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>> 2006 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
2006 Potchefstroom Electronic Law Journal // Potchefstroomse Elektroniese Regsblad
"Land Restitution through the Lens of Environmental Law: Some Comments on the South African Vista" [2006] PER 1
"Risk Management And Liability For EnvironmentalL Harm Caused By GMOS: The South African Regulatory Framework " [2006] PER 2
"Improving Unsustainable Environmental Governance in South Africa: the Case for Holistic Governance" [2006] PER 3
"Ex post facto authorisation in South African environmental assessment legislation: a critical review " [2006] PER 4
"Clearing a Path Towards Effective Alien Invasive Control: the Legal Conundrum" [2006] PER 5
"Sustainable development and the nature of environmental legal principles" [2006] PER 6
"Grounds for dispensing with public tender procedures in Government Contracting" [2006] PER 7
"Deference and Diffèrance: Judicial Review and the Perfect Gift" [2006] PER 8
"Between Economic and Legal Analysis of Incorporated Things: a Critical "NO" to Aedilitian Remedies" [2006] PER 9
"Human Rights Commission Et Al: What is the role of South Africa's Chapter 9 Institutions?" [2006] PER 10
"Developing Countries and Copyright in the Information Age - The Functional Equivalent Implementation of the WCT" [2006] PER 11
"The Role Played by the South African Human Rights Commission's Economic and Social Rights Reports in Good Governance in South Africa " [2006] PER 12
"Finding Nema: The National Environmental Management Act, the De Hoop Dam, Conflict Resolution and Alternative Dispute Resolution in Environmental Disputes" [2006] PER 13
"Compliance Notices: A New Tool in Environmental Enforcement" [2006] PER 14
"Greening the Judiciary" [2006] PER 15
"Pruning the Money-Tree to Ensure Sustainable Growth: Facilitating Sustainable Development Through Market-Based Instruments" [2006] PER 16
"Bernard Bekink's Principles of South African Local Government Law" [2006] PER 17