person for certain purposes, including the right to
life, then one would expect that, if those who drafted this Interim
Constitution had wanted to change the law, they would have done so
during the
negotiations at Kempton Park, (an they did not). The above mentioned judgements
from Canada, England, Australia and the
European Court of Human Rights, and
other similar judgements, will have to be weighted against our common law.
There has never been
any doubt in South African Law that the human foetus is a
person: except in one case (The Christian League of South Africa vs. Rall)
where a woman applied for an abortion. The Christian league wanted to be
curator of the unborn child so as to be able to look after
its interests. The
court declared that the unborn child was not a person entitled to a curator to
look after its interests. The
correctness of this decision was legitimately
doubted in another South African court judgement during December 1993 (G. vs
Groote Schuur Hospitaal. 1993 (2) (S.A. 255). C.P.D. Page 259).
The observations made in the Christian league case were clearly
wrong because
they went against the grain of general legal opinion in South Africa. In the
event of a conflict between South Africa
Common Law and Foreign Jurisdictions,
the Common Law must take precedence.
- Additional
opinion on South African Case Law. (Evidence to be submitted at oral
- The
appellate division case of van Heerden vs Joubert. [1994] ZASCA 101; 1994. (4) SA. 793 A) did not
decide that a foetus was not a legal person. It only decided that a stillborn
child was not a person in terms of the
Inquest Act No 58 of 1959. This is
specifically stated at page 17 of the judgement.
- Section
101(5) of the Interim Constitution states that "The appellate division shall
have no jurisdiction to adjudicate any matter
within the jurisdiction of the
Constitutional Court".
The above van Heerden decision was handed
down after the commencement of the interim constitution. It may thus not be
allowed to
influence any decision of the Constitutional Court.
- Principles
of Roman Dutch Law
i) Unborn children are regarded as having been born and as being persons,
as soon as they have been conceived, whenever such an
implication is to their
advantage. (Voet 1.5.5; Grotius 1.3.4.)
ii) A child in its mother's womb has special rights and privileges: it is
entitled to have its life preserved. Consequently, if
the mother is sentenced
to death, the execution of the sentence will be postponed until the birth of the
child. (Voet 1.5.5)
Surely we can conclude from the above that the unborn child enjoys natural
rights recognised by S.A. law which pre-exist the Interim
Constitution, and
therefore the New S.A. Constitution.
- Opinion
of Dr. A L Christiansen of the Department of Human Genetics and Development
Biology, University of Pretoria. (Reported in
the Medical Chronicle, September
In recent times, with rapid advances in prenatal diagnostic techniques, care
of the foetus has developed to, stage when it has to
be considered in certain
circumstances as a person, and thus a patient. With these advances, management
of the abnormal foetus has
become an increasingly more complex task. Central to
this management is pre-natal counselling of the foetus' parents. This requires
that the foetus' parents are at all times informed, to the greatest extent
possible, on what their foetus’ problems are; how
these can be
investigated and at what risk, the results of the investigations; and the
treatment modes available.
- Opinion
of Professor Peter Kreeft, Professor of Philosophy at Boston University,
The personhood of the human foetus is the crucial issue for abortion. Is
the foetus a person? The case for pro‑life's affirmative
answer is
well-known, and so are the biological facts which constitute its simplest and
strongest evidence, especially the genetic
identity and individuality of the
unborn child from the moment of conception. How does the pro-choice position
argue this case?
To understand the controversy, we must understand the general structure of
moral reasoning. A moral conclusion about the goodness
or evil of a human act
is deduced from two premises: a major premise, which states a general moral
principle (e.g., "we ought to
pay our debts") and a minor premise, which sees a
particular situation as coming under that principle (e.g., "international debts
are debts"). Thus the essential pro-life argument is as follows. The major
premise is: "Thou shalt not kill'- i.e. all deliberate
killing of innocent human
life is forbidden. The minor premise is that abortion is the deliberate killing
of innocent human beings.
The conclusion is that abortion is wrong.
There are two significantly different pro-choice answers to this argument.
The more radical, or "hard", pro-choice position denies
the major premise; the
less radical, or “soft, "pro-choice position denies the minor. "Hard
pro-choice" denies the sanctity
or inviolability of all humans; "soft
pro-choice" denies the humanity of the foetus.
I think no one in the Christian Medical and Dental society will take the
hard pro-choice position, for Christianity clearly teaches
(1) that all of us
are made in the image of God, and (2) that God Himself has forbidden us to kill,
i.e. to murder innocent persons.
I confine myself, therefore, to refuting the
soft pro-choice position.
Is the foetus a person? Obviously it is biologically human, genetically
human, and a distinct member of the Homo-Sapiens. So the
soft pro-choicers must
distinguish between human beings and persons, must say that foetuses are human
but not persons, and say that
all persons, but not all humans, are sacred and
Thus the crucial issue is: Are there any human beings who are not persons?
If so, killing them might be permissible, like killing
warts. But who might
these human non-persons be? Jews? Blacks? Slaves/Infidels?
Counter-revolutionaries? Others have said so, and
justified their genocide,
lynching, slavery, jihad, or gulag. But pro-choicers never include these groups
of non-persons. Many
pro-choicers include severely retarded handicapped humans,
or very old and sick humans, as non-persons, but this is still morally
to most people, and many pro-choicers avoid the morally shocking position by
including only foetuses as members of this
newly invented class of human
non-persons, or non-personal humans. I think no one ever conceived of this
category before the abortion
controversy. It looks very suspiciously like the
category was invented to justify the killing, for its only members are the
we happen to be now killing and want to keep killing and want to justify
How is a person to be defined? The crucial point for our argument is not
which acts are to count as defining a person (is it speaking,
or reasoning, or
living?) but the relation of these personal acts to the person-actor.
Is a person one who is consciously performing personal acts? If so, people
who are asleep are not people, and we may kill them.
Is it one with a present capacity to perform personal acts? That would
include sleepers, but not people in coma. How about one with
a history of
performing personal acts? That would mean that a 17 year old who was born in a
coma 17 years and is just now coming
out of it is not a person. Also, by this
definition there can be no first personal act, no personal acts without a
history of past
personal acts.
What about one with a future capacity of performing personal acts? That
would mean that dying persons are not persons.
Surely the correct answer is that a person is one with a natural, inherent
capacity for performing personal acts. Why is one able
to perform personal
acts, under proper conditions? Only because one is a person. One grows the
ability to perform personal acts
only because one already is the kind of thing
that grows into the ability to perform personal acts, i.e., a person.
To say that some human beings are not persons is to say that only achievers,
only successful functioners, only sufficiently intelligent
performers, qualify
as persons and have a right to life. And who is to say what "sufficient" is?
The line can be drawn at will -
the will of the stronger. Nature, reason, and
justice are then replaced by artifice, prejudice, and power. When it is in the
of certain people to kill certain other people, whether foetuses,
or the dying, or enemies of the state, or Jews, or Armenians, or
Cambodians, or
heretics, or prophets, the killers will simply define their victims as
non-persons by pointing out that they do not
meet certain criteria. Who
determines the criteria? Those in power, of course. Whenever personhood is
defined functionally, the
dividing line between persons and non-persons will be
based on a decision by those in power, a decision of will. Such a decision,
given the fallenness of human nature, will inevitably be based on self-interest.
Where there is an interest in killing persons, they
will be defined as
Those arguing against the personhood of the human foetus make the following
two errors:
1. reducing persons to functions and
2. reducing "human being" to a merely biological category. The first is the
root cause of the second.
Once a person is defined in terms of functioning, then zygotes, foetuses and
even normal new-borns are no longer fully persons.
What are they, then? Only
members of a biological species, "human being".
This justifies abortion, of course and infanticide. I know of no argument
justifying abortion that does not also justify infanticide.
Those arguing against the personhood of the human zygote state that it has
no brain. (That stage of life when the individual is
in the form of one single
cell and is that state of human development after fertilisation and before the
first subdivision of the
zygote. When the first subdivision of the new human
individual is completed the individual is then terms a human embryo.) This
true, but the zygote does have what will grow into a brain, just as an infant
does not have speech but has what will grow into
speech. Within the human
zygote is an already fully programmed individuality, from sex and ageing to eye
and skin colour and aversion
to spinach. The personhood of the person is
already there, like the tuliphood of the tulip bulb. One must actually be a
human being,
after all, to grow a human brain.
Human Life commences at conception (fertilisation), and all development is
gradual after conception. Conception is the break, the
clear dividing line, and
the only one. I am the same being from conception. Otherwise we would not speak
of the growth and development
and unfolding of that being, of me. I was once an
infant, I was born. I was once in my mother's womb. My functioning develops
only gradually, but my me has a sudden beginning, the time of
conception(fertilisation). One must not confuse being a person with
as a person.
If personhood is only a developing, gradual thing, then we are never fully
persons, because we continue to grow, at least intellectually
and emotionally
and spiritually. Albert Schweitzer said, at 7o, “I still don’t know
that I want to do when I grow up.”
But if we are only partial persons,
then murder is only partially wrong, and it is less wrong to kill younger,
lesser persons than
older ones. If it is more permissible to kill a foetus,
than to kill an infant because the foetus is less of a person, then it is
exactly the same reason more permissible to kill a seven-year old, who has not
yet developed his reproductive system or many
of his educational and
communication skills, than to kill a 27-year old. The absurd conclusion follows
from defining a person functionally.
No other line than conception can be drawn between pre-personhood and
personhood. Birth and viability are the two most frequently
suggested. But
birth is only a change of place and relationship to the mother and to
surrounding world (air and food); how could
these thing create personhood? As
for viability, it varies with accidental and external factors like available
technology (incubators,
respirators). What I am in the womb - a person or a
non-person cannot be determined by what machines exist outside the womb! But
viability is determined by such things. Therefore personhood cannot be
determined by viability.
It cannot be argued that the human foetus is only a potential person. If
the human foetus is only a potential person, it must be
an actual something in
order to be a potential person. What is it? An ape? The human foetus is in
fact an actual, and not merely
a potential, person. There are no "potential
persons" any more than there are potential apes. All persons are actual, as all
are actual. Actual apes are potential swimmers, and actual persons are
potential philosophers. The being is actual, the functioning
is potential. The
objection confuses "a potential person" with "a potentially functioning person"
-Functionalism again, which is
It cannot be argued that personhood is an unclear concept. If personhood
were a matter of degree, determined by the degree of functioning,
then it would
indeed be unclear, and a matter of opinion, who is a person and who is
Personhood is indeed unclear if it is defined in terms of Functionalism.
Such questions as the following are not clearly answerable:
Which features
count as proof of personhood? Why? How do we decide? Who decides? What gives
them that right? And how much of
each feature is necessary for personhood? And
who decides that, and why? Also, all the performance-qualifications adduced for
are difficult to measure objectively and with certainty. To use the
unclear, not universally accepted, hard-to-measure functionalist
concept of
personhood to decide the sharply controversial issue of who is a person and who
may be killed is to try to clarify the
obscure by the more obscure, obscuram
per obscurius.
It cannot be argued that the human foetus is only a part of the mother. In
terms of this argument a hilariously absurd consequences
follows> The
relation of part to whole is what logicians call a transitive relation: If A is
part of B and Bis part of C, then
A must be part of C. If a wall is part of a
room and the room is part of a building, then the wall must be part of that
If a toe is part of a foot and a foot is part of a body, then the toe
is part of the body. Now if the foetus is a part of the mother,
then the parts
of the foetus must be parts of the mother. But in that case, every pregnant
woman has four eyes and four feet, and
half of all pregnant women have penises!
Clearly, the absurd conclusion came from the false premise that the foetus is
only part
of the mother.
To define a person in terms of functionalism is totally inaccurate, and
involves defining a person by his or her functioning or behaviour.
"behavioural definition" is proper and practical for scientific purposes of
prediction and experimentation, but it is not adequate
for ordinary reason and
common sense, much less for good philosophy or morality, which should be based
on common sense. Why? Because
common sense distinguishes between what one is
and what one does, between being and functioning, thus between "being a person"
“functioning as a person”. One cannot function as a person
without being a person, but one can surely be a person without
functioning as a
person. In deep sleep, in coma, and in early infancy, nearly everyone will
admit there are persons, but there are
no specifically human functions such as
reasoning, choice, or language. Functioning as a person is a sign and an effect
of being
a person. It is because of what we are, because of our nature or
essence or being, that we can and do function in these ways.
Functionalism makes the elementary mistake of confusing the sigh with the
thing signified, the smoke with the fire. The Functionalist
or Behaviourist
would reply that he is sceptical of such talk about natures, essences, or
natural species as distinct from conventional,
man-made class-groupings). But
the Functionalist cannot use ordinary language without contradicting himself.
He say e.g. that there
is no such thing as ‘river’, because all
rivers are different. But how then can he call them all ‘rivers’?
The very word ‘all’ should be stricken from his speech. His
Nominalism makes nonsense of ordinary language.
The Functionalist claims he is being simple and common-sensical by not
speaking of essences. He says traditional talk about essences
is dated,
dispensable, mystical, muddled, and anti-scientific. But he is wrong. Talk
about essences is not dated by perennial, built
into the very structure of
language, for most word: universals predictable of many individuals.
Essence-talk is not dispensable
without dispensing understanding itself and
reducing us to an animal state of mind where brute empirical fact reigns alone.
talk not mystical but common-sensical. It is not muddled but clear to
any child. It is not anti-scientific, for science seeks
universal laws, truths
about the species, not quirks of the specimen.
Functionalism is not only theoretically weak, it is also practically
destructive. Modern man is increasingly reducing his being
to functions. We no
longer ask "Who is he?" but "What does he do?" We think of a man as a fireman,
not as a man fighting fires;
of a woman as a teacher, not as a woman
Functionalism arises with the modem erosion of the family. Our civilisation
is dying primarily because the family is dying. Half
of our families commit
suicide, for divorce is the family committing suicide qua family. But the
family is the place where you learn
that you are loved not because of what you
do, your function, but because of who you are. What is replacing the family,
where we
are valued for our being? The workplace, where we are valued for our
This replacement in society is mirrored by the replacement in philosophy of
the old “Sanctity of Life Ethic” by the new
‘Quality of Life
Ethic”. In this new ethic, a human life is judged as valuable and worth
living if and only if the judges
decide that it performs at a certain level eg.
a functional IQ or 60 or 40; or an ability to relate to other people (it would
follow that a severely autistic person does not have enough
‘quality’ life, he lacks personhood and the right to life.
I find
this ethic more terrifying than the ethic of the Mafia, for the Mafia at least
do not rationalise their assassinations by
inventing a new ethic which pretends
that the people they want to kill are not people. I would feel more comfortable
with a hired killer than with an abortionist, for an abortionist is
also a hired killer, but pretends not to be.
The Functionalism that is the basis of the "Quality of Life Ethic" is
morally reprehensible for at least three reasons. First, it
is degrading,
demeaning and destructive to human dignity; it treats persons like trained
seals. Second, it is elitist: it discriminates
against less perfect performers.
Third, it takes advantage, it is power play, it is might over right
rationalised. To see this point,
let us dare to ask a very naive and simple
question, a question a child might ask, especially a child like the one in "The
New Clothes"; Why do doctors kill foetuses rather than foetuses
killing doctors? Foetuses do not want to die. They struggle to
live. (... )
The answer is power. Doctors have power, but Foetuses not. If foetuses came
equipped with suction tubes, poisons,
and scalpels to defend themselves against
their killers, there would be no abortions.
Imagine George Bemard Shaw's utopia of the future in which each citizen
would have to appear annually before a Central Planning Committee
to justify the
social utility of his or her (or its) existence, or else be painlessly
"terminated." That is the crotch of the Functionalist
camel whose nose is
already under our tent. The nose is abortion. The camel is all one piece. Let
the nose in and the rest will
follow. To keep the camel out you must hit it on
the nose.
“....... suppose all of my arguments are somehow inconclusive.
Suppose I was wrong in my very first point, that abortion is
a clear evil.
Suppose abortion is a difficult, obscure, uncertain issue. Even if you take
this ‘softest pro-choice’
position, which we can call
‘abortion agnosticism’ you stand refuted by the following
Either the foetus is a person, or not; and either we know what it is, or
not. Thus there are four and only four possibilities:
1. that it is not a person and we know that,
2. that it is a person and we know that
3. that it is a person but we do not know that, and
4. that it is not a person and we do not know that
Now what is Abortion in each of these four cases?
In case (1), abortion is perfectly permissible. We do no wrong if we kill
what is not a person and we know that it is not a person
- e.g., if we fry a
fish. But no one has ever proved with certainty that a foetus is not a person.
If there exists anywhere such
a proof, please show it to me and I shall convert
to pro-choice on the spot if I cannot refute it. If we do not have case (1) we
have either (2) or (3) or (4). What is abortion in each of these cases? It is
either murder, or manslaughter, or criminal negligence.
In case (2), where the foetus is a person and we know that, abortion is
murder. For killing an innocent per knowing it is an innocent
person is
In case (3), abortion is manslaughter, for it is killing an innocent not
knowing and intending the full, deliberate extent of murder.
It is like driving
over a man-shaped overcoat in the street, which may be a drunk or may or only be
an old coat. It is like shooting
at a sudden movement in a bush which may be
your hunting companion or may be only a pheasant. It is like fumigating an
building with a highly toxic chemical not knowing whether everyone is
safely evacuated. If the victim is a person, you have committed
And if not?
And even in case (4), even if abortion kills what is not in fact a person,
but the killer does not know for sure that is not a person,
we have criminal
negligence, as in the above three cases if there happened to be no one in the
coat, the bush, or the building, but
the driver, the hunter, the fumigator did
not know that, and nevertheless drove, shot or fumigated. Such negligence is
and universally condemned by all reasonable individuals and
societies as personally immoral and socially criminal; and cases (2)
and (3),
murder and manslaughter, are of course condemned even more strongly. We do not
argue politely over whether such behaviour
is right or wrong. We wholeheartedly
condemn it, even when we do not know whether there is a person there, because
the killer did
not know that a person was not there. Why do we not do the same
with abortion?
The answer to that question is not an easy one to admit. It is this: If we
do not see the awfulness of abortion, that is not because
the facts and
arguments are unclear but because our own consciences are unclear. Mother
Teresa says ‘Abortion kills twice.
It kills the body of the baby and it
kills the conscience of the mother’. Abortion is profoundly anti-women.
Three quarters
of its victims are women: half the babies and all the
If Mother Teresa is right, the second killing that abortion does is even
worse than the first, if souls are more important than bodies.
If abortion
kills consciences, it kills souls. To the extent that conscience is kills
repentance is killed, and without repentance
and faith we simply cannot be saved
- unless Jesus was a liar or a fool when he told us that.
This is not to condemn the personal motives or integrity of all who abort.
We must distinguish the sin from the sinner and hate
and judge the sin but not
the sinner. Both aborters and justifiers of abortion may be victims as much as
victimizers: victims of
propaganda, prejudice, and passion. Before they
victimize their babies’ bodies, their own souls are victimized - their
their consciences. But the victimization must start somewhere, the
buck must stop somewhere, and not in safe abstractions like
but in the choices of individuals.
All of us are implicated in some way. for ‘the only thing that is
necessary for the triumph of evil is that the good do nothing’.
should we do? For one thing, we must put up one hell of a stink, for abortion
is, precisely, one hell of a stink.
