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>> 2012 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
2012 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
Culture, Tradition, Custom, Law and Gender Equality [2012] PER 1
The Application of Section 8(3) of the Constitution in the Development of Customary Law Values in South Africa's New Constitutional Dispensation [2012] PER 2
The Right of Child Victims of Armed Conflict to Reintegration and Recovery [2012] PER 3
Gesondheidsorg vir Kinders: Voldoen Suid-Afrikaanse Wetgewing Aan die Land se Verpligtinge Ingevolge die Konvensie Oor die Regte van die Kind en die Grondwet? [2012] PER 4
A Critical Appraisal of the Juvenile Justice System under Cameroon's 2005 Criminal Procedure Code: Emerging Challenges [2012] PER 5
"Child Divorce": A Break from Parental Responsibilities and Rights Due to the Traditional Socio-Cultural Practices and Beliefs of the Parents [2012] PER 6
Realising Equality in Access to HIV Treatment for Vulnerable and Marginalised Groups in Africa [2012] PER 7
The Impact of SADC Social Protection Instruments on the Setting Up of a Minimum Social Protection Floor in Southern African Countries [2012] PER 8
South Africa – Safe Haven for Human Traffickers? Employing the Arsenal of Existing Law to Combat Human Trafficking [2012] PER 9
Disability Discrimination and the Right of Disabled Persons to Access the Labour Market [2012] PER 10
The Use of a Therapeutic Jurisprudence Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Law to a New Generation of Law Students in South Africa [2012] PER 11
Procurement Adjudication and the Rights of Children: Freedom Stationery (Pty) Ltd v MEC for Education, Eastern Cape 2011 JOL 26927 (E) [2012] PER 12
Unisa v Reynhardt [2012] PER 66
Die rol van en beperkings op die regbank om sosiale vrede in Suid-Afrika te bevorder [2012] PER 14
Law and language in a multilingual society [2012] PER 15
Can decentralisation contribute to promoting rule-of-law structures? The Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Burundi as examples [2012] PER 16
Decentralisation in Africa: A critical review of Uganda's experience [2012] PER 17
The Implications of federalism and decentralisation on socio-economic conditions in Ethiopia [2012] PER 18
Public access to private land in Scotland [2012] PER 19
The relevance of a contextualisation of the state-individual relationship for child victims of armed Conflict [2012] PER 20
The role of International sustainable development law principles in enabling effective renewable energy policy – a South African perspective [2012] PER 21
The interpretation of the amended RAF Act 56 of 1996 and the regulations thereto by the courts with regard to "serious injury" claims [2012] PER 22
The Road Accident Fund and serious injuries: the narrative test [2012] PER 23
A South African perspective on mutual legal assistance and extradition in a globalized world [2012] PER 24
Achieving "decent work" in South Africa? [2012] PER 25
Forceful arrests: an overview of section 49 of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 and its recent amendments [2012] PER 26
Addressing the spectre of cyber terrorism: a comparative perspective [2012] PER 27
But is it speech? Making critical sense of the dominant constitutional discourse on pornography, morality and harm under the pervasive influence of United States first amendment jurisprudence [2012] PER 28
The role of SADC institutions in implementing SADC treaty provisions dealing with regional integration [2012] PER 29
Challenges confronting health care workers in government's ARV rollout: rights and responsibilities [2012] PER 30
Comparative analysis of access to patented HIV/AIDS pharmaceutical medicines through the Canadian and EU TRIPS flexibilities measures: are they efficacious or overly burdensome and ineffective measures? [2012] PER 31
Do boards of trustees of South African retirement funds owe fiduciary duties to both the funds and fund members? The debate continues [2012] PER 32
Mixed and Mixing Systems Worldwide: A Preface [2012] PER 33
