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>> 2019 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
2019 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
Beyond the Contours of Normally Acceptable Political Violence: Is Cameroon a Conflict/Transitional Society in the Offing? (Vol 22) [2019] PER 1
Re-Categorising Public Procurement in South Africa: Construction Works as a Special Case (Vol 22) [2019] PER 2
The Ratification of Inadequate Surrogate Motherhood Agreements and the Best Interest of the Child (Vol 22) [2019] PER 3
The Constitutional Protection Afforded to Child Victims and Child Witnesses while Testifying in Criminal Proceedings in South Africa (Vol 22) [2019] PER 4
The South African Class Action Mechanism: Comparing the Opt-In Regime to the Opt-Out Regime (Vol 22) [2019] PER 5
Sexual Harassment: Why do Victims so often Resign? E v Ikwezi Municipality 2016 37 ILJ 1799 (ECG) (Vol 22) [2019] PER 6
A Legal Perspective on Social Media Use and Employment: Lessons for South African Educators (Vol 22) [2019] PER 7
Municipal Law Making under SPLUMA: A Survey of Fifteen "First Generation" Municipal Planning By-Laws (Vol 22) [2019] PER 8
The Application of International Human Rights Instruments in Outer Space Settlements: Today's Science Fiction, Tomorrow's Reality (Vol 22) [2019] PER 9
Proselytising the Regulation of Religious Bodies in South Africa: Suppressing Religious Freedom? (Vol 22) [2019] PER 10
Are Close of Pleadings now Irrelevant? An Evaluation of the Impact the Nkala Judgment has on Litis Contestatio (Vol 22) [2019] PER 11
Alternatives to Bankruptcy in South Africa That Provides for a Discharge of Debts: Lessons from Kenya (Vol 22) [2019] PER 12
The Appointment of a Proxy "At Any Time" in Terms of Section 58 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008: Richard Du Plessis Barry v Clearwater Estates NPC [2017] ZASCA 1 (Vol 22) [2019] PER 13
CORRIGENDUM: The Appointment of a Proxy "At Any Time" in Terms of Section 58 of the Companies Act 71 of 2008: Richard Du Plessis Barry v Clearwater Estates NPC [2017] ZASCA 1 (Vol 22) [2019] PER 14
The Constitutionality of the Prohibition of Hate Speech in terms of Section 10(1) of the Equality Act: A Reply to Botha and Govindjee (Vol 22) [2019] PER 15
Promoting Public Participation in the Energy Transition: The Case of France's National Debate (Vol 22) [2019] PER 16
Analysing and Comparing Warrantless Tax Inspections and Searches (Vol 22) [2019] PER 17
Challenges Surrounding the Adjudication of Women's Rights in Relation to Customary Law and Practices in Tanzania (Vol 22) [2019] PER 18
Tagging and Tracking of Persons with Albinism: A Reflection of Some Critical Human Rights and Ethical Issues Arising from the Use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) as Part of a Solution to Cracking Down on Violent Crimes Against Persons with Albinism (Vol 22) [2019] PER 19
Judicial Mandate in Safeguarding Environmental Rights from the Adverse Effects of Mining Activities in Zambia (Vol 22) [2019] PER 20
"Innovative Orders" under the South African Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (Vol 22) [2019] PER 21
Gender Inequality and Land Rights: The Situation of Indigenous Women in Cameroon (Vol 22) [2019] PER 22
The Search and Seizure of Digital Evidence by Forensic Investigators in South Africa (Vol 22) [2019] PER 23
The Constitutional Rules of Succession to the Institution of Monarch in Lesotho (Vol 22) [2019] PER 24
The Million Rand Question: Does a Civil Marriage Automatically Dissolve the Parties' Customary Marriage? (Vol 22) [2019] PER 25
Damages Arising from Contraventions of Competition Act 89 of 1998 (Vol 22) [2019] PER 26
BOOK REVIEW: Hepple B, Le Roux R and Sciarra S (eds) Laws against Strikes - The South African Experience in an International and Comparative Perspective (Juta Kenwyn 2016) ISBN: 9788891724151 (Vol 22) [2019] PER 27
The Value of the Persistent Objector Doctrine in International Human Rights Law (Vol 22) [2019] PER 28
Introducing a Serpent into the Garden of Collective Bargaining: A Case Analysis of Numsa Obo Members v Elements Six Productions (Pty) Ltd [2017] ZALCJHB 35 (7 February 2017) (Vol 22) (Night T Rwodzi, Nombulelo Lubisi) [2019] PER 29
BOOK REVIEW: Lewyn M Government Intervention and Suburban Sprawl: The Case for Market Urbanism (Palgrave MacMillan 2017) ISBN: 978-1-349-95149-9 (Vol 22) [2019] PER 30
The Right to Strike under the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 (LRA) and Possible Factors for Consideration that Would Promote the Objectives of the LRA (Vol 22) [2019] PER 31
An Analysis of the Public Protector's Investigatory and Decision-Making Procedural Powers (Vol 22) [2019] PER 32
Standing on Unsteady Ground: AREVA NP Incorporated in France v Eskom SOC LTD (Vol 22) [2019] PER 33
The Right to be Granted Access Over the Property of Others in Order to Enter Prospecting or Mining Areas: Revisiting Joubert v Maranda Mining Company (Pty) Ltd 2009 4 All SA 127 (SCA) (Vol 22) [2019] PER 34
BOOK REVIEW: Jacobsohn G and Schor M (eds) Comparative Constitutional Theory (Edward Elgar Publishing Cheltenham, UK 2018) ISBN 978 1 78471 912 8 (cased); 978 1 78471 913 5 (eBook) (Vol 22) [2019] PER 35
