- Chitimira, H --- "The Regulation of Insider Trading in Australia: A Historical and Comparative Analysis" (Vol 1) [2015] SPECJU 1
- Kawadza, H --- "Extra-Judicial Enforcement of Securities Regulation and the Public Interest Theory: A South African Perspective" (Vol 1) [2015] SPECJU 2
- Marumoagae, M C --- "Section 13A of the PFA: Employer's Failure to Pay Employee's Contribution to the Employee's Pension Fund" (Vol 1) [2015] SPECJU 3
- Moyo, K --- ""This Land is mine!": An Analysis of the decision of the Land Claims Court in the case of the Salem Community v The Government of the Republic of South Africa and Others (LCC27-09) [2014] ZALCC 11" (Vol 1) [2015] SPECJU 4
- Sarkin, J--- "Dealing with enforced disappearances in South Africa (with a focus on the Nokuthula Simelane case) and around the World: The need to ensure progress on the rights to truth, justice and reparations in practice" (Vol 1) [2015] SPECJU 5
- Mutunga, W--- "The 2010 Constitution of Kenya and its interpretation: Reflections from the Supreme court's decisions" (Vol 1) [2015] SPECJU 6
- Mukheibir, A --- "Caught in the crossfire - The innocent bystander" (Vol 2) [2015] SPECJU 7
- Devenish, G --- "In memoriam Professor Francois a de Villiers (13/4/1942-28/6/2014)" (Vol 2) [2015] SPECJU 8
- Shumba, T --- "More than 25 years of the contracts for the international sale of goods (CISG): Rethinking the role of the CISG in the SADC region" (Vol 2) [2015] SPECJU 9
- Sibanda, A --- "Weighing the cost of "BEE fronting" on best practices of corporate governance in South Africa" (Vol 2) [2015] SPECJU 10
- Mwambene, L --- "All outfits leading to the death of polygyny? Reflections on the recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998 and Mayelane v Ngwenyama and Another 2013 4 SA 415 (CC)" (Vol 2) [2015] SPECJU 11