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Speculum Juris Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
Wagenaar, T; Marx, F --- "Extension of the Term of Protection for Performers: It's Just a Question of Time" [2013] SPECJU 5
Wanki, JN --- ""L'Etat C'est Moi": The Controversial Insulation of Presidential Appointment Powers in the Republic of Cameroon" (Vol 35) (Part 2) [2021] SPECJU 14
Warikandwa, T --- "Trade Liberalisation, Developing Countries and the Discipline of Trade-impacting Measures Related to Environmental Conservation: An Appraisal of United States-Measures Concerning Importation, Marketing and Sale of Tuna Products" (Volume 31) (Part 2) [2017] SPECJU 12
Wessels, B; Speechly, G --- "The Bill of Rights and State Liability for Medical Negligence: A Case for Judicial Development of the Common Law (Part 1)" [2023] SPECJU 1
Whose Fault is it Anyway? A Reflection on the Interpretation of Section 1(1)(A) of the Apportionment of Damages Act (No. 34/1956) as Amended [2012] SPECJU 5