There is a time to be polite and scholarly, and a time to tell the truth
plain and prickly. Plainly put, abortion comes from Hell
and it can lead us to
Hell if not repented. Any unrepented sin can, and we all need repentance,
whether we abort or hate or lust
or despair or coldly condemn. Both abortion is
more likely than most sins to be unrepented because there are so many pro-choice
voices justifying it. The justification of abortion can be more lethal than
abortion itself
(End of Peter Kreeft.)
- Quoting
from : John D. Gorby: The "Right" to an Abortion, the Scope of Fourteenth
Amendment "Personhood" and the Supreme Court's Birth
Requirement. Southern
Illinois University Law Journal, Volume 1979, No. 1.
p.6.- Thus, history also supports the Roe majority reasoning that if the
foetus is a person, and thus entitled to a right of life,
the Court has an
obligation to protect that right. John Locke, whose influence on the thinking
of the founders of this nation is
well known, wrote of the natural rights to
life and property and that ‘civil government is the proper remedy for the
of the state of nature, which must certainly be great where men
may be judges in their own case." (see J.Witherspoon, JOHN LOCKE'S
THE CHILD AS A PERSON scheduled for publication in 1979.) This principle,
applied to the abortion problem, suggests that
if the unborn does enjoy a
natural right to life, the protection of the right should not be completely
entrusted to the pregnant
woman since her self-conceived interests may conflict
with those of the unborn and since she could not be expected to be a fair
in her own case’. (J.Locke: The Second trastise of Civil
Government, Chapter 2; ed. T Peardon, 1952). The solution to this
according to Locke, would be civil government as is the case for all conflicts
between the rights of one and the interest
of another. (...)
Although natural law fell out of vogue during the nineteenth century, the
importance of the right to life in modern political and
social theory has
remained nearly unscathed, as evidenced by the third article of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, which
stated: " Everyone has the right to life,"
the second article of the European Human Rights Convention and the arguments to
capital punishment expressed by Mr Justice Brennan in Furmanm vs.
Georgia: "The country has debated whether a society for which
the dignity of the
individual is the supreme value can, without a fundamental inconsistency, follow
the practice of deliberately
putting some of its members to death." (408 U.S.238
1972). He also wrote that "death is a unique punishment in the United States.
In a society that so strongly affirms the sanctity of life., not surprisingly
the common view is that death is the ultimate sanction."
(... )
One should not lightly conclude from the Supreme Court’s holding in
Roe that the concept of a ‘person’ has no prenatal
that the unborn was not, after all, entitled to a ‘day in court’.
Such a conclusion assumes the outcome.
Furthermore, it would be sound only if
one is willing to assume that the adversary process is not essential to sound
judicial decision-making
- an assumption hardly compatible with the common law
tradition. To a great degree, judicial decisions are made legitimately only
there is an opportunity for vigorous advocacy, an opportunity not allowed the
foetus in the cases thus far in which his right
to personhood or, expressed
differently, its right to even have rights, has been adjudicated.
Concluding a rather long but important section of his paper, pp. - 23,
concerning the Roe Court's questionable handling of 'personhood'
in the 14th
Amendment and elsewhere in the US Constitution, as this applies to the unborn,
John D.Gorby concludes significantly:
"These clauses (the apportionment clause
and extradition clause) do not define "person". In any case, this approach
offers nothing
to support the Courts conclusion that "person" has only postnatal
meaning........ and in the same vein, on p.24, Gorby notes: "There
is nothing in
the function of the fourteenth amendment to suggest that its scope or purpose is
to protect only the born. And to
the extent that an unborn can be the owner of
property and is living, a fourteenth amendment purpose exists in case of the
just as surely as it does with a born person who owns property and
possesses "life" (.... ) John D. Gorby has a section which we
feel should be
reproduced in full:
(2) The Judiciary and the "Life" Issue in Non-Abortion Cases
The Court implied in the statement ‘when life begins’ that
it would be improper for the judiciary to speculate as to the
answer to such an
enquiry. It is noteworthy that the Federal Constitutional Court of Western
Germany, a court which enjoys the
power of judicial review of the
constitutionality of statutory enactments and which occupies in the German
political structure a
position comparable to the United States Supreme Court,
did not feel so inadequate when faced with the question whether the
provision ‘Jeder hat das Recht auf Leben’ (Every one
has the right to life) includes the unborn. In striking down a
statute which
allowed abortion on demand during the first trimester of pregnancy after the
mother had undergone counselling, the
German Constitutional Court
In construing article 2, Paragraph 2, Sentence 1 of the Basic Law,
one should begin with its language: ‘Everyone has the right
life’ ...Life, in the sense of historical existence of a human individual
exists according to definite biological, physiological
knowledge, in any case,
from the fourteenth day after conception (nidation, individuation), ... The
process of development which
has begun at that point is a continuing process
which exhibits no sharp demarcation and does not allow a precise division of the
various steps of development of the human life. The process does not end even
with birth; the phenomena of consciousness which
are specific to the human
personality, for example., appear for the first time a rather long time after
birth. Therefore the protection
of Article 2, Paragraph 2, Sentence 1, of the
Basic Law cannot be limited either to the ‘completed’ human being
birth or to the child about to be born which is independently capable of
living. The right to life is guaranteed to everyone who
‘lives’, no
distinction can be made here between various stages of the life developing
itself before birth, or between
unborn and born life. ‘Everyone’ in
the sense of Article 2, Paragraph 2, Sentence 1 of the Basic Law is
living’, expressed in another way: Every life possessing
human individuality; ‘Everyone’ also includes the yet
unborn human
The sense of judicial humbleness expressed by the United States
Supreme Court in ROE has prevented neither the English courts from
deciding in a
will construction that " an infant en ventre sa mere [in its mother's womb, who
by the course and order of nature is
then living, comes clearly within the
description of "children living at the time of his decease" nor the American
Courts from reaching
similar conclusions. It has not prevented the courts from
allowing recoveries in tort for prenatal injuries as did the California
Court of Appeal when it noted: The respondent asserts that the provisions of
Section 29 of the Civil Code are based on a
fiction of law to the effect that an
unborn child is a human being separate and distinct from the mother. We think
that assumption
of our statute is not a fiction, but on the contrary that it is
an established and recognised fact by science and by everyone of
It did not discourage the Illinois Supreme Court in a
wrongful death case in which the foetus was born dead, from quoting with
the following from a New York case: To hold, as a matter of law,
that no viable foetus has any separate existence which the law will recognise is
for the law to deny
a simple and easily demonstrable fact. This child, when
injured, was in fact, alive and capable of being delivered and of remaining
alive, separate from its mother.
Nor did it discourage the Illinois
Supreme Court in that case from allowing a wrongful death recovery, as have the
majority of state
supreme courts which have ruled upon the question of the scope
of "person" in wrongful death statutes. It also did not discourage
the State's
Attorney of Cook county Illinois, or the State's Attorney of Will County,
Illinois, from requesting that the Grand Jury
return a murder indictment for the
killing of a viable but unborn child. In fact, the Grand Jury in the Cook
County case was instructed
by the State's Attorney to return a true bill only if
it made a finding of the shooting. Based on the testimony of a pathologist,
true bill for murder was returned.
In short, in areas not so politically
volatile as abortion, the judiciary has not hesitated to take notice of, to
consider, and to
uphold that "life" existed before birth. In fact, ROE is
actually unique, representing one of few instances in which a court has
to take cognisance of established scientific data concerning the nature of the
unborn. [End of Section 2,p.30].
Further noting the anomalous decision of
the Roe Supreme Court, John D.Gorby makes the very pertinent observation on p.
(3) Ability to Live Outside the Mother's Womb.
reasons which are not completely clear, the (Roe) Supreme Court decided that,
although not important for constitutional personhood,
viability is an important
criterion for the State's assertion of a compelling interest. In other words,
the State can assert its
interest in keeping the foetus alive at "viability",
which the court defined E.S the point at which the fetus is "potentially able
live outside the mother's womb, albeit with artificial aid". The Court their
noted that "viability is usually placed at about
seven months (twenty eight
weeks) but may occur earlier, even at twenty-four weeks. Here, the Supreme
Court, for reasons neither
apparent nor offered, utilised scientific date in
determining when a State's interest in the unborn become compelling enough to
the abortion but, because of its creation of the birth requirement,
rendered the same or similar data irrelevant in its determination
when the right
to have constitutional rights begins. Considering that the Court placed such
emphasis on the viability concept, it
perhaps should be of interest that in a
study of 650,000 live births in New York City, over twenty percent of the
children born at
less than twenty weeks gestational age survived neonatal
period. The Court's figures accordingly appear to be unsound. Beyond the
soundness of the data however, the Court's decision means that prematurely born
children are entitled to all the constitutional protections
whereas their
counterparts, who are equally individual, older, more competent, and better able
survive outside a mother's womb but
not fortunate enough to have been
prematurely born, are without constitutional protection. (... )
John D.Gorby notes that "Professor John Ely obviously had a point when he wrote
that "having an unwanted child can go along
way toward ruining a woman's life."
(1973)]. No one is denying the personal tragedy or the hardships involved in an
unwanted pregnancy. The solution, however,
should turn on what is being
sacrificed to avert the tragedy and hardships. These are hard
To put these hard decisions in their proper perspective, it
must be borne in mind that constitutional protection of fundamental rights
takes place in a social vacuum. Rather, the protection of the fundamental
rights of one necessarily requires personal sacrifices
of some significance by
those against whom the right is enforced. For example, when the Illinois
Supreme Court and the United Stated
Federal District Court enforced the first
amendment right of the American Nazi Party to march in Skokie, a sacrifice on
the part
of the Jewish population in Skokie was necessarily involved.
Similarly, an order requiring desegregation in certain neighbourhoods
may have
the effect of substantially reducing the market value of the property holdings
of those already in the neighbourhood, and
the privilege against self
incrimination may, and occasionally does, in the instance of a killer set free,
later result in the sacrifice
of the life of an innocent person. To be
emphasised here is that fundamental human rights theory necessarily implies
All the great judicial decisions in this area have thus been hard
decisions. And the problem of the right to life of the fetus
must be viewed in
this context. But courts as well as people have faced difficult problems before
and have resolved them with dignity
intellectual honesty. Such was the problem
in the famous case United States vs Holmes, where, following shipwreck, the
sailors threw
fourteen passengers overboard to lighten a sinking lifeboat, and
Regina vs Dudley and Stephens, where two seamen starved after twenty
days in an
open boat, killed a youthful companion and fed on his flesh until they were
rescued. In both of these cases the doctrine
of necessity was raised as a
defense to men's actions. And "necessity" there was - nothing less than the
lives of those later accused
of homicide were at stake. These were hard
decision for the courts, harder than the abortion decision because rarely is
in the abortion situation of the magnitude of that
facing Holmes and Dudley & Stephens. Nonetheless, the courts held that
cannot justify killing. Is that what is involved in the abortion
controversy? Is abortion an act of killing? The German Federal Constitutional
Court concluded
that it was. [Footnote 168: The Federal Constitutional Court of
West Germany wrote, in this regard as follows: The interruption of
irrevocably destroys an existing human life. Abortion is an act of killing;
this is most clearly shown by the fact that
the relevant penal sanction is
contained in the section 'Felonies and Misdemeanour against Life' and, in the
previous penal law,
was designated the killing of the Child en ventre sa mere.'
The description now common, "interruption of pregnancy" cannot camouflage
fact.] and sought to resolve the abortion problem in a manner consistent with
its understanding of the values involved and their
authoritative legal
principles. In its concluding paragraphs, the West German Federal
Constitutional Court wrote: The parliamentary discussions about the reform of
the abortion law have indeed deepened the insight that it is the principal task
of the state to prevent the killing of unborn life through enlightenment about
the prevention of pregnancy on the one hand as well
as through effective
promotional measures in society and through a general alteration of social
concepts on the other. (End of quote
from W.G.F.Constitutional
Would not such an approach be much more compatible with the
deepest values and the authoritative ideals of this (the USA) society?
- The
opinion of Dr. Claude E. Newbury. M. B., B.Ch., D.T.M.&H., D.O.H., D.P.H.,
M.F.G.P. D.A., D.C.H., M. Med.
The legal definition of abortion. "Abortion means the abortion of a live
foetus of a woman with intent to kill such foetus". ( Abortion
and Sterilisation
Act. No 2. 1975. Government Printer Pretoria.) As defined The Abortion and
Sterilisation Act allows intentional
killing of innocent unborn children.
Thus legalized abortion is the intentional killing, of totally innocent
unborn human beings allowed by the State. The deliberate
killing of innocent
human beings is murder.
The murder of human beings, approved of by the State, destroys the moral
authority of the State in the eyes of all right-thinking
persons, and is an
offense of cosmic enormity against Almighty God the author of all life.
Facts concerning the earliest hours and days of a new human life.
There is no doubt whatsoever among scientists, as to the humanity of the
unborn child, and no scientist would hesitate to identify
the living fertilizes
human ovum as being a living member of the human species, albeit an extremely
young member.
The Human embryo from the earliest stages of its life, is undeniably a
member of the human race and the intrinsic human nature of
each and every
individual cell of its body can be easily and certainly established.
It is a scientific fact that the life of each human being begins when the
living human sperm from the father, which carries half
the genetic component of
the new human being, fuses with the living human ovum from the mother, which
carries the other half of the
genetic material.
From the time of the successful completion of this event, all that is
necessary for the further development and growth of this new
human being, is
food, oxygen, and shelter. Not only is the completion of successful
fertilization the beginning of a new human life,
but in those cases where
identical twins develop, this event also marks the beginning of the lives of two
separate human beings.
Concerning the beginning of the life of new human being, Charles Goodhart,
Professor of Zoology, Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge
University, said "At
the moment of conception we know that the embryo is alive by the very fact that
it can die; we know that it
is human - it can be attributed to no other species
than Homo sapiens."
The Science of Human Genetics is based on these universally accepted facts
concerning the transmission and beginning of human life.
At the time of the
birth of Louise Brown, the world's first "Test-Tube Baby", Professors Edwards
and Steptoe who developed the technology
of " In Vitro Fertilization", and who
were responsible for the conception of Louise Brown in their laboratory, and who
her safe delivery at birth said: “When last we saw Louise she
was a beautiful four-celled human embryo'.
That human life is an unbroken continuum from conception to natural or
accidental death is a self-evident truth which is verified
by the Science of
Embryology. The fact, that the genetic component of a fertilized human ovum is
sufficient when provided with the
necessary nutrients and conditions, to
determine the pattern, order and rate of its own development and growth to full
has been known for at least the last 30 years, when the earliest
stages of embryonic human development were first directly observed.
At the very outset, when a being begins its career, it is genetic
information which, accidents apart, dictates all its qualities.
According to
the felicitous formula of the mathematicians, the being called to life is
reduced to its simplest expression. The
language is of course, extremely
miniaturised. Let me give you some idea how much. In the head of a
spermatozoid, there is a linear
meter of DNA; the code of life, the minute mass
of the genetic code required for all mankind. If one brought together all the
molecules which will define each and every quality of each and every one of
the five billion men who will take our place on this
planet, the amount of
matter would be ‑equal in size to two aspirin tablets". Prof Jerome
Lejeune. Professor of Genetics,
University of Paris.
These facts are incontestable and are unhesitatingly relied upon, in the
test-tube baby programs, when the fertilization and subsequent
development of
new unique human beings who are:- fully human and exclusively so; fully alive
and capable of growth into fully developed
adults, is directly brought about and
observed in the laboratory.
These facts form the basis for, and provide the security and predictability
of outcome in the birth of a child, after successful
fertilization, implantation
and gestation. Upon these facts "Test Tube Baby" programs depend. The child
that is born bears the genetic
characteristics of its biological parents and
even if it is implanted into a surrogate" womb, does not obtain any genetic
or characteristics from its "surrogate" mother.
There is not the slightest chance that the progeny of the union between a
human sperm and a human egg, could be anything other than
a child. The thought
that some other species of animal might emerge from the womb of a woman is
ludicrous. Although the opossum
has the same number of chromosomes in its cells
as a human being, the outcome of the fertilization of a opossum egg by a opossum
sperm, could not possibly give rise to the birth of a human baby, because human
chromosomes are characteristically human, while opossum
characteristically opossum.
Professor E. Blechschmidt, Professor of Anatomy and Director of the
Institute of Anatomy at the University Gottingen, West Germany
writes concerning
the matter of the beginning of a new unique human life, "Today, the question
regarding the point in the course
of prenatal development at which it is licit
to speak of a human being can be clearly answered, because today we know that
each developmental
stage of the human being is demonstrably a characteristically
human one. Already, on the basis of the well-known chromosomes of
human ova,
the specificity of a human germ cell can no longer be doubted. Therefore, this
principal applies today: a human being
does not become a human being but rather
is such from the instant of its fertilization. During the entire ontogenesis,
no single
break can be demonstrated, either in the sense of a leap from the
lifeless to the live, or of a transition from the vegetative to
the instinctive
or to characteristically human behaviour. It may be considered today a
fundamental law of human ontogenesis that
not only human specificity but also
the individual specificity of each human being remains preserved from
fertilization to death,
and that only the appearance of the individual being
changes in the course of its ontogenesis. What we term the ontogenesis of a
human being begins with fertilization because the fertilized ovum is already a
form of man. Indeed, it is already active because,
seen in its minute
dimensions, it constitutes a momentary picture of organized metabolic processes,
becoming manifest in the developmental
movements. While the unicellular
fertilized ovum divides, or rather subdivides, a characteristic multi-cellular
condition occurs.
All the organs of the developing organism are differentiation
products of each unique fertilized human ovum. Its specificity is
prerequisite for the later individuality of the human embryo of the child, and
of the adult. We find no break between a manifestation
of a perhaps not yet
human characteristic and a perhaps only arising human peculiarity. Blechschmidt
E M D ‘Human Being from
the Very First. New Perspectives on Husman
Abortion - University Publications of America.
Professor Jerome Lejeune, Professor of Fundamental Genetics at the
University of Paris, France, was the person to identify the extra
chromosome in
patients who have Down's Syndrome. This was the chromosomal disorder to be
identified. Professor Lejeune, writes as
follows concerning the beginning human
life: "When does a person begin? I will try to give the most precise answer to
that question
actually available to science. Modern biology teaches us that
ancestors are united to their progeny by a continuos material link,
for it is
from the fertilization of the female cell (the ovum) by the male cell (the
spermatozoa) that a new member of the species
will emerge. Life has a very,
very long history but each individual has a very neat beginning, the moment of
its conception ....
To accept that fact, that after fertilization has taken
place, a new human has come into being, is no longer a matter of taste or
opinion. The human nature of the human being from conception to old age is not
a metaphysical contention, it is plain experimental
Professor H. Gordon, a South African, formerly of the Faculty of Medicine of
the University of Cape Town, and at the time of writing
this opinion Chairman of
the Department of Medical Genetics, Mayo Clinic, U. S.A, writes: "Thus, from
the moment of conception the
organism contains many complex molecules; it
synthesizes new intricate structures from simple raw materials; and it
replicates itself.
By all the criteria of modern molecular biology, life is
present from the moment of conception.
Dr. Watson A.Bowes,Jr, of the University of Colorado Medical School writes:"
But one thing is clear. Following fertilization there
is an inexorable series
of events that unfolds with cells dividing, moving, pausing differentiating, and
aggregating with a baffling
precision and purpose. In the early hours, days,
and weeks of this development a hypothetical observer, if able to witness this
microscopic drama, would find it impossible to identify precisely when major
qualitative changes have occurred just as parents observing
daily their
child’s growth and development cannot say precisely when he or she stopped
being a child and became an adult.
