13 May 1995
My view on Language Policy
I am deeply
concern about how languages are bring handled in South Africa. The enterim
constitution says that every citizen of the
Country have rights to use any of
the 11 Languages when dealing with any organ of the Government Throughout the
country. but it is
not so, eg. The gauten provice excluded other Languages eg
Venda and Tsonga in Gauten. which means that Vendas and Tsongas are inferior
Gauteng. That is wrong.
On the National level. It is True that all 11
languages cannot be use properly. Among the 11 official languages we must chose
Language That can be regarded as Busines Language. The language that should
be chosen should be English Only. Other Black Languages
including Afrikaans
should have equal value, Equal Status.
we must not be mistaken by
adopting the National party Strategy to give Zulu and Tswana exces to the
Television excluding Venda and
Tsongas. Even if a Tsonga speaking person is in
Kwazulu Natal I must have exces to switch on to every Station I like.
Political leaders including De Klerk and President Mandela must adres the Nation
in English as a Business Language not in Xhosa or Afrikaans
we fight the Strugle we din't Look at the Majority of Tribes, races But majority
of Nations.
I don't like the atitude of Gauteng Legislature. They are on
a proces of Tribalising the region. They have never Conducted a Survey
to show a how many Vendas Tsongas Zulus etc. They forget that we are also
there. And when we are in meeting with them with
Speak Zulu or Sotho in order
to accomodate them. Now they take it for granted that we are all Zulus and
Sothos. No.