No. 1756. 1 November 1996
It is hereby notified that the President has assented to
the following Act which is hereby published for general
Words in bold type indicate omissions from existing
Words in italics indicate insertions in existing
To provide for the establishment of the Road Accident
Fund; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
(English text signed by the President.)
(Assented to 24 October 1996.)
BE IT ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South
Africa, as follows:-
1. In this Act, unless the context otherwise indicates-
(i) "agent" means an agent of the Fund
appointed under section 8; (i)
(ii) "Board" means the Board of the Fund
referred to in section 10; (xii)
(iii) "Chief Executive Officer" means the
Chief Executive Officer of the Fund referred to in section
12; (viii)
(iv) "convey", in relation to the conveyance
of a person in or on a motor vehicle, includes-
(a) entering or mounting the motor vehicle concerned for
the purpose of being so conveyed; and
(b) alighting from the motor vehicle concerned after
having been so conveyed;(xv)
(v) "driver" means the driver referred to in
section 17(1); (ii)
(vi) "fuel" means petrol and diesel; (iii)
(vii) "Fund" means the Road Accident Fund
established by section 2 (1); (vi)
(viii) "lift club" means any club of which-
(a) every member shall have a turn to convey or cause to
be conveyed by means of a motor car the members of such a
club or other persons designated by such members to or from
or to and from specified places for a specified purpose;
(b) every member is the owner of a motor car and of
which one or some of its members shall by means of a motor
car of which he or she is the owner or they are the owners,
as the case may be, convey or cause to be conveyed the
members of such lift club or other persons designated by
such members to or from a specific place for a specific
purpose; (xiii)
(ix) "Minister" means the Minister of
Transport; (ix)
(x) "motor car" means a motor vehicle designed
or adapted for the conveyance of not more than 10 persons,
including the driver; (x)
(xi) "motor vehicle" means any vehicle
designed or adapted for propulsion or haulage on a road by
of fuel, gas or electricity, including a trailer, a
caravan, an agricultural or any other implement designed or
adapted to be drawn by such motor vehicle; (xi)
(xii) "owner", in relation to-
(a) a motor vehicle which a motor dealer has in his or
her possession during the course of his or her business and
which may in terms of any law relating to the licensing of
motor vehicles not be driven or used on a public road
except under the authority of a motor dealer's licence of
which the motor dealer concerned is the holder, means
motor dealer;
(b) a motor vehicle which has been received for delivery
by a motor transport licence holder in the course of his or
her business of delivering new motor vehicles and which has
not yet been delivered by him or her, means that motor
transport licence holder;
(c) a motor vehicle which is the subject of an
instalment sale transaction, means the purchaser in the
sale transaction concerned;
(d) a motor vehicle under an agreement of lease for a
period of at least 12 months, means the lessee concerned;
(xiii) "prescribe" means prescribe by
regulation under section 26; (xvi)
(xiv) "reward", in relation to the conveyance
of any person in or on a motor vehicle, does not include
any reward rendering such conveyance illegal in terms of
any law relating to the control of road transportation
services; (xiv)
(xv) "third party" means the third party
referred to in section 17(1); (iv)
(xvi) "this Act" includes any regulation made
under section 26. (vii)
Establishment of Fund
2. (1) There is hereby established a juristic person to
be known as the Road Accident Fund.
(2) (a) Subject to section 28(1), the Multilateral Motor
Vehicle Accidents Fund established by the Agreement
concluded between the Contracting
Parties on 14 February
1989, shall cease to exist, and all money credited to that
fund immediately before the
commencement of this Act shall
vest in the Fund, all assets, liabilities, fights and
obligations, existing as
well as accruing, of the
first-mentioned fund shall devolve upon the Fund, and any
reference in any law or document
to the said Multilateral
Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund shall, unless clearly
inappropriate, be construed as a
reference to the Fund.
(b) No moneys, duties or fees of office shall be payable
by the Fund in respect of any noting or endorsement or any
other written alteration which may be necessary in any
contract, licence, register or other document by virtue of
paragraph (a).
Object of Fund
3. The object of the Fund shall be the payment of
compensation in accordance with this Act for loss or damage
wrongfully caused by the driving of motor vehicles.
Powers and functions of Fund
4. (1) The powers and functions of the Fund shall
(a) the stipulation of the terms and conditions upon
which claims for the compensation contemplated in section
3, shall be administered;
(b) the investigation and settling, subject to this Act,
of claims arising from loss or damage caused by the driving
of a motor vehicle whether or not the identity of the owner
or the driver thereof, or the identity of both the owner
and the driver thereof, has been established;
(c) the management and utilisation of the money of the
Fund for purposes connected with or resulting from the
exercise of its powers or the performance of its duties;
(d) procuring reinsurance for any risk undertaken by the
Fund under this Act.
