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2015 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
2015 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
- Leveraging Traditional Knowledge on the Medicinal Uses of Plants within the Patent System: The Digitisation and Disclosure of Knowledge in South Africa [2015] PER 1
- Domestic Parterns and "The Choice Argument": Quo Vadis? [2015] PER 2
- When does State Interference with Property (Now) Amount to Expropriation? An Analysis of the Agri SA Court's State Acquisition Requirement (Part I) [2015] PER 3
- What Constitutes a Benefit by Virtue of Section 186(2) of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995? Apollo Tyres South Africa (Pty) Ltd v CCMA 2013 5 BLLR 434 (LAC) [2015] PER 4
- Huide Rgsontwikkeling Ten Aansien van Uitwinbaarverklaring van 'n Verband oor 'n Onroerende Saak [2015] PER 5
- The South African Companies Act and the Realisation of Corporate Human Rights Responsibilities [2015] PER 6
- When does State Interference with Property (Now) Amount to Expropriation? An Analysis of the Agri SA Court's State Acquisition Requirement (Part II) [2015] PER 7
- A Future for the Doctrine of Substantive Legitimate Expectation? The Implications of KwaZulu-Natal Joint Liaison Committe v MEC for Education, KwaZulu-Natal [2015] PER 8
- inclusive Basic Education in South Africa: Issues in its Conceptualisation and Implementation [2015] PER 9
- "Just Piles of Rocks to Developers but Places of Worship to Native Americans": Exploring the Significance of Earth Jurisprudence for South African Cultural Communities [2015] PER 10
- Legal Aspects with Regard to Mentally Ill Offenders in South Africa [2015] PER 11
- Responsibilities of Companies Towards Employees [2015] PER 12
- Protecting Personal Information in the Era of Identity Theft: Just How Safe is Our Personal Information from Identity Thieves? [2015] PER 13
- The Regulation of Markert Manipulation in Australia: A Historical Cmparative Perspective [2015] PER 14
- Suggested Safeguards and Limitations for Effective and Permissible Parenting Coordinating (Facilitation of Case Management) In South Africa [2015] PER 15
- Exploring the Cultural Dimesions of the Right to the Highest Attainable Standard of Health [2015] PER 16
- S v Litako 2014 SACR 431 (SCA): A Clarification on Extra Curial Statements and Hearsay [2015] PER 17
- Law's Poverty [2015] PER 18
- Apartheid's Alcatraz: The Barberton Prison Complex During the Early 1980s - Part One [2015] PER 19
- Apartheid's Alcatraz: The Barberton Prison Complex During the Early 1980s - Part Two [2015] PER 20
- Provinsional Thoughts on Limitations to the Right to Procreate [2015] PER 21
- Making a Case for A Development-Driven Approach to Law as A Linchpin for the Post-2015 Development Agenda [2015] PER 22
- Section 294 of the Children's Act: Do Roots Really Matter? [2015] PER 23
- The AU Model Law on Universal Jurisdiction: An African Response to Western Prosecutions based on the Universality Principle [2015] PER 24
- Selected Legal Challenges Relating to the Military use of Outer Space, with Specific Reference to Article IV of the Outer Space Treaty [2015] PER 25
- No longer in suspense: Clarifying the Human Rights Jurisdiction of the SADC Tribunal [2015] PER 26
- Affiliation to a New Customary Law in Post-Apartheid South Africa [2015] PER 27
- The Employment Equity Act, 1998 (and other myths about the pursuit of "equality", "equity" and "dignity" in post-apartheid South Africa) (Part 1) [2015] PER 28
- The Employment Equity Act, 1998 (and other Myths about the Pursuit of "Equality", "Equity" and "Dignity" in Post-Apartheid South Africa) (PART 2) [2015] PER 29
- Questioning the use of the Mandament van Spolie in Ngqukumba V Minister of Safety and Security and Other 2014 5 SA 112 (CC) [2015] PER 30
- A Critical Appraisal of Western Cape Forum for Intellectual Disability V Government of the Republic of South Africa [2015] PER 31
- Avoiding Mazibuko: Water security and Constitutional rights in Southern African case law [2015] PER 32
- The incorporation of double taxation agreements into South African domestic law [2015] PER 33
- Public participation and water use rights [2015] PER 34
- Judicial "translation" and contextualisation of value: Rethinking the development of customary law in Mayelane [2015] PER 35
- Deliberating the rule of law and constitutional supremacy from the perspective of the factual dimension of law [2015] PER 36
- A contextual analysis of the hate speech provisions of the Equality Act [2015] PER 37
- Rethinking violence, reconciliation and reconstruction in Burundi [2015] PER 38
- Lessons for the SADC from the Indian case of Novartis AG v Union of India [2015] PER 39
- Legislation as a critical tool in addressing social change in South Africa: Lessons from Mayelane v Ngwenya [2015] PER 40
- Book Review: International Law and Child Soldiers by Gus Waschefort [2015] PER 41
- The Independence of South African Judges: A Constitutional and Legislative Perspective [2015] PER 42
- The Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 and Procedural Fairness in Consumer Contracts [2015] PER 43
- Public-Private Partnerships in Local Disaster management: A Panacea to all Local Disaster Management Ills? [2015] PER 44
- The Constitutional mandate for Social Welfare-Systemic Differences and Links Between Property, Land Rights and Housing Rights [2015] PER 45
- In Search of Alternatives or Enhancements to Collective Bargaining in South Africa: Are Workplace Forums a Viable Option? (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 58
- Procurement Under the Uncritical Model Law: A Southern African Perspective (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 59
