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>> 2012 Speculum Juris
2012 Speculum Juris
Juma, L --- "Human Rights and Conflict Transformation in Africa: Some Thoughts on the Transformative Values of Human Rights" [2012] SPECJU 1
de la Harpe, S --- "The Use of Electronic Reverse Auctions in Public Procurement in South Africa" [2012] SPECJU 2
Farisani, DM --- "Corporate Criminal Liability for Deaths, Injuries and Illnesses: Is South Africa's Mining Sector Ready for Change?" [2012] SPECJU 3
Gowar, C --- "The Alien Tort Claims Act and the South African Apartheid Litigation: Is the End Nigh?" [2012] SPECJU 4
Whose Fault is it Anyway? A Reflection on the Interpretation of Section 1(1)(A) of the Apportionment of Damages Act (No. 34/1956) as Amended [2012] SPECJU 5
Koornhof, PGJ --- "An Overview of Recent Changes to Corporate Governance Frameworks as it Pertains to Executive Remuneration" [2012] SPECJU 6
Ngema, NM --- "Considering the Abolition of Ilobolo: Quo Vadis South Africa ?" [2012] SPECJU 7
Knoetze, E --- "Fathers Responsible for the Sins of their Children? Notes on the Accesory Liability of a Family Head in the Customary Law of Delict" [2012] SPECJU 8
Iyer, D --- "Is the Determination of Compensation a Pre-requisite for the Constitutional Validity of Expropriation? Haffajee NO and Others v Ethekwini Municipality and Others" [2012] SPECJU 9