As you have requested, I present some views for Theme
Committees 1 and 4.
Regardless of a particular religion, there are but
two commandments:
1 . to love our God with all our might. This
implies equality for all before God, and of cause the law, the constitution,
the state. 2. to love our neighbour as ourselves. This implies the
acceptance of responsibilities to all.
In todays world this is a
difficult commandment. The cry all over the world is ‑"I want it
all. I want it now" "We demand". There is never any place in the minds
of those who speak in this way for what they must contribute
of themselves to
achieve their wants or demands.
I doubt very much if any Bill of Rights
anywhere has effectively dealt with responsibilities. But to my mind a Bill of
is much more important and far reaching than a Bill of Rights.
Put the two Bills together and you certainly would be
Lawyers, of course, think differently from ordinary citizens
like myself. It may well be that a Bill of Responsibilities would be
their modus operandi. Indeed it may be more a matter of educational and
cultural innovation than of law. But I see no reason
why with the opportunity
you have been given, you should not make a beginning in associating Rights and
As for myself I am - 80 years old Born and
educated in Scotland 57 years in South Africa MA. History, MA English M
> Ed. Education
3 different universities
3 sons
1 0 grandchildren
South African citizen
W. Hudson