(2) In order to achieve its object, the Fund may-
(a) purchase or otherwise acquire goods, equipment,
land, buildings, shares, debentures, stock, securities and
all other kinds of movable and immovable property;
(b) sell, lease, mortgage, encumber, dispose of,
exchange, cultivate, develop, build upon, improve or in any
way deal with its property;
(c) invest any money not immediately required for the
conduct of its business and realise, alter or reinvest such
investments or otherwise deal with such money or
(d) borrow money and secure the payment thereof in such
manner as it may deem fit;
(e) make donations for research in connection with any
matter relating to injuries sustained in motor vehicle
accidents on such conditions as it may deem advisable;
(f) draw, draft, accept, endorse, discount, sign and
issue promissory notes, bills and other negotiable or
instruments, excluding share certificates;
(g) take any other action or steps which are incidental
or conducive to the exercise of its powers or the
of its functions.
(3) In the exercising of the powers conferred on it by
this Act, the Fund may deal with any person, partnership,
association, company, corporation or other juristic person
wherever seated.
Financing of Fund
5. (1) The Fund shall procure the funds it requires to
perform its functions-
(a) by way of a fuel levy in respect of all fuel sold
within the Republic;
(b) by raising loans.
(2) There shall be paid into the Fund monthly the amount
of money by virtue of the provisions of section 1(2)
(a)(ii) of the Central Energy Fund Act, 1977 (Act No. 38 of
1977), calculated for the latest month for which such
amount can be calculated, and such payments shall be
accompanied by statements reflecting the sale of fuel
within the Republic.
Financial year of and budgeting for Fund
6. (1) The financial year of the Fund shall run from 1
May of any year to 30 April of the following year: Provided
that the first financial year of the Fund shall be deemed
to have commenced on the 1st of May immediately preceding
the commencement of this Act.
(2) The Chief Executive Officer shall annually prepare a
budget for the Fund for consideration by the Board, and the
Board shall submit the budget to the Minister for approval.
Use of resources and facilities of Fund
7. The resources and facilities of the Fund shall be
used exclusively to achieve, exercise and perform the
powers and functions of the Fund, respectively.
Appointment of agents for Fund
8. (1) The Board may appoint agents, who shall have
(a) to investigate and to settle on behalf of the Fund
the prescribed claims, contemplated in section 17(l) ,
arising from the driving of a motor vehicle in a case where
the identity of either the owner or the driver thereof has
been established; or
(b) to commence, conduct, defend or abandon legal
proceedings in connection with such claims.
(2) The Fund shall guarantee or insure the obligations
of agents arising from the application of this Act.
(3) The Fund shall cause the names of agents and the
claims in respect of which they are liable to be published
in the Gazette.
Co-operation with other institutions
9. (1) The Minister may, upon the recommendation of the
Board, co-operate and enter into agreements with any public
or private institution in respect of the reciprocal
recognition of compulsory motor vehicle insurance or
compulsory motor vehicle accidents compensation.
(2) An agreement with any public or private institution
contemplated in subsection (1) shall be signed by the
Minister on behalf of the Fund.
Board of Fund, and executive committee
10. (1) There shall be a Board of the Fund, constituted
as follows:
(a) The Director-General: Transport; and
(b) at least 11, but not more than 12, members appointed
by the Minister, taking into account the recommendations
referred to in subsection (9), who may not be in the
full-time employment of any government, and who shall each
command extensive experience in one or more of the fields
of insurance, finance, medical service provision, law,
accounting and actuarial science, or in matters relating to
disabled persons, road users, commuters' or consumers'
(2) Subject to this section, a member of the Board
(a) declare any interest relating to the functions,
duties and obligations of the Fund or its agents in terms
of this Act, and such a member shall not vote in respect of
any decision of the Board in so far as he or she has such
an interest therein;
(b) at all times act in the best interest of the Fund;
(c) hold office for a period of three years as from the
date of appointment of such member.
(3) The Minister may remove a member of the Board
referred to in subsection (1)(b) from office if there is
reason to do so.
(4) Each member of the Board shall, subject to
subsection (2)(a), have one vote on any matter before the
(5) The Chief Executive Officer may attend the meetings
of the Board, but has no vote.
(6) The Board shall as soon as possible-
(a) appoint two of its members as Chairperson and
Vice-Chairperson, respectively;
(b) establish an executive committee of the Board, which
shall consist of three members of the Board, the
and Vice-Chairperson of the Board and the Chief
Executive Officer.
(7) The Chairperson, or in his or her absence, the
Vice-Chairperson, shall at all times preside at the
of the Board and the executive committee.
(8) The executive committee shall-
(a) exercise and perform the powers and functions of the
Fund set out in section 4, subject to the directions of the
(b) exercise and perform such powers and functions of
the Board as may be delegated or assigned to it by the
(c) for the purposes of performing its functions, meet
at least once a month.
