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Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
- S v Litako 2014 SACR 431 (SCA): A Clarification on Extra Curial Statements and Hearsay [2015] PER 17
- S, Sibisi --- "Consent and Other Ancillary matters as Requirements of a Customary Marriage: LNM v MMM (2020/11024) [2021] ZAGPJHC 563 [2023] PER 9
- S.A Coetzee --- "Sexual Grooming of Children in Teaching as a Trust Profession in South Africa [2023] PER 1
- Sailing between Scylla and Charybdis: Mayelane v Ngwenyama [2014] PER 50
- Samsons M --- "The Control and Eradication of Invasive Species in Urban Areas in terms of South African Law: The City of Cape Town and Polyphagous Shot Hole Borer Beetles" PER / PELJ 2022 (25) [2022] PER 54
- Saunders, H --- "Municipal Accountability in Service Delivery: Featherbrooke Homeowners Association v Mogale City Local Municipality" [2024] PER 8
- Schultz, H; Freedman, W---"Plugins and POPI: A Critical Discussion into the Legal Implications of Social Plugins and the Protection of Personal Information" [2024] PER 23
- Section 294 of the Children's Act: Do Roots Really Matter? [2015] PER 23
- Seeking Deliberation on the Unborn in International Law [2011] PER 27
- Selected Developments in South African Labour Legislation related to Persons with Disabilities [2017] PER 29
- Selected Legal Challenges Relating to the Military use of Outer Space, with Specific Reference to Article IV of the Outer Space Treaty [2015] PER 25
- Senokoane, R.P---"Linking the Right to Electricity as a Contractual, Derivative and Human Right through the Undisclosed Principal Agency Law" [2024] PER 61
- Setting aside Transactions from Pyramid Schemes as Impeachable Dispositions under South African Insolvency Legislation (Vol 19) [2016] PER 34
- Sexual Harassment in the Education Sector [2011] PER 36
- Sexual Harassment: Why do Victims so often Resign? E v Ikwezi Municipality 2016 37 ILJ 1799 (ECG) (Vol 22) [2019] PER 6
- Sexual Offences against Children – A Constitutional Perspective (Vol 19) [2016] PER 44
- Shaken Baby Syndrome: A South African Medico-Legal Perspective [2014] PER 38
- Shareholder Oppression as Corporate Conduct Repugnant to Public Policy: Infusing the Concept of uBuntu in the Interpretation of Section 163 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 [2021] PER 23
- Shay, R M --- "Fair deuce: an uneasy fair dealing-fair use duality" (49 Vol 1) [2016] PER 53
- Short tribute to Elmene Bray [2010] PER 36
- Should South Africa Criminalise Ukuthwala Leading to Forced Marriages and Child Marriages? [2021] PER 53
- Should the Alienation of Land Act 68 of 1981 be amended to Address Homelessness? Sarrahwitz v Maritz 2015 8 BCLR 925 (CC) [2017] PER 50
- Shumba, W --- "Towards the African Economic and Historical Perspectives" [2023] PER 15
- Sibisi S --- "Forfeiture of Patrimonial Benefits and the Dissolution of Marriage through Death: Monyepao v Ledwaba (1368/18) [2020] ZASCA 54 (27 May 2020) PER / PELJ 2022 (25) [2022] PER 55
- Sibisi, S ---"Consent and Other Ancillary Matters as Requirements of a Customary Marriage: LNM v MMM (2020/11024) [2021] ZAGPJHC 563 (11 June 2021)" [2023] PER 27
- Sibisi, S---"The Legal Implications of Sithole v Sithole 2021 5 SA 34 (CC) on African Spouses in Old Civil Marriages") [2024] PER 52
- Silence is Golden: The Lack of Direction on Compensation for Expropriation in the 2011 Green on Land Reform [2014] PER 24
- Sindane, N---"Generosity as a Constitutive Element in African Customary Law: Some Thoughts on Muvhali v Lukhele (21/34140) [2022] ZAGPJHC 402 (18 July 2022) [2024] PER 66
- Singh, A; Msuya, N.H---"Noting the Impact of Lockdown Co-Parenting Regulations on the Wellbeing of Children in South Africa" [2024] PER 46
- Singh, C---"Bye-Bye Mr Postman: A Consideration of the Electronic Delivery of Notices in Terms of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005" [2024] PER 49
- Sink or Swim? Debt Review's Ambivalent "Lifeline" ... a Second Sequel to "… A Tale of Two Judgments" Nedbank v Andrews (240/2011) 2011 ZAECPEHC 29 (10 May 2011); Firstrand Bank Ltd v Evans 2011 4 SA 597 (KZD) and Firstrand Bank Ltd v Janse van Rensburg 2012 2 All SA 186 (ECP) [2012] PER 45
