- "SA and UK compare notes and celebrate the Constitution and Magna Carta." De Rebus, August 2015: 9 [2015] DEREBUS 126
- "SA attorneys head to London for training." DR, September 2012: 9-10 [2012] DEREBUS 7
- "Sa Public Protector and Swedish counterpart compare notes." De Rebus, November 2014:8 [2014] DEREBUS 205
- "SADC LA AGM news." DR, October 2012:10-16 [2012] DEREBUS 31
- "SADC LA AGM." De Rebus, October 2014:20 [2014] DEREBUS 187
- "SADC LA preliminary election report calls for greater voter education." De Rebus, July 2014:12 [2014] DEREBUS 132
- "SADC lawyers urged to monitor accountability, transparency and implementation." De Rebus, October 2014:14 [2014] DEREBUS 186
- "SADC news." De Rebus, August 2014:16 [2014] DEREBUS 149
- "SADC stakeholders form coalition to lobby for restoration of a SADC Tribunal." De Rebus, October 2014:5 [2014] DEREBUS 182
- "Sales in execution: The conveyance and the sheriff." DR, March 2013:34-36 [2013] DEREBUS 43
- "Saslaw conference and AGM: Is the LRA to blame for Marikana?" DR, December 2012:8 [2012] DEREBUS 82
- "Saslaw pro bono NPC launched." De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2014:12 [2014] DEREBUS 57
- 'Sasseta notice' De Rebus, June 2015:12 [2015] DEREBUS 121
- "SAULCA winter worksop." De Rebus, December 2014:12 [2014] DEREBUS 233
- "SCA clears practitioners in the Motswai decision