(9) Whenever it is necessary to appoint a member
referred to in subsection (1)(b) to the Board-
(a) the Minister shall-
(i) by notice in the Gazette and the national news
media, call for the nomination of persons who comply with
criteria mentioned in subsection (1)(b);
(ii) so publish a list of nominees received in response
to such call; and
(iii) establish a selection committee, constituted as
(aa) The Director-General: Transport;
(bb) one member of the Portfolio Committee on Transport
(National Assembly), designated by that Committee;
(cc) one member of the select committee on transport
(Senate), designated by that Committee; and
(dd) two persons who have extensive experience in third
party compensation, appointed by the Minister; and
(b) the selection committee shall hold interviews in
public with such of the nominees who are available, and
recommendations to the Minister.
Powers and functions of Board, and procedure
11. (1) The Board shall, subject to the powers of the
Minister, exercise overall authority and control over the
financial position, operation and management of the Fund,
and may inter alia-
(a) make recommendations to the Minister in respect of-
(i) the annual budget of the Fund;
(ii) any amendment of this Act;
(iii) the entering into an agreement with any
institution referred to in section 9;
(iv) the appointment of the Chief Executive Officer;
(v) any regulation to be made under this Act;
(b) terminate the appointment of any agent and determine
the conditions on which such appointment is effected or
(c) approve the appointment, determination of conditions
of employment and dismissal by the Chief Executive Officer
of staff of the Fund on management level;
(d) approve internal rules and directions in respect of
the management of the Fund;
(e) approve loans made or given by the Fund;
(f) approve donations for research in connection with
any matter regarding injuries sustained in motor vehicle
(g) determine guidelines in relation to the investment
of the money of the Fund; and
(h) delegate or assign to the Chief Executive Officer
and any member of the staff of the Fund any power or duty
of the Board as it may deem fit, but shall not be divested
of any power or duty so delegated or assigned, and may
amend or withdraw any decision made by virtue of such
delegation or assignment.
(2) The Board may as often as it deems necessary, but
shall at least once during a financial year, or when
by the Minister to do so, report to the Minister
regarding matters dealt with during that year or as
by the Minister.
(3) A quorum for any meeting of the Board shall be a
majority of its voting members.
(4) The Board shall meet as often as the business of the
Fund may require.
(5) (a) The member of the Board referred to in section
10(1)(a) shall be reimbursed by the Fund for all reasonable
expenses incurred in attending meetings of the Board.
(b) Members of the Board referred to in section 10(1)(b)
shall be remunerated by the Fund for services rendered as
such members and reimbursed for all reasonable expenses
incurred in attending meetings of the Board:
Provided that the Chairperson of the Board may receive
such higher remuneration than that of the other members, as
may be determined by the Board.
(6) (a) Resolutions of the Board shall, whenever
practicable, be taken on the basis of consensus.
(b) If consensus cannot be reached and except where
otherwise expressly provided, all matters before the Board
shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast.
Chief Executive Officer and staff
12. (1) (a) The Minister shall upon the recommendation
of the Board appoint the Chief Executive Officer of the
Fund on such terms and conditions of employment as he or
she may determine: Provided that the Chief Executive
Officer of the Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund
holding that office immediately prior to the commencement
of this Act, shall be deemed to have been appointed as such
in respect of the Fund in terms of this subsection.
(b) The Chief Executive Officer shall-
(i) be a person who commands a knowledge of the
management of motor vehicle accidents insurance or motor
accidents compensation matters; and
(ii) hold office at the Minister's pleasure.
(2) Subject to the directions of the Board, the Chief
Executive Officer shall conduct the current business of the
Fund, and he or she may-
(a) exercise the powers and shall perform the functions
of the Fund mentioned in section 4(1)(b), (c) and (d), (2)
and (3);
(b) appoint, determine the conditions of employment of
and dismiss the staff of the Fund, excluding members of
staff on management level;
(c) draft internal rules and directions in respect of
the management of the Fund and make recommendations in
thereof to the Board;
(d) enter into an agreement with any person for the
rendering of a particular service related to the management
of the Fund or its functions;
(e) issue guidelines to agents regarding the manner in
which claims should be administered by them on behalf of
the Fund; and
(f) exercise such powers and shall perform such duties
as may be delegated and assigned to him or her by the Board
under section 11(1)(h).
Annual report
13. (1) The Board shall publish an annual report
(a) the audited balance sheet of the Fund together with
a report by the auditor, contemplated in section 14, in
respect of such audit; and
(b) a report on the activities of the Fund during the
year to which the audit relates.
(2) The Minister shall lay upon the Table in Parliament
a copy of the annual report within 30 days after receipt
thereof if Parliament is then in session, or, if Parliament
is not then in session, within 30 days after the
commencement of its next ensuing session.
Financial control
14. (1) The Fund shall keep proper records of all its
financial transactions and its assets and liabilities.