Thus the beginning of a single human life is
from a biological point of view a simple and straightforward matter- the
beginning is
conception. ‘In conclusion, the beginning of a human life
from a biological point of view is at the time of conception. This
straightforward biological fact should not be distorted to serve sociological,
political, or economic goals.'
12. Facts concerning the development of
the child before birth.
By the time that the baby is eighteen to
twenty-five days old, long before the mother is sure that she is pregnant, the
heart is already
beating. At forty-five days after conception, you can pick up
electroencephalographic waves from the baby's developing brain. At
eight weeks,
there is not only a brain, but the fingerprints on the hands have already formed
and except for size, will never change.
By the ninth and tenth weeks, the
thyroid and the adrenal glands are functioning. The baby can squint, swallow,
move his tongue,
and the sex hormones are already present. By twelve and
thirteen weeks, he has fingernails, he sucks his thumb and can recoil from
In the fourth month the growing baby is eight to ten inches in
height. In the fifth month there is a time of lengthening and strengthening
the developing infant. Skin, hair, and nails grow. Sweat glands arise. Oil
glands excrete. This is the month in which the
movements of the infant are felt
by his mother. It has always seemed extraordinary to me that as the pregnant
woman feels the first
movements within the uterus, the mother-to-be says, "Today
I felt life."
In the sixth month the developing baby responds to light
and to sound. He can sleep and awake. He gets hiccups and can hear the
beat of
his mother's heart. Survival outside the womb is now possible. In the seventh
month the nervous system becomes much more
complex. The infant is sixteen
inches long and weighs about three pounds. In the final eighth and ninth months
there is a time of
fattening and of continued growth. Professor C. Everett
Koop. University of Pennsylvania and Surgeon General of the United States
Confirmation of the facts of development before birth are to be
found in all text-books of Human Embryology of which the following
are more
commonly available. L.Arey "Developmental Anatomy, A Textbook and Laboratory
Manual of Embryology"; K. Moore "The Developing
Human"; K.Moore. "Before We Are
Born"; " Gray's Anatomy"; B. Pansky. " Review of Medical
The methods used by the medical profession to kill unborn
children by abortion. Dilatation and Suction Abortion.
mouth of the womb is forced open by a process called " dilatation" and a hollow
tube, which is connected to a powerful vacuum
pump, is inserted into the womb.
The suction tube then tears the body of the child apart and sucks the pieces of
abortion, and is
used mainly to kill unborn children before they reach the
intrauterine ace of three months. In the USA 95% of abortions are performed
this way. (This method is demonstrated in the films "A Matter of Choice" and
"The Silent Scream" - the authenticity of which is
attested by Professor Ian
Donald, Regius Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the University of
Glasgow, and graduate of the
University of Cape Town. Prof. Donald, was
primarily responsible for the development of ultrasound technology in medicine
enables doctors to evaluate unborn babies and for the introduction of
ultrasound for the practice of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
This technique of
abortion is used in a procedure which is deceitfully called "menstrual
extraction" or ‘pregnancy interception’,
when very young pre-born
children, usually before they have reached the age of six weeks after
conception, are eradicated.
Dilatation and Curettage Abortion.
After the mouth of the womb has been forced open, a loop-shaped steel
knife called a curette, is inserted into the womb and is used
to cut up the
child and to scrape the parts of the child out of the womb. Usually the head -
because it is the biggest part of the
child - remains behind and a forceps, is
needed to catch the head in order to crush it and pull it out of the womb. This
is used to abort children before they have reached the intrauterine age
of three to four months. A curette is often used after the
(methods of abortion
in order to remove the placenta. The placenta is the organ which effects the
physical inter-connection between
the mother and the child, allowing the supply
of nutrients to the child and the elimination of waste products from the child.
placenta is embedded into the wall of the womb. The connection between
placenta and the baby is through the umbilical cord.
Dilatation and
Evacuation Abortion.
After dilating the mouth of the womb a forceps
which has spoon shaped blades, is used to catch hold of the child and to crush,
and tear the child apart and then to remove the fragmented remains of the
child from the womb. This method is used to kill children
as old as six months
after conception. ("The Eclipse of Reason", shows the destruction of a child of
24 weeks of gestational age
by this method).
Salt Poisoning
Also known as " Salting out" and " Saline Abortion". A
highly corrosive solution of salt (20% Salt) is injected into the sac which
surrounds the child and which contains the amniotic fluid in which the child
lives. The use of this poisonous salt solution, is
a form of chemical warfare
waged by the medical profession against preborn children. The salt solution
burns the child, causing profound
disturbances of blood electrolytes, and
clotting mechanisms. Bleeding occurs into the tissues and organs of the baby and
brain haemorrhages
occur. The child usually struggles frantically for an hour
or more before dying. (This method is shown in the films "Assignment
Life" and
"A Matter of Choice"). Variations of this technique which employ other
chemicals to kill the child, such as glucose and
urea, are less commonly used
because they are more dangerous for the mother.
Obviously all of these
methods of abortion are intended to be lethal for the child. These methods of
injecting poisons into the womb,
can be used from about the 16th. week of
pregnancy onwards. Occasionally severely burnt or otherwise mortally injured
children are
born alive after being aborted by these chemicals, however no
attempts are made to help them, and these babies are neglected and
until they die. After death they are incinerated with the other hospital
wastes, or disposed of by the hospital garbage
shredding and grinding machines,
and then flushed into the sewers. If not incinerated or shredded, they are
disposed of on municipal
garbage disposal sites where they become food for
rodents and other vermin.
Prostaglandin Abortion.
powerful hormone called prostaglandin is used to cause the womb to go into
labour and to expel the child. This hormone can be injected
into the womb or
used as a pessary which is inserted into the vagina. it can be used in
combination with saline and other abortifacient
substances. Prostaglandins can
be used throughout the whole duration of pregnancy and is the preferred method
of abortion when babies
are to be used for " spare parts".
The reason
that prostaglandin is used on its own, is that it does not usually directly kill
the child nor seriously damage the organs
and tissues of the child, whereas
Prostaglandin in combination with salt invariably kills the child by extensive
damage to its organs
and tissues, thereby rendering the child unusable as a
source of foetal tissue of fetal "spare parts". There is a considerable and
steadily growing demand for fresh undamaged living fetal tissue and organs which
are used for tissue culture, the production of vaccines,
and transplantation.
The Peel Report on the Use of Foetuses and Foetal Material for Research HMSO,
1972. Obviously this tissue
must still be alive when it is used for culture,
brain and organ transplantation.
Partial Birth Abortion. (D and X
This is a technique of abortion in which the child in the
womb is rotated into a breech position (feet first position) and partially
delivered. The legs, abdomen, chest and arms of the child are delivered,
leaving only the head of the child still retained within
the body of the mother.
While the child is in this position the abortionist is able to removable organs
from the child via incisions
made into the child. When all the various organs
and tissues are removed from the child the abortionist inserts a sharp pointed
instrument through the nape of the neck of the child upwards through the skull
of the child into its brain. The instrument, usually
a pair of sharp dissecting
scissors is opened and closed in several planes inside the brain of the child.
The abortionist then inserts
a suction tube into the brain of the child and
sucks out the brain of the child. This causes the skull of the child to
then allowing an easy delivery of the collapsed head. The organs and
tissues taken from the living child are then used as spare
parts for
implantation into other children or adults. The various tissues and organs
removed can also be used as a source of human
tissues for various purposes,
including in tissue-culture laboratories, where cells derived from the
cannibalised organs and tissues
of the child can be used for biological
experimentation as well as for the production of vaccines and various other
biological by-products. During April 1996, the United States Congress voted
to ban this particularly barbaric form of abortion. President Clinton vetoed
this Congressional ban and so this form of abortion is still available in the
Hysterotomy Abortion
This method is in reality a
Caesarean Section, performed before the child reaches a stage of maturity -
which would allow the child
to survive outside its mother’s womb - with
the intention of killing the child. Usually the child is killed while still
the womb of the mother. The reason for killing the child inside the
mother, is that a living, moving, gasping and usually crying
aborted baby
provides some embarrassment and difficulties of the abortionist and for the
hospital staff, who have contracted with
the mother to kill her baby by
abortion. A living aborted child is a breach of that contract and presents many
dilemmas concerning
the care and ultimate disposal of the child. Obviously if
the mother had wishes to giver her baby to adopting parents she would
not have
agreed to the hysterotomy.
Usually the child is killed inside the mother
by cutting or clamping the umbilical cord thereby causing the child to bleed to
inside its mother’s womb. Should the child be alive after its
removal from the womb, it is then usually killed by exposure
or by suffocation
unless the living child is destined to be used in experiments and as a source of
fresh living fetal tissue. F.McCullagh,
The Foetus as Transport Dono. The
killing of children by the hysterotomy method is used after the 24th week of
Although Hysterotomy is actually a Caesarean Section, the name
of the operation is changed by calling it a Hysterotomy, because everyone
that Caesarean Sections are used to deliver live babies whereas the intention in
these cases is to kill the child. By changing
the name of the operation the
mother and the abortionist are spared the embarrassment of having to explain to
interested inquirers,
whatever happened to the ‘Caesarean
Mifepristone Abortion
Commonly called the
‘French do-it-yourself abortion Pill’. This drug has been given the
code name RU 486 by Roussel-Uclaf,
the French Pharmaceutical Comangh which
manufacturers it. This substance kills the child by ‘hormonal
it mimics and blocks the action of a hormone which is
produced by the developing child which is essential for the continuation of
life of the child. The use of RU 486 is a form of ‘biochemical
assassination’ of an unborn infant. It is yet another
form of chemical
warfare which is waged by the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry
on unborn children. RU 486 is
commonly combined with prostaglandin in order to
augment its lethal abortive effects.
Films showing some these methods
are in our possession and are available for viewing.
The various methods
described above for killing unborn children, are described in detail in
Gynaecology and in ‘Family Planning’
textbooks. One such book
containing precise information on how to perform abortions, as well as extensive
rhetoric in support of
abortion is: ‘Abortion and Sterilisation .
Medical and Social Aspects’. Jane E. Hodgson, the Academic
The Acceptance by the Medical Profession of the Practice of
Killing Unborn Children by Abortion
Absolute respect for Human Life
is the fundamental ethical basis of the practice of medicine. The adoption of
the Hippocratic Oath
by doctors, 450 years before the birth of Christ,
transformed doctors from being both healers as well as killers - a situation
prevailed until that time and which still prevails amongst primitive
medical practitioners such as witch doctors and shamans - into
a profession
devoted exclusively to healing and to the preservation of human life.
transformation of the practice of medicine which the Hlippocratic Oath brought
about, created the intellectual and moral conditions
and attitudes which made
the development of scientific beneficent medicine possible. Abortion as well as
other forms of killing
human beings, such as infanticide and euthanasia, are
forbidden by the Hippocratic Oath.
The Declaration of Geneva of the World
Medical Association, which was published in 1948, was an attempt to restore
Hippocratic ethics
and to re-establish the moral and ethical foundation of the
medical profession, which had been besmirched and finally destroyed by
co-operation of German doctors in the Nazi Euthanasia Program, and in the
involvement of doctors in the later established death-camp
programs. The Geneva Declaration reaffirmed the Hippocratic Oath and once again
obliged doctors to preserve and to
protect human life from the time of
All doctors know that abortion kills innocent human beings.
To deny this would be totally contradictory to logic, scientific facts,
medical experience. However in spite of this knowledge the medical profession,
by its merciless war on the unborn children,
has now turned the womb into the
most dangerous place for a human being to live, and through abortion the medical
profession has
become more terrible in the scale of killing than any army in
history. In accepting abortion, - the killing of innocent pre-born
human beings
as part of its legitimate range of activities- the medical profession accepted
the role of killers and of public executioners.
The acceptance by doctors
of the killing of innocent infants in the womb has destroyed the moral basis of
medicine and has turned
doctors into mere technicians in the field of life and
death. Worse still, in moral terms, abortion has turned abortionists and
doctors and nurses who co-operate with them in slaughtering unborn children,
into professional assassins. Abortion is the
only procedure performed by
doctors - with the approval of a large section of the Medical profession - which
is deliberately intended
to kill a human being. Abortion is a completely
non-medical and non-therapeutic procedure and always involves the intention of
killing the child. (The Abortion Act clearly reveals this and defines abortion
in a way which shows the intention to kill the child.)
Pregnancy is not a
disease nor is the child a cancer, nor does the killing of unborn children, even
by the widest stretch of the
imagination, constitute a form of
Doctors who, by killing babies in the womb, have disregarded
their calling to preserve and to safeguard human life, and have by so
abandoned the basis for moral reasoning. Consequently such doctors have no
moral base on which to make ethical decisions and
Medical Ethics will be
increasingly based, not on the fundament difference between good and evil, but
on what the majority of doctors
consider to be acceptable or on what the state
or society requires of them.
This tragic situation applied exactly to the
German medical profession during the Nazi regime, when the majority of German
abandoned Hippocratic Ethics and without protest, accepted the murderous
role which the German government gave them. Doctors became
impassive spectators
to, or were directly involved in, the slaughter of millions of human beings in
the German Euthanasia program.
This program first eliminated handicapped German
children and adults, and only some years later was expanded into a program to
those who were considered to be racially, socially or religiously
handicapped, in the empire of killing institutions typified by
Auschwitz, which
were established for non-Germans, some years later. These killings were
considered to be in the best interests
of the German State, and of the German
people, and the German medical profession merely accepted its assigned role as
"killers" which
their government gave them. Human beings who were held in the
concentration camps, had their humanity stripped from them by classifying
“sub-human", " useless eaters” or to use a Hitlerian phrase as "
oxygen wasters.
In a similar manner dehumanising language is used by the
medical profession to deny the humanity of children the womb by classifying
as mere ‘foetuses'. Even the scientifically correct classification of
unborn children as ‘human foetuses'- a classification
which is essential
to distinguish them from animal foetuses which belong to various non-human
species, such as cat, rat and dog foetuses,
is deceptively and malevolently
withheld from these human foetuses. Once the inmates of the Nazi concentration
camps had been dehumanised,
inside the corrupted minds of their captors, it was
then possible for their captors to murder them or to abuse them in other ways;
slaves; as human "guinea pigs" in medical experiments - which were mainly
conducted in the death camp of Treblinka - and even to
use the fat from their
corpses for the production of soap, and their skins for lamp shades. At
present, in a similar way aborted
human foetuses are used in medical
experiments; as spare parts, and even for the production of cosmetics. The
Minnesota Citizens
Concerned for life published a photograph which shows
Dr.Lawrence Lawn of Department of Experimental Medicine of the University of
Cambridge England, experimenting on a living aborted human fetus which was held
in a tank of fluid. Dr. Lawn was quoted in the Cambridge
Evening News as
saying, ‘We are simply using something which is destined for the
incinerator to benefit mankind ... Of course
we would not dream of experimenting
with a viable child. We would not consider that to be right’. A British
newspaper reported
that the Middlesex Hospital School of Medicine was using
aborted babies which it obtained from the Langham Street (Abortion)
The tragic betrayal of medical ethics by the German medical
profession was clearly revealed and documented in the proceedings of the
Nuremberg War Trials. The origin and the evolution of the stark tragedy which
befell the German Medical Profession, is described
by Dr. L. Alexander in
‘Medicine under a Dictatorship’. The New England Medical Journal of
Medicine, 14 July 1949.
Dr. H. Ratner, clearly detailed how the betrayal
of medical ethics by the German Medical Profession had originated in the
by German doctors of the Hippocratic Oath and inevitably led to the
involvement of these doctors in the medical atrocities in the
concentration camps, during the Second World War. Raner H. ‘Child and
Family’ vol 10. nos 1,2,3 1971. Reprinted
The present
acceptance of Abortion; used in population control [population] abortion and
the willing involvement of the medical profession
in population control
programs, in which doctors abort ‘unplanned babies’ in order to
prevent the risk of ‘over-population’
and to improve the
‘quality of life’ for those already born, has led doctors into
accepting the rolls of public executioners
in other situations. Among these
situations, is the elimination of human beings, after their births, for social
reasons - when their
killing is considered, by society or by the state, to be
necessary or desirable.
The growing acceptance and practice, by the
medical profession of infanticide as a ‘cure’ for handicapped
children,, and
of ‘mercy killing’ in order to eliminate ‘
human vegetables’ and aged persons, is macabre reality, as are
by doctors on living human embryos and living aborted babies, and the medically
approved use of aborted babies as a source
of ‘spare parts and
tissues’. Eminent Priest Sociologist Dr. Paul Marx of Human Life
International observed that: ‘support
within the medical profession for
infanticide received a considerable boost in May, 1973, when Dr. James D.
Watson, Nobel prize-winning
scientist, stated that consideration should be given
to withholding legal status from an infant until three days after his birth.
Parents who suspect fetal abnormalities may now legally obtain abortion, he
point out; but most birth defects are not observed
until birth: Watson said
that ‘The doctor could allow the child to die if the parents so chose and
save a lot of misery and
suffering. I believe this view is the only rational,
compassionate attitude to have!’
The common practice of infanticide
in South Africa was brought to the attention of the public by a Johannesburg
newspaper, which reported
that ‘a member of the Johannesburg Hospital
staff told how she had seen a living baby left in the sluice room, where
and delivery waste are usually taken, because doctors had decided it
had a minimal chance at life’. The report went onto quote
another staff
member at the hospital who said that: ‘when babies are born prematurely
and very small, or if they were badly
deformed, they were wrapped in a towel,
taken to a separate room and left unattended until they died. They were not fed
or given
any medication’.
Commenting on this infanticide Professor
Alan Rothberg, Professor of Pediatrics at the University of the Witwatersrand,
said: ‘South
African law states that any baby born less than six months
into pregnancy - or about 900 g in weight - can be classified as a miscarriage.
One in every 100 babies falls into this category. ‘Rothberg continued
‘ When a baby is born weighing between 600 to
700 grams and is just
breathing, there is no point in trying to save it as it has only a 10% chance at
life and an even smaller chance
of living normally. In addition, it would take
the hospital three to six months to get that baby into a state of good health.
resources that would be required to do so could be used to better effect on
other babies who have a greater chance at survival.
Everything would be done to
help a baby, born of a mother who had a history of miscarriages, to live.
‘The reporter went on
to say that ‘The babies seen in the sluice
room at the hospital were definitely alive, according to a hospital
Professor Rothberg however is reported to have said that they
were simply making reflex movements. Sunday Star 16 April
Considering the use of words such as "sub-humans" by the Nazis to
describe people that they wished to eliminate, it is of considerable
interest to
note that doctors who practice infanticide never refer to these children as
"babies", which term they describe as emotive,
but as "neonates". The use of
the brains of aborted babies for implantation into adults who are afflicted with
Parkinson's disease
is an established practice throughout the world as well as
in South Africa. Sir Raymond Hoffenberg, an ex South African who left
Africa in protest against the suppression of human rights by Apartheid, and who
is now president of the Royal College of Physicians
in the U.K. is reported in
the press as saying that a working party of the Royal College had been
established to consider the use
of aborted (human) foetuses as a source of brain
cells for transplantation. Natural the brain cells which are cannibalised from
aborted babies must still be alive for these cells to be capable of growth,
development and replication after implantation. It would
be totally futile and
contrary to elementary biological reality, to expect dead brain cells from
aborted babies to be capable of
growth and of replacing the damaged brain
tissues and brain functions of adults, after implantation into senile or
otherwise damaged,
adult brains.