BOOK REVIEW: Public Participation in African Constitutionalism (Routledge Abingdon and New York 2018) ISBN 9781138745872 (Vol 22) [2019] PER 36
The Influence of Reasonableness on the Element of Conduct in Delictual or Tort Liability - Comparative Conclusions [2019] PER 37
The Conundrum of Judicial Notice as a Means of Ascertaining Customary Law in Nigerian and South African Courts amid the Convergence of Positivism and Legal Pluralism [2019] PER 38
Director's Duty to Act for a Proper Purpose in the Context of Distribution under the Companies Act 71 of 2008 [2019] PER 39
Progressive Realisation of Muslim Family Law: The Case of Tunisia [2019] PER 40
The Suspension and Setting Aside of Delinquency and Probation Orders under the Companies Act 71 of 2008 [2019] PER 41
The Resonance of Colonial Era Customary Codes in Contemporary Uganda [2019] PER 42
Municipal Law Making under SPLUMA: A Survey of Fifteen "First Generation" Municipal Planning By-Laws [2019] PER 43
Curriculum Decolonisation and Revisionist Pedagogy of African Customary Law [2019] PER 44
Determining the Content of Indigenous Law with Special Reference to Recording of the Law - Continental Views [2019] PER 45
Orocowewin Notcimik Itatcihowin: The Atikamekw Nehirowisiw Code of Practice and the Issues Involved in Its Writing [2019] PER 46
Deciphering Dangerousness: A Critical Analysis of Section 286A and B of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 [2019] PER 47
Notes on the Proposed Amendment of Section 21 of the Children's Act 38 of 2005 [2019] PER 48
Proselytising the Regulation of Religious Bodies in South Africa: Suppressing Religious Freedom? (Vol 22) [2019] PER 49
An Overview of Fixed-Term Contracts of Employment as a Form of A-typical Employment in South Africa [2019] PER 50
Prescription of Debt in the Consumer-Credit Industry [2019] PER 51
Are Close of Pleadings now Irrelevant? An Evaluation of the Impact the Nkala Judgment has on Litis Contestatio (Vol 22) [2019] PER 52
The Protection of Conscientious Objection against Euthanasia in Health Care [2019] PER 53
EDITORIAL: SPECIAL EDITION Legal Interpretation after Endumeni: Clarification, Contestation, Application [2019] PER 54
Challenges Surrounding the Adjudication of Women's Rights in Relation to Customary Law and Practices in Tanzania [2019] PER 55
Tagging and Tracking of Persons with Albinism: A Reflection of Some Critical Human Rights and Ethical Issues Arising from the Use of the Global Positioning System (GPS) as Part of a Solution to Cracking Down on Violent Crimes Against Persons with Albinism (Vol 22) [2019] PER 56
The Price of Sadness: Comparison between the Netherlands and South Africa [2019] PER 57
Judicial Mandate in Safeguarding Environmental Rights from the Adverse Effects of Mining Activities in Zambia [2019] PER 58
Impact of the Constitution's Normative Framework on the Interpretation of Provisions of the Companies Act 71 of 2008 [2019] PER 59
The Effectiveness of Plea and Sentence Agreements in Environmental Enforcement in South Africa [2019] PER 60
The Prevention of Organised Crime Act 1998: The Need for Extraterritorial Jurisdiction to Prosecute the Higher Echelons of Those Involved in Rhino Poaching [2019] PER 61
Did I Break It? Recording Indigenous (Customary) Law [2019] PER 62
Judicial Review of the Legislative Process in Lesotho: Lessons from South Africa [2019] PER 63
The Life and Times of Textualism in South Africa [2019] PER 65
The Consequences of the Statutory Regulation of Customary Law: An Examination of the South African Customary Law of Succession and Marriage [2019] PER 66
Case Law as an Authoritative Source of Customary Law: Piecemeal Recording of (Living) Customary Law? [2019] PER 67
Pret-a-Porter Procreation: Contemplating the Ban on Preimplantation Sex Selection [2019] PER 68
Unintentionally Trapped by Debt Review: Procedural Inadequacies in the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 Relating to Withdrawal from the Debt Review Process [2019] PER 69
Mediese Sertifikate ingevolge die Traditional Health Practitioners Act: Die Kwessie van Geldigheid en Betroubaarheid [2019] PER 70
BOOK REVIEW Jacobsohn G and Schor M (eds) Comparative Constitutional Theory (Edward Elgar Publishing Cheltenham, UK 2018) ISBN 978 1 78471 912 8 (cased); 978 1 78471 913 5 (eBook) [2019] PER 71
Judicial Defence of Constitutionalism in the Assessment of South Africa's International Obligations [2019] PER 72
Property and "Human Flourishing": A Reassessment in the Housing Framework [2019] PER 73
The "Necessity Test" as Expressed by the Enigmatic Article XX(j) of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (1994): Appellate Body Report, India - Certain Measures Relating to Solar Cells and Solar Modules [2019] PER 74
Interpretation Before and After Natal Joint Municipal Pension Fund v Endumeni Municipality 2012 4 SA 593 (SCA) [2019] PER 75
Legal Pluralism, uBuntu and the Use of Open Norms in the South African Common Law of Contract [2019] PER 76
Harmonising Legal Values and uBuntu: The Quest for Social Justice in the South African Common Law of Contract [2019] PER 77
The Question is "Should Insurers Continuously Update Policyholder Records"? Insurance Law Requires the Principles of Administrative Law to Settle Disputes between the Policyholder and the Insurer [2019] PER 78