(2) (a) The accounts of the Fund shall be audited
annually by the Auditor-General appointed in terms of
2 of the Auditor-General Act, 1989 (Act No. 52 of
1989), in accordance with the said Act and with such other
laws as may be referred to in that Act.
(b) The Auditor-General shall submit to the Board copies
of any report referred to in section 6 of the
Act, 1989.
(3) The Financial Services Board established by section
2 of the Financial Services Board Act, 1990 (Act No. 97 of
1990), shall-
(a) exercise financial supervision over the Fund in
accordance with the Financial Supervision of the Road
Fund Act, 1993 (Act No. 8 of 1993), and with such
other laws as may be referred to in that Act;
(b) submit copies of any reports on the business of the
Fund compiled by that Board in terms of the provisions of
the Financial Supervision of the Road Accident Fund Act,
1993, to the Board of the Fund; and
(c) consult with the Minister prior to the making of
regulations under section 5 of the Financial Supervision of
the Road Accident Fund Act, 1993.
Legal status of and proceedings by Fund, and limitation
of certain liability
15. (1) The Fund may-
(a) institute or defend legal proceedings; and
(b) commence, conduct, defend or abandon legal
proceedings in connection with claims investigated and
by it.
(2) An action to enforce a claim against the Fund or an
agent may be brought in any competent court within whose
area of jurisdiction the occurrence which caused the injury
or death took place.
(3) No member of the Board or officer or employee of the
Fund, or other person performing work for the Fund, shall
be liable for anything done in good faith in the exercise
of his or her powers or the performance of his or her
functions or duties under or in terms of this Act.
Exemption from taxation
16. (1) (a) The Fund, its assets, property, income and
its operation and transactions shall be exempt from all
taxation, or the Fund shall be refunded all taxation paid
by it, as the case may be.
(b) The Fund shall be exempt from-
(i) all customs, excise and stamp duties; and
(ii) liability for payment, withholding or collecting of
any tax or duty.
(2) Goods which have been acquired or imported free from
customs or excise duty by the Fund shall not be sold, hired
out or otherwise disposed of unless authority has been
obtained in advance and any necessary duties and taxes
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1), the Fund shall not
claim exemption from taxes which are no more than charges
for public utility services.
Liability of Fund and agents
17. (1) The Fund or an agent shall-
(a) subject to this Act, in the case of a claim for
compensation under this section arising from the driving of
a motor vehicle where the identity of the owner or the
driver thereof has been established;
(b) subject to any regulation made under section 26, in
the case of a claim for compensation under this section
arising from the driving of a motor vehicle where the
identity of neither the owner nor the driver thereof has
been established, be obliged to compensate any person (the
third party) for any loss or damage which the third party
has suffered as a result of any bodily injury to himself or
herself or the death of or any bodily injury to any
person, caused by or arising from the driving of a motor
vehicle by any person at any place within the
Republic, if
the injury or death is due to the negligence or other
wrongful act of the driver or of the owner
of the motor
vehicle or of his or her employee in the performance of the
employee's duties as employee.
(2) Upon acceptance of the amount offered as
compensation in terms of subsection (1) the third party
shall be
entitled to the agreed party and party costs or
taxed party and party costs in respect of the claim
(3) (a) No interest calculated on the amount of any
compensation which a court awards to any third party by
of the provisions of subsection (1) shall be payable
unless 14 days have elapsed from the date of the court's
relevant order.
(b) In issuing any order as to costs on making such
award, the court may take into consideration any written
including a written offer without prejudice in the
course of settlement negotiations, in settlement of the
concerned, made by the Fund or an agent before the
relevant summons was served.
(4) Where a claim for compensation under subsection (I)-
(a) includes a claim for the costs of the future
accommodation of any person in a hospital or nursing home
treatment of or rendering of a service or supplying of
goods to him or her, the Fund or an agent shall be
after furnishing the third party concerned with
an undertaking to that effect or a competent court has
the Fund or the agent to furnish such undertaking,
to compensate the third party in respect of the said costs
after the costs have been incurred and on proof thereof;
(b) includes a claim for future loss of income or
support, the Fund or an agent shall be entitled, after
the third party in question with an undertaking
to that effect or a competent court has directed the Fund
the agent to furnish such undertaking, to pay the amount
payable by it or the agent in respect of the said loss, by
instalments in arrear as agreed upon.
(5) Where a third party is entitled to compensation in
terms of this section and has incurred costs in respect of
accommodation of himself or herself of any other person in
a hospital or nursing home or the treatment of or any
service rendered or goods supplied to himself or herself or
any other person, the person who provided the accommodation
or treatment or rendered the service or supplied the goods
(the supplier) may claim the amount direct from the
Fund or
an agent on a prescribed form, and such claim shall be
subject, mutatis mutandis, to the provisions applicable
the claim of the third party concerned, and may not exceed
the amount which the third party could, but for
subsection, have recovered.