At present doctors perform about 60
million abortions each year throughout the world. This staggering squandering
of human life is
unparalleled in history. American doctors kill in one year -
by abortion - more Americans than the total number of Americans who
were killed
in all the wars in America's history. In one single day British doctors kill
more human beings in their terrible war
of abortion on unborn babies, than the
total British military losses during the Falkland War.
During the Second
World War - which was the bloodiest war in history - approximately sixty million
human beings were killed. It is
an appalling fact that doctors - who kill sixty
million unborn children each year in the Abortion War - now kill six times as
human beings in surgical abortions each year, as the number of persons who
were killed each year during the Second World War.
Of the total of sixty
million deaths during the Second World War, at least six million persons were
murdered in Nazi death camps,
giving an average rate for the killings in those
concentration camps of about one million prisoners each year. The wholesale
in the death camps is constantly remembered as "The Holocaust”.
Those even remotely responsible for this savagery are still
being hunted down in
order to punish them for those atrocities.
The hounding down of Kurt
Waldheim, former Secretary General of the United Nations, and presently the
President of Austria, is just
one such case - while those responsible for the
"Silent Holocaust" perpetrated on preborn children, are untroubled by reprisals
on the contrary often have honors heaped upon them. One such person, David
Steele, the leader of the British Liberal Party, who
was responsible for the
Abortion Holocaust on unborn British babies, has recently been knighted by Her
Majesty Queen Elizabeth, who
is, besides being Queen of England, The Defender of
the Faith, and the head of the Church of England.
In South Africa, Mrs.
Helen S. Suzman, long serving member of Parliament - honored throughout the
world for her opposition to apartheid
- attempted for years to have liberalized
abortion introduced into S. Africa, because abortion in her view was a
fundamental human
right. Mrs. Suzman even offered to pay, out of her own
pocket, the costs of sending a young pregnant woman who had been refused
abortion in South Africa, to a British abortuary. Mrs. Suzman has been honored
and feted by governments, church leaders, international
organizations and
universities throughout the world, as a champion of human rights and she has
recently been made by Queen Elizabeth,
a Dame of the British Empire.
present members - in good standing - of the American medical profession alone
kill more than 1,600,000 infants in the wombs of
their mothers by legal
abortions each year. This number of killings easily surpasses the yearly scale
of killing during the "Holocaust",
and many respected professors of Gynaecology
of Obstetrics and Gynaecology easily surpass the record of the "Beast of Belsen"
other infamous Nazi war criminals, in snuffing out the lives of human
However This " Silent American Holocaust" and similar large scale
slaughter of unborn children in many other countries is fully supported
by the
American Medical Association and the Medical Associations of those other
While Britain viewed the deaths of 97 people who were killed
in "The Hillsborough Soccer Disaster", as a catastrophe of such dimensions
a national day of mourning was declared, on which Her Majesty the Queen; The
Prime Minister; Eminent Clerics, and politicians,
(including Mr. David Steele -
the architect of the British Abortion Law), attended memorial services. During
these services many
of these notables were seen weeping openly, their sobbing
and the tolling of church bells adding to the atmosphere of national shock
horror. These notables, in the midst of their tears, gave no thought to the
500 babies that are murdered each day in Britain, and who were
even being
murdered by British doctors, in the same hospitals where some of those who were
injured in that soccer disaster, were
taken for compassionate and efficient
healing. The abortion holocaust in British Hospitals continued unabated while
the Nation was
attending the memorial services for those accidentally killed in
the soccer disaster, and the media, who have so unreservedly approved
of the
murder of unborn infant children by abortion, was filled with stories of the
soccer deaths, with messages of condolence, and
demands that those responsible
for this tragic accident be brought to book.
Referring to the war on the
unborn, which is ferociously waged by American Doctors, on helpless unborn
American children, Joan Andrews
said, "The war of abortion is the most brutal of
all, for it deliberately and directly targets the children, during prosperity,
amidst a pretended, obscene " peace'.
A medical profession that
accepts the killing of human beings by abortion destroys the trust of patients
in doctors and in scientific
medicine. No sane patient should trust his life
and the lives of his loved ones to a doctor who murders unborn children or who
this murder.
"Abortion turns the womb into a bloody tomb; it
turns women into walking graveyards; it turns doctors and nurses into
assassins and it turns hospitals into antiseptic abattoirs".
Bishop M. Gonsalves of Lisbon, Portugal.
Abortion and the Legal
The first precept of the law is that good is to be done
and evil to be avoided. There can be no greater evil than the murder of
innocent human beings. Legalized abortion is legalized murder, and any
country which enacts this appalling injustice, totally corrupts
its legal
system. Legal abortion destroy respect for the law and for law makers; and
unless laws permitting abortion are completely
repealed, legalized abortion will
result in the destruction of the rule of law. "The Morality of Abortion. Legal
and Historical
Perspectives" Edited by J.T. Noonan Harvard University
No law-maker or legal system is above the law of God, who forbids
the killing of the innocent. God tells us that He hates the spilling
innocent blood and that He considers this to be a crime which cries out to Him
for vengeance. The fact that killing the innocent
by abortion, may be permitted
by human law does not lessen the profound intrinsic evil of abortion, but rather
makes those law-makers
and countries which legalise abortion, accessories to
this awful modern "Massacre of the Innocents", which easily outstrips in its
scale and brutality, the massacre ordered by King Herod in his attempt to murder
the new-born baby Jesus. This modern slaughter stains
lawmakers and State
authorities who support abortion, with the blood of aborted children and turns
them into modern King Herods..
The widespread rejection of abortion by
American citizens, and the confrontation that legalized abortion has caused -
between those
who support the killing of unborn children - and those who try to
defend these children, is now the greatest divisive public issue
in the United
States of America, and it appears that the conflict which has been brought about
in society by the legalized murder
of unborn human beings, will persist while
this injustice persists, and that opposition to abortion will continue to
escalate until
all laws permitting abortion are struck down.
Those who
promote the killing of unborn children declare that the matter of the personhood
of the unborn should only be determined
by the law. They hold that the law
should determine that unborn children are not persons in the full sense of the
law, and consequently
they can be disposed as the mother sees fit. In this way
the promoters of abortion have used the law to destroy protection for the
while at the same time they claim that the matter of abortion ‘is a
narrowly religious issue which should be regulated
by conscience rather than by
law’. Marx.D Paul O.S.B. "The Death Peddlers - War on the Unborn" Human
Life Center, St. John's
University. Minnesota 1971.
Should the law
decide to contradict:- 1. The Divine Law 2. The evidence of biology 3. The
natural law of reason:- in determining that
the child in the womb is not a human
person; or if the law makers should deliberately avoid expressing opinion on
this crucial point,
as was done by the U. S. Supreme Court, in the matter of Roe
vs Wade which thereby opened the way to the wholesale slaughter of unborn
children; then the tragic experiences of mankind during the recent past must be
recalled, otherwise these tragedies - which embodied
total disregard and
disrespect for human life - will be repeated.
In recent history, the
classification of whole groups of human beings as sub-humans and non-persons
which occurred during the Nazification
of the German legal system, resulted in
the Holocaust. The "Dred Scott” decision by the Supreme Court of the
United States
of America, which was passed by a seven to two majority of that
court, deprived slaves of intrinsic human rights and value in the
eyes of the
law. The legal decision eventually led to the American Civil War. It was the
Supreme Court of the U.S.A which passed
the decision which allowed unborn
children to be murdered by abortion, and just as in its disastrous "Dred Scott"
decision one hundred
years earlier, the Court approved by a majority decision -
of seven against two justices - of the court.
In our own country, South
Africa, we are now suffering the tragic consequences of having, by way of the
Law, deprived people of their
intrinsic human rights by Apartheid. The role
played by lawyers and jurists in the establishment of, and in the maintenance of
is a fact which is to the profound discredit profession. However
compared to the total evil of abortion, the evil Apartheid is trivial.
"The law
is that which puts a difference betwixt good and evil, betwixt just and unjust.
If you take away the law, all things will
fall into confusion. Every man will
become a law to himself, which, in the depraved condition of human nature, must
needs produce
great enormities. Lust will become a law, envy will become a law,
covetousness and ambition will become laws." John Pym speaking
to the British
House of Commons: November 1640.
The increasing scale of the
slaughter of unborn children contrasted with the cessation of capital
The death sentence is only passed on those who have been
found guilty of a capital offense and who, after due process of law - in
the accused must be afforded full and proper legal defense - guilt is proven
beyond all reasonable doubt. Should there be
any doubt about the guilt of the
accused then the benefit of the doubt must be accorded to the accused. It is
frightening to contrast
this benign and fair application of the " benefit of the
doubt" - which is accorded to major criminals - with the readiness to justify
the killing of totally innocent pre-born children by the use of the totally
unscientific, illogical and homicidal - " we are not
sure when human life
begins" - argument.
The legal execution by the State of felons, has now
been found contradictory to the" Right to life" enshrined in the Constitution
and the Constitutional Court has forbidden all executions. Recently the State
President, out of compassion for criminals and their
relatives and out of
respect for what he called the "sanctity of human life', has ordered that all
capital punishments be stopped.
This moratorium on capital punishment has been
in effect since October 1989. This compassionate attitude towards cold-blooded
rapists and terrorists, is in hideous contrast to the acceptance of
the ruthless execution of totally innocent unborn children by
means of legal
abortion. This appalling contradiction and travesty of "compassion" is
emphasized by comparing the 1112 children legally
killed by abortion during
1988, with the 117 felons who were executed by the State during that same year,
and the 50 major criminals
who were executed during 1989, until the moratorium
on legal executions was introduced in October 1989.
The innocence of the
child and the profound injustice of causing the death of a child in the womb of
a woman who has been sentenced
to death, is clearly demonstrated in Article 6 of
the United Nations Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which prohibits the
execution of the death penalty on a pregnant woman because such an
execution of the guilty mother will at the same time also kill
her innocent
unborn child.
The American Medical Association forbids any doctor to be
involved in capital punishment. Even for a doctor to prescribe a drug which
could be used to kill a criminal who has been sentenced to death by the State,
or the supervision of the placement of the hypodermic
needle through which a
lethal drug could by injected by a non-‑medical state employee, is
strictly forbidden. This attitude
is in appalling contrast to the support by
the American Medical Association of the slaughter of more than 1.6 million
unborn American
children each year in legal abortions performed by American
The British Medical profession, various British medical journals
and the British Media have castigated the South African medical profession
its failure to severely punish doctors, whom they alleged failed to care
properly for Steven Biko while he was in police custody
- while at the same time
the British Medical Association supports the murder by British doctors of more
than 185,000 unborn infants
each year in Britain. The British Medical
Association has attempted to foist abortion onto the people of Northern Ireland,
their democratically expressed rejection of abortion, by way of an Order
in Council, and when this ruse to foist the extra violence
of legalized abortion
on Northern Ireland failed, invited a member of parliament in Britain to do this
by way of a private members
bill. The British Medical Association suggested
that abortion could be enforced on Northern Ireland through the European Court
Human Rights. British Medical Journal. 28 March 1987.
Amongst the
British babies slaughtered in Britain by ethically acceptable British doctors,
there were many South African babies whose
mothers were prevented from killing,
their babies in South Africa, because South African doctors refused to approve
their abortions.
These mothers then made their unholy pilgrimages to Britain so
that ethically impeccable British doctors could kill their babies
for them,
after ethically detestable South African doctors had refused the murderous
wishes of these mothers.
One good effect of the international medical
sanctions campaign waged against South Africa in the recent past, was that
various members
of the British abortion industry including the Brook Advisory
Center, and the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, out of " solidarity
with the
repressed in South Africa " and in response to the calls for international
sanctions to be maintained against South Africa
and all South Africans and South
African organizations, refused to abort South African women. However the Marie
Stopes International
of Britain quickly took advantage of this situation, by
establishing an abortuary in the town of Mafeking, now known as Mafekeng,
in the
South African homeland of Bophuthatswana. It was anticipated by the
international abortion cartel that this abortuary in
an independent homeland
within South Africa, would evade the South African Abortion Law. Marie Slopes
International, is registered
as a non-profit tax-exempt charity in the United
Kingdom. Its overseas services, such as those of killing unborn children in
are funded by the British Overseas Development Administration of the
British Government, the European Economic Community, various
foundations and
private donors and its budget for the fiscal year 1988 was about $7 million.
Marie Stopes International imported
a Dutch abortionist to kill the local
African babies of all races. This Marie Stopes Abortuary, operated under the
name of "The
Well Woman Clinic", from a house in one of the back streets of
Mafeking. The abortions were performed in what once was the kitchen
of the
The Marie Stopes "Well Woman Clinic" operated in close association
with the Abortion Reform Action Group of South Africa (ARAG).
ARAG enjoys the
support of Mrs Helen Suzman and Mrs Carole Charlewood, the latter a Catholic
member of Parliament for Umbilo Natal.
It was Mrs Charlewood who, acting in
association with the Abortion Reform Action Group and Planned Parenthood, is
largely responsible
for the South African Government agreeing to consider the
further liberalization of Abortion in South Africa. This Maric Stopes
also enjoyed the support of various notable family planners and population
controllers. However because of the protests
from Pro-Life, this illegal
back-street abortuary was closed by order of Bophuthatswana's Minister of
Maric Stopes was, like Margaret Sanger, a savage racist who
founded "The Society for Constructive Birth Control and Racial Progress".
Stopes was a pivotal figure in the abortion campaign in Britain and abortionists
still honor and revere her memory. Like her friend
Margaret Sanger, Marie
Stopes urged the eugenics movement to adopt effective technological methods for
cleaning the human gene pool.
In "Radiant Motherhood", published in 1920,
Stopes wrote "Society allows the diseased, the racially negligent, the
thriftless, the
careless, the feeble minded, the very lowest and worst members
of the community, to produce innumerable tens of thousands of stunted,
inferior infants. A large proportion of these are doomed from their very
physical inheritance to be at best but partly self-supporting,
and thus to drain
the resources of those classes above them who have a sense of responsibility.
The better classes, freed from the
cost of institutions, hospitals, prisons and
so on, principally filled the inferior racial stock, would be able to afford to
their own families".
Mafeking was once famous as the birth-place
of the international scouting movement for it was here in this town that Lord
was trapped during the Anglo-Boer War and it was here that during
the siege of Mafeking that he formulated the concept of the Boy
The South African Medical Association has ruled that doctors are
obliged to protect the lives and health of children who are held
in police
detention and to prevent the abuse of adult prisoners and to report all
instances of abuse and neglect of children and
adults. Doctors who have
reported instances of abuse of political prisoners, have been praised and
honored by the local and foreign
medical professions, because of their courage
and devotion to the Hippocratic Oath: these doctors have been honored by the
while the same medical profession and media condoned and promoted the
murder by abortion, of I 1 12 unborn South African infants
The practice of killing unborn children by abortion and the
concept of justice.
The Government bases its motivations and
strivings towards the establishment of a new political dispensation for South
Africa on the
concept of justice. The Government hopes to establish a society
founded on justice, where the fundamental human rights and dignity
of all our
people will be respected and safeguarded.
The system of Apartheid is
unjust because while it acknowledges the fundamental human right, i.e. the right
to life, it devalues the
intrinsic worth of human beings, and restricts and
denies other subsumed human rights. This unjust discrimination against
is based on their racial classification. Apartheid is now
acknowledged by our Government to be an unjust system which is morally
Abortion is the fatal discrimination against unborn
children and is the most extreme and evil form of injustice, as life itself is
taken from the helpless innocent child. Yet the South African Government
permits the killing of unborn children and is now willing
to consider
motivations for the further increase of this frightful injustice against unborn
infants. The contradiction of logic
inherent in the Government's attempts to
establish justice - by restoring basic human rights to those already born by the
of Apartheid - while concurrently expressing its willingness to consider
motivations which will entrench and expand the ultimate
injustice of killing by
abortion, those not yet born - is appalling.
The primeval injustice of
promoting and allowing, fatal discrimination against unborn children by
abortion, is embodied in and encouraged
by the use of the following
circumstances and arguments.
- Age.
The child is very young.
- Size.
The child is very small.
- Legal
identity. The child is not yet a legal person.
- Place
of residence. The child is living in the womb and is considered by its mother
to be an unwelcome squatter without any right
to shelter and
- The
degree of intelligence of the child. The child is not yet intelligent or after
birth might be mentally handicapped or of diminished
- The
degree of intelligence of the mother. The mother of the child is an idiot or an
imbecile and consequently is not considered capable
of consenting to sexual
intercourse or of caring for the child.
- The
degree of physical perfection. The child is physically handicapped or is at
risk of being so.
- The
very close relationship of the parents in terms of consanguinity and affinity.
The child is the result of incest.
- The
state of mental health of the mother. The child would cause excessive mental
stress to the mother.
- The
state of the physical health of the mother. The pregnancy would cause a threat
to the health of the mother.
- The
violent criminal actions of the father. The child was conceived in an act of
- To
relieve social problems. a) The parents of the child are poor. b) The poor have
too many babies. c) There is insufficient housing,
infrastructure, and
employment to accommodate more people. d) There is a shortage of medical,
educational and other facilities.
- The
lack of love for the child. The child is not wanted. The child is "
- The
accidental circumstances of the conception of the child. The child is a
"mistake", an "accident", a contraceptive failure".
- The
degree of social competency and maturity of the mother. The mother of the child
is too young, too inexperienced, or socially
disadvantaged to care for her
- The
convenience of their parents. The birth of the child would be
- The
careers of the parents of the child. The child would prevent the advancement of
the school, business, and professional careers
of his parents.
- Environmental
conservation. The child will pollute the environment and deplete natural
resources. The child is a threat to trees,
tropical forests, the ozone layer,
the ocean, unspoilt beaches and to all those already born.
- To
nurture the preservation of Wild life. The child threatens the existence of
wild animals and insects such as; Cape fur-seals,
whales, elephants, rhinos,
riverine rabbits, Cape vultures, and butterflies
- Overpopulation.
The child will cause the overcrowding of the planet and reduce the quality of
life of those who are already born.
- Food
shortage. The child will cause a shortage of food for the rest of
- The
right of the mother to control her body. Because the child is resident in the
womb of the mother and is totally dependent on
her, the decision to kill the
child is solely at the discretion of the mother, who in killing her child is
merely exercising " her
right to control her own body".
- The
financial interests of the parents and of the country. Women have to spend a
lot of money to go overseas in order to abort their
babies. This is a luxury
that only affluent women can afford, thus this situation discriminates against
poor women who cannot afford
the cost of overseas abortions. This situation
causes a loss of foreign exchange, is a financial drain on the country, and
against local abortionists by depriving them of earning a
livelihood which is derived from performing abortions.
- The
physical health of their mothers. Women who resort to "back street"
abortionists thereby risk their health, and their lives.
Therefore it is argued
that the State has an obligation to provide antiseptic facilities where women
can have their unwanted and
unplanned babies killed by skilled scientific
abortionists who only us sterile instruments and the latest technology - thereby
minimal risk to the health of the aborting mothers.
