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2017 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
2017 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
- A Pluralist Approach to the Law of International Sales (Vol 20) [2017] PER 1
- Kerkhoff v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development 2011 2 SACR 109 (GNP): Intermediary Appointment Reports and a Child's Right to Privacy Versus the Right of an Accused to Access to Information (Vol 20) [2017] PER 2
- Werknemers as Lasgewende Ouers in Surrogasie-Aangeleenthede: Die Geboorte van nuwe Verlof-behoeftes in Suid-Afrika (Vol 20) [2017] PER 3
- Water Security and Judicial and Administrative Confusion in South Africa: The Trustees of the Time Being of the Lucas Scheepers Trust, IT 633/96 v MEC for the Department of Water Affairs, Gauteng 2015 ZAGPPHC 211 (17 April 2015) (Vol 20) [2017] PER 4
- The Exclusion of Liability for Emotional Harm to Passengers in the Warsaw and Montréal Convention: Moving Away from Floyd, Siddhu and Pienaar to the Stott Case? (Vol 20) [2017] PER 5
- Editorial 2017 (20) Special Edition: Water Security (Vol 20) [2017] PER 6
- BOOK REVIEW : The Search for Environmental Justice Martin P, Bigdeli SZ, Daya-Winterbottom T, Du Plessis W and Kennedy K (eds) The Search for Environmental Justice (Edward Elgar UK 2015)ISBN 978-1-78471-941-8 (Vol 20) [2017] PER 7
- The Myth of Objectivity: Implicit Racial Bias and the Law (Part 1) (Vol 20) [2017] PER 8
- The Myth of Objectivity: Implicit Racial Bias and the Law (Part 2) (Vol 20) [2017] PER 9
- Water Security and Climate Change: The Need for Adaptive Governance (Vol 20) [2017] PER 10
- Water Security and International Law (Vol 20) [2017] PER 11
- The Law Regarding Pension Interest in South Africa has been settled! Or has It? With Reference to Ndaba v Ndaba (600/2015) [2016] ZASCA 162 (Vol 20) [2017] PER 12
- Competing Preferent Community Prospecting Rights: A Nonchalant Custodian? (Vol 20) [2017] PER 13
- Rights, Regulation and Bureaucratic Impact: The Impact of Human Rights Litigation on the Regulation of Informal Trade in Johannesburg (Vol 20) [2017] PER 14
- Water Security and the Right to Water in Southern Africa: An Overview (Vol 20) [2017] PER 15
- The Legal Nature of the Duty of Care and Skill: Contract or Delict? (Vol 20) [2017] PER 16
- Post-Commencement Finance – Domiciled Resident or Uneasy Foreign Transplant? (Vol 20) [2017] PER 17
- Lodhi 5 Properties Investments CC v FirstRand Bank Limited [2015] 3 All SA 32 (SCA) and the Enforcement of Islamic Banking Law in South Africa (Vol 20) [2017] PER 18
- BOOK REVIEW : Climate Justice: Case Studies in Global and Regional Governance Challenges (Environmental Law Institute Washington DC 2016) ISBN 978-1-58576-181-4 (Vol 20) [2017] PER 19
- Regulating Against Business "Fronting" to Advance Black Economic Empowerment in Zimbabwe: Lessons from South Africa (Vol 20) [2017] PER 20
- BOOK REVIEW : The Experience of Face Veil Wearers in Europe and the Law (Cambridge University Press United Kingdom 2014).ISBN 978-1-107-05830-9. (Vol 20) [2017] PER 21
- BOOK REVIEW : Responsible Mining: Key Principles for Industry Integrity by Sara Bice (Routledge Earthscan London 2016) ISBN-13: 978-1138788244 (Vol 20) [2017] PER 22
- BOOK REVIEW : A Liberal Actor in a Realist World the European Union Regulatory State and the Global Political Economy of Energy (Oxford University Press Oxford 2015) ISBN 9780198719595 (Vol 20) [2017] PER 23
- Editorial 2017 (20) :(Special Edition: Water Security) [2017] PER 25
- Kerkhoff v Minister of Justice and Constitutional Development 2011 2 SACR 109 (GNP): Intermediary Appointment Reports and a Child's Right to Privacy Versus the Right of an Accused to Access to Information [2017] PER 31
- The Exclusion of Liability for Emotional Harm to Passengers in the Warsaw and Montreal Convention: Moving Away from Floyd, Siddhu and Pienaar to the Stott Case? [2017] PER 38
- BOOK REVIEW: The Search for Environmental Justice: Martin P, Bigdeli SZ, Daya-Winterbottom T, Du Plessis W and Kennedy K (eds), The Search for Environmental Justice (Edward Elgar UK 2015)ISBN 978-1-78471-941-8 [2017] PER 44