(6) The Fund, or an agent with the approval of the Fund,
may make an interim payment to the third party out of the
amount to be awarded in terms of subsection (1) to the
third party in respect of medical costs, loss of income and
loss of support: Provided that the Fund or such agent
shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any
contained, only be liable to make an interim payment in so
far as such costs have already been incurred and
any such
losses have already been suffered.
Liability limited in certain cases
18. (1) The liability of the Fund or an agent to
compensate a third party for any loss or damage
in section 17 which is the result of any
bodily injury to or the death of any person who, at the
time of the
occurrence which caused that injury or death,
was being conveyed in or on the motor vehicle concerned,
in connection with any one occurrence, be limited,
excluding the cost of recovering the said compensation, and
except where the person concerned was conveyed in or on a
motor vehicle other than a motor vehicle owned by the South
African National Defence Force during a period in which he
or she rendered military service or underwent military
training in terms of the Defence Act, 1957 (Act No. 44 of
1957), or another Act of Parliament governing the said
Force, but subject to subsection (2)-
(a) to the sum of R25000 in respect of any bodily injury
or death of any one such person who at the time of the
occurrence which caused that injury or death was being
conveyed in or on the motor vehicle concerned-
(i) for reward; or
(ii) in the course of the lawful business of the owner
of that motor vehicle; or
(iii) in the case of an employee of the driver or owner
of that motor vehicle, in respect of whom subsection (2)
does not apply, in the course of his or her employment; or
(iv) for the purposes of a lift club where that motor
vehicle is a motor car; or
(b) in the case of a person who was being conveyed in or
on the motor vehicle concerned under circumstances other
than those referred to in paragraph (a), to the sum of
R25000 in respect of loss of income or of support and the
costs of accommodation in a hospital or nursing home,
treatment, the rendering of a service and the supplying of
goods resulting from bodily injury to or the death of any
one such person, excluding the payment of compensation
respect of any other loss or damage.
(2) Without derogating from any liability of the Fund or
an agent to pay costs awarded against it or such agent in
any legal proceedings, where the loss or damage
contemplated in section 17 is suffered as a result of
injury to or death of any person who, at the time of
the occurrence which caused that injury or death, was being
conveyed in or on the motor vehicle concerned and who was
an employee of the driver or owner of that motor vehicle
and the third party is entitled to compensation under the
Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases
1993 (Act No. 130 of 1993), in respect of such injury or
(a) the liability of the Fund or such agent, in respect
of the bodily injury to or death of any one such employee,
shall be limited in total to the amount representing the
difference between the amount which that third party could,
but for this paragraph, have claimed from the Fund or such
agent, or the amount of R25000 (whichever is the lesser)
and any lesser amount to which that third party is entitled
by way of compensation under the said Act; and
(b) the Fund or such agent shall not be liable under the
said Act for the amount of the compensation to which any
such third party is entitled thereunder.
(3) Without derogating from any liability of the Fund or
an agent to pay costs awarded against it or such agent in
any legal proceedings, where the loss or damage
contemplated in section 17 is suffered as a result of
injury to or death of a member of the South African
National Defence Force, other than a person referred to in
subsection (2), and the third party is entitled to
compensation under the Defence Act, 1957, or another Act of
Parliament governing the said Force in respect of such
injury or death-
(a) the liability of the Fund or such agent, in respect
of the bodily injury to or death of any such member of the
said Force, shall be limited in total to the amount
representing the difference between the amount which that
third party could, but for this paragraph, have claimed
from the Fund or such agent and any lesser amount to which
that third party is entitled by way of compensation under
the said Defence Act or the said other Act; and
(b) the Fund or such agent shall not be liable under the
said Defence Act or the said other Act for the amount of
the compensation to which any such third party is entitled
(4) The liability of the Fund or an agent to compensate
a third party for any loss or damage contemplated in
17 which is the result of the death of any person
shall in respect of funeral expenses be limited to the
actual costs to cremate the deceased or to inter
him or her in a grave.
