VIEWPOINT The Black majority is in power; you
have fought for this for years. Unfortunately, Black culture is so many
thousands of years behind
Western culture that it will definitely not catch up
within our lifetimes. Racism is widespread at present. Black people without
even a Std 6 certificate are being placed in high positions. There are Whites
who have been doing this sort of work for years, because it has been a part of
their culture and their education. They are simply
not being considered for
these positions anymore, or they are being paid off in order that an unqualified
Black person, who has not
grown up in such conditions and who therefore has no
experience, can be placed in that position. The result is that Whites in charge
must bring in other Whites simply in order to get their offices back, so that
they can carry on after the mess made by these Black
people. Black children
are being crammed into White schools. These poor children cannot speak English
or Afrikaans, but are placed in these
schools simply to make a point to the
Whites. Their self-image is damaged, because they can never catch up. But
if they were to fail at the end of the year, the unfortunate White teacher is
with murder, or the parents or even the child come and set fire to
the school. Furthermore, the small number of Whites in the country must
support the 30 million Blacks by means of the taxes they have to pay.
there is no sense of responsibility, because the Blacks refuse to pay for
anything, be it water, electricity, houses, etc.
They want everything free and
that is why they think they can burn down schools as they please, toyi-toyi as
they please and be
mollycoddled. Meanwhile the Whites in their turn have to pay
to have those schools rebuilt, just so that they can be burned down
again as
soon as the Black children or parents become angry about something. They can
strike and let people die in hospitals, because after all they don't believe
that they are responsible for the country losing
millions of rands. They are so
stupid that they actually think there is a bottomless well full of money and
that it will never be
emptied, and that the Whites simply get money without
working. FIRST educate your people so that they will know where things come
from and that money doesn't simply fall out of the air. Thousands of us
Whites feel the same way about things. The situation in the country is a joke.
If the death sentence is not reintroduced,
you people can simply murder us
Whites, because you don't think it is wrong - killing is a way of life for you.
It's really a sick
joke. You can't take any decisions, everything is referred
to a commission of enquiry. You don't have a sense of time (always late,
for parliament - what a joke!!), you have no spatial orientation (I hope whoever
reads this letter will know what that is),
you have a lot to learn. First go
and learn, and give us whites our own part of the country so that we can
continue maintaining our educated values and not
have to walk heavily armed
through the streets to protect ourselves against the Black people who just want
to take and kill and don't
want to work or pay.
All our best educated
people are fleeing the country, because they realise that the Blacks are a
couple of thousand years behind them
and that the Blacks will first have to
learn that one cannot simply kill, that one has to pay for things, that one has
to get an
education and not simply become a member of parliament without knowing
anything. We would all have fled if it had been possible
for us to find
employment in other countries. No-one in his right mind would want to live in
such circumstances in this terrible,
Black, racist South Africa. The
conditions we Whites were living under before being forced out of our jobs by
the Black government, were of our own making. We
worked and used our brains.
You, however, do not have the brains to use. All we can say is, "From whence
comes my help? My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth and who
will remain true for
evermore.1. Mrs Santjie van Groesbeken