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>> 2010 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
2010 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
Good Governance in the Hands of the Judiciary: Lessons from the European Example [2010] PER 1
"Legal Perspectives on the Role of Culture in Sustainable Development" [2010] PER 2
The Role of Good Environmental Governance in the Sustainable Development of South Africa [2010] PER 3
Rural Development Within the Context of Development, Sustainability and Rural Issues - Some Constitutional Policy and Implementation Perspectives [2010] PER 4
The Binding Effect of the Constitutive Documents of Companies: the 1978 and 2008 Companies Acts of South Africa [2010] PER 5
A Brief Overview of the Civil Union Act [2010] PER 6
"Parallel Planning Mechanisms as a "Recipe for Disaster"" [2010] PER 7
A Future Perspective on Constitutional Stability [2010] PER 8
'n Toekomstige Perspektief op Grondwetlike Stabiliteit [2010] PER 9
An Embarrassment of Riches or a Profusion of Confusion? An Evaluation of the Continued Existence of the Civil Union Act of 2006 in the Light of Prospective Domestic Partnerships Legislation in South Africa [2010] PER 10
Ethics, Justice and the Sale of Kidneys for Transplantation Purposes [2010] PER 11
Temporary Employment Services (Labour Brokers) in South Africa and Namibia [2010] PER 12
National Credit Regulator Versus Nedbank Ltd and the Practice of Debt Counselling in South Africa [2010] PER 13
How Could the Pension Funds Adjudicator Get it so Wrong? A Critique of Smith v Eskom Pension and Provident Fund [2010] PER 14
What Should the Board of Management of a Pension Fund Consider when Dealing with Death Claims Involving Surviving Cohabitants? [2010] PER 15
Rethinking Volks V Robinson: The Implications of Applying a "Contextaulised Choice Model" to Prospective South African Domestic Partnerships Legislation [2010] PER 23
Restructuring of Insolvent Corporations in Canada [2010] PER 16
Fuzzy Law and the Boundaries of Secularism [2010] PER 17
Municipal Tender Awards and Internal Appeals by Unsuccesful Bidders [2010] PER 18
To Sequestrate or not to Sequestrate in View of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005: A Tale of Two Judgments [2010] PER 19
Can the Application of the Human Rights of the Child in a Criminal Case Result in a Therapeutic Outcome? [2010] PER 20
The Constitutionality of a Biological Father's Recognition as a Parent [2010] PER 21
The Role of Religious Leaders in Curbing the spread of HIV/Aids in Nigeria [2010] PER 22
Fundamental Consumer Rights Under the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008: A Critical Overview and Analysis [2010] PER 24
The Impact of HIV/AIDS Regarding Informal Social Security: Issues and Perspectives from a South African Context [2010] PER 25
The South African constitutional Court and the Rule of Law: The Masethla Judgment, A Cause for Concern? [2010] PER 27
Plagiarism: Misconduct Awareness on Novice Research within the Cyberworld [2010] PER 28
Jordan v Farber (1352/09) [2010] PER 43
Can Traditional Knowledge be effectively voverd under a single "umbrella"? [2010] PER 29
Property Rights And Traditional Knowledge [2010] PER 30
Protecting expressions of Folklore within the Right to Culture in Africa [2010] PER 31
Traditional Knowledge and Patent Protection: Conflicting Views On International Patent Standards [2010] PER 32
Towards a Clearer Definition and Understanding of "Indigenous Community" for the Purposes of the Intellectual Property Laws Amendment Bill, 2010: En Exploration of the Concepts "Indigenous" and "Traditional" [2010] PER 33
Some Tax Implications of Traditional Knowledge Under Conventional Intellectual Property [2010] PER 34
Protecting Traditional Knowledge – Does Secrecy Offer a Solution? [2010] PER 35
Short tribute to Elmene Bray [2010] PER 36
The Dutch Crisis and Recovery Act: Economic Recovery and Legal Crisis? [2010] PER 37
Public Interest Environmental Litigation: Recent Cases Raise Possible Obstacles [2010] PER 38
How to use Voluntary, Self-Regulatory and Alternative Environmental Compliance Tools: Some Lessons Learnt [2010] PER 39
Misplacing Nema? A Consideration of Some Problematic Aspects of South Africa's New EIA Regulations [2010] PER 40
Unpacking the Public Trust Doctrine: A Journey into Foreign Territory [2010] PER 41
When Certainty and Legality Collide: The Efficacy of Interdictory Relief for the Cessation of Building Works pending Review Proceedings [2010] PER 42