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Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
>> Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
Warrantless Search and Seizures by the South African Police Service: Weighing up the Right to Privacy versus the Prevention of Crime [2021] PER 36
Water Security and Climate Change: The Need for Adaptive Governance [2017] PER 52
Water Security and Climate Change: The Need for Adaptive Governance (Vol 20) [2017] PER 10
Water Security and International Law [2017] PER 57
Water Security and International Law (Vol 20) [2017] PER 11
Water Security and Judicial and Administrative Confusion in South Africa: The Trustees of the Time Being of the Lucas Scheepers Trust, IT 633/96 v MEC for the Department of Water Affairs, Gauteng 2015 ZAGPPHC 211 (17 April 2015) [2017] PER 37
Water Security and Judicial and Administrative Confusion in South Africa: The Trustees of the Time Being of the Lucas Scheepers Trust, IT 633/96 v MEC for the Department of Water Affairs, Gauteng 2015 ZAGPPHC 211 (17 April 2015) (Vol 20) [2017] PER 4
Water Security and the Right to Water in Southern Africa: An Overview [2017] PER 72
Water Security and the Right to Water in Southern Africa: An Overview (Vol 20) [2017] PER 15
Werknemers as Lasgewende Ouers in Surrogasie-Aangeleenthede: Die Geboorte van nuwe Verlof-behoeftes in Suid-Afrika [2017] PER 32
Werknemers as Lasgewende Ouers in Surrogasie-Aangeleenthede: Die Geboorte van nuwe Verlof-behoeftes in Suid-Afrika (Vol 20) [2017] PER 3
Wessels B --- "Policy Considerations that Could Justify the Enactment of a Crime Victim Compensation Fund in South Africa" PER / PELJ 2022 (25) [2022] PER 63
Wethmar-Lemmer, M --- "Applying the CISG via the rules of private international law: Articles 1(1)(b) and 95 of the CISG - analysing CISG Advisory Council Opinion 15 Marlene Wethmar-Lemmer" (49 Vol 1) [2016] PER 47
What about the Child? Preventing the Publication of Children's Names After the Age of 18 [2021] PER 4
What Constitutes a Benefit by Virtue of Section 186(2) of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995? Apollo Tyres South Africa (Pty) Ltd v CCMA 2013 5 BLLR 434 (LAC) [2015] PER 4
What Happens when the Judiciary Switches Roles with the Legislator? An Innovative Israeli Version of a Mixed Jurisdiction [2012] PER 35
What is the Future of Polygyny (Polygamy) in Africa? [2017] PER 63
What Should the Board of Management of a Pension Fund Consider when Dealing with Death Claims Involving Surviving Cohabitants? [2010] PER 15
When Certainty and Legality Collide: The Efficacy of Interdictory Relief for the Cessation of Building Works pending Review Proceedings [2010] PER 42
When does State Interference with Property (Now) Amount to Expropriation? An Analysis of the Agri SA Court's State Acquisition Requirement (Part I) [2015] PER 3
When does State Interference with Property (Now) Amount to Expropriation? An Analysis of the Agri SA Court's State Acquisition Requirement (Part II) [2015] PER 7
When the Judiciary Flouts Seperation of Powers: Attenuating the Credibility of the National Prosecuting Authority (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 55