Liability excluded in certain cases
19. The Fund or an agent shall not be obliged to
compensate any person in terms of section 17 for any loss
(a) for which neither the driver nor the owner of the
motor vehicle concerned would have been liable but for
21; or
(b) suffered as a result of bodily injury to or death of
any person who, at the time of the occurrence which caused
that injury or death-
(i) was being conveyed for reward on a motor vehicle
which is a motor cycle; or
(ii) is a person referred to in section 18(1)(b) and a
member of the household, or responsible in law for the
maintenance, of the driver of the motor vehicle concerned,
and was being conveyed in or on the motor vehicle
concerned; or
(c) if the claim concerned has not been instituted and
prosecuted by the third party, or on behalf of the third
party by-
(i) any person entitled to practise as an attorney
within the Republic; or
(ii) any person who is in the service, or who is a
representative of the state or government or a provincial,
territorial or local authority; or
(d) where the third party has entered into an agreement
with any person other than the one referred to in paragraph
(c)(i) or (ii) in accordance with which the third party has
undertaken to pay such person after settlement of the
(i) a portion of the compensation in respect of the
claim; or
(ii) any amount in respect of an investigation or of a
service rendered in respect of the handling of the claim
otherwise than on instruction from the person contemplated
in paragraph (c)(i) or (ii); or
(e) suffered as a result of bodily injury to any person
(i) unreasonably refuses or fails to subject himself or
herself, at the request and cost of the Fund or such agent,
to any medical examination or examinations by medical
practitioners designated by the Fund or agent;
(ii) refuses or fails to furnish the Fund or such agent,
at its or the agent's request and cost, with copies of all
medical reports in his or her possession that relate to the
relevant claim for compensation; or
(iii) refuses or fails to allow the Fund or such agent
at its or the agent's request to inspect all records
to himself or herself that are in the possession
of any hospital or his or her medical practitioner; or
(f) if the third party refuses or fails-
(i) to submit to the Fund or such agent, together with
his or her claim form as prescribed or within a reasonable
period thereafter and if he or she is in a position to do
so, an affidavit in which particulars of the accident that
gave rise to the claim concerned are fully set out; or
(ii) to furnish the Fund or such agent with copies of
all statements and documents relating to the accident that
gave rise to the claim concerned, within a reasonable
period after having come into possession thereof.
Presumptions regarding driving of motor vehicle
20. (1) For the purposes of this Act a motor vehicle
which is being propelled by any mechanical, animal or human
power or by gravity or momentum shall be deemed to be
driven by the person in control of the vehicle.
(2) For the purposes of this Act a person who has placed
or left a motor vehicle at any place shall be deemed to be
driving that motor vehicle while it moves from that place
as a result of gravity, or while it is stationary at that
place or at a place to which it moved from the
first-mentioned place as a result of gravity.
(3) Whenever any motor vehicle has been placed or left
at any place, it shall, for the purposes of this Act, be
presumed, until the contrary is proved, that such vehicle
was placed or left at such place by the owner of such
Claim for compensation lies against Fund or agent only
21. When a third party is entitled under section 17 to
claim from the Fund or an agent any compensation in respect
of any loss or damage resulting from any bodily injury to
or death of any person caused by or arising from the
driving of a motor vehicle by the owner thereof or by any
other person with the consent of the owner, that third
party may not claim compensation in respect of that loss or
damage from the owner or from the person who so drove
vehicle, or if that person drove the vehicle as an employee
in the performance of his or her duties, from
his or her
employer, unless the Fund or such agent is unable to pay
the compensation.
Submission of information to Fund, agent and third party
22. (1) (a) When, as a result of the driving of a motor
vehicle, any person other than the driver of that motor
vehicle has been killed or injured, the owner and the
driver, if the driver is not the owner, of the motor
vehicle shall, if reasonably possible within 14 days after
the occurrence, furnish the Fund on the prescribed form
with particulars of the occurrence together with the
prescribed statements, and the Fund shall furnish such
information to the agent who in terms of section 8 is
responsible for any claim arising from the occurrence.
(b) Whenever the question arises whether it was
reasonably possible to furnish the Fund with the
information contemplated
in paragraph (a) within 14 days
after the occurrence, the onus of proving that it was not
reasonably possible
to do so shall be on the person who in
terms of that paragraph must so furnish the information.
(2) The agent or the Fund shall within a reasonable
period after the third party has complied with the
contemplated in section 19(f) (i), furnish the
third party or his or her agent with a copy of the
and statements which the owner or driver
furnished in terms of subsection (1), together with all
statements which
were or are obtained from witnesses to the
Prescription of claim
23. (1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any
law contained, but subject to subsections (2) and (3), the
right to claim compensation under section 17 from the Fund
or an agent in respect of loss or damage arising from the
driving of a motor vehicle in the case where the identity
of either the driver or the owner thereof has been
established, shall become prescribed upon the expiry of a
period of three years from the date upon which the
cause of
action arose.
(2) Prescription of a claim for compensation referred to
in subsection (1) shall not run against-
(a) a minor;
(b) any person detained as a patient in terms of any
mental health legislation; or
(c) a person under curatorship.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1), no claim which has
been lodged in terms of section 24 shall prescribe before
the expiry of a period of five years from the date on which
the cause of action arose.
