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>> 2013 Speculum Juris
2013 Speculum Juris
Bohler-Muller, N --- "Reparations for Apartheid-Era Human Rights Abuses: The Ongoing Struggle of Khulumani Support Group" [2013] SPECJU 1
Muswaka, L --- "Shielding Directors against Liability Imputations: The Business Judgment Rule and Good Corporate Governance" [2013] SPECJU 2
Koornhof, PGJ --- "The Enforceability of Incorporated Terms in Electronic Agreements" [2013] SPECJU 3
Koyana, DS --- "The Indigenous Constitutional System in a Changing South Africa" [2013] SPECJU 4
Wagenaar, T; Marx, F --- "Extension of the Term of Protection for Performers: It's Just a Question of Time" [2013] SPECJU 5
Boniface, AE --- "Resolving Disputes with Regards to Child Participation in Divorce Mediation" [2013] SPECJU 6
Mupangavanhu, B --- "Yet another Missed Opportunity to Develop the Common Law of Contract? An Analysis of Everfresh Market Virginia (Pty) Ltd v Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd" [2013] SPECJU 7