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Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
>> Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
R Brits; MM, Koekmore --- "Perfecting a General Notarial Bond: You Can't Have your Cake and Eat it! ABSA Bank Limited v Go on Supermarket (Pty) Limited (The Spar Group Limited Intervening) (9442/2022) [2022] ZAGPJHC 173 [2023] PER 8
Raamwerkwetgewing ter Verwesenliking van die Reg op Toegang tot Voldoende Voedsel [2012] PER 52
Raath, A -- "Politokratiese kommunitarisme en publieke geregtigheid" (49 Vol 2) [2016] PER 67
Race As/And The Trace Of The Ghost: Jurisprudential Escapism, Horizontal Anxiety And The Right To Be Racist In Boe Trust Limited [2013] PER 70
RAF v Sweatman (162/2014) [2015] ZASCA 22 (20 March 2015) A Simple Illustration of the SCA's Statutory Misinterpretation of Section 17(4)(C) of the Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1998 (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 51
Re-Categorising Public Procurement in South Africa: Construction Works as a Special Case (Vol 22) [2019] PER 2
"Re-partnering as a Contingency Deduction in Claims for Loss of Support Comparing South African and Australian Law" [2007] PER 14
Realisation of a Child's Right to a Basic Education in the South African School System: Some Lessons from Germany (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 46
Realising Equality in Access to HIV Treatment for Vulnerable and Marginalised Groups in Africa [2012] PER 7
Realising the Child's Best Interests: Lessons from the Child Justice Act to Improve the South African Schools Act (Vol 19) [2016] PER 39
Reasonable and Probable Cause in the Law of Malicious Prosecution: A Review of South African and Commonwealth Decisions [2013] PER 8
Reasons for Prosecutorial Decisions (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 64
Reassessing Judicial Independence and Impartiality against the Backdrop of Judicial Appointments in South Africa [2014] PER 55
Recalibrating Everyday Space: Using Section 24 of the South African Constitution to Resolve Contestation in the Urban and Spatial Environment [2021] PER 9
Recent Developments in Sexual Offences against Children - A Constitutional Perspective [2016] PER 4
Recent Developments in the Provision of Pro Bono Legal Services by Attorneys in South Africa [2013] PER 5
"Recent Developments Regarding South African Common and Customary Law of Succession" [2007] PER 4
Reconciling the "Bittersweet Chemistry" between Technology and Corporate Takeovers through Reinforcing National Security Interests in Merger Control [2021] PER 48
Rectification and Party Misdescription: To what extent is Rectification Competent or Useful? [2014] PER 59
Reflecting on the Role and Impact of the Constitutional Value of uBuntu on the Concept of Contractual Freedom and Autonomy in South Africa [2021] PER 25
Reflections On How To Address The Violations Of Human Rights By Extractive Industries In Africa: A Comparative Analysis Of Nigeria And South Africa [2014] PER 7
Reflections On Judicial Views Of Ubuntu [2013] PER 67
"Reflections on the Biowatch Dispute – Reviewing the fundamental rules on costs In the light of the needs of constitutional and/or public interest litigation" [2009] PER 4
Reformation from Criminal to Lawyer: Is such Redemption Possible? [2014] PER 44
Reforming The Multilateral Decision-Making Mechanism Of The WTO: What Is The Role Of Emerging Economies? [2013] PER 72
Reforming the South African Social Security Adjudication System: Innovative Experiences from South African Non-Social Security Jurisdictions (Vol 19) [2016] PER 38
Regulating Against Business "Fronting" to Advance Black Economic Empowerment in Zimbabwe: Lessons from South Africa [2017] PER 85
Regulating Against Business "Fronting" to Advance Black Economic Empowerment in Zimbabwe: Lessons from South Africa (Vol 20) [2017] PER 20
Regulating Traditional Justice in South Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Selected Aspects of the Traditional Courts Bill [2014] PER 42
Regulation of Hydraulic Fracturing in South Africa: A Project Life-Cycle Approach? (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 62
"Religious Freedom and Equality as Celebration of Difference: A Significant Development in Recent South African Constitutional Case-Law" [2009] PER 17
Remedial Principles and Meaningful Engagement in Education Rights Disputes [2016] PER 1
Rent Control: A Comparative Analysis [2012] PER 41
Response to Prof Thilo Marauhn's Opening Address on Land Tenure and Good Governance from the Perspective of International Law [2011] PER 20
Responsibilities of Companies Towards Employees [2015] PER 12
Restitutionary Road: Reflecting on Good Governance and the Role of the Land Claims Court [2011] PER 25
Restructuring of Insolvent Corporations in Canada [2010] PER 16
Rethinking Terra Nullius and Property Law in Space (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 49
Rethinking violence, reconciliation and reconstruction in Burundi [2015] PER 38
Rethinking Volks V Robinson: The Implications of Applying a "Contextaulised Choice Model" to Prospective South African Domestic Partnerships Legislation [2010] PER 23
Retief, M---" A Case for the Need to Improve the Unilateral Double Taxation Relief for Estate Duty in South Africa" [2024] PER 33
Reviewing the Speaker's Decision: A Brief Synopsis of UDM v Speaker of the National Assembly 2017 5 SA 300 (CC) [2021] PER 39
Reviewing the Suitability of Affirmative Action and the Inherent Requirements of the Job as Grounds of Justification to Equal Pay Claims in Terms Of the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998 (Vol 21) [2018] PER 17
Rights, Regulation and Bureaucratic Impact: The Impact of Human Rights Litigation on the Regulation of Informal Trade in Johannesburg [2017] PER 69
Rights, Regulation and Bureaucratic Impact: The Impact of Human Rights Litigation on the Regulation of Informal Trade in Johannesburg (Vol 20) [2017] PER 14
Riglyne vir die Hersiening van Omgewingsverwante Wetgewing Verwesenliking van die Reg op Toegang Tot Voldoende Voedsel (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 78
"Risk Management And Liability For EnvironmentalL Harm Caused By GMOS: The South African Regulatory Framework " [2006] PER 2
Roestoff, M --- "Ferris v Firstrand Bank Ltd 2014 3 SA 39 (CC)" (49 Vol 1) [2016] PER 54
Rural Development Within the Context of Development, Sustainability and Rural Issues - Some Constitutional Policy and Implementation Perspectives [2010] PER 4