- Smit M --- "Die Toepassing van die Wet op Beroepsgesondheid en - Veilgheid en ander Veiligheids - Maatreels by Skole se Tegnologie-werkswinkles" PER / PELJ 2022 (25) [2022] PER 56
- Social Protection Instruments and Women Workers in the Informal Economy: A Southern African Perspective [2021] PER 27
- Some Comments on the Scheme of Arrangement as an "Affected Transaction" as Defined in the Companies Act 71 of 2008 [2012] PER 50
- "Some Comments on Water Rights in South Africa" [2005] PER 1
- Some Drastic Measures to Close a Loophole: The Case of Pienaar Brothers (PTY) LTD v Commissioner for the South African Revenue Service (87760/2014) [2017] ZAGPPHC 231 (29 May 2017) and the Targeted Retroactive Amendment of Section 44 of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962 (Vol 21) [2018] PER 51
- Some Tax Implications of Traditional Knowledge Under Conventional Intellectual Property [2010] PER 34
- Sono NL --- "Re-examining the Constitutional Court's Approach to the Property Question Since First National Bank of SA Ltd T/A Wesbank v Commissioner, South African Revenue Service; First National Bank of SA Ltd T/A Wesbank v Minister of Finance 2002 4 SA 768 (CC)" PER / PELJ 2022 (25) [2022] PER 57
- Sono, N.L---"Accession of Movables to Immovables: A Critical Analysis of USS Graphics (Pty) Ltd v Urban Print Factory (Pty) Ltd (30921/2019) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1119 (14 February 2023)" [2024] PER 45
- Sounding the Alarm: Government of the Republic of Namibia v LM and Women's Rights during Childbirth in South Africa (Vol 21) [2018] PER 44
- South Africa – Safe Haven for Human Traffickers? Employing the Arsenal of Existing Law to Combat Human Trafficking [2012] PER 9
- South African Private Security Contractors Active in Armed Conflicts: Citizenship, Prosecution and the Right to Work [2011] PER 40
- South Africans offering Foreign Military Assistance Abroad: How real is the Risk of Domestic Prosecution? (Vol 21) [2018] PER 4
- Spatial Practices in Lowliebenhof: The Case of Maphango v Aengus Lifestyle Properties (Pty) Ltd [2014] PER 58
- Stal, SJ --- "Does Mistaken Belief in Consent Constitute a Defence in South African Rape Cases?" [2023] PER 13
- Stal, SJ --- "Does Mistaken Belief in Consent Constitute a Defence in South African Rape Cases?" [2023] PER 28
- Standing on Unsteady Ground: AREVA NP Incorporated in France v Eskom SOC LTD (Vol 22) [2019] PER 33
- State Control over Private Military and Security Companies in Armed Conflict by H Tonkin [2012] PER 64
- State Use Provisions for Patent Law, and Expropriations: Some Comparative Law Guidelines for South Africa during the Covid-19 Crisis and Beyond (Vol 23) [2020] PER 5
- Step-Parent Adoption Gone Wrong: GT v CT [2015] 3 ALL SA 631 (GJ) (Vol 19) [2016] PER 43
- Stevens, G P --- ""Editorial (49 Vol 1) [2016] PER 50
- Stevens, G P --- "Editorial" (49 Vol 1) [2016] PER 51
- Stevens, G P --- "Editorial" (49 Vol 2) [2016] PER 64
- Stevens, R; Steyn, L---"Shareholders Loans: Fact or Fiction?" [2024] PER 28
- "Stop the Press: Why Censorship Has Made Headline News (AGAIN)" [2007] PER 3
- Strengthening Locus Standi in Human Rights Litigation in Zimbabwe: An analysis of the Provisions in the New Zimbabwean Constitution (Vol 19) [2016] PER 30
- Strengthening Locus Standi in Human Rights Litigation in Zimbabwean Constitution [2016] PER 11
- Strydom H --- "The Sanctions Debate in the Work of the United Nations Since the 2000 Working Paper" PER / PELJ 2022 (25) [2022] PER 24
- Suggested Safeguards and Limitations for Effective and Permissible Parenting Coordinating (Facilitation of Case Management) In South Africa [2015] PER 15
- Sungay, M.H---" To Bequeath or not to Bequeath? A South African Law Analysis of the "Problematic Areas" Found in the Islamic Law of Intestate Succession" [2024] PER 51
- "Sustainable development and the nature of environmental legal principles" [2006] PER 6
- Swemmer, S --- "S v P - The Abuse of Protection Orders to "Gag" Victims of Rape" [2023] PER 29