Speculum Juris
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Speculum Juris Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
Speculum Juris Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
- Ncube, S --- "The African Union's Response to the 2017 Coup in Zimbabwe: A Democratic Coup Theory Perspective" (Vol 36) (Part 1) [2022] [2022] SPECJU 4
- Ndhlovu, N; Omino, M --- "The Madzimbamuto Judgment of the Zimbabwean Constitutional Court - A missed opportunity to eradicate citizenship by descent" (Volume 31) (Part 1) [2017] SPECJU 3
- Ndou MM --- "Assessment of Contested Expert Medical Evidence in Medical Negligence Cases: A Comparative Analysis of the Court's Approach to Bolam/Bolitho test in England, South Africa and Singapore" (Vol 33) (Part 1) [2019] SPECJU 4
- Nel, E --- "Beneficial Ownership of Trust Assets in an International Reality: An Intersection between Trust Law, Tax and Crime Prevention" (Vol 35) (Part 2) [2021] SPECJU 12
- Ngcobo, N --- "Waste Pickers and the Informal Economy: A South African Constitutional Law Perspective" (Vol 36) (Part 1) [2022] [2022] SPECJU 2
- Ngema, NM --- "Considering the Abolition of Ilobolo: Quo Vadis South Africa ?" [2012] SPECJU 7
- Ngwenyama, L --- "Meaningful Engagement or Mediation or Structural Interdict? An Appropriate Remedy to Resolve Dispute under ESTA" [2023] SPECJU 5
- Ntlama, N --- "The 'Treadmill Approach' in South Africa's Constitutional Adjudication Process" (Vol 1) [2016] SPECJU 4
- Ntlama-Makhanya, N --- "Editorial - Rights - based Governance, Participatory Democracy and Accountability" (Vol 34) (Part 3) [2021] SPECJU 19
- Nyathi, M --- "Supreme in Letter, Supreme in Spirit, Supreme in Deed: An Exposition of the SADC Summit's Overarching Powers in the SADC Regional Integration Project*" (Volume 31) (Part 2) [2017] SPECJU 10