- The "Brown" Environmental Agenda and the Constitutional Duties of Local Government in South Africa: A Conceptual Introduction (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 60
- Theoretical (Dis-) Position and Strategic Leitmotivs in Constitutional Interpretation in South Africa (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 61
- Regulation of Hydraulic Fracturing in South Africa: A Project Life-Cycle Approach? (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 62
- Valuation in the Constitutional Era (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 63
- Reasons for Prosecutorial Decisions (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 64
- Finding Property in New Places - Property in Cyber and Outer Space (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 65
- The Law Faculty of the NWU Potchefstroom Campus Celebrates its Half Centenary (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 66
- Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and the Effective Use of Mobile Money in South Africa - Part 1 (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 67
- Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and the Effective Use of Mobile Money in South Africa - Part 2 (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 68
- Public Litigation and the Concept of "Deference" in Judicial Review (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 69
- "Corrective Rape" of Lesbians in the Era of Transformative Constitutional in South Africa (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 70
- Cloete Murray and Another v Firstrand Bank Ltd t/a Wesbank [2015] ZASCA 39 (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 71
- A Few South African Cent' Worth on Bitcoin (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 72
- The Pursuit of Sustainable Development Through Cultural Law and Governance Frameworks: A South African Perspective (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 73
- The Effect of the Original Acquisition of Ownership of Immovable Property on Existing Limited Real Rights (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 74
- The South African Constitutional Court's Use of Foreign Precedent in Matters of Religion: Without Fear or Favour? (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 75
- Die Adversatiewe Stelsel van Bewyslewering en die Beste Belang van die Kind in Egskeidingsaangeleenthede: Enkele Gedagtes oor Collaborative Lawter Beslegting van Ouerlike Geskille (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 76
- The Right of the Child to Care and Constitutional Damages for the Loss of Parental Care: Some Thoughts on M v Minister of Police and Minister of Police v Mboweni (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 77
- Riglyne vir die Hersiening van Omgewingsverwante Wetgewing Verwesenliking van die Reg op Toegang Tot Voldoende Voedsel (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 78
- Enkele Opmerkings oor Bankrot Munisipaliteite (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 79
- Die Effek van 'n Voorlopige Sekwestrasiebevel - Word my reg om 'n Lid van die Parlement te Wees Ingeperk? (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 80
- Evaluering van Regstellende Aksie in Konteks van Moontlike Onbillike Diskriminasie Teen Sungroepe Binne die Aangewese Groep (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 81
- The Development of International Law Through the Unauthorised Conduct of International Institutions (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 82
- Die Deldigheidsvereistes van 'n trust Opnuut Ondersoek Khabola v Ralithabo (Vol 18 No 5) [2015] PER 83
- Realisation of a Child's Right to a Basic Education in the South African School System: Some Lessons from Germany (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 46
- Clinical Legal Education Models: Recommended Assessment Regimes (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 47
- Court Supervised Institutional Transformation in South Africa (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 48
- Rethinking Terra Nullius and Property Law in Space (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 49
- Introduction to Virtual Property: Lex Virtualis Ipsa Loquitur (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 50
- RAF v Sweatman (162/2014) [2015] ZASCA 22 (20 March 2015) A Simple Illustration of the SCA's Statutory Misinterpretation of Section 17(4)(C) of the Road Accident Fund Act 56 of 1998 (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 51
- The Universal Jurisdiction of South African Criminal Courts and Immunities of Foreign State Officials (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 52
- The Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act, Species-Based Protection and the Danger of Misidentification (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 53
- Protecting the Foundation and Magnificent Edifice of the Legal Profession: Reflections on Thukwane v Law society of the Northern Provinces 2014 5 SA 513 (GP) and Mtshabe v Law society of the Cape of Good Hope 2014 5 SA 376 (ECM) (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 54
- When the Judiciary Flouts Seperation of Powers: Attenuating the Credibility of the National Prosecuting Authority (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 55
- The Viability and Constitutionality of the South African National Register for Sex Offenders: A Comparative Study (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 56
- A Critique of the Unemployment Insurance Amendment Bill, 2015 (Vol 18 No 7) [2015] PER 57