- Competing Preferent Community Prospecting Rights: A Nonchalant Custodian? [2017] PER 66
- The Legal Nature of the Duty of Care and Skill: Contract or Delict? [2017] PER 73
- Water Security and Climate Change: The Need for Adaptive Governance [2017] PER 52
- Water Security and the Right to Water in Southern Africa: An Overview [2017] PER 72
- Rights, Regulation and Bureaucratic Impact: The Impact of Human Rights Litigation on the Regulation of Informal Trade in Johannesburg [2017] PER 69
- Water Security and International Law [2017] PER 57
- Water Security and Judicial and Administrative Confusion in South Africa: The Trustees of the Time Being of the Lucas Scheepers Trust, IT 633/96 v MEC for the Department of Water Affairs, Gauteng 2015 ZAGPPHC 211 (17 April 2015) [2017] PER 37
- The Experience of Face Veil Wearers in Europe and the Law (Cambridge University Press United Kingdom 2014). ISBN 978-1-107-05830-9 [2017] PER 87
- BOOK REVIEW Responsible Mining: Key Principles for Industry Integrity by Sara Bice (Routledge Earthscan London 2016) ISBN -13: 978-1138788244 [2017] PER 88
- A Liberal Actor in a Realist World the European Union Regulatory State and the Global Political Economy of Energy (Oxford University Press Oxford 2015) ISBN 9780198719595 [2017] PER 89
- A Pluralist Approach to the Law of International Sales [2017] PER 26
- Lodhi 5 Properties Investments CC v FirstRand Bank Limited [2015] 3 All SA 32 (SCA) and the Enforcement of Islamic Banking Law in South Africa [2017] PER 80
- Regulating Against Business "Fronting" to Advance Black Economic Empowerment in Zimbabwe: Lessons from South Africa [2017] PER 85
- The Myth of Objectivity: Implicit Racial Bias and the Law (Part 1) (Willem H Gravett) [2017] PER 46
- The Myth of Objectivity: Implicit Racial Bias and the Law (Part 2) (Willem H Gravett) [2017] PER 47
- Balancing Responsibilities - Financial Literacy [2017] PER 76
- The Law Regarding Pension Interest in South Africa has been settled! Or has It? With Reference to Ndaba v Ndaba (600/2015) [2016] ZASCA 162 [2017] PER 61
- Post-Commencement Finance - Domiciled Resident or Uneasy Foreign Transplant? [2017] PER 75
- Prosecuting the Offence of Misappropriation of Public Funds: An Insight into Cameroon's Special Criminal Court [2017] PER 28
- Children's Rights to Mother -Tongue Education in a Multilingual World: A Comparative Analysis between South Africa and Germany [2017] PER 74
- Selected Developments in South African Labour Legislation related to Persons with Disabilities [2017] PER 29
- BOOK REVIEW:Climate Justice: Case Studies in Global and Regional Governance Challenges (Environmental Law Institute Washington DC 2016) ISBN 978-1-58576-181-4 [2017] PER 84
- Towards a Sound Pedagogy in Law: A Constitutionally Informed Dissertation as Capstone Course in the LLB Degree Programme [2017] PER 30
- Werknemers as Lasgewende Ouers in Surrogasie-Aangeleenthede: Die Geboorte van nuwe Verlof-behoeftes in Suid-Afrika [2017] PER 32
- Assisted Reproductive Technologies and the Right to Reproduce under South African Law [2017] PER 82
- BOOK REVIEW: Gyorfi T Against the New Constitutionalism (Edward Elgar Publishing Cheltenham, UK 2016) ISBN 9781783473007 [2017] PER 83
- Using the Law to Combat Public Procurement Corruption in South Africa: Lessons from Hong Kong [2017] PER 71
- The Public Protector as a Mechanism of Political Accountability: The Extent of its Contribution to the Realisation of the Right to Access Adequate Housing in South Africa [2017] PER 77
- A General Legislative Analysis of "Torture" as a Human Rights Violation in Zimbabwe [2017] PER 35
- The Effect of Changing Public Policy on the Automatic Termination of Fixed-Term Employment Contracts in South Africa (Judith Geldenhuys) [2017] PER 45
- The Relationship between Restraints of Trade and Garden Leave [2017] PER 62
- The Remedial Action of the "State of Capture" Report in Perspective [2017] PER 86
