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>> 2011 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
2011 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
The Requirements for the Inclusion of Standard Terms in International Sales Contracts [2011] PER 1
du Toit, P; Pienaar, G -- Korporatiewe Identiteit as Grondslag van die Strafregtelike Aanspreeklikheid van Regspersone (1): Teoretiese Grondbeginsels [2011] PER 2
Die Reg van die Kind op Kontak met Beide Ouers: Opmerkings na Aanleiding van Onlangse Ontwikkelinge in die Nederlandse Reg [2011] PER 3
A New Look at the Old Problem of a Reasonable Expectation: The Reasonableness of Repeated Renewals of Fixed-Term Contracts as Opposed to Indefinite Employment [2011] PER 4
The Use of Force in Effecting Arrest in South Africa and the 2010 Bill: a Step in the Right Direction? [2011] PER 5
Die Wenslikheid van Afrikaans as Vaktaal vir Regstudente [2011] PER 6
Albertus, L; Has the Balance been Struck? The Decision in Johncom Media Investments Limited v M 2009 4 SA 7 (CC) [2011] PER 7
The Suitability of the Remedy of Specific Performance to Breach of A "Player's Contract" with Specific Reference to the Mapoe and Santos Cases [2011] PER 8
"Fair" Mathematics in Assessing Delictual Damages [2011] PER 9
Van Heerden, C; Coetzee, H -- Perspectives on the Termination of Debt Review in Terms of Section 86(10) of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 [2011] PER 10
The National Credit Act Regarding Suretyships and Reckless Lending [2011] PER 11
du Toit, P; Pienaar, G -- Korporatiewe Identiteit as die Basis van Strafregtelike Aanspreeklikheid van Regspersone (2): Die Praktyk [2011] PER 12
Alignment of Student Discipline Design and Administration to Constitutional and National Law Imperatives in South Africa [2011] PER 13
"For the Sake of the Children": South African Family Relocation Disputes [2011] PER 14
The Appellate Division has spoken Sequestration Proceedings do not Qualify as Proceedings to Enforce a Credit Agreement under The National Credit Act 34 of 2005: Naidoo v ABSA Bank 2010 4 SA 597 (SCA) [2011] PER 15
The Enforceability of Illegal Employment Contracts according to the Labour Appeal Court Comments on Kylie v CCMA 2011 4 SA 383 (LAC) [2011] PER 17
Commercial Appropriation of a Person's Image: Wells V Atoll Media (Pty) Ltd (Unreported 11961/2006) [2011] PER 47
Foreword [2011] PER 18
Opening address at the Colloquium "Good Governance in Land Tenure" held at Potchefstroom on 22 and 23 April 2010: Land Tenure and Good Governance from the perspective of International Law [2011] PER 19
Response to Prof Thilo Marauhn's Opening Address on Land Tenure and Good Governance from the Perspective of International Law [2011] PER 20
The role of local government in evictions [2011] PER 21
Tenure Security Reformand Electronic Registration: Exploring Insights from English Law [2011] PER 22
Urban Pro-Poor Registrations: Complex-Simple the Overstrand Project [2011] PER 23
The Potential Use of Cellular Phone Technology in Maintaining an Up-To-Date Register of Land Transactions for the Urban Poor [2011] PER 24
Demystification of the Inquisitorial System [2011] PER 26
Seeking Deliberation on the Unborn in International Law [2011] PER 27
Legislative Exclusions or Exemptions of Property from the Insolvent Estate [2011] PER 28
Pre- and Post-Trial Equality in Criminal Justice in the Context of the Separation of Powers [2011] PER 29
Unpacking the Law and Practice Relating to Parole in South Africa [2011] PER 30
The Concept of a "Decision" as the Threshold Requirement for Judicial Review in terms of the Promotion of Administrative Justice Act [2011] PER 31
Restitutionary Road: Reflecting on Good Governance and the Role of the Land Claims Court [2011] PER 25
Deliktuele Aanspreeklikheid van die a Frigter in Skolesport – 'n Sekuriteitsaangeleentheid [2011] PER 32
Liability for the Payment of Public School Fees [2011] PER 33
The Obligation to Provide Free Basic Education in South Africa: An International Law Perspective [2011] PER 34
The Right to Dignity and Restorative Justice in Schools [2011] PER 35
Sexual Harassment in the Education Sector [2011] PER 36
Access to Education and Training: Pathway to Decent Work for Women [2011] PER 37
The Problems of Proving Actual or Apparent Bias: An Analysis of Contemporary Developments in South Africa [2011] PER 38
African Indigenous Land Rights in a Private Ownership Paradigm [2011] PER 39
South African Private Security Contractors Active in Armed Conflicts: Citizenship, Prosecution and the Right to Work [2011] PER 40
Human Rights That Influence The Mentally Ill Patient In South African Medical Law: A Discussion of Sections 9; 27; 30 and 31 of the Constitution [2011] PER 41
Analysing the Onus Issue in Dismissals Emanating from the Enforcement of Unilateral Changes to Conditions of Employment [2011] PER 42
The Devil is in the Definition – Definitions and their Limited Use in Legal Problem Solving [2011] PER 43
Third Party Fraud inducing Material Mistake Slip Knot Investments 777 (Pty) Ltd v du Toit 2011 4 SA 72 (SCA) [2011] PER 44
Unauthorised adaptation of computer programmes - is criminalisation a solution? Haupt T/A Softcopy v Brewers Marketing Intelligence (Pty) Ltd 2006 4 SA 458 (SCA) [2011] PER 45
Justice delayed is justice denied: Protecting Miners against Occupational injuries and diseases: Comments on Mankayi v Anglogold Ashanti Ltd 2011 32 ILJ 545 (CC) [2011] PER 46