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>> 2016 Speculum Juris
2016 Speculum Juris
Carnelley, M --- "The impact of the abolition of the third party delictual claim for adultery by the Constitutional Court in DE v RH (CCT 182/14) [2015] ZACC 18" (Vol 1) [2016] SPECJU 1
Epstein, C A; Zaal, N --- "End of the road for breach of promise claims? Cloete v Maritz 2013 (5) SA 448 (WCC) and Cloete v Maritz SAFLII [2014] ZAWCHC 108" (Vol 1) [2016] SPECJU 2
Matlala, D --- "Problems of Serious Injury Assessment" (Vol 1) [2016] SPECJU 3
Ntlama, N --- "The 'Treadmill Approach' in South Africa's Constitutional Adjudication Process" (Vol 1) [2016] SPECJU 4
Swanepoel, C F --- "Is a permanent African criminal court likely soon considering the continents post-colonial response to international criminal justice?" (Vol 1) [2016] SPECJU 5
Vessio, M --- "Section 127 of the National Credit Act: A from of statutory repudiation - How it modifies the Common Law" (Vol 1) [2016] SPECJU 6