The future fertility of women could be damaged by unskilled and unhygienic
abortionists. This damage could prevent these aborted
women from having
children in the future when they "choose", therefore it is asserted that the
State has an obligation to arrange
for unborn children to be killed in such a
manner, so as not to cause or allow any risk to the future fertility of
It is argued that the State must provide facilities and services out of
public funds which are needed to restore the fertility of
those women who have
had their fertility damaged by abortion, venereal diseases, sterilization, or
birth control pills, injections
and devices. It is argued that these facilities
and services to restore the fertility of women should include " Test-Tube Baby
The helplessness of the child. The child is held in detention in the womb and
while thus detained abortionists claim that the child
has no rights and
consequently it is acceptable to kill the child.
The contrast
between the promotion of the killing of unborn children while they are held in
detention in the womb and the public
and medical revulsion at the abuse of
political prisoners while they are being held in police detention has previously
been noted.)
- To
prevent future child abuse. The unborn child is unwanted and thus might at some
time in the future, become "battered child”
or be subjected to other forms
of child abuse and social deprivation. In order to prevent this future
possibility, it is better
to kill the child before birth. Abortion thus
replaces possible, future, extra-uterine child abuse, with fatal intrauterine
- The
personality and degree of mental self awareness of the child. Some justify the
killing of unborn children on the imagined basis
that unborn children,
irrespective of the stage of their development, have a diminished sense of pain.
Thus they argue that the probability
of severe pain being experienced by the
unborn during the process of killing them, must be totally discounted and any
that abortion is cruel should be rejected. Those who favor the
killing of unborn children say that any counter-arguments based on
the observed
reactions, unborn children to light touch and needle prick; their reactions to
sound and even their efforts to move
themselves into comfortable intrauterine
positions, are best dealt with by ignoring these arguments, and that even if
these children
were capable of experiencing pain, the fact that the mother is
anaesthetised should eliminate any objections to abortion based on
Most abortions are performed under local anaesthesia but even when general
anaesthesia is used to make the mother oblivious of any
pain, the child is not
anaesthetised to anywhere near the same degree. The difference in levels of
anaesthesia between the mother
and the child is clearly evident when the
vigorously crying and moving child of an anaesthetised mother, is lifted out of
the womb
during Caesarean operations. The reason for the difference in the
levels of anaesthesia between the mother and the child is that
the placenta acts
as a barrier to the transfer of the anaesthetic agent from the mother's
circulation, into that of the child.
In practice, the lack of anaesthesia of the child is required in order to
give the child the best chance of survival after its birth.
It is predominantly
for this reason that most Caesarean births are now performed under spine
The use of the argument that abortions are painless for the unborn child and
therefore acceptable, would justify the extermination
of other unwanted persons,
such as the senile and the handicapped, provided they are eradicated in a
painless manner. It should
be noted that the Nazis eliminated the unwanted in a
painless marine by the use of cyanide gas.
- The
promoters of abortion argue that objections to abortion which are based on the
fact that abortion does to unborn children, what
animal protection societies
would not pen-nit to be done to animals, are best dismissed by labelling these
objections to be ‘emotive’.
More recently it has been established that those brain cells which are
responsible for the sense of consciousness are present in
the unborn child by as
early as 10 weeks after conception. Those nerves which transmit pain are
developed before nerve pathways
which can suppress in the brain the sensation of
pain are developed and so in the light of this information it is possible that
unborn child has a more acute sensation of pain than an adult. It is thus
probable that the child may suffer greater pain from the
same painful stimulus
than an adult.
Abortion and child abuse.
In an abortion the mother seeks out and hires an abortionist to murder
her own baby; fully co-operates with the abortionist; and
often protects the
abortionist from police prosecution. The mother becomes an willing accessory to
the murder of her baby.
Abortion is the ultimate form of child abuse. In
the case of parents who have murderous intentions against a chill after its
attempts to murder the child might attract the notice of a doctor,
neighbour, an observant social worker or a passer-by, who would
be morally and
legally obliged to rescue the child and to place the child in the protection of
the State.
The Child Care Act of 1985, obliges, under the threat of
prosecution by the State, anyone who knows or who suspects that a child is
abused - to rescue the child, to protect the child by all lawful means; to
immediate report the abuse; and to place the child
in the protection of the
State in a "place of safety". Any doctor or nurse, including those doctors and
nurses who perform and who
are involved in legal abortions - who fail to report
a case of child abuse and who fall to protect, even at the risk of their own
lives, an abused child would be found to be totally negligent in their duty and
would be liable to criminal prosecution by the State,
and to trial and
punishment by the medical or nursing profession.
The Child Care Act which
was drafted and promulgated by the State stands in bizarre contrast to the
Abortion and Sterilisation Act,
in which the deliberate and always fatal abuse
of unborn children is permitted and supervise by the State. Any government
shows such legal inconsistency and confusion, and reveals such moral
abandonment is not deserving of respect and clearly indicates
that it is not fit
to govern.
The inhuman treatment of unborn children which is permitted by
the State, has had a significant effect on medical and public attitudes
children who are often considered as chattels and commodities.
denies inalienable human rights and abortion requires for its practice the
acceptance of extreme violence directed against
unborn children. Abortion has
brutalised and corrupted society and has seriously diminished the abhorrence of
violence and abuse
which is directed against those already born. If a
government considers abortion to be morally and legally acceptable, knowing that
life is a continuum from conception to death, why does that same government
consider the abuse of a child after birth to be so evil?
It has been
established that abortion" is the cause of the increase in battered and murdered
children. Abortion decreases an individual's
instinctual restraint ...
diminishes the social taboo against aggression directed against the defenceless;
truncates mother-infant
bonding with diminished future mothering capability".
"Following permissive abortion in the United States of America,
the incidence of child abuse increased by 500%". Ney P. "Relationship
Abortion and Child Abuse," Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, vol 24. no.7,
Abortion is procured during satanic rites. Recently South Africans
were shocked by police revelations, that seven new-born babies
have been
murdered during satanic rituals. This number of babies murdered by satanists
must be compared with the 1112 babies who
were murdered by doctors during legal
abortions in South Africa during 1988.
How does the skillful, legally
approved murder of babies in the womb by doctors, differ morally from the murder
of babies by satanists
during their fiendish rituals?
Those who stimulate
the diabolic practice of killing unwanted children claim that society will be
spared the burden of caring for
these children when their parents abuse and
neglect them. These diabolists invariably claim that liberal access to abortion
solve these problems and reduce the numbers of children in State care. The
facts are the very opposite of this claim. Following.
abortion on request in
Britain the numbers of children in care in England and Wales increased from 69.1
00 in 1966, which was 2 years
before the Abortion Act, to 70,700 in 1977 and
were 72,800 in 1985. Social Trends 1987.
The practice of killing
perfectly formed and developed unborn children, has resulted in the rapidly
growing acceptance by the medical
profession of infanticide, whereby handicapped
children are killed after birth - generally by starvation, thirst and neglect.
Non-treatment of Handicapped Newborns". R. Weir. Oxford University
Press. 1984. "Infanticide and the Handicapped Newbom" D. Horan
and M. Delahoyde
Brigham Young University Press. 1982
Abortion has opened wide the door to
infanticide, experimentation on human embryos and human foetuses, and to
Euthanasia. The close
links between the abortion lobby and the infanticide and
euthanasia lobby have been revealed by Dr. Paul Marx. O.S.B. in his analysis
euthanasia. Dr Marx noted that the promoters of liberalized abortion in America
were also the founders of the euthanasia movement
and that amongst these were
Dr. A. Guttmacher President of Planned Parenthood, Professor Arval Morris who
co-engineered abortion
in the State of Washington, theologian Joseph Fletcher,
respected authority on ethical issues, who is acknowledged to be the " father"
of situational ethics, and Dr. Glanville Williams author of the widely praised
book "The Sanctity of Life and the Criminal Law".
Dr. Marx has documented that
"Similarly, the thousand-member Abortion Law Reform Association of England was a
reincarnation of a
euthanasia group after the latter's early attempts at
euthanasia legislation in Britain in 1936, 1950, and 1960, had been defeated
the House of Lords". Key spokeswoman for the Abortion Law Reform Association of
Britain, Madeleine Simms, authored a pamphlet
entitled "Severely Handicapped
Infants" in which she attempts to conceal the process of the murdering of
handicapped newborn children
by doctors, as "the infants right to die". "Death
without Dignity. Killing for Mercy" Marx. Dr Paul O.S.B. The Liturgical Press.
Collegeville Minnesota. 1978. "And now Euthanasia" Marx. Dr Paul O.S.B. Human
Life International. Washington. 1985.
The grotesque contrast between the
Government’s laudable efforts to prevent child abuse after birth, and
their complicity in
fatal child abuse before birth by legal abortion, is
Medically approved and State condoned methods for killing
unborn children, involve poisoning, battering cutting, crushing, disrupting,
evicting, disembowelling and dismembering them. "Abortion and Sterilization"
J.E.Hodgson. Academic Press; Grune and Stratton.
Abortion and
When the citizens of a country accept the murder of unborn
children by legal abortion the basis of all morality, which is "to do good
to avoid evil", is destroyed. Because abortion is intrinsically and
profoundly evil the public acceptance of it completely corrupts morals. After
legalising the brutal killing of totally innocent, helpless, human beings in the
wombs of their mothers, and the population
accepting this savagery, then in
comparison with the enormity of this evil, no other acts could I considered to
be evil, and thus
the destruction of all morality will be inevitable, unless all
abortion is forbidden by the state,
Abortion and peace.
During 1988, a total of 1112 unborn children were killed by doctors in
legal abortions South Africa, while during that same year,
the number of people
killed in the widespread, horrendous, political violence totalled
In discussions with various political organizations in order to
establish a new political dispensation in South Africa, the Government
has asked
these organizations to forswear violence and has constantly stated that the
absence of violence is an essential precondition
for the establishment of a "
New South Africa".
Contradicting its own expressed abhorrence of
violence, the Government, in terms of the Abortion Sterilization Act, permits,
and is
directly involved in the ruthless violent directed against unborn
children; it approves of applications from hospitals and clinics
to be
registered as abortion centers; and has now agreed to consider motivations for
the further expansion of the scope and scale
of abortion.
Once again this
situation reveals a tragic confusion of moral reasoning by the Government, and
should this lack of morality prevail
during the drafting of a " New South
Africa", it will be disastrous for the future of this country. There can never
be peace in
a country which permits abortion, because abortion is totally evil.
Peace and evil laws are totally incompatible. They cannot co-exist.
attitude of the African National Congress in favor of totally free abortion; its
ominous threat to establish abortion on request;
and its intention to prohibit
any efforts to protect unborn children, even by husbands and fathers and any
other person, from the
murderous intentions of their mothers and doctors; is
noted with profound concern and revulsion. Sachs. Albie "Women in a Future
South Africa". The New Nation, 4-10 May 1990.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta
said during her visit to South Africa, "In abortion a double murder takes place,
the murder of the child
and the murder of the conscience of the mother. There
will never be peace in the world until there is peace in the womb. How can
there be peace when a mother can murder her own baby in her own
Abortion and family planning
"The most merciful
thing that a large family does to one of its infant members to kill it".
Margaret Sanger. Founder of Planned
Parenthood. Many of the present methods
of " family planning" prevent implantation of very young human embryos into the
wombs of their mothers
and therefore such methods are abortifacient. This
abortifacient action is more powerful and frequent in the use of some of these
family planning" methods, than in others. This use of abortifacients
contravenes the Hippocratic Oath and the Declaration of Geneva of The World
Medical Association.
While being primarily concerned with the presently
available methods of abortion, it is possible that RU 486, otherwise known as
" do-it-yourself abortion pill' will be introduced into this country in the
near future, and that this "people pesticide' will by-pass
all existing abortion
legislation, in the same way as other abortifacient methods of "family planning"
have done in the past. Among
the many abortifacient methods which have
by-passed the Abortion Law are the use of intrauterine devices; the strongly
action of birth control pills and injections; the abortifacient
‘morning after pill’, the insertion of the intrauterine
device into
the womb of women who are in the early days and weeks of pregnancy; early direct
surgical abortions which are euphemistically
called ‘menstrual
extractions’ and D and C's'. While many "D and C's" are done for reasons
other than to induce abortions,
widespread contempt for the law is shown by
doctors and hospitals who use the term "D and C", to cloak their performance of
It is noted with dismay, that the French
"do-it-yourself abortion pill" was tested in the Pharmacology Department of the
of the Orange Free State, under the direction and control of
Professor Bemhard Meyer. Professor Meyer, during a television documentary
program on abortion argued for the use in South Africa of this drug which is
designed to kill, with great efficiency, very young
human beings, in order to
control the alleged population explosion" in this country. M.Net Television.
"Carte Blanche" 30 July 198
The Pharmacology Department of the
University of the Orange Free State is sponsored by the Hoech Pharmaceutical
Company of West Germany,
which is a majority shareholder in Roussel-Uclaf the
French company which makes this lethal drug. Hoechst was formed after the
World War out of the I.G.Farben Company, which was broken up by the
Allies. The I.G. Farben Company used slave labour during the
war and
manufactured Zyklon B, the chemical used to kill the unwanted in the Nazi death
Family Planning organizations further promote the killing of
unborn children by the use of the following stratagems and rhetoric:
- By
calling unplanned children, "contraceptive failures".
- By
promoting the idea that abortion is essential for the correction of
"contraceptive failures" in order to guarantee "contraception".
- By
presenting the idea that in killing her unborn child, the woman is truly in
control of her fertility.
- By,
presenting the idea that the unborn child is part of the woman's body and
consequently that "the woman has the right to control
her own body", by
- By
insisting that abortion is exclusively a woman's issue, and that the father of
the child, and the grandparents of a child which
has been conceived by their
minor daughter, have no rights to attempt to protect the unborn child if the
mother decides to kill the
baby. The decision of the mother to kill the child
is frequently made in response to the unbiased advice of the "family planing"
organisation that she has consulted. Arrangements for the killing of the child
and the actual killing the child are often made and
done by the ‘family
planning’ agency in their own abortuaries, which are frequently subsidised
by public funds and are
registered as tax-exempt public
- By
arguing that the ‘male dominated’ legal and medical professions have
no right to inhibit the "reproductive rights'
and "reproductive choices" of
- By
the use of so-called ‘family planning' methods which cause abortions such
as intrauterine devices, morning-after pills; menstrual
extractions or menstrual
regulations, and do-it-yourself abortion pills, code-named RU 486; and by the
use of the deliberately abortifacient
actions of "contraceptive pills" and
contraceptive injections.
- By
denying the personhood and the humanity, of the unborn child and by encouraging
and depicting the killing of unborn children as
merely " a matter of
- By
promoting panic about overpopulation.
- By
propagating the lie that only "religious fanatics", oppose the killing of
"foetuses" and that these "dangerous religious extremists"
and "nuts" are
"attempting to impose their narrow-minded views on society.
- By
publishing false information which purports to show that the majority of people
are in favor of abortion.
- By
denying that there are any adverse physical or mental sequelae of
- By
grotesquely exaggerating the numbers of "back street' abortions and material
deaths which arise from septic abortions, thereby
contending that the deaths of
women can easily be prevented by legalising abortion.
- By
viewing the child as a form of sexually transmitted disease.
consider our world and almost our civilization for the next 25 years is going to
depend on a simple, cheap, safe contraceptive to
be used in poverty stricken
slums and jungles and amongst the most ignorant people ... I believe that now,
immediately, there should
be national sterilization for certain dysgenic types
of our population who are being encouraged to breed and would die out were the
Government not feeding them". Margaret Sanger, Foundress of Planned Parenthood.
1951. Grant. G. Grand Illusions. The Legacy of
Planned Parenthood Wolgemuth
and Hyatt. Tennesse.
The corruption of language which is needed to promote abortion.
Those who perform abortions and the who promote abortion are obliged to
corrupt and pervert the meaning of words, in order to disguise
the fact that
abortion is murder. It is only by the use of euphemisms, lies and perverted
language that it is possible to advocate
abortion without causing revulsion and
disgust. This strategy of deceit was laid down by abortionists and their
supporters as early
as January 197 1, two years before the Supreme Court
decision in January 1973 which allowed abortion on request in the U.S.A. This
strategy was documented by Dr. Paul Marx O.S.B., who attended a pro-abortion
Conference held in Los Angeles, which was supported
by Planned Parenthood,
eminent Gynaecologists, social workers, nurses and clergymen. Marx. Dr Paul
O.S.B. "The Death Peddlers.
War on the Unborn" St.John's University Press.
Minnesota. 1971. The diabolic elimination of children by abortion is
dependent on lies and a murderous attitude towards unborn
The words which Jesus Christ used to describe Satan are
particularly applicable to abortion and abortionists. "He was a murderer
the beginning, and is not rooted in the truth; there is no truth in him. When
he tells a lie he is speaking his own language,
for he is a liar and the father
of lies.". (John. 8. 44.)
For example the unborn child is invariably
referred to as a "foetus", instead of a" child'. If the use of Latin
terminology is insisted
upon, then the correct Latin term for the unborn child
would be "Foetus humanus". This correct Latin terminology is necessary in
to indicate the essential moral, medical, legal and scientific importance of the
fact that the foetuses who are killed by abortion,
belong to the human species,
and are not foetuses belonging to any other species of mammals. The Latin term
means "offspring".
A doctor who examines a woman
during her pregnancy never refers to the child as a ‘foetus' unless an
abortion is contemplated.
The doctor would not say to a woman who was joyfully
anticipating confirmation of her pregnancy, "I have good news for you, you
expecting a foetus".
Nor would he say to her," Let me examine you in
order to see how big your foetus is" or " Let us work out when your foetus is
The doctor always calls the unborn child "Your baby!", unless lie wishes
to obscure the humanity of the child, as when the child
is destined to be
exterminated by abortion.
When a doctor performs an abortion he does not
say to the mother, "I am going to kill your baby", but he uses a panoply of
such as: "I am going to remove the contents of the uterus". "I shall
interrupt the pregnancy"; " I will perform a termination of
pregnancy", (this
killing is marked on the operating theatre list as a "T.O.P."); Other euphemisms
are; "The contents of your womb
will be evacuated."; "I shall regulate your
menstrual cycle"; "I will bring on your period"; "I shall perform
post-conceptive family
planning"; "should provide you with retrospective
fertility limitation'.
The latest additions to this encyclopaedia of
deceit and obfuscation, is to refer to RU486, the "French do-it-yourself
abortion pill"),
as "the French miscarriage inducing pill'; to describe its
abortive action as contragestive and to refer to the human being before
implantation in the womb as a"pre-embryo".
Among the many other terms
which are used in attempts to dehumanize the unborn child and to deceive the
population the following expressions
are common; "the uterine contents"; "a
clump of cells"; "a blood clot"; 'contraceptive failure"; "a parasite";
"tissue"; "a blob";
"products of conception" and "pregnancy tissue". The term
"pre-embryo' is now commonly applied to tiny human beings before they
implanted themselves into the wombs of their mothers. This has been done in
order to persuade people that experiments on these
"pre-embryos" are not
experiments on very young human beings and that consequently these experiments
do not infringe intrinsic human
rights, but these experiments are performed on a
sub-human entity and therefore they are ethically acceptable. It appears that
on tiny human beings are being viewed in medical circles as being
more acceptable than experiments on animals, because experiments
on animals
cause angry reactions from animal rights organizations, who might picket or even
burn down the experimental facilities.
