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Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
>> 2021 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
2021 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
Editorial: Special Edition on Corporate and Financial Markets Law: Embracing Technology in Corporate, Securities and Financial Markets Law and the Combating of Financial Crimes in the 4th Industrial Revolution [2021] PER 1
Innovative Regulation of Meat Consumption in South Africa: An Environmental Rights Perspective [2021] PER 2
Accountability of Law Enforcement Personnel for Human Rights Violations in Cameroon: Trends and Challenges [2021] PER 3
What about the Child? Preventing the Publication of Children's Names After the Age of 18 [2021] PER 4
The Standard of the Reasonable Person in Determining Negligence - Comparative Conclusions [2021] PER 5
The Right of Child Offenders to Intermediary Assistance in the Criminal Justice System: A South African Perspective [2021] PER 6
Book Review: Moseneke D All Rise: A Judicial Memoir (Pickado Africa Johannesburg 2020) ISBN 9781770105355 [2021] PER 7
Post-resignation Survival of Fiduciary Duties: Big Catch Fishing Tackle Proprietary Limited v Kemp (17281/18) 2019 ZAWCHC 20 (5 March 2019) [2021] PER 8
Recalibrating Everyday Space: Using Section 24 of the South African Constitution to Resolve Contestation in the Urban and Spatial Environment [2021] PER 9
The Employee's Right to Freedom of Religion versus the Employer's Workplace Needs: An Ongoing Battle: TDF Network Africa (Pty) Ltd v Faris 2019 40 ILJ 326 (LAC) [2021] PER 10
The Significance of Sea-level Rise for the Continuation of States and the Identity of their People [2021] PER 11
Automated Facial Recognition in Law Enforcement: The Queen (On Application of Edward Bridges) v The Chief Constable of South Wales Police [2021] PER 12
The Development of Cryptocurrencies as a Payment Method in South Africa [2021] PER 13
Living Together as Neighbours: Rethinking the Reasonableness Standard in Nuisance Law Under the Constitution [2021] PER 14
The Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 and Parol Evidence [2021] PER 15
The Potential of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the Pursuit of Sustainable Development Goal 11 in Zimbabwe [2021] PER 16
Key Considerations for Traditional Residential Universities Intending to Offer Bachelor of Laws (LLB) through the Distance Mode of Tuition: A Case Study [2021] PER 17
The Role of the Courts in Advancing Water Security in South Africa [2021] PER 18
Fraus Legis in Constitutional Law: The Case of Expropriation "Without" or for "Nil" Compensation [2021] PER 19
Determining the True Reason for an Alleged Section 187(1)(c) Dismissal: A Discussion of National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa v Aveng Trident Steel (A Division of Aveng Africa (Pty) Ltd) 2021 42 ILJ 67 (CC) [2021] PER 20
Cryptocurrency: Towards Regulating the Unruly Enigma of Fintech in Nigeria and South Africa [2021] PER 24
Reflecting on the Role and Impact of the Constitutional Value of uBuntu on the Concept of Contractual Freedom and Autonomy in South Africa [2021] PER 25
Compensating Landowners? The State's (Limited) Duty toward Landowners in Delayed Eviction Matters [2021] PER 26
Social Protection Instruments and Women Workers in the Informal Economy: A Southern African Perspective [2021] PER 27
Differences between Members and Shareholders of a Friendly Society and the Payment of Dividends: A South African–Australian Perspective [2021] PER 28
An Analysis of the Implementation of the CaseLines System in South African Courts in the Light of the Provisions of Section 27 of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002: A Beautiful Dream to Come True in Civil Procedure [2021] PER 29
A Duty Perspective on the Hate Speech Prohibition in the Equality Act [2021] PER 30
The Need to Adopt Preventative Measures to Combat the Misappropriation of Retirement Fund Assets [2021] PER 31
Interpretation of Wills – Does the Endumeni Case Apply? [2021] PER 32
Enhancing the Value of Patents as Corporate Assets in South Africa: How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Assist? [2021] PER 33
