Ann de Ruig
23 May 1995
I wish to
protest at the discrimination shown towards married women applyinq for a
I have worked all my life, paid taxes and thought I had made the
necessary provisions for my old age.
Unfortunately I could not anticipate
the political economic and drought situations that have beset the country
I am now in a position where there is no water on the property
and we can no longer afford staff. We therefore have no income. Without
the property has no resale value, but at least it provides a roof over our
The property is registered in my husband's name. He draws a
pension of R270 per month from the company for whom he worked before
When I applied for a pension - I am 64 - it was refused me
because my husband owns a property. I own nothing except my clothing.
am told we are in a new era where everyone has entrenched rights and there is no
discrimination against women. I, therefore, feel
that I should be treated as an
individual in my own right and not tied to my husband. In my old age am I to
have no dignity?