- Ngobani, L---"The International Court System: A Solution to the Crisis in Investor State Arbitration?" [2024] PER 22
- Schultz, H; Freedman, W---"Plugins and POPI: A Critical Discussion into the Legal Implications of Social Plugins and the Protection of Personal Information" [2024] PER 23
- Govender, N --- "Through the lens of the ICJ: Bridging the Gap between Human Rights and Humanitarian Norms in the Legal Protection for Child Soldiers" [2024] PER 15
- Cameron, E --- "Tribute to Johan Froneman" [2024] PER 2
- Bouah, N; Jacobs, C --- "A Child's Right to Identity in the Context of Embryo Donation: Lessons from Australia and New Zealand, Part 2" [2024] PER 10
- Bouah, N; Jacobs, C --- "A Child's Right to Identity in the Context of Embryo Donation: Part 1" [2024] PER 13
- Mushoriwa, L --- "The African Court's Jurisdiction over the "International" Eco-Crime of Trafficking in Hazardous Wastes: Challenges and Opportunities" [2024] PER 21
- De Villiers, I --- "Inhabiting the Ruins of the City of Tswane" [2024] PER 3
- Barnard-Naude, J --- "Contract from the Margins: The Becoming of a Minor Jurisprudence in the Minority Judgment of Froneman, J in Beadica 231 CC v Trustees for the time being of the Oregon Trust 2020 5 SA 247 CC" [2024] PER 4
- Brand, D --- "Bengwenyama Minerals (Pty) Ltd v Genorah Resources (Pty) Ltd: Johan Froneman, the Transformation of Property Law and the Virtue of Small Things" [2024] PER 5
- Zitzke, E --- "Justice Froneman and Transformative Delict" [2024] PER 6
- Van Marle, K --- "Going Against the Grain - Justice Froneman as Subversive (Legal) Historian" [2024] PER 7
- Dube, F --- "Judicial Collegiality and Tolerance of Difference: Insights from Justice Johan Froneman's Dissents" [2024] PER 12
- Kruger, M --- "Compensation as Radical Transformation" [2024] PER 17
- Van Marle, K; Du Plessis, W.J --- "Editorial: Artifacts of Judging: Justice Johan Froneman: [2024] PER 20
- Cho, D.T --- "Transitional Justice in Anglophone Cameroon: Perspectives and Lessons from South Africa and Rwanda" [2024] PER 14
- Van Niekerk, G; Ponelis, F --- "Strengthening Law Enforcement to Address White-Collar Financial Crime in South Africa's Private Sector" [2024] PER 1
- Bosch, S --- "Exploring the International Humanitarian Law Status of Foreign Fighters in the Ukrainian International Legion of Territorial Defence" [2024] PER 9
- Nkuna-Mavutane, M.E; Jamneck, J --- "Improving Compliance with Section 4(1) of the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998: Registration of Customary Marriages" [2024] PER 19
- Saunders, H --- "Municipal Accountability in Service Delivery: Featherbrooke Homeowners Association v Mogale City Local Municipality" [2024] PER 8
- Fuo, O; Masekesa, L.K --- "The Potential of Spatial Planning as a Tool for Cities' Pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 11 in Zimbabwe" [2024] PER 18
- Magau, P --- "An Overview of the Extent of the Powers of South African Competition Authorities in the Regulation of Price Discrimination under the Competition Act 89 of 1998 in the Context of Digital Transformation" [2024] PER 11
- Letsoalo, L --- "Navigating Reputational Risks: Cautionary Considerations for South African Banks in the Unilateral Termination of Bank Customer Relationships" [2024] PER 16
- Msaule, P.R---"Cause of Action": How Could the Supreme Court of Appeal Get it so Wrong? Olesitse v Minister if Police (470/2021) [2022] ZASCA 90 (15 June 2022)" [2024] PER 27
- Kruger, H---"Safeguarding the Rights of Children Living in Kinship Care in South Africa" [2024] PER 29
- Ngcobo, M.T---"Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technologies in Online Dispute Resolution: A Solution to Consumer Disputes in South Africa?" [2024] PER 34