The Enigmatic but Unique Nature of the Israeli Legal System [2012] PER 34
What Happens when the Judiciary Switches Roles with the Legislator? An Innovative Israeli Version of a Mixed Jurisdiction [2012] PER 35
The Mélange of Innovation and Tradition in Maltese Law: The Essence of the Maltese Mix? [2012] PER 36
Innovation in a Hybrid System: The Example of Nepal [2012] PER 37
The Characteristics of an Abstract System for the Transfer of Property in South African Law as Distinguished from a Causal System [2012] PER 38
The Methodology Used to Interpret Customary Land Tenure [2012] PER 39
Demographic and Social Factors Influencing Public Opinion on Prostitution: An Exploratory Study in Kwazulu-Natal Province, South Africa [2012] PER 40
Rent Control: A Comparative Analysis [2012] PER 41
The Role of Human Dignity in the Assessment of Fair Compensation for Unfair Dismissals [2012] PER 42
A Critique of the Key Legislative Framework Guiding Civil Liberties in Zimbabwe [2012] PER 43
The Bengwenyama Trilogy: Constitutional Rights and the Fight for Prospecting on Community Land [2012] PER 44
Sink or Swim? Debt Review's Ambivalent "Lifeline" ... a Second Sequel to "… A Tale of Two Judgments" Nedbank v Andrews (240/2011) 2011 ZAECPEHC 29 (10 May 2011); Firstrand Bank Ltd v Evans 2011 4 SA 597 (KZD) and Firstrand Bank Ltd v Janse van Rensburg 2012 2 All SA 186 (ECP) [2012] PER 45
The Relationship between Courts and the Other Arms of Government in Promoting and Protecting Socio-economic Rights in South Africa: What About Separation of Powers? [2012] PER 46
Vox Populi? Vox Humbug! – Rising Tension between the South African Executive and Judiciary Considered in Historical Context – Part One [2012] PER 47
Vox Populi? Vox Humbug! – Rising Tension between the South African Executive and Judiciary Considered in Historical Context – Part Two [2012] PER 48
Cave Pecuniam: Lawyers as Launderers [2012] PER 49
Some Comments on the Scheme of Arrangement as an "Affected Transaction" as Defined in the Companies Act 71 of 2008 [2012] PER 50
European and American Perspectives on the Choice of Law Regarding Cross-Border Insolvencies of Multinational Corporations – Suggestions for South Africa [2012] PER 51
Raamwerkwetgewing ter Verwesenliking van die Reg op Toegang tot Voldoende Voedsel [2012] PER 52
Planning in All its (Dis)guises: Spheres of Government, Functional Areas and Authority [2012] PER 53
An Analysis of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism under the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 [2012] PER 54
The Influence of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 on the Common Law Warranty Against Eviction: A Comparative Overview [2012] PER 55
African-Style Mediation and Western-Style Divorce and Family Mediation: Reflections for the South African Context [2012] PER 56
Termination-of-Pregnancy Rights and Foetal Interests in Continued Existence in South Africa: The Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act 92 of 1996 [2012] PER 57
The Child Justice Act: A Detailed Consideration of Section 68 as a Point of Departure with Respect to the Sentencing of Young Offenders [2012] PER 58
Determining the Effect (the Social Costs) of Exclusion under the South African Exclusionary Rule: Should Factual Guilt Tilt the Scales in Favour of the Admission of Unconstitutionally Obtained Evidence? [2012] PER 59
The Doctrine of Quasi-Mutual Assent - Has it become the General Rule for the Formation of Contracts? The Case of Pillay v Shaik 2009 4 SA 74 (SCA) [2012] PER 60
Maccsand (Pty) Ltd v City of Cape Town 2012 (4) SA 181 (CC) [2012] PER 61
Mootness and the Approach to Costs Awards in Constitutional Litigation: A Review of Christian Roberts V Minister of Social Development Case No 32838/05 (2010) (TPD) [2012] PER 62
Mora Debitoris and the Principle of Strict Liability: Scoin Trading (Pty) Ltd v Bernstein 2011 2 Sa 118 (SCA) [2012] PER 63
State Control over Private Military and Security Companies in Armed Conflict by H Tonkin [2012] PER 64
The Future of African Customary Law by Fenrich J, Galizzi P and Higgins TE (eds) [2012] PER 65