- BOOK REVIEW: Ireland-Piper D Accountability in Extraterritoriality, a Comparative and International Law Perspective (2017 Edward Elgar, UK) ISBN 978-1-78643-177-6 [2017] PER 55
- A Comparison with Analysis of the SADC FIP before and after Its Amendment [2017] PER 56
- The Shaping, Enactment and Interpretation of the First Hate-Crime Law in the United Kingdom - An Informative and Illustrative Lesson for South Africa [2017] PER 64
- The Customary Anatomy of the Traditional Governance of the Bafokeng Traditional Community: The Implications of the Constitutional Recognition of Hereditary Headmanship [2017] PER 53
- Engaging with African Customary Law: Legal History in Contemporary South Africa (Editorial:Special Edition) [2017] PER 24
- Application of Section 30 of the Restitution of Land Rights Act in the Courts: Some Guidelines [2017] PER 41
- The Customary Anatomy of the Traditional Governance of the Bafokeng Traditional Community: The Implications of the Constitutional Recognition of Hereditary Headmanship [2017] PER 90
- Broadening the Legal Academy, the Study of Customary Law: The Case for Social-Scientific and Anthropological Perspectives (Anne Griffiths) [2017] PER 48
- Decolonisation and Teaching Law in Africa with Special Reference to Living Customary Law [2017] PER 51
- Oral Law in Litigation in South Africa: An Evidential Nightmare? [2017] PER 70
- Claiming Damages where Dividends remain Unpaid: A Contribution towards a More Balanced Approach in South Africa [2017] PER 54
- The Foundational Tenets of Johannes Althusius' Constitutionalism [2017] PER 58
- Hate Speech Provisions and Provisos: A Response to Marais and Pretorius and Proposals for Reform [2017] PER 33
- What is the Future of Polygyny (Polygamy) in Africa? [2017] PER 63
- The Employment Status of Magistrates in South Africa and the Concept of Judicial Independence [2017] PER 40
- Equal Pay in Terms of the Employment Equity Act: The Role of Seniority, Collective Agreements and Good Industrial Relations: Pioneer Foods (Pty) Ltd v Workers against Regression 2016 ZALCCT 14 [2017] PER 43
- Should the Alienation of Land Act 68 of 1981 be amended to Address Homelessness? Sarrahwitz v Maritz 2015 8 BCLR 925 (CC) [2017] PER 50
- Johannes Althusius' Grand Federalism, the Role of the Ephors and Post-Statist Constitutionalism [2017] PER 59
- An Employer's Recourse to Lock-Out and Replacement Labour: An Evaluation of Recent Case Law [2017] PER 34
- Change to a Skills-Based LLB Curriculum: A Qualitative Study of Participants in a Family Law Course [2017] PER 36
- The Right to Just Administrative Action in the Context of Suspending the Payment of Disputed Tax [2017] PER 39
- A Disgrace to the Master Race: Colonial Discourse Surrounding the Incarceration of "European" Prisoners within the Colony of Natal towards the End of the Nineteenth and Beginning of the 20th Centuries [2017] PER 67
- Deciphering the Composition of Section 79 - Assessment Panels in the Criminal Procedure Amendment Act 4 of 2017 [2017] PER 68
- The Role of the Labour Court in Collective Bargaining: Altering the Protected Status of Strikes on Grounds of Violence National Union of Food Beverage Wine Spirits & Allied Workers v Universal Product Network (Pty) Ltd (2016) 37 ILJ 476 (LC) [2017] PER 81
- Liability to Pay Retirement Benefits when Contributions were not paid to the Retirement Fund [2017] PER 60
- A Critical Analysis of the New Equal Pay Provisions Relating to Atypical Employees in Sections 198A-198D of the LRA: Important Lessons from the United Kingdom* [2017] PER 42
- A Fresh Perspective on Historical Sexual Abuse: The Case of Hewitt v S 2017 1 SACR 309 (SCA) [2017] PER 65
- Disclosure in Centre for Child Law v the Governing Body of Hoerskool Fochville [2017] PER 78
- Disclosure in Centre for Child Law v the Governing Body of Hoërskool Fochville [2017] PER 79
- Examining the Application of Deterrence in Sentencing in Malawi [2017] PER 49
- Pursuing the Right to an Effective Remedy for Human Rights Violation(s) In Cameroon: The Need for Legislative Reform [2017] PER 27