A Legal Analysis of the Use of Innovative Technology in the Promotion of Financial Inclusion for Low-Income Earners in South Africa [2021] PER 34
Estate Planning and Wills Across Borders: Sometimes a Quagmire in the Making [2021] PER 35
Warrantless Search and Seizures by the South African Police Service: Weighing up the Right to Privacy versus the Prevention of Crime [2021] PER 36
A Note on the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution of Lesotho [2021] PER 37
Comment on the Single Marriage Statute: Implications for Customary Marriages, Polygynous Marriages and Life Partnerships [2021] PER 38
Reviewing the Speaker's Decision: A Brief Synopsis of UDM v Speaker of the National Assembly 2017 5 SA 300 (CC) [2021] PER 39
An Analysis of the "National Security Interest" Provision in terms of Section 18A of the Competition Act 89 of 1998 [2021] PER 40
Municipal Courts and Environmental Justice in South African Local Government [2021] PER 41
Quo Vadis Patent Litigation: Ascendis Animal Health (Pty) Limited v Merck Sharpe Dohme Corporation 2020 1 SA 327 (CC) - In Search of the Bigger Picture on Patent Validity [2021] PER 42
Discovering the Value of Liberty in Intellectual Property Adjudication: A Methodological Critique of the Reasoning in Discovery Ltd v Liberty Group Ltd 2020 4 SA 160 (GJ) [2021] PER 43
Data Commercialisation in the South African Health Care Context [2021] PER 44
Towards Ingenious Technology and the Robust Enforcement of Financial Markets Laws to Curb Money Laundering in Zimbabwe [2021] PER 45
Challenges to the Prohibition on Sovereignty in Outer Space - A New Frontier for Space Governance [2021] PER 46
Mainstreaming Black Women into Managerial Positions in the South African Corporate Sector in the Era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) [2021] PER 47
Reconciling the "Bittersweet Chemistry" between Technology and Corporate Takeovers through Reinforcing National Security Interests in Merger Control [2021] PER 48
The Right of Child Offenders to Intermediary Assistance in the Criminal Justice System: A South African Perspective [2021] PER 49
Deterministic Application of Process-centric Law to the System-centric Requirements of Procurement Procedures [2021] PER 50
The Legal Operation of Liens: Theory and Practice [2021] PER 51
Nobody can Really Afford Legal Services: The Price of Justice in Namibia [2021] PER 52
Should South Africa Criminalise Ukuthwala Leading to Forced Marriages and Child Marriages? [2021] PER 53
Exempting Health Research from the Consent Provisions of POPIA [2021] PER 54
Municipal Instruments in Law for Cultural Heritage Protection: A Case Study of the City of Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality [2021] PER 55
Corruption and Corporate Governance in Namibia: An Analysis of the Strategic Approaches in the 4th Industrial Revolution [2021] PER 56
The Regulation and Use of Artificial Intelligence and 5G Technology to Combat Cybercrime and Financial Crime in South African Banks [2021] PER 57
The Nexus between Mobile Money Regulation, Innovative Technology and the Promotion of Financial Inclusion in Zimbabwe [2021] PER 58
The Integration and Reliance on Technology to Enhance the Independence and Accountability of Company Directors in South Africa [2021] PER 59
The Leave of Court Requirement for Instituting Derivative Actions in the UK: A Ten-Year Jurisprudential Excursion [2021] PER 60
DNA Evidence as the Basis for Conviction [2021] PER 61
Digital Financial Services: Prospects and Challenges [2021] PER 62
Personal Data Security in South Africa's Financial Services Market: The Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation Compared [2021] PER 63
The Need for Feminist Approaches for Housing Cases in South Africa [2021] PER 21
The Reliance on Lifestyle Audits for Public Officials to Curb Corruption and Tax Evasion in Nigeria [2021] PER 22
Shareholder Oppression as Corporate Conduct Repugnant to Public Policy: Infusing the Concept of uBuntu in the Interpretation of Section 163 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 [2021] PER 23