Concerning the expression which is
used most commonly to disguise the killing of an unborn child, namely "The
Termination of Pregnancy",
Robert Evangelisto, a student of the language used by
the promoters and friends of abortion, asks why the expression "Termination
Marriage" - should not be used to describe the murder of a spouse, "The
termination of a business partnership" - not be used to
describe the murder of a
business partner and ‘The Termination of Employment - not be used when an
employee is killed by his
employer. Evangelisto
remarks that there are only three ways to
terminate a pregnancy; (1) kill the baby, (2) kill the mother,- and her unborn
child, or
(3) allow childbirth,- which kills neither. He further observes that
" birth terminates pregnancy, but abortion exterminates the
Feminism and abortion.
Forms of false feminism
have been of considerable importance in promoting the killing of unborn infants,
and it is noted that radical
feminists in this country are attempting to
convince the Government, and the population in general, that abortion is
a "women's issue" and that no male has any right to attempt to
protect unborn children and their mothers, from the evil deed and
of abortion. These feminists further assert that no male should be permitted to
make laws which concern women.
Radical feminists go even further by
stating that no male should be allowed to even comment on abortion. It has been
further contended
by these feminists that no male be permitted to be part of any
commission which might be set up to examine the subject of abortion.
the opinions, advice and assistance given by males towards increasing the scope
and scale of killing the unborn - including
the support for abortion given by
those male abortionists who actually kill unborn females - are always warmly
welcomed by these
This spurious variety of feminism contends
that the grave moral and social issues inherent in the legal extermination of
unborn children,
is exclusively a woman's issue; and that the freedom to kill
unborn children is essential for" the restoration of the dignity of
women", as
it allows them to be liberated from the "slavery of childbearing and
motherhood", and from being "poor, pregnant and powerless'.
It is claimed by
feminist that abortion "empowers them".
Abortion is the ultimate form of
exploitation of women as it destroys the conscience of women, by turning them
into murderesses of
their own children. It is of interest that abortionists and
"family planning" organizations further exploit women by making them
pay hard
cash for the elimination of the unborn children, however much they claim that
they were in sympathy with the “tragic
social and financial problems" of
the pregnant woman.
Abortion allows women to be sexually exploited by
males in order to gratify male lusts, and when the woman is with child, -
of the availability of abortion, - the male feels that he is free to
abandon the mother of his child, often by denying that he is
the father of the
child or by advising her to have the baby scraped out of her womb. (Abortions
are commonly called ‘A Scrape',
by abortionists.)
Often the male,
who concedes that he is the father of the child, will show his generosity and
will " do the decent thing" by making
all the arrangements for an abortion and
by paying for the assassination of his child by an abortionist. This
‘quick fix'
for an "unwanted pregnancy", allows the male and the aborting
female to go on to the next sexual adventure without the encumbrance
of a child
and without commitment and responsibility to their new sexual
Radical feminists have been successful in preventing fathers,
from attempting to stop their wives or their sexual partners, from killing
unborn babies. These false feminists have been active in the prosecution of
women of different attitude, - who themselves have
had abortions and have been
seriously injured by abortion, - from attempting to prevent other women from
making the same frightful
mistake of killing their unborn infants.
present some of the most rapidly growing and vigorous groups involved in
pro-life activities, have been founded by women, many of whom themselves
have had abortions, and whose membership consists exclusively
of women. These
groups of " pro-life" women who uphold the fundamental right to life of unborn
children, and who provide care and
support for the mothers of these children,
are particularly detested by, and litigated against by "authentic" feminist
such as the "National Organisation of Women", in the U.S.A. False
feminists do not offer any alternatives to abortion, nor do they
offer any
assistance to women who have been mentally, physically and spiritually ruined by
abortion. However these false feminists
are only too ready to help and to
activate women to kill their preborn babies and to denigrate and vilify the
alternatives to abortion
which are provided by pro-life organizations throughout
the world. The factual evidence of tile help given directly to women and
children and indirectly to all society by organizations which offer help to a
pregnant woman, such as the magnificent services
provided by "Life" in the
United Kingdom and by "Alternatives to Abortion International' and "The Pearson
Foundation" in the United
States and who in so doing are despised by the
promoters of abortion and radical false feminists. Mr. Bob Pearson has been the
victim of law suits
brought against him and the organization he founded by
Planned Parenthood who co-conspired with various feminist civil liberty
and the owners of private abortion clinics, in attempting to stop
this noble word Christian love. Similarly Human Life International
has been
legally threatened by Planned Parenthood, National Organization of Women, and
the American Civil Liberties Union, for its
alleged involvement peaceful, prayer
demonstration in front of a Planned Parenthood abortuary in Florida, U. S.A. in
April 1990.
In South Africa, the help offered to pregnant women by Pro-
Life, Victims of Choice and Project Rachael, is likewise hated by the
abortionists and their supporters. Many organizations which offer alternatives
to abortion are established in South Africa such
as The Sisters of the Good
Shepherd, Birthright, Pregnancy Crisis, Huis de La Rey, Die Vroue Federasie, The
Catholic Women's League,
The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul and Catholic
Adoption Society.
Despite the existence of these alternatives to abortion
- and many other organizations which give help to women and families, and
fact that adoption societies in South Africa have long and unfulfilled waiting
lists I adoptive parents - Pro-Life of South Africa
is frequently challenged by
the abortion movement who demand that because Pro-Life opposes abortion then it
should be made legally
responsible for the care of all "unwanted babies".
During a recent South African debate on abortion broadcast by Bophuthatswana
Television on the 31 July 1990, the representative of the Abortion Reform Action
Group (ARAG) Ms Jenny Wilde, a Durban attorney,
who admitted during the program
that she herself had procured an abortion, challenged Dr. Claude Newbury of Pro
Life South Africa
to accept all the unwanted children in South Africa. Dr.
Newbury willingly accepted the challenge personally and on behalf of Pro-Life
and additionally he advised the audience that many other organizations and
individuals in South Africa existed in order to help a
pregnant woman in
distress. In particular, Dr. Newbury named The Sisters of the Good Shepherd,
Birthright, and Pregnancy Crisis.
However after his offer to adopt all unwanted
children in South Africa, neither he nor any of the other above-mentioned
received a single request arising from the program, to adopt a
child, nor any request for financial or other assistance from pregnant
Similarly during a debate on "Good Morning South Africa" televised
by The South African Broadcasting Corporation, on the 8 July 1990,
Newbury of Victims of Choice and Pro-Life of South Africa and Eileen Adams of
"Victims of Choice" advised the audience of
the help that is available to
pregnant women in distress as an alternative to abortions and also of the help
offered to women who
have had abortions and who have bee harmed by this
experience. This was in response to the claims by Dr. Marj Dyer, the President
of the Abortion Reform Action Group, that there were many women who had unwanted
children. Following this program six telephone
calls were received, by the two
pro-life organizations involved in the debate, two of these call were from women
who told how their
lives had been ruined by abortion; three callers were most
anxious to adopt children but had been told by various adoption agencies
that no
children were available for adoption; and one caller who favoured abortion
spewed hatred for the help given to women and
their unborn children.
statement that Pro-Life of South Africa is willing to love and care for all "
unwanted children" that are put into its care, has
been made by Mrs. Glenys
Newbury during each of the many radio debates with members of the abortion
industry that she has been involved
in and most recently during the debate with
the Abortion Reform Action Group which was broadcast by Capital Radio on 25
August 1990.
This open offer has always been made in response to the rhetoric
that South Africa is teeming with "unwanted babies". Each time
that she has
made this offer - even directly to callers who challenged her during these
debates by saying that they themselves had
unwanted children - no such children
have been given to her!
Leaving aside the mindless rhetoric and hatred
that the feminists, the abortionists and their friends, show for the gift of
life and
the work of pro-life agencies, it is clear that in South Africa their
statement that there are large numbers of "unwanted babies"
is a gross lie.
This has been the constant experience of Pro-Life, following the many radio and
television programs on abortions,
during which help was offered by pro-life
speakers to women in distress, and following articles on abortion in newspapers
and in
women's magazines. This is also the experience of the many adoption
agencies who are unable to find children for adoptive parents.
The abortionist
and their co-conspirators the feminists, seem not to understand the essential
and vital difference between selfish
and unloving parents and unwanted
A conflict of feminist rhetoric is seen in the attacks of
radical feminists on John Paul II, because of his defense of unborn children.
These feminists have declared that the Pope, as a male, has no right to
interfere in what is, in their view, "a women's affair'.
However when the most
famous and beloved woman in all the world, Mother Teresa of Calcutta supports
the Pope by speaking out against
abortion, and clearly names abortion as
‘murder' and "the greatest evil which now afflicts mankind", the same
feminists respond
by insulting Mother Teresa, and by saying that she, as a
celibate nun, has no right to comment. Among the slogans that they have
fabricated in attempts to rescue their tattered schizophrenic rhetoric in this
situation are," If you don't play the game,
don't make the rules' and " Take
your rosaries off our ovaries".
The guise of feminist solidarity and
support for other women, which is effected by " feminist" organizations such as
the National
Organisation of Women (N.O.W.) is dropped while unborn females are
being murdered by male abortionists. No appellation of "Male
chauvinist pigs"
are given to male abortionists by "feminist' organizations - only adulation for
the abortionists and expressions
of appreciation and gratitude for how much the
killers of unborn children have done to liberate women from the " slavery of
In this situation the full sympathies of the feminists lie with
those who promote the murder of their unborn sisters and with those
who actually
inflict fatal injuries on unborn females. So much for the "feminist" defense of
the rights of women!
While showing their murderous hatred for powerless
unborn females, and incidentally for unborn males, which latter attitude might
have been anticipated, feminists simultaneously talk about the urgent need to
"empower women’ and to correct and to prevent
injustices and crimes
perpetrated by men on women, such as rape. So much do these " feminists" hate
men, - with the exception of
male abortionists, Congressmen, Senators, Justices
of the Supreme Court and Members of Parliament who support abortion - that they
even find the use of male terms for the depiction of persons, events and
concepts in the Bible to be offensive and demeaning.
The promotion of
abortion by false feminists frustrates the fundamental maternal instincts of
women, destroys the meaning of love
and responsibility, ignores the reproductive
nature of sexual union, perverts and destroys the meaning and purpose of sexual
and promotes the massive slaughter of unborn children, which
feminists see as a keystone, in a odiously counterfeit edifice of "
Some feminists claim that abortion is essential for the
improvement of the" quality of life' of women. On the contrary abortion has
physical, emotional and spiritual secluelae which invariably ruin the "quality
of life" of women who have killed their babies by
abortion. In reality. far
from being a liberating process for women, abortion turns the womb into a
bloody, tomb and turns women
into walking graveyards; it binds the unrepentant
aborting woman to the most frightful bondage of all, by binding her for all
to the utter misery and torment of the everlasting outer darkness
which is populated by demons, and where there is much wailing and
the gnashing
of teeth.
Rhetoric and the killing of the unborn.
who promote abortion are referred to by the media as being "Pro-Choice", instead
of "Pro- Abortion", while those who are in
favor of life and are thus
"Pro-Life", are referred to by the Media as "Anti- choice", and "Anti-abortion".
The consistent and with
few noble exceptions the blanket support given by the
American media to abortion., as well as their almost totally successful attempts
to cover up the evils and horrors of abortion - including the finding of legally
aborted babies in municipal trash and rubbish dumps
- was described by Dr. Paul
Marx O.S.B. in 197 1, two years before the legalisation of abortion on request
into that country.
The significant and continually growing involvement of
pro- life organizations in providing help to women and their unborn children,
particularly when pregnant women who are in difficult circumstances are
contemplating abortion as an "easy" solution to their problems,
- is totally
ignored or misrepresented. Even the psychiatric and spiritual support and
assistance given by pro-life organizations
to women who have had abortions and
as a result are afflicted with psychiatric illness and spiritual remorse and
anguish, is callously
and frivolously dismissed by those who promote abortions,
- as "interference with women", or "sending women on guilt trips" and "
The showing of pictures of bloodied and mangled animals such as
baby fur seals, whales, rhinos, and elephant are considered to be
essential in
order to expose the "cruelty" and "barbarity" and " brutality" of killing
animals However the rhetoric which underpins
abortion, discounts and labels
pictures which show how abortions a performed, and the bloody, mangled, pickled,
burnt and mutilated
bodies of aborted babies that are found garbage bins and in
trash dumps, as "exaggerated", "emotive", "highly offensive", "uncivilised"
"unchristian, un-loving', "pornographic" and "despicable".
This rhetoric
holds that the use by pro-life organizations of photographs of aborted babies is
a; "cruel exploitation of the aborted
babies, used at the expense of the unborn
to traumatize the desperate parents who are contemplating abortion", shows lack
of proper
respect for the dead; and is done in a malicious attempt to cause
guilt and sorrow in women and others who support abortion.
Although it is
considered valid to call the culling of baby seals, "Murder", those who kill
unborn children and who support this killing,
hold that to refer to the abortion
of a child as ‘murder’ is totally impermissible, for aft, all, as
they point out,
one can only murder "persons', and they hold, against all the
evidence of biology, the unborn children can by no stretch of the imagination
called persons.
Often the same people who demonstrate against the
slaughter of animals in abattoirs, even by Kosher killing, are those who
support " an inalienable right to abortion. While it is
considered to be acceptable, - even to be a moral duty, - to harangue in
women who wear fur coats, and to throw pails of blood and red dye over them,
because the women who wear them are considered
to be insensitive to the
suffering of dumb innocent animals, the abortion movement holds that pro-life
demonstration outside places
where abortions are performed reveal that pro]
ifers hold the rights of other people and especially those of women who support
in contempt, and that these " anti-choice hooligans" show no sympathy
for the finer feelings of women, or for the woman's " right
It is considered to be essential in order to maintain "civilized
standards", to endanger the lives of sailors on whaling ships by
ramming them
and dangerously manoeuvring across their bows; to fire-bomb and otherwise
destroy shops where fur coats are sold; to
bum down and bomb establishments
where animals are kept for experiments -naturally after releasing the animals.
However promoters
of abortion demand severe penalties and punishments for those
who show their love for unborn children and the mothers of these children
blockading abortuaries with their bodies and by praying outside these barbarous
establishments. Abortionists demand that pro-life
demonstrators who so visibly
reject the murder of unborn children, are extremely dangerous to society and
should be sentenced to
long term imprisonment. Promoters of abortion
strenuously oppose the burial of the mangled remains of aborted babies which are
by pro-lifers out of the trash-cans of abortuaries, and label such burials
as cheap attempts by pro-lifers to get some publicity
and to send women who have
had abortions on guilt-trips.
Abortionists have constructed the tortuous
rhetoric which holds that “pro-lifers" have no right to attempt to stop
unless and until "pro-lifers" are willing to financially support all
pregnant women and their families and to take care of all the
children" of the world. It would be very difficult to use the sort of reasoning
embodied in this rhetoric in order to
stop theft or drunken driving. In these,
comparatively speaking minor transgressions compared to the evil of abortion -
the use
of this type of reasoning would require that those who not approve of
theft and drunken driving should be responsible for driving
all drunkards home
and for supporting all thieves and their families.
Dr. Siegfried Emst,
eminent German Lutheran philosopher, poet, author (F Ernst. Siegfried.
‘Man The Greatest of Miracles"
Martin Verlag/Walter Berger, Buxheim.
Allgau 1976) and physician and opponent of the Nazi described the tactics of the
Nazis in
destroying respect for human life as follows:-
- Liquidate
political opponents.
- Choose
scapegoats, first Jews, then certain ethnic groups, and finally Catholics.
- Systematically
obliterate the public conscience through propaganda.
- Promote
as an act of neighbourly love the another's suffering through killing them in
the womb
- Develop
the concept of protecting children from a future unhappy life by killing them in
the womb.
- Promote
abortion as an act of neighbourly love. Dr.Siegfried Ernst observed during the
1974 conference of The World Federation of
Doctors who Respect Human Life that
these tactics, with the sole exception of the persecution of the Jews, were also
the tactics
of the abortion movement. Dr. Siegfried Ernst has frequently
researched and disclosed the close links between Planned Parenthood,
which was
at that time known as the American Birth Control League, and the Nazis. Dr.
Siegfried Ernst has in particular emphasized
the close relationship between
Margaret Sanger, foundress of Planned Parenthood and Dr. Emst Rudin who was
Hitler’s director
of genetic sterilization and a founder of the "Nazi
Society for Racial Hygiene". Dr. Rudin became the chief Nazi eugenicist and
protagonist of the Nazi Master Race Plan.
Dr. Siegfried Ernst
researched and disclosed the savage racism of Margaret Sanger, and her attempts
to eradicate " human weeds" and
" inferior races" and who believed that " social
regeneration would only become possible if the sinister forces of the hordes of
irresponsibility and imbecility" were repulsed. This promiscuous woman, much
revered as a modern saint by the Population Control
lobby longed for the end,
promised by the Socialists, of the Christian "reign of benevolence" when the
"choking human undergrowth
of morons and imbeciles would be segregated and
sterilised". (FGrant. G., Grand Illusions. The Legacy of Planned Parenthood.
and Hyatt. Brentwood. Tennessee). (Human Life International Reports.
Vol. 7, No. 12 December 1989). (Drogin. E., Margaret Sanger.
Father of Modem
Society. 1986., CUL Publications., New Hope Kentucky)
Concerning the
repetitive use, by those who conspire to promote abortion, of the phrases
"unwanted children", ‘unplanned pregnancies’
an essential question
must be asked - Does God not know about these so-called unwanted children, and
are these little ones not enfolded
by His eternal love? To answer this question
very briefly, were are regularly and lovingly informed by Holy Scriptures and by
Saints, that God knew and loved us individually from all
The words:- cruelty; pain; suffering; torture; distress;
barbarity; flay; starve; mistreatment; thirst, poisoned; are frequently used
courts of law and in public debate concerning the abuse of animals. Abortion
rhetoric forbids the use of such words in any discussion
of abortion and strong
protest is made that there is no way of knowing what an unborn child feels as it
is being burnt, disembowelled,
having its eyes enucleated, its head crushed, and
its limbs torn off during the process of abortion.
While courts of law
assisted by observations and common sense freely concede that animals do feel do
pain, and use this certainty
in order to prosecute individuals for cruelty to
animals, the language of abortion, holds that, as the experience of pain depends
on advanced intellectual and neurological development and is a very subjective
matter there is no "proof' that babies feel pain as
they are being killed.
Obviously unborn infant victims are not able to relate their feeling while they
are being dismembered, they
never live to tell the tale of how innocuous they
found the process of dismemberment, disembowelment and being flayed
Even the vigorous purposeful movements that an unborn child makes
to escape and evade the abortion instrument just prior to the abortionist
catching hold of the child and ripping it apart (recorded by ultrasound ensuring
an actual abortion in “The Silent Scream”
- which if observed in the
case of an animal would unhesitatingly be interpreted as terror and a frantic
attempt to escape, is dismissed
by abortion rhetoric as mere passive movements
similar to the movements of a billiard ball when it is struck. The opening of
child’s mouth in what appeared to be a scream, totally different from
a yawn which is easily recognized on ultrasound, and
the frantic flailing of the
child’s limbs, was spurned by abortionists, as ‘mere reflex
It is difficult to understand how doctors who perform
abortions and who also deliver ‘wanted babies’ are able to show
mothers and fathers of wanted and planned children the vigorous movements of
their babies on the ultrasound machine which most
modern gynaecologists have in
their consulting rooms, while denying that babies of the same age who are being
aborted are incapable
of movement.