- Chitimira, H; Torerai, E; Tsaura, O---"A Statutory Analysis of the Role of the Courts in Protecting Financial Consumers' Rights in the Zimbabwean Banking Sector: The Penelope Case in Context" [2024] PER 35
- Malahleka, M---"The Problem of Trans-Border Information Flows in the Protection of Personal Information" [2024] PER 39
- Forere, M.A---"Does Article 4(1)(a) of the Marrakesh Treaty Require Limitation to Adaptation Rights? Blind SA v Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition (CCT 320/21) [2022] ZACC 33 (21 September 2022)" [2024] PER 40
- Chitimira, H; Torerai, E; Jana, V.L.M---"Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Combat Money Laundering and Related Crimes in the South African Banking Sector" [2024] PER 41
- Nkuna-Mavutane, M.E; Barends, B; Sibiya, V.E; Tshoose, C.I and Letseku, R---"The Future of Collective Bargaining between Labour and the Employer after the Case of Public Servants Association v Minister of Public Service [2021] 3 BLLR 255 (LAC)" [2024] PER 42
- Chitimira, H; Munedzi, S---"An Overview of the Role and Functions of Selected Financial Role Players to Protect Financial Stability and Promote Market Integrity in South Africa" [2024] PER 38
- Mahlaela, T; Monyamane, L---"The Impact of Technology on Testate Succession in South Africa" [2024] PER 25
- Van Eck, M; Agbeko, F.D---"The Recognition and Regulation of Smart Contracts in South Africa" [2024] PER 24
- Gcumeni, F.G.A---"Book Review: Mukaddam F Muslim Women between Community and Individual Rights: Legal Pluralism and Marriage in South Africa (Springer Nature Switzerland 2024) ISBN 978-3-031-54613-6; ISBN 978-3-031-54614-3 (eBOOK)" [2024] PER 26
- Tavuyanago, S---"A Commentary on the Jurisdictional Challenges in the Rand-Dollar Exchange Manipulation "Cartel": Competition Commission of South Africa v Bank of America Merrill Lynch International Designated Activity Company [2023] ZACT 26 (30 March 2023) [2024] PER 32
- Germishuys-Burchell, W---"On Collective Bargaining, Advisory Arbitration and Legal Intervention: The 1995 Labour Relations Act as a Product of Criticism of the 1956 Labour Relations Act" [2024] PER 31
- De Freitas, S---"Advancing the Protection of the Right to Freedom of Religion in South Africa" [2024] PER 36
- Retief, M---" A Case for the Need to Improve the Unilateral Double Taxation Relief for Estate Duty in South Africa" [2024] PER 33
- Fobosi, S.C---"The Protection of Human Rights in South Africa: Unpacking the Duty of the State to Realise the Right to Development" [2024] PER 30
- Stevens, R; Steyn, L---"Shareholders Loans: Fact or Fiction?" [2024] PER 28
- Claassen, P---"A Tax Deduction for Home Office Expenditure: The Interpretation of and Proposed Removal of the Exclusive-Use Requirement in Section 23(b) of the Income Tax Act" [2024] PER 37
- Sungay, M.H---" To Bequeath or not to Bequeath? A South African Law Analysis of the "Problematic Areas" Found in the Islamic Law of Intestate Succession" [2024] PER 51
- Sibisi, S---"The Legal Implications of Sithole v Sithole 2021 5 SA 34 (CC) on African Spouses in Old Civil Marriages") [2024] PER 52
- Mabe, Z; Mbiriri, E---"Excluding Life and Insurance Benefits from Insolvent Estates: A Comparative Study of South Africa, England and Wales, and the United States of America" [2024] PER 53
- Chivizhe, T---"The Identity of the Beneficiary or Presenter Calling for Payment under Demand Guarantees: A Purposive Approach" [2024] PER 55
- Thabane, T---"Rebooting State-Owned Companies in South Africa: Exploring the Viability of Singapore's State Holding Company (Temasek) Model of Ownership and Control" [2024] PER 64
