- Osode, PC --- " EDITORIAL: Special Centenary Conference Issue of Speculum Juris: Celebrating 100 Years of the University of Fort Hare" (Volume 31) (Part 1) [2017] SPECJU 1
- Olaborede, A; Lumina, C --- "The Normative Complementarity of the African Children's Charter and the African Women's Protocol in the Context of Efforts to Combat Child Marriage" (Volume 31) (Part 1) [2017] SPECJU 2
- Ndhlovu, N; Omino, M --- "The Madzimbamuto Judgment of the Zimbabwean Constitutional Court - A missed opportunity to eradicate citizenship by descent" (Volume 31) (Part 1) [2017] SPECJU 3
- Batchelor, BL; Chetty, N --- "The Constraints of Securing Permanent Residence in South Africa through a Citizen Child" (Volume 31) (Part 1) [2017] SPECJU 4
- Mathenjwa, M --- "The Realisation of the Right to a Basic Education in the Twenty Years of Constitutional Democracy" (Volume 31) (Part 1) [2017] SPECJU 5
- Dzedze, L --- "Time on their Side? A Review of the Four Year LLB as a Tool for the Transformation of the Legal Profession" (Volume 31) (Part 1) [2017] SPECJU 6
- Muswaka, L --- "An Analysis of the Legislative Framework concerning Sustainable Mining in South Africa" (Volume 31) (Part 1) [2017] SPECJU 7
- Jegede, A O --- "Climate Change in the Work of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights" (Volume 31) (Part 2) [2017] SPECJU 8
- Mupangavanhu, B --- "The Lawfulness of a Memorandum of Incorporation Clause that Permits a Company Board to Refuse Transfer of Shares Without Reasons: Analysis of Visser Sitrus (Pty) Ltd v Goede Hoop Sitrus (Pty) Ltd" (Volume 31) (Part 2) [2017] SPECJU 9
- Nyathi, M --- "Supreme in Letter, Supreme in Spirit, Supreme in Deed: An Exposition of the SADC Summit's Overarching Powers in the SADC Regional Integration Project*" (Volume 31) (Part 2) [2017] SPECJU 10
- Vinti, C --- "A Critical Analysis of the Frozen Potato Chips Saga Between the Southern African Customs Union and Belgium and the Netherlands" (Volume 31) (Part 2) [2017] SPECJU 11
- Warikandwa, T --- "Trade Liberalisation, Developing Countries and the Discipline of Trade-impacting Measures Related to Environmental Conservation: An Appraisal of United States-Measures Concerning Importation, Marketing and Sale of Tuna Products" (Volume 31) (Part 2) [2017] SPECJU 12