Among the many terms which
pro-abortionists use to depict and negate pro-life views are the following:
biased, controversial, unbalanced,
extreme, one-sided, emotional, anti-feminist,
insensitive, fascist and unfeeling.
In any discussion concerning the
evils of ‘the holocaust’ there would be no support for allowing the
Nazi view. No debate
concerning such obviously behaviour would be seemly or
permissible. Any suggestion that the Nazi viewpoint should be given a fair
hearing - preferably by a Nazi who had gained wide personal experience through
active employment at Auschwitz or Treblinka, - in
order to give balance to what
would otherwise be a very one-sided program, would be greeted with revulsion.
Such a suggestion would
be instantly interpreted as support for "The Holocaust"
and thus support for the savage murder of helpless human beings. However,
concerning the matter of abortion, the media insists on and ensures that the
views of those who promote the killing of unborn children,
and even the views of
those who personally kill these children them, must be fairly represented in all
articles and debates and must
be accorded due and proper consideration as is
required in all civilized debate and discussion.
It is emphasized by the
media that a balanced view is essential in "debate" and discussions, and often
in their desire to demonstrate
how "open minded" they really are, the time and
space which they allocate to the abortion view invariably exceeds by far the
and space allocated to pro-life views. Frequently the pro-life position is
not allowed representation at all. It is not infrequent
to find the chairman
debates on abortion enjoining battle on the side of the
Evaluation of the reasons considered sufficient, by the
Abortion and Sterilisation Act 1975, to justify killing of unborn
Where the continued pregnancy endangered the life of the
woman or constituted a serious threat to physical health. Section 3 (1)
In all pregnancies, the doctor is dealing with two patients, the mother and
baby. This reality is not altered by the severity
of any illness of the mother
or of her unborn infant. Most of the serious complications of pregnancy which
affect the mother, occur during the last three months of pregnancy, when the
child is capable of surviving outside of the womb with good medical care, - if
the premature delivery of the child is essential to
save the life of the
The amazing advances in medical treatment which have been made
during this century, and especially since the end of the second world
war, have
made pregnancy and childbearing so safe that the death of a woman during
pregnancy is so unusual that its announcement
is greeted with stunned amazement.
At present the maternal mortality rate in the United States of America, is about
1.6 per 10,000
live births. The maternal mortality rate South Africa between
the years 1980-1982 was found to be about five times higher at 8.3
per 10,000
live bill Boes.F.E. "Maternal Mortality in Southern Africa".,S.A.M.J., 7
Advances in medicine have been such, that even a woman without
kidneys can be successfully carried through her pregnancy by the use
of an
artificial kidney. The most serious complications during pregnancy are caused
by surgical interventions. Operative deliveries
by the use of obstetrical
forceps and manoeuvres, are especially dangerous for both mothers and their
Abortions, performed after the first three months of pregnancy
are extremely dangerous for the mother, and become progressively more
for her when performed later during pregnancy. Abortions which are performed
because of serious illness of the mother,
are particularly dangerous. Illness
associated with the pregnancy usually only becomes a serious threat to the
woman, well after
the first twelve weeks of pregnancy.. example, serious heart
disease only reaches its peak of severity, about the 28th week of pregnancy,
which time the child has been viable for about eight weeks.
As a rule
chronically sick women experience great difficulty in becoming pregnant and very
seldom conceive a child, however should
such a patient become pregnant then the
skills of good medical care are invariably able to bring her safely to term or
to a stage
of pregnancy when the child could be prematurely delivered and have a
good chance of survival. There are no absolute medical indications
abortion, and situations where abortion might be considered to be helpful to the
life of the mother are so rare, that most obstetricians
have never seen such a
case, nor are they even able in theory to indicate such a case. In practice it
is impossible to think of
such a situation where abortion is necessary for the
physical health of the woman.
Dr. Alan Guttmacher, President of Planned
Parenthood and a promoter of world-wide abortion said the following in 1967:
"Today it is
possible for almost any patient to be brought through pregnancy
alive, unless she suffers from a fatal illness such as cancer or
leukaemia, and
if so, abortion would be unlikely to prolong, much less save her life.'
Guttniacher.A.F. "Abortion-Yesterday, Today,
and Tomorrow," The Case for
Legalized Abortion Now. Berkley, Calif, Diablo Press, 1967.
Since the
publication of this statement, almost a quarter century ago, there have been
such dramatic further advances in medicine,
that diseases which were considered
to be untreatable at that time, are now frequently cured, for example leukaemias
and many forms
of cancer. Chorio-carcinoma is just one such cancer which was
previously considered to be invariably fatal and which is now commonly
The treatment of children, while still in the wombs of their
mothers, is a rapidly developing, specialized branch of medicine, which
on the fact that the child in the womb, is in every sense of the word, as much a
patient as the child's mother.
The doctor is obliged to do his best for
his patients and never to injure or harm them. This obligation is clearly
formulated in
the Hippocratic Oath. In most cases where the mother is
profoundly, and even terminally ill, the doctor would be obliged to do his
for both his patients, the mother and her child. Any decision concerning their
treatment should not favor the life of the mother
over the life of her child,
nor should the interests of the child take precedence over those of the
Clearly in cases of very premature, pre-viable babies it is not
possible at present, for the child to survive outside the womb of
the mother.
Consequently there would be no question of favouring the life of the child over
the life of the mother. Obviously if
the child is to have any chance of
survival at all, it is essential to do everything possible to preserve the life
of the mother,
and to sustain her for as long as possible, and by so doing give
her baby a fair chance of survival as well.
However, if pragmatic
decisions were allowable as to which patient has the better prognosis and thus
the greater objective theoretical
right to life saving treatment, it is clear
that in the case of viable infants who have the likelihood of long and useful
lives ahead
of them, a dispassionate pragmatist would give preferential
treatment to the child, possibly at the expense the mother who is terminally,
and who has a very short remaining life expectancy.
When abortions are
performed in those extremely, rare cases where there is a serious risk to the
life of the mother, these abortions
are done with the deliberate intention of
killing the child. The definition of Abortion in the Abortion and Sterilisation
Act clearly
reveals this intention to kill the child kill in
The malevolent attitude of the doctor towards the child in all
abortions, and this same attitude in those exceptionally, rare abortions
would be of assistance to the health of the brother, differs totally from the
benign and healing attitude towards the child
which exists, when a doctor who is
forced to prematurely deliver the child - in order to alleviate the medical
condition of the mother
- does everything that he possibly can to deliver the
child safely and to ensure that the child is given the very best care and
the best chance of survival.
Obviously the excellence of the
care which the doctor is able to give the child depends on his own skills and
his attitude to the
child, on the skills of other doctors and nurses; and on the
medical equipment and facilities available for the treatment of very
or very sick babies. The age of viability may be defined as that age at which
it is possible for a premature child to
survive outside of the womb, with the
help of extraordinary medical and nursing care.
At the time of the
passage of the British Abortion Law in 1969, the age of viability was considered
to be 28 weeks of gestation.
At present the British Parliament, - because of
the fact that very premature babies who are afforded good medical care, are able
to survive from as early as 20 weeks of gestation, and regularly survive from 24
weeks of pregnancy with an excellent chance of future
normality and health, -
has accepted 24 weeks as the present legal lower limit of
Concerning the viability of premature children, the rapid
advances in medicine in general and the dramatic advances in the field of
neonatal medicine, have allowed doctors to preserve the lives of very premature
babies, even those born before 20 weeks after conception.
If, as is most
likely, advances in technology and skills continue to occur, it will undoubtedly
be possible in the future, to save
the lives of even younger babies, with fewer
adverse consequences of their prematurity at the time of their births being
as these babies grow up.
In the future it might even be possible
to maintain new human beings in a totally artificial environment outside the
womb, right from
the time of conception, in an "glass or steel womb", and if
mothers wish to get rid of the unborn children it might be possible for
children to be delivered from their human wombs and brought to maturity in
artificial wombs.
In speaking about children who at the time of their
delivery are not yet viable, Professor Paul Ramsey of Princeton University said:
"Here we have an entity, too alive to be dead, not mature enough to be a viable
baby, yet human enough to be specially protectable".
(The Ethics of Fetal
Research. P. Ramsey., Yale University Pre: 1975)
As most of the very
serious medical complications occur during the last three months of pregnancy,
after the 28th week of pregnancy,
by which time the child if born prematurely
would have an excellent chance of normal survival, - in cases where life
complications of pregnancy do occur, - the doctor can prematurely
deliver the baby and thus give both his patients; the mother and
her baby, the
best chance of life.
Where the continued pregnancy constitutes a
serious threat to the mental health of the woman concerned. Section 3 (1)
Abortion is not a psychiatric treatment. If abortion was
considered to be necessary for the treatment of psychiatric disorders, then
psychiatrists would not be able to treat women who are not pregnant, and worse
still, they would never be even able to offer men
any possibility of help.
On the contrary abortion is very harmful to the peace of mind of a
woman, because no woman who has a abortion is so insensitive and
so uninformed
as to imagine that she has not killed her baby. She knows that she has killed
her baby, and the killing of babies
is not a recommended method of achieving
psychiatric health. In reality, women who would most easily be granted
abortions on psychiatric
grounds, are the very women whose mental condition is
most likely to be aggravated or even made untreatable and irreversible by the
abortion. ‘The more severely ill the psychiatric patient, the worse is
her post-abortion psychiatric state'. Sandberg. E.
"Psychology of Abortion"
Comprehensive Handbook of Psychiatry, 3rd Edition Kaplan and Friedman
The shallowness of the justification for the use of psychiatric
reasons in granting legal abortions, is demonstrated by the lack of
psychiatric treatment for women after they have had abortions. Post psychiatric
treatment for women is rarely started.
In situations where post-abortion
psychiatric care is provided by the State - usually by the same psychiatrist who
approved of the
abortion on the grounds of serious psychiatric illness, - it is
remarkable how this care is invariably spurned by the very women
who had
requested, and we granted, abortions for these" serious psychiatric
The failure of women to continue psychiatric care after
abortions which are performed for psychiatric reasons, is a tacit
by them, of how invariably superficial and transient their
psychiatric conditions were, if present at all, - which they in collusion
their psychiatrists, exploited to provide them with legal abortions. The failure
of women to continue psychiatric treatment
after abortions, is a recognition by
these women that because the psychiatrists involved were not perceptive enough
to uncloak their
ruses, or worse still, - that the psychiatrists often colluded
and conspired with them in obtaining abortions on trivial or non-existent
psychiatric grounds, - that these psychiatrists would not be able to help them
in the event of real and frequently severe psychiatric
distress and disease,
which they invariably, suffer after abortions, - which is frequently permanent
and which often engenders suicidal
It is most remarkable that
psychiatrists - who are very much aware that women fail to continue psychiatric
treatment after those abortions
which were granted on the grounds of "severe
psychiatric illness" - then do not pursue these women after their abortions in
to give them treatment for the psychiatric illnesses which they were so
certain was afflicting these women before their abortions.
It is then even more
remarkable that many of these psychiatrists, should then confidently assert that
psychiatric complications
caused by abortions, are not commonly reported in
psychiatric and other scientific journals.
Although the threat of suicide
is used by women, often on the advice of their doctors, as a ploy to obtain
abortions, the facts reveal
that suicide is an extremely rare event during
pregnancy. To illustrate this point, between 1938 and 1958, over 13,500 Swedish
were refused abortions, - of which number three committed suicide.
Ottosson. F. "Legal Abortion in Sweden," Journal of Biosocial
Sciences, Vol. 3,
1971, p.173. In Birmingham, England, in seven years, 119 women under 50
committed suicide. None of these women
were pregnant. Sim. M. "Abortion and
the Psychiatrist" British Medical Journal, vol. 2, 1963.
However suicide
does occur amongst pregnant unmarried Indian women for whom the birth of an
illegitimate child brings great shame
and disgrace on the whole family. On the
contrary however suicide is common amongst women who have had abortions. A
report of "
Suiciders Anonymous" to the Cincinnati City Council, Sept.1, 1981,
revealed that of 4000 women who had attempted suicide, 1800 of
these women had
undergone abortions. Another report describes cases of attempted suicide by
teen-age women on the anniversaries
of the dates on which their aborted babies
would have been born. Tishler. C. "Adolescent Suicide Attempt: Anniversary
Pediatrics, vol.68, 1981.
Frequently doctors, and even more
frequently, ministers of religion, are confronted by the profound and life-long
psychiatric and
spiritual harm which is caused by abortions. This evil arises
out of both legal and illegal abortions and seriously afflicts women
who have
procured abortions, and often destroys their peace of mind and soul for the rest
of their days.
In Japan, the Aichi survey of women who had undergone
abortions, found that 73% of these women felt anguish about what they had done.
In Japan, a study by Dr. T.Kaseki determined that 59% of aborted women
experienced abortion as " very evil", and only 8% of aborted
women considered it
to be acceptable.
In 1969, a major survey which was conducted by the
Office of the Japanese Prime Minister found that 88% of women considered
to be "Bad". These reports from Japan, which reveal the great anguish
suffered by women after the had procured freely available,
legal, abortions,
could not be ascribed to these women being made to feel guilty by a society in
which Judeo-Christian values and
laws prevailed. In Japan one is able to visit
the many shrines which are devoted to aborted babies, in which Japanese women
effigies of their aborted babies, and put in front of these effigies
gifts, incense, and pathetic messages beseeching the aborted
baby to forgive his
mother for the evil done to him. The mothers and fathers of these aborted
babies enter into contracts with Buddhist
priests to have memorial services
perforated for the dead child. The cost of such contracts varies in price from
as low as $320
to $2,100 each year, which in South African financial terms is
between 1400 to 9200 rands each year. In some of these shrines which
are dotted
about the Japanese landscape memorial slats are erected in memory of the
murdered child for a period of a year after which
they are ceremoniously burnt.
In the shrine of Adashino Nenbutsuji in Kyoto, became 10,000 and 20,000 of these
slats are erected
each year. Performances of religious rites for the aborted
babies has increased dramatically since 1975 when an actual rite was
Rev. Fr. A. Zimmerman. Sorrows Reward. January 1989. Human Life
International. Gaitersburg. Maryland.
In the United States of America a
report on the psychological aftermath of abortion, was presented in September
1987 by four eminent
psychologists to Dr Koop, the U.S. Surgeon General, in
response to his request for evidence concerning the psychological effects
abortion. This scientific study detailed the prevalence of the Post Abortion
Syndrome. The Psychological Aftermath of Abortion,
A White Paper. V.M.Rue,
A.Speckhard, J.L.Rogers, W.Franz. Office of the Surgeon General. Dr. Koop, had
been instructed -by President
Reagan to investigate and report on the
psychiatric aftermath of abortion. Dr. Koop covered up this report, which was
the only written
scientific study presented to him, although 27 other groups had
given oral evidence. Dr. V. Rue, the main author of the above mentioned
revealed in a publication devoted to healing women who have been injured by
abortion, how Dr. Koop had deceived President
Reagan, by saying that he had not
been informed about harmful effects of abortion. Sorrows Reward. Human Life
International. Gaithersburg.
Maryland. vol 2., no 1. 1990. Dr.V. Rue had
exposed the scientific flaws and the statistical errors of the 1985 study by Dr.
Majo of Syracuse University, which was often quoted by the anti-life
lobby as purporting to show no harmful psychological effects
Even the accidental loss of a child through miscarriage often
results in profound grief and depression, and in some women, severe
problems, which beset her and which adversely affect her relationships with
members of her family, including any other
children which she may have and
children which she may bear in the future. The reality of this grief and
psychiatric distress after
miscarriage is recognized and treated by the
psychiatric services which are offered to these women. Women often feel that
accidental miscarriages were in some way caused by their neglect to
properly protect their unborn babies.
While it is possible, through
abortion, to destroy the child in the womb of the mother, it is not possible to
eradicate that child
from the mind and heart of that mother, who for the rest of
her life will remember, and bear the awful burden of the fact that she
her baby.
Dr. Susan Stanford, in " Will I Cry Tomorrow", a book which is
devoted to attempting to heal the wounds caused to the mind of the
woman who has
aborted her child, reveals how extensive the emotional damage caused abortion
really is. Stanford. S.M. " Will I
Cry Tomorrow"? Sir Thomas More Marriage
and Family Publications Professor Wanda Poltawska, of Poland, detailed, during a
in Yugoslavia which was organised by Human Life International, the
vast and evil extent of emotional and psychiatric harm caused
by abortion in her
country. Professor Poltawska reported that Dr. Ekblad of Sweden had found,
after studying 479 women who had undergone
abortions four years earlier, that
all of these women suffered guilt feelings. Sorrow's Reward. Human Life
International. April
Dr. Paul Marx O. S.B., of Human Life
International, remarked during a recent visit to South Africa that "Ii is
possible to scrape
a baby out of the mother's womb but it is never possible to
scrape that baby out of the mother’s heart”.
Men, in
increasing numbers, are profoundly spiritually and psychiatrically harmed by
their wives or female sexual partners killing
their unborn children. Often
these abortions are procured by women against the wishes of the fathers of these
children, who are
willing to adopt and to support these children and their
mothers. Invariably before and after abortions the father of the child
ignored medically, psychologically, spiritually and legally and that these men
are often seriously and permanently damaged by
their experience of abortion.
Iglesias A M. Human Life International Reports. October 1990.
increasing numbers of women have abortions, the numbers of women who are
mentally damaged by abortions correspondingly increases,
and a specific
psychiatric syndrome, called the "Post Abortion Syndrome", is more frequently
encountered. The American Psychiatric
Association considers the following to be
prominent features of the Post Abortion Syndrome; recurrent recollections,
dreams, disinterest,
detachment, hostility, depression; diminished ability for
In Denmark it has been found that “The highest rates of
admission to Danish psychiatric hospitals is found amongst those women
who are
separated, divorced or widowed whether they delivered or obtained abortions.
The rates are considerably higher, however,
among women who have obtained
abortions (63.0 per 10,000 admissions) than among those delivered (16.9 per
10,000). ‘David
H.Post abortion and post partum psychiatric
hospitalisation. Abortion: Medical progress and Social implications. CIBA
115 Pitman. 1985.
Obviously the mental and spiritual health of
children and the stability and strength of families is dependent on the
psychiatric health
and stability of wives and mothers and on their spiritual
strength. The strength and stability of families is the fundamental requirement
for the establishment of a good society. As greater numbers of women undergo
abortions and are spiritually morally and psychiatrically
damaged or destroyed
by these abortions, there is an ever growing number of women who are unable to
function as wives and mothers
and are unable to establish happy homes. As a
result of the moral impoverishment and psychiatric devastation of these women,
will not be able to ensure loving, stable families. The detrimental effect
of abortion on their families will result in the emergence
of morally
undeveloped or unsound and psychiatrically unbalanced children which will be tot
he inestimable detriment of the nation.
A documentary film which shows
some aspects of the psychiatric damage caused to women by abortions entitled
"April and November" contains
personal testimonies from women who have had
A documentary film entitled "Meet the Abortion Providers", in
which doctors, nurses, laboratory workers, and social workers who had
employed in the abortion industry, describe the personal and social damage,
which their involvement in the practice of killing
unborn children had brought
about in their own personal lives. This film has been produced by Joseph
Scheidlerof Pro-Life Action
League, Chicago. U.S.A.
A documentary film
entitled "The Eclipse of Reason" which shows all aspects of abortion and an
actual D and E abortion, also contains
the personal testimony of a clinical
psychologist who has suffered serious psychiatric damage from her own abortion.
