- Koyana, DS --- "Delivery of the Bride as a Requirement for the Validity of a Customary Marriage - The Final Verdict" (Vol 36) (Part 1) [2022] [2022] SPECJU 1
- Ngcobo, N --- "Waste Pickers and the Informal Economy: A South African Constitutional Law Perspective" (Vol 36) (Part 1) [2022] [2022] SPECJU 2
- Mujuzi, JD --- "Post-Appeal Measures to Address Wrongful Convictions and/or Miscarriages of Justice in Scotland" (Vol 36) (Part 1) [2022] [2022] SPECJU 3
- Ncube, S --- "The African Union's Response to the 2017 Coup in Zimbabwe: A Democratic Coup Theory Perspective" (Vol 36) (Part 1) [2022] [2022] SPECJU 4
- Iyer, D; Calvino, LR --- "The Role of Online Education in Transforming Legal Education" (Vol 36) (Part 1) [2022] [2022] SPECJU 5
- Sibanda, N --- "Expropriation of Land without Compensation in South Africa: Insights from Germany and Brazil's Use of the Social Obligation Norm" (Vol 36) (Part 1) [2022] [2022] SPECJU 6
- Okpaluba, C; Maloka TC --- "The Breakdown of the Trust Relationship and Intolerability in the Context of Reinstatement in the Modern Law of Unfair Dismissal (Part 2)" (Vol 36) (Part 1) [2022] [2022] SPECJU 7
- Fuo O; Sephiri C --- "Caring for the Poor in the Midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic in South Africa: An Appraisal of the Scalabrini Case and Access to Social Relief for Asylum Seekers and Special Permit Holders" (Vol 36) (Part 1) [2022] [2022] SPECJU 8
- Mota Makore ST; Osode P.C; Lubisi N --- "South Africa's Land Expropriation without Compensation at the Legitimacy Crossroad: Are the Enabling Provisions a Constitutional Amendment or Dismemberment (Part 2)" (Vol 36) (Part 1) [2022] [2022] SPECJU 9
- van der Linde DC --- "No corpus delicti in Murder Cases: A Review of South African Judgments Dealing with Murder Cases without a Body" (Vol 36) (Part 1) [2022] [2022] SPECJU 10
- KorankyeSakyi F; Oluyeju O --- "Leveraging Regulatory Interventions in the Receivables Financing Industry to Stimulate the Growth of Small Businesses in Ghana" (Vol 36) (Part 1) [2022] [2022] SPECJU 11
- Kawadza, H --- "A Comment on the 'No Reflective Losses' Doctrine against the Backdrop of Hlumisa Investment Holdings (RF) Limited and Another v Kirkinis and Others (100390/2015) [2018] ZAGPPHC 863 (31 August 2018) and Hlumisa Investment Holdings (RF) Ltd and Another v Kirkinis and Others 3 ALL SA 650 (SCA) ; 2020 (5) SA 419 (SCA) (3 July 2020)" [2022] SPECJU 12
- Olivier, E --- "Financial Assistance to a Related Company under the Companies Act 71 of 2008; Trevo Capital Ltd and Others v Steinhoff International Holdings (Pty) Ltd and Others (2833/2021) [2021] ZAWCHC 123 (2 July 2021)" [2022] SPECJU 13
- Manthwa, A --- "An Appraisal of the Hurdles with Ascertaining the Applicable Customary Law when Determining Conclusion of a Customary" [2022] SPECJU 14
- Tongoi, E.A.A --- "A Perspective on Post-Pandemic Implications of Criminal Abuse and Money Laundering on Mobile Financial Services" [2022] SPECJU 15
- Thambi, K --- "Addressing Social Inequality through The Lens of Corporate Social Responsibility in South Africa" [2022] SPECJU 16
- Chitimira, H; Hamadzirpi, F; Wazvaremhaka, T --- "An Overview Analysis of Corporate Rescue Proceedings in Zimbabwe during the COVID-19 Pandemic" [2022] SPECJU 17
- Marumoagae, M.C --- "Impeachable Transactions and Available Defences to those who Transacted with Companies Before Liquidation" [2022] SPECJU 18
- Gerda van Niekerk --- "Building Financial Resilience through Financial Education to Withstand a Pandemic" [2022] SPECJU 19
- Kilian, N --- "Vis Major and its Relevance to Radius Clauses in Insurance Contracts" [2022] SPECJU 20
- Kawadza, H --- "Probing the Classical Theory of the Role of the Firm in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic" [2022] SPECJU 21
- Anifalaje, K ---"Quest for a Legislative Reform of the Status, Duties and Liabilities of Insurance Intermediaries in Nigeria" [2022] SPECJU 22
- Chitimira, H; Torerai, E --- "The Role of Financial Education in the Promotion of Protection for Poor Consumers of Digital Financial Services in Zimbabwe" [2022] SPECJU 23
- Puja, A.C --- "Sustaining Access to Finance for Africa's Small and Medium Enterprises During and Post Covid-19 Crisis: Factoring to the Rescue" [2022] SPECJU 24
- Schoeman, W --- "Corporate Governance - Less is More" [2022] SPECJU 25
- Olorunfemi, J.F; Udeokechukwu, C --- "The COVID-19 Pandemic and Corporate Governance Challenges in Nigeria and South Africa: A Human Rights Perspective" [2022] SPECJU 26