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>> 2009 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
2009 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
"Monitoring, interception and Big Boss in the workplace: is the devil in the details?" [2009] PER 1
"A commentary on the positive discrimination policy of India" [2009] PER 2
"A very long engagement: The Children's Act 38 of 2005 and the 1993 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption" [2009] PER 3
"Reflections on the Biowatch Dispute – Reviewing the fundamental rules on costs In the light of the needs of constitutional and/or public interest litigation" [2009] PER 4
""The show must go on!" Beserings van dramastudente tydens opleiding" [2009] PER 5
"The Judiciary as a Bastion of the Legal Order in Challenging Times" [2009] PER 6
"Aspects of Land Administration in the Context of Good Governance" [2009] PER 7
"The Committee System for Competitive Bids in Local Government" [2009] PER 8
"Die impak en grondwetlikheid van die reg om te staak met betrekking tot noodsaaklike dienste 'n vergelykende studie" [2009] PER 9
"The Duty to Effect an Appropriate Mode of Payment to Minor Pension Beneficieries under Scrutiny in Death Claims" [2009] PER 10
"Judging Under a Bill of Rights" [2009] PER 11
"The Interaction between the Debt Relief Measures in the National Credit Act 24 of 2005 and Aspects of Insolvency Law" [2009] PER 12
"Polygynous Muslim Marriages in South Africa: Their Potential Impact on the Incidence of HIV/AIDS" [2009] PER 13
"Keuringspanele ("Screening Panels") as Gepaste Geskilbeslegtingsmetode ter Oplossing van Mediese Wanpraktyks-geskille" [2009] PER 14
"The Role of Traditional Authorities in Developing Customary Laws in Accordance with the Constitution: Shilubana and Others v Nwamitwa 2008 (9) BCLR 914 (CC)" [2009] PER 15
"The Bench and Academia" [2009] PER 16
"Religious Freedom and Equality as Celebration of Difference: A Significant Development in Recent South African Constitutional Case-Law" [2009] PER 17
"Formulating specialised Legislation to address the Growing Spectre of Cybercrime: A Comparative Study" [2009] PER 18
"Traditional Leadership and Independent Bantustans of South Africa: Some Milestones of Transformative Constitutionalism beyond Apartheid" [2009] PER 19
"The Development of the Interface between Law, Medicine and Psychiatry: Medico-Legal Perspectives in History" [2009] PER 20
"Cultural Practices and HIV in South Africa: A Legal Perspective" [2009] PER 21
"Die Mishandelde Vrou in die Strafreg: 'n Regsvergelykende ondersoek" [2009] PER 22
"The Debt Couselling Process-Closing the Loopholes in the National Credit Act 34 of 2005" [2009] PER 23
"The Constitutional Validity of Search and Seizure Powers in South African Criminal Procedure" [2009] PER 24
"Marimuthu Munien V BMW Financial Services (SA) (PTY) LTD Unreported Case No 16103/08 (KZD)" [2009] PER 25