Copies of these
films are available from Pro-Life of South
Where a serious risk existed that the child to be born would
suffer from a physical or mental defect. Section 3 (1) (c)
Abortions performed under this clause, constitute a grave threat to the
lives of all handicapped persons, both born and unborn. This
attitude of
killing human beings because of their mental and physical deficiencies and
inadequacies, has profoundly devalued the
lives of handicapped people and has
cheapened all human life.
A murderous attitude towards the handicapped in
Germany, during the 1920's, was first advocated by Dr. A. Hoche and Dr.K.Binding
their book which justified the killing of handicapped children and others.
"The Release of the destruction of life devoid of value"
A Hoche and K. Binding,
Published by Felix Meiner. Leipzig 1920. This contempt for handicapped persons
subsequently gave rise to
the German Euthanasia Program and ultimately to the
Nazi death camps. "A Sign for Cain: An Explanation of Human Violence".,
Macmillan New York
These well documented atrocities came
about because of the acceptance of the evil idea that it is possible to consider
certain human
persons to be less than human and therefore not worthy of life.
Hitler is reported to have called these handicapped persons, "useless
and "oxygen wasters".
By means of the skills and technology which have
been developed in Fetal Medicine it is now possible to correct many defects and
in unborn children, such as defects of the heart, bowel, kidneys,
diaphragm and abdominal wall. brain and spinal cord, and many cosmetic
These operations can be performed on children while they are still in the
This speciality owes a great debt of gratitude to Professor Sir
Albert William Liley, who pioneered the treatment of unborn children.
Liley performed intrauterine blood transfusions in order to save babies whose
lives were threatened by Rhesus Factor disease,
and it is due to his love and
concern for unborn children that the intrauterine treatment of unborn children
is now routine in good
hospitals. ‘The Unborn Patient. Prenatal
Diagnosis and Treatment’. M. Harrison, M.Golbus, R. Filly. Publishers.
and Stratton 1984. ‘Prenatal Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of
Congenital Malformations’ A.Pachi, A.Calisti, G.Astrei.
Piccin and Butterworths 1984.
The rapidly expanding discipline of
prenatal treatment has highlighted the identity of unborn children as full
patients, and has emphasized
that the same ethical obligations must apply to
treating them, as apply to treating their mothers.
It is only when
performing legal abortions that doctors are permitted by South African Law to
kill their patients. Section 3(1)(c)
of the Abortion and Sterilisation Act,
promotes the idea that it is acceptable to ‘treat’ the disease or
disability from
which the child suffers before birth - by killing the
The merciless killing of the unborn child is sometimes passed off
as a kindness to the child, whereas in reality by killing the child
the doctor
deprives the child of any treatment which is currently available and which could
be given to the child after birth, in
order to alleviate diseases, correct
defects and assist the child to compensate for the disability from which it
suffers. This attitude
of "killing as treatment" is especially evil because
doctors are assisted enormously in their efforts to treat children, by the
healing and compensatory mechanisms which are such a consistently
remarkable feature of very young patients.
By killing the child before
birth, the doctor deprives the child of treatments which are certain to be
developed the future, some
of which would totally cure many disorders diseases
and genetic defects. Genetic engineering now commonplace in other fields of
biology, and it is only a matter of time before genetic engineering will used to
cure humans who are ill as a result of defects of
their chromosomes and
To kill children in the womb, when certainty of diagnosis is
impossible, merely because there is a serious risk t these children might
possibly suffer from mental or physical defects, is much more barbaric than
killing the same children when their defects have been
more accurately diagnosed
and evaluated after birth.
It is extremely rare that modem medicine will
be unable to offer any form of treatment to a handicapped child is remarkable
how handicapped
children are able to compensate for extreme defects or if
compensation is not possible, how these children accept the defect and
enjoy the
many delights and consolations that human love a care is able to
Clearly the most accurate diagnosis and prognosis is only
possible after the child is born, when the child can clearly seen, felt,
sounded, and subjected to various sophisticated tests and examinations which are
impossible perform while the child is still predominantly
inaccessible in the
womb. The willingness of doctors to kill healthy babies in order to eliminate
possibly unhealthy babies is clearly
evident in the killing of the unborn
children of mothers who have AIDS, despite the fact that the babies of mothers
with AIDS, have
only about a 40% chance of getting the virus in the
If treatment by the administration of death were to be acceptable
for ill or handicapped children, then it would much more logical
and fair to
wait until the child can be thoroughly evaluated after its birth, and then to
kill it if it fails to pass its tests.
A suggestion of such a nature would be
repulsive to many people who unhesitatingly approve of the killing of unborn
children whose
condition or possible defects are not able to be diagnosed with
certainty before birth.
What is horrifyingly clear is that doctors who
support the killing of their unborn patients are invariably not interested in
the child the benefit of any doubt about the severity of its condition or
about the possibility of treating it. If this attitude
were to be applied by
judges in courts of law, the accused would not be given the benefit of the
doubt, when any such doubt exists,
and many innocent persons would be found
guilty and wrongly sentenced to death.
It happens with disturbing
frequency that doctors recommend abortion on the grounds that the child will be
grossly deformed and diseased
after birth, even that the child will be born "a
monster". The mother then gives birth to a normal, happy, healthy, new-born
because she fortunately had rejected the lethally incorrect advice of the
doctor and by refusing all recommendations that she should
kill her baby before
its birth. Conversely, on occasion when mothers take the advice to abort
children, who they are informed, are
grossly handicapped, it is discovered,
after the abortion, that the child is normal. In these circumstances the
aborting doctor
with the cooperation of the nursing staff, invariably conceals
the truth from the mother. The doctor justifies his deceitful concealment
such air unnecessary tragedy, by using the reason that such a revelation would
be too mentally damaging for the mother, and out
of compassion for her feelings
and psychiatric health, he does not wish her to know the truth. Obviously the
real reason that the
aborting doctor attempts to conceal the stark fact that he
killed a healthy child, is because he fears litigation, and he hopes by
to avoid damaging legal action.
Conversely, tests which are performed on
children before birth, may be interpreted as being normal, only to have deformed
and sometimes
grossly handicapped children delivered. It is impossible to
evaluate the mental capacity of children in the womb. Indeed it is
to evaluate mental handicap until some time after birth and in the case of IQ
tests these can only be done many years
after birth.
Doctors are not
infallible. As a result of their own limitations and the limitations of their
instruments and tests doctors make
mistakes, - as the increasingly frequent
cases of litigation against doctors affirm, - and they often give fatally wrong
advice and
treatment in all fields of medicine. Medical practitioners in the
field of obstetric genetics and Pediatrics are not uniquely immune
from making
incorrect diagnoses, from giving unsound prognoses and from giving wrong advise
and treatment.
About 450 years before the birth of Christ, Hippocrates
the wise and good physician who is universally revered as "The Father of
said, "Life is short and the art of medicine is long, experience is
fallacious and opportunity is fleeting.'
Amniocentesis and the less
commonly performed chronic villus biopsy, are dangerous both for the child and
the mother. Amniocentesis
is usually done when the child is about 16 weeks old
and doubles the risk that the child will be lost by miscarriage. When this
happens the vast majority of the babies that are lost are normal.
the many reported complications of Amniocentesis are the following;
sensitisation of the mother to her baby's blood by cross
transfusion of blood,
with the increased danger of the transfer of AIDS from mothers who have this
virus to their babies; haemorrhage
into and behind the placenta and into the
amniotic fluid and bleeding to death of the child; infection of the amniotic
fluid; persistent
leak of amniotic fluid; the failure of the lungs of the child
to develop - which frequently causes the death of the child after birth
if it is
not killed before birth by abortion - and deformities of the limbs of the child.
The lack of development of the lungs of
the baby and the limb deformities are
caused by a lack of sufficient amniotic fluid and is a result of the test.
Medical Research
Council Working Party on Amniocentesis. British Journal of
Obstetrics and Gynaecology. vol 85. 1978.
Tests performed on the amniotic
fluid take about one month before the results are known. This means that by the
time the doctor has
the results the child is about 20 weeks old, and with good
neonatal care babies of this age are viable. At this stage the killing
of the
child is considered to be distasteful for the mother, for the abortionist, and
for the nursing staff, and it is more dangerous
for the mother to abort her at
such an advanced stage of pregnancy. It has been calculated that, in preventing
555 spina bifida
births a year in England and Wales, screening would result in
120 dead or damaged normal infants. Chamberlain. J. The Lancet, 16
1978. As a result of these factors the chronic villus biopsy test is now
becoming more popular. This test can be performed
when the child is about 8 to
10 weeks old, and the results are usually available within the space of a few
days, making it possible
to kill the child at a much earlier age than those
killed after amniocentesis. This is considered by the abortionist to be an
as the exterminated child is not so large and so undisguisably a
child, and as a result the nursing staff who collect and dispose
of the remains
of the child are not so liable to be shocked. Because the mother has not yet at
this stage felt the movements of
the baby in her womb, because it is too small
to make its mother aware of its movements, she may not yet have fully "bonded"
to the
baby. The abortionist is at great pains to prevent her from seeing, on
the ultrasound screen, the baby's heart beating and the baby
jumping about in
her womb, because if she sees her baby, she invariably immediately "bonds" to
More often than not the child is killed, not because of any, deformed
sense of pity on the part of the doctor who recommends the killing
or who
actually kills the child, but in order to "treat" the mental stress, expense,
inconvenience, and embarrassment to the child's
parents and siblings, and the
burden on society that the birth of a handicapped child would cause. The child
is killed so as not
to involve the state in the unnecessary costs and
inconvenience involved in its care. In South Africa the Department of National
Health and Population Development subsidises and makes available in various
centers the skills and laboratory facilities which enable
these tests to be
done. The State advertises these services and takes pride in them. The
handicapped child is thus prevented from
interfering with the "quality of life
of those who are morally responsible to love and to care for the
The " cure" administered by the doctor to the handicapped child,
is death. By the use of "cures" such as this it would be easy to
"treat" every
disease and disability, not least amongst which would be the otherwise
incurable, and ever-increasing number of AIDS
cases, who are presenting a
staggering burden on society. It is often claimed that the handicapped child is
killed in order to improve
the "quality of its life". The logical contradiction
to be found in this statement and in the practice of killing patients" in order
to improve the quality of their lives", is obscene.
The "quality of life"
of all ill and handicapped persons, depends predominantly on the love and care
that the person is given. Obviously
by killing ill or handicapped persons, the
relatives and those who have the immediate responsibility for caring for them as
as the rest of society which is responsible to assist individuals and
families in their needs - will be relieved of their responsibilities.
while they will escape their tempo responsibilities they will at the same time
be deprived of the God-given opportunity
to show unconditional love to the sick
and handicapped child and thereby depriving themselves of the opportunity to
grow in love,
grace and goodness, and not least of all, to forego the
opportunity to store up for themselves infinite treasures in Heaven. It
to be forgotten by a materialist generation that the " Quality of Life", to be
desired and aimed for in our earthly pilgrimage,
is the "Quality of Eternal
Life", which is tearfully jeopardised by permitting a sick handicapped child or
adult to be killed, by
abortion, infanticide or by euthanasia.
eugenic killing of defective children, is even considered by some to be good
"preventive medicine". Fatal discrimination against
handicapped or potentially
handicapped unborn children and the extension of this murderous attitude to
handicapped and seriously
ill children after birth has resulted in the growing
practice of infanticide, whereby handicapped and gravely ill children are
by their parents and by medical and nursing staff, and are left to die
of starvation, thirst, exposure and neglect. A modem equivalent
of the
abandonment by the ancient Greeks and Romans of babies who were weak or
handicapped, who were strangled, buried in dung heaps
or left to be eaten by
The acceptance of killing handicapped and sick unborn children,
and handicapped born children has led to the steadily increasing practice
killing handicapped and incurably sick adults by adult euthanasia. "Whatever
Happened to the Human Race?" F. Schaeffer and C.Everett
Koop, Revell. "Ethics
at the Fringes of Life" Ramsey., Yale University Press.
The fact that
handicapped and defective children and adults do not complain about their lot in
life, and those who are able to communicate
are usually happy and contented and
make the most of life, seems to have escaped the notice of those who enjoy
sound, healthy, and
beautiful bodies, and quick and nimble minds, but who are
profoundly handicapped in their souls, which are selfish, unkind, un-loving
frequently murderous.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta remarked during her visit
to South Africa, that, " Children, because they are incapable of offending God,
provide a shield of protection for all of mankind from the just anger of God at
the evil deeds of mankind, and especially the despicable
evil of abortion. God
tells us, that he hates the spilling of innocent blood and that this is a sin
which cries to Heaven for vengeance.
The innocent children in our midst protect
us from the anger of God, who for the sake of the innocent, does not destroy the
By aborting these children we removing the umbrella of protection that
these innocent ones provide."
Where the foetus was alleged to have
been conceived in consequence of alleged rape or incest. Section 3 (d). And
Where the foetus
is alleged to have been conceived in consequence of unlawful
carnal intercourse with a female idiot or imbecile in contravention
of section
IS of the morality Act. Section 3 (1) (e).
The British Abortion Law,
which permits abortion on demand for almost any reason, including social reasons
does not recognize the
concept of allowing abortion for rape, because the
lawmakers contended that it would virtually impossible to prove rape when the
woman was already pregnant.
Pregnancy as the result of genuine rape is
fortunately not very common. However pregnancy as the result of statutory rape,
when the
woman is too young to be able to give her legal consent to sexual
intercourse is becoming increasingly common. Especially because
the State and
others in the field of "family planning", freely supply underage children with
contraceptives, thereby making them
available for sexual exploitation by other
minors and by adults who commit statutory rape in these circumstances.
those cases where the woman is pregnant as a result of genuine assault rape, the
killing of her child does not ‘un-rape’
the mother. Rape is the
crime of sexual intercourse with a woman without her consent. This crime which
is often violent, is not
corrected or erased by killing her child. Killing the
child by abortion is an attempt correct" the crime of rape by the far more
crime of murder of her unborn child. The child conceived in the circumstances
also belongs to the mother. The presence of
the child in the womb and all the
circumstances of the conception of the child, is known in infinite detail by
God, who encompasses
with infinite love the child, as well as the parents of the
child. The innocent child, like the mother, is also a victim of the
rape and
often suffers, if allowed to live - throughout life from the absence of a loving
father, and should abortion be performed
the innocent child is violently,
dispassionately and scientifically executed for the crime of his or her rapist
father, who if the
present moratorium on the execution of those sentenced to
death for the crime of rape becomes the norm, would allow the rapist, after
conviction for rape, to escape the death sentence and to be freed after some
years in prison, for " good conduct" while in prison.
"In the majority of
these cases, the pregnant victim's problems stem more from the trauma of rape
than from the pregnancy itself'.
Makhorn and Dolan, " Sexual assault and
Pregnancy." New Perspectives on Human Abortion. University Publishers of
America. 1979.
"As to what factors make it most difficult to continue her
pregnancy, after rape, the attitude and beliefs of others close to her
were most
frequently cited; in other words, how her loved ones treated her." "As socially
inappropriate as incestuous pregnancies
are, their harmful effects depend
largely upon the reaction of others.' Maloof. G. " The Psychological Aspects of
Abortion. University
Publications of America. 1979.
It is the experience
of pro-life workers that by giving loving care and assistance to women who have
been raped or who are victims
of incest, and by guiding them to reject abortion,
results in a far better outcome for them than the great spiritual and
harm which befalls them when they kill their babies by abortion. It
is remarkable how tragically identical, is the grief of the
mother over the
accidental loss of a child who was conceived in rape, when compared to the loss
of a child who was conceived in wedlock.
Should the mother not wish to
keep the child after its birth, she has the option of giving the child up for
adoption and she will
be assisted and supported during her pregnancy and during
and after the process of adoption, by pro-life organizations. Other than
better outcome for the mother which results from this compassionate
life‑-living approach, the benefits for the child,
the new adoptive
parents and society as a whole, is the incomparable difference between life and
[Editor’s Note: Document too long and repetitive to
continue all]
The inability of the medical system of South Africa to
deal with existing medical demands and the overwhelming further demands that
legal abortion would make on this system
The medical services of
this country are seriously inadequate in meeting the existing needs for
essential medical services. Further
demands on these over-extended services,
which would be caused by providing abortions, would result in still further
of medical services and in an ever declining standard of essential
care for seriously ill adults and children.
Providing abortions would
thus cause further serious obstacles to the national efforts to improve health,
such as efforts to reduce
the high mortality rate for infants.
If the
monetary costs of abortions, modestly estimated at R1,000 per abortion, is used
for calculations then 200,000 legal abortions
each year, based on the often
quoted number of back street abortions that are reputed to be performed, will in
direct monetary terms
alone, cost the nation about R200 million each
While those who promote abortion, to correct "contraceptive
failures", emphasise that abortions are needed because people do not have
adequate access to contraceptive services, which the State is unable, in their
view, to adequately supply - it is a great puzzle
to understand how the much
more difficult and expensive task of supplying the population with abortions
will be achieved.
Abortion is the deliberate
killing of a totally innocent unborn child. The deliberate killing totally
innocent human being, whether born or unborn, is murder.
The first
responsibility of the government of a country is to increase the moral goodness
and virtue of all subjects and to bear in
mind that all authority comes from
The government exists in order to serve the needs of the people, to
protect and assist the weakest members of society, and in particular
to protect
and defend innocent life.
The unborn child is the most innocent and
helpless of all human beings and consequently unborn children most deserving of
For the government of a country to fail to protect unborn children,
or worse still, to co-operate in their murder by legalized abortion,
is to
contemptuously disregard God; to hideously fail in its divinely granted duty to
rule justly and by allowing abortion to lose
and destroy its moral authority,
and withdraw itself from the protection and guidance of the
Should the majority of the citizens of such a country accept
the murder of children by legal abortion then the whole country itself,
and not
just its government and the instruments of its government calls down upon itself
fearful punishments from God in this world,
and eternal punishment in the next
world for those who responsible for the murder of innocent unborn children, and
who fall to repent
for this unspeakable crime.
In view of the total evil
of abortion through its murder of unborn children, thereby denying them the
fundamental human right which
is the right to life, through its destruction of
morality, by its perversion and destruction of marital and parental love and
by its destruction of the powers of procreation, by its
exploitation of women, by its destruction of the moral authority of the
law; by
its destruction of the moral basis of the medical and nursing professions; but
its dependence on deceit and lies for its
existence; because of its brutal
scientific violence; for all these reasons abortion must be totally
One should keep in mind the obstacle the obscene violence of
Legal Abortion presents to efforts to establish peace in this country;
particularly by its monstrous offense to Almighty God, it is therefore requested
that abortion be totally forbidden by the Government
and that those who promote
abortion and those who perform abortions should receive the most severe
punishment that the Government
is able to administer. Those who promote
violence against the unborn and those who actually kill the unborn should be
dealt with
in the same manner as the Government would deal with those who
promote violence and who kill human beings after birth.
In view of the
factual information and logical argument, which is contained in the body of this
submission, which shows that abortion
has no medical, social, economic, or
demographic justification, we respectfully request that the Government take
urgent steps to
protect unborn children and to protect this country by repealing
the Abortion and Sterilisation Act in its entirety.
Signed on behalf of
unborn children, and in defense of Medical and Moral values
representing in this submission Human Life International Victims of
Choice The World Federation of Doctors who Respect Human Life