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>> 2020 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
2020 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
EDITORIAL: Special Edition: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70: African Perspectives on Progress and Prospects (Vol 23) [2020] PER 1
70 Years after the UDHR: A Provocative Reflection Shaped by African Experiences (Vol 23) [2020] PER 2
The South African Prosecutor in the Face of Adverse Pre-Trial Publicity (Vol 23) [2020] PER 3
Neither Adopted nor Borrowed: A Critique of the Conception of the South African Bill of Rights (Vol 23) [2020] PER 4
State Use Provisions for Patent Law, and Expropriations: Some Comparative Law Guidelines for South Africa during the Covid-19 Crisis and Beyond (Vol 23) [2020] PER 5
A Note on Sentencing Practices for the Offence of the Unlawful Possession of Semi-Automatic Firearms (Vol 23) [2020] PER 6
A Comparative Analysis of the Application of the 1951 Refugee Convention to Victims of Sexual Violence in South Africa, Tanzania and Uganda (Vol 23) [2020] PER 7
Property Rights of Nigerian Women at Divorce: A Case for a Redistribution Order (Vol 23) [2020] PER 8
Book Review: Langer L Religious Offence and Human Rights: The Implications of Defamations of Religions (Cambridge University Press 2014) ISBN 9781139600460 (Vol 23) [2020] PER 9
Jurisdictional and Procedural Technicalities in Hate Speech Cases: South African Human Rights Commission v Khumalo 2019 1 SA 289 (GJ) (Vol 23) [2020] PER 10
Demystifying Hate Speech under the PEPUDA (Vol 23) [2020] PER 11
Hate Speech and Racist Slurs in the South African Context: Where to Start? (Vol 23) [2020] PER 12
'n Lee Dop is soms beter as 'n Halwe Eier - Gounden v Master of the High Court [2015] JOL 32896 (KZD) en Govender v Gounden 2019 2 SA 262 (KZN) (Vol 23) [2020] PER 13
Is the Dawn of the Robot Lawyer upon us? The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Future of Lawyers (Vol 23) [2020] PER 14
The Powers of the Office of the Public Protector and the South African Human Rights Commission: A Critical Analysis of SABC v DA and EFF v Speaker of the National Assembly 2016 3 SA 580 (CC) (Vol 23) [2020] PER 15
Improving Access to Justice through Law Graduate Post-Study Community Service in South Africa (Vol 23) [2020] PER 16
The Impact of Myths, Superstition and Harmful Cultural Beliefs against Albinism in Tanzania: A Human Rights Perspective (Vol 23) [2020] PER 17
Exploring Childhood Statelessness in South Africa (Vol 23) [2020] PER 18
Legal Implications relating to being "Entitled to Serve" as a Director: A South African-Australian Perspective (Vol 23) [2020] PER 19
Once More uBuntu: A Reply to Radebe and Phooko (Vol 23) [2020] PER 20
Book Review: Kuwali D and Viljoen F (eds) By All Means Necessary: Protecting Civilians and Preventing Mass Atrocities in Africa (PULP Pretoria 2017) ISBN 978 1 920538 66 8 (Vol 23) [2020] PER 21
Baleni v Minister of Mineral Resources 2019 2 SA 453 (GP): Paving the Way for Formal Protection of Informal Land Rights (Vol 23) [2020] PER 22
Legal Standing of Victims in Criminal Proceedings: Wickham v Magistrate, Stellenbosch 2017 1 BCLR 121 (CC (Vol 23) [2020] PER 23
Ensuring the Reliability of Fire-Arm Identification Evidence (Vol 23) [2020] PER 24
Do the SALINI Criteria apply to the Definition of an Investment provided in Annex 1 of the 2006 and 2016 SADC Protocol on Finance and Investment? An Assessment (Vol 23) [2020] PER 25
The Changing Identity on Succession to Chieftaincy in the Institution of Traditional Leadership: Mphephu v Mphephu-Ramabulana (948/17) [2019] ZASCA 58 (Vol 23) [2020] PER 26
The Dangers of Convictions Based on a Single Piece of Forensic Evidence (Vol 23) [2020] PER 27
Appropriate Internal Appeal Mechanisms for Approval of Building Plans: Exploring the Gaps Left by the Constitutional Court (Vol 23) [2020] PER 28
Book Review: Bhuiyan Md JH and Khan BU (eds) Revisiting the Geneva Conventions: 1949-2019 (Brill Nijhoff Leiden 2019) ISBN 978 90 04 37553 6 (cased); 978 90 04 37554 3 (eBook) (Vol 23) [2020] PER 29
The Marketing of Consumer and Mortgage Credit as a Responsible Lending Tool: A Comparison of South African, European and Belgian Law: Part 2 (Vol 23) [2020] PER 30
Die Status en Beskerming van Meerderjariges met Beperkte Handelingsbevoegdheid (Vol 23) [2020] PER 31
Conflicting Levels of Engagement under the Interim Protection of Informal Land Rights Act and the Minerals and Petroleum Development Act: A Closer Look at the Xolobeni Community Dispute (Vol 23) [2020] PER 32
Poverty as a Ground of Indirect Discrimination in the Allocation of Police Resources - A Discussion of Social Justice Coalition v Minister of Police 2019 4 SA 82 (WCC) (Vol 23) [2020] PER 33
Promoting Constitutional Democracy: Regulating Political Parties in the Central African Republic and Senegal (Vol 23) [2020] PER 34
Defining Fairness in Dismissals of Unauthorised Foreign Nationals (Vol 23) [2020] PER 35
The Marketing of Consumer and Mortgage Credit as a Responsible Lending Tool: A Comparison of South African, European and Belgian Law: Part 1 (Vol 23) [2020] PER 36
The in Vitro Embryo and the Law: The Ownership Issue and a Response to Robinson (Vol 23) [2020] PER 37