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Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
>> Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
J Visagie --- "The Jurisdiction of the Advertising Regulatory Board over Non-members: The Supreme Court of Appeal confirms its Herbex-order in the Bliss-Matter" [2023] PER 3
Johannes Althusius' Grand Federalism, the Role of the Ephors and Post-Statist Constitutionalism [2017] PER 59
Jordan v Farber (1352/09) [2010] PER 43
Joubert E P, Loubser A --- "Executive directors in business rescue: employees or something else?" (49 Vol 1) [2016] PER 52
"Judging Under a Bill of Rights" [2009] PER 11
Judicial "translation" and contextualisation of value: Rethinking the development of customary law in Mayelane [2015] PER 35
Judicial Defence of Constitutionalism in the Assessment of South Africa's International Obligations [2019] PER 72
Judicial Mandate in Safeguarding Environmental Rights from the Adverse Effects of Mining Activities in Zambia [2019] PER 58
Judicial Mandate in Safeguarding Environmental Rights from the Adverse Effects of Mining Activities in Zambia (Vol 22) [2019] PER 20
Judicial Review of the Legislative Process in Lesotho: Lessons from South Africa [2019] PER 63
Judicial Understanding of the Reliability of Eyewitness Evidence: A Tale of Two Cases [2016] PER 22
Jurisdictional and Procedural Technicalities in Hate Speech Cases: South African Human Rights Commission v Khumalo 2019 1 SA 289 (GJ) (Vol 23) [2020] PER 10
"Just Piles of Rocks to Developers but Places of Worship to Native Americans": Exploring the Significance of Earth Jurisprudence for South African Cultural Communities [2015] PER 10
Justice delayed is justice denied: Protecting Miners against Occupational injuries and diseases: Comments on Mankayi v Anglogold Ashanti Ltd 2011 32 ILJ 545 (CC) [2011] PER 46
Justificatory Theories for Intellectual Property Viewed through the Constitutional Prism (Vol 21) [2018] PER 13