- Singh, A; Msuya, N.H---"Noting the Impact of Lockdown Co-Parenting Regulations on the Wellbeing of Children in South Africa" [2024] PER 46
- Mokomane, R.B---"Restorative Justice as an Alternative Response to Student Academic Dishonesty in South African Higher Education Institutions" [2024] PER 60
- De Lange, S; Malan, M.T---"How Have the Courts Decided What De Minimis is in Tax Law?" [2024] PER 56
- Chitimira, H; Munedzi-Qankase, S---"Historical Aspects of the Cooperation and Collaboration Between the South African Reserve Bank and Other Role Players" [2024] PER 54
- Coetzee, J---"Cross-Border Data Flows and the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 - Part I: The Territorial Scope Provision" [2024] PER 47
- Coetzee, J---"Cross-Border Data Flows and the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 - Part II: The Data Transfer Provision" [2024] PER 48
- Singh, C---"Bye-Bye Mr Postman: A Consideration of the Electronic Delivery of Notices in Terms of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005" [2024] PER 49
- Senokoane, R.P---"Linking the Right to Electricity as a Contractual, Derivative and Human Right through the Undisclosed Principal Agency Law" [2024] PER 61
- Bekink, M---"The Fundamental Right of Children to Participate in Climate Change Decision-Making Processes: A South African Perspective" [2024] PER 70
- Kgwete, T---"Audit Committees in South Africa in Terms of the Companies Act 71 of 2008: Policy Rationale, Role and Contribution of Audit Committees Towards Financial Reporting" [2024] PER 43
- Mupangavanhu, B.M---"Editorial: Accelerating Endogenous Knowledge Production in Africa - Contributions from Legal Research" [2024] PER 44
- Sono, N.L---"Accession of Movables to Immovables: A Critical Analysis of USS Graphics (Pty) Ltd v Urban Print Factory (Pty) Ltd (30921/2019) [2023] ZAGPJHC 1119 (14 February 2023)" [2024] PER 45
- Mahleza, Y.N.D; Maake-Malatji, MI---"A Case for the Right to Education for Stateless and Undocumented Children: A South African Analysis in the Light of International Law" [2024] PER 57
- Okeng, E.A; Diala, A.C---"Promotion of Service Delivery in Terms of the Social Contract Theory in South Africa's Legal Framework" [2024] PER 59
- Diala, J.C---"Gendered Violence in Intimate Relationships in the Context of Law, Culture and Religion in Nigeria" [2024] PER 68
- Cupido, R---"Online Dispute Resolution as Legal Disruption: What Effect Could It Have on the South African Dispute Resolution Landscape?" [2024] PER 58
- Marumoagae, M.C---"Anticompetitive Consequences of Exclusivity Clauses Contained in Shopping Centres' Lease Agreements" [2024] PER 71
- Van der Merwe, D---"A Local, Continental (African) and International Overview of the Law as it Relates (or Tries to Relate) to Artificial Intelligence (AI)" [2024] PER 50
- Nortje, W---"Decolonising the South African Criminal Procedure: Towards a Critical Approach to the Use of uBuntu in Sentencing" [2024] PER 62
- Olivier, E; Nortje, W---"Anti-Money Laundering and the "Beneficial Ownership" Amendments to South Africa's Companies Act 71 of 2008" [2024] PER 67
- Nanima, R.D---"An Evaluation of the Right to Education of Refugee Children in Kenya" [2024] PER 69
- Zongwe, D.P---"Public Finance and Debt Crises in Southern Africa: A Push for Central Banks over Parliaments" [2024] PER 65
- Sindane, N---"Generosity as a Constitutive Element in African Customary Law: Some Thoughts on Muvhali v Lukhele (21/34140) [2022] ZAGPJHC 402 (18 July 2022) [2024] PER 66
- Ebrahim, S---"The Ambit of Terms and Conditions of Employment in Equal Pay Claims Under Section 6(4) of the EEA: Lessons from International Labour Law" [2024] PER 63