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Speculum Juris Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
Tarh-Akong Eyongndi, D; Ebiye, B.C --- "Rethinking the Effect of Liquidation on Contract of Employment under Corpus Juris Nigeriana: Interrogating the Supreme Court Decision in Gbedu v Ltie" [2023] SPECJU 15
Thabane, T --- " A Contract of Engagement as an Unenforceable Pactum de Contrahendo under South African Law: Distilling Lessons for Lesotho Courts" (Vol 32) (Part 1) [2018] SPECJU 17
Thambi, K --- "Addressing Social Inequality through The Lens of Corporate Social Responsibility in South Africa" [2022] SPECJU 16
Theron, J.L --- "The Role of Constitutional Adjudication in the Promotion of Good Governance, Participatory Democracy and Accountability" (Vol 34) (Part 3) [2021] SPECJU 20
Theron, L --- "The Role of Constitutional Adjudication in the Promotion of Good Governance, Participatory Democracy and Accountability" (Vol 34) (Part 3) [2020] SPECJU 16
Tongoi, E.A.A --- "A Perspective on Post-Pandemic Implications of Criminal Abuse and Money Laundering on Mobile Financial Services" [2022] SPECJU 15
Tshoose I --- "The Employers' Vicarious Liability in Deviation Cases: Some Thoughts from the Judgment of Stallion Security v Van Staden 2019 40 ILJ 2695 (SCA)" (Vol 34) (Part 1) [2020] SPECJU 4