(4) Notwithstanding section 36 of the Compensation for
Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act, 1993 (Act No. 130
of 1993), any right under subsection (1)(b) of that section
to recover an amount which under the said Act is required
to be paid to a third party in circumstances other than
those mentioned in section 18 (2) of this Act shall for
purposes of subsections (1) and (3) be deemed to be a right
to claim compensation under section 17 of this
Act arising
on the same date as the cause of action of such third party
under the said section 17: Provided that
if the recovery of
any such amount has been debarred by virtue of this
subsection, any compensation thereafter
awarded to the
third party under this Act shall be reduced by the amount
(5) Notwithstanding section 149ter of the Defence Act,
1957 (Act No. 44 of 1957), or of a similarly worded section
of another Act of Parliament governing the South African
National Defence Force, any right under the said sections
to recover an amount which under the said legislation is
required to be paid to a third party in circumstances
than those mentioned in section 18(3), shall for the
purposes of subsections (1) and (3) be deemed to be
a right
to claim compensation under section 17 of this Act arising
on the same date as the cause of action of
such third party
under the said section 17: Provided that if the recovery of
any such amount has been debarred
by virtue of this
subsection, any compensation thereafter awarded to the
third party under this Act shall be
reduced by the amount
24. (1) A claim for compensation and accompanying
medical report under section 17 (1) shall-
(a) be set out in the prescribed form, which shall be
completed in all its particulars;
(b) be sent by registered post or delivered by hand to
the Fund at its principal, branch or regional office, or to
the agent who in terms of section 8 must handle the claim,
at the agent's registered office or local branch office,
and the Fund or such agent shall at the time of delivery by
hand acknowledge receipt thereof and the date of
receipt in writing.
(2) (a) The medical report shall be completed on the
prescribed form by the medical practitioner who treated the
deceased or injured person for the bodily injuries
sustained in the accident from which the claim arises, or
by the superintendent (or his or her representative) of the
hospital where the deceased or injured person was treated
for such bodily injuries: Provided that, if the medical
practitioner or superintendent (or his or her
representative) concerned fails to complete the medical
report on request within a reasonable time and it appears
that as a result of the passage of time the claim concerned
may become prescribed, the medical report may be completed
by another medical practitioner who has fully satisfied
himself or herself regarding the cause of the death or
nature and treatment of the bodily injuries in respect of
which the claim is made.
(b) Where a person is killed outright in a motor vehicle
accident the completion of the medical report shall not be
a requirement, but in such a case the form referred to in
subsection (1)(a) shall be accompanied by documentary
proof, such as a copy of the relevant inquest record or, in
the case of a prosecution of the person who allegedly
caused the deceased's death, a copy of the relevant charge
sheet from which it can clearly be determined that
person's death resulted from the accident to which the
claim relates.
(3) A claim by a supplier for the payment of expenses in
terms of section 17(5) shall be in the prescribed form, and
the provisions of this section shall apply mutatis mutandis
in respect of the completion of such form.
(4) (a) Any form referred to in this section which is
not completed in all its particulars shall not be
as a claim under this Act.
(b) A clear reply shall be given to each question
contained in the form referred to in subsection (1), and if
a question is not applicable, the words "not
applicable" shall be inserted.
(c) A form on which ticks, dashes, deletions and
alterations have been made that are not confirmed by a
shall not be regarded as properly completed.
(d) Precise details shall be given in respect of each
item under the heading "Compensation claimed" and
shall, where applicable, be accompanied by supporting
(5) If the Fund or the agent does not, within 60 days
from the date on which a claim was sent by registered post
or delivered by hand to the Fund or such agent as
contemplated in subsection (1), object to the validity
the claim shall be deemed to be valid in law in
all respects.
(6) No claim shall be enforceable by legal proceedings
commenced by a summons served on the Fund or an agent-
(a) before the expiry of a period of 120 days from the
date on which the claim was sent or delivered by hand to
the Fund or the agent as contemplated in subsection (1);
(b) before all requirements contemplated in section
19(f) have been complied with:
Provided that if the Fund or the agent repudiates in
writing liability for the claim before the expiry of the
said period, the third party may at any time after such
repudiation serve summons on the Fund or the agent, as the
case may be.
Right of recourse of Fund or agent
25. (1) When the Fund or an agent has paid any
compensation in terms of section 17 the Fund or agent may,
to subsections (2) and (3), without having obtained
a formal cession of the right of action, recover from the
owner of the motor vehicle concerned or from any person
whose negligence or other wrongful act caused the loss or
damage concerned, so much of the amount paid by way of
compensation as the third party concerned could, but for
the provisions of section 21, have recovered from the owner
or from such person if the Fund or agent had not paid
such compensation.
(2) The Fund's or agent's right of recourse against the
owner of a motor vehicle under subsection (1) shall only be
applicable in any case where the motor vehicle at the time
of the accident which gave rise to the payment of the
compensation was being driven-
(a) by a person other than the owner and the driver was
under the influence of intoxicating liquor or of a drug to
such a degree that his or her condition was the sole cause
of such accident and the owner allowed the driver to drive
the motor vehicle knowing that the driver was under the
influence of intoxicating liquor or of a drug; or
(b) by a person other than the owner without the driver
holding a licence issued under any law governing the
of drivers of motor vehicles which the driver was
required to hold, or the driver, being the holder of a
or other restricted licence issued under such
law, failed, while he or she was so driving the motor
to comply with the requirements or conditions of
such learner's or restricted licence, and the owner allowed
the driver to drive the motor vehicle knowing that the
driver did not hold such a licence or that the driver
failed to comply with the requirements or conditions of a
learner's or restricted licence, as the case may be; or
(c) by the owner and he or she was under the influence
of intoxicating liquor or of a drug to such a degree that
his or her condition was the sole cause of such accident;
(d) by the owner without holding a licence issued under
any law governing the licensing of drivers of motor
which he or she was required to hold, or the
owner, being the holder of a learner's or other restricted
issued under such law, failed, while he or she was
so driving the motor vehicle, to comply with the
or conditions of such learner's or restricted
licence; or
(e) by the owner and he or she failed to comply with any
requirement contemplated in section 22(1) with reference to
the said accident, or knowingly furnished the Fund or the
agent with false information relating to such accident
the Fund or agent was materially prejudiced by such failure
or by the furnishing of such false information,
as the case
may be.
(3) The provisions of subsection (2)(c), (d) and (e)
shall apply mutatis mutandis in respect of any right of
by the Fund or the agent against any person who,
at the time of the accident which gave rise to the payment
the compensation, was driving the motor vehicle
concerned with or without the consent of its owner.
26. (1) The Minister shall or may make regulations to
prescribe any matter which in terms of this Act shall or
may be prescribed or which may be necessary or expedient to
prescribe in order to achieve or promote the object of this
(2) Any regulation contemplated in subsection (1) may
for any contravention of or failure to comply with its
or the provisions of this Act, provide for
penalties of a fine or imprisonment for a period not
exceeding three
Repeal and amendment of laws
27. (1) Subject to section 28-
(a) the laws mentioned in Part I of the Schedule are
hereby repealed; and
(b) all laws, including proclamations and decrees, which
amended the laws mentioned in Part I of the Schedule are
hereby repealed in so far as they so amended those laws.
(2) The Financial Supervision of the Multilateral Motor
Vehicle Accidents Fund Act, 1993 (Act No. 8 of 1993), is
hereby amended as indicated in Part 11 of the Schedule.
28. (1) Notwithstanding section 2 (2), this Act shall
not apply in relation to a claim for compensation in
of which the occurrence concerned took place prior
to the commencement of this Act in terms of a law repealed
by section 27, and any such claim shall be dealt with as if
this Act had not been passed.
(2) The repeal of any law by section 27 shall not
(a) the previous operation of such law or anything duly
done or permitted under such law; or
(b) any right, privilege, obligation or liability
acquired, accrued or incurred under such law; or
(c) any penalty, forfeiture or punishment incurred in
respect of any offence committed in terms of such law; or
(d) any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in
respect of any such right, privilege, obligation,
penalty, forfeiture or punishment, and any such
investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be
continued or enforced, and any such penalty,
forfeiture or punishment may be imposed, as if this Act had
been passed.
Short title and commencement
29. This Act shall be called the Road Accident Fund Act,
1996, and shall come into operation on a date fixed by the
President by proclamation in the Gazette, except section
10, which shall be deemed to have come into operation on 21
April 1996.
No. and year of law | Short
Act No. 32 of 1980 | Compulsory
Motor Vehicle Insurance
Act, 1980 | (Bophuthatswana) | Act No. 28 of 1986 | Motor
Vehicle Accidents Act, 1986
(Ciskei) | Act No. 84 of 1986 |
Motor Vehicle Accidents Act, 1986 | Decree No. 9 of 1988 |
Decree No. 9 (Motor
Vehicle Accidents) of 1988 | (Transkei)
| Act No. 5 of 1989 | Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents
Fund Act,
1989 | (Bophuthatswana) | Act No. 7 of 1989 |
Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund Act, 1989 |
(Venda) |
Decree No. 9 of 1989 | Decree No. 9 (Multilateral
Motor Vehicle Accidents | Fund) of 1989 (Transkei) | Act
17 of 1989 | Multilateral Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund
Act, 1989 | (Ciskei) | Act No. 93 of 1989 | Multilateral
Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund Act, 1989
The Financial Supervision of the Multilateral Motor
Vehicle Accidents Fund Act, 1993, is hereby amended-
(a) by the substitution for the long title of the
following long title:
To further regulate the affairs of the Multilateral
Motor Vehicle Accidents Road Accident Fund; and to provide
for matters connected therewith.";
(b) by the substitution in section 1 for the definition
of "Fund" of the following definition:
" 'Fund' means the Multilateral Motor Vehicle
Accidents Road Accident Fund mentioned in the
Motor Vehicle Accidents Fund Act,
1989 (Act No. 93 of 1989) Road Accident Fund Act, 1996; and
(c) by the substitution for section 6 of the following
"Short title
6. This Act shall be called the Financial
Supervision of the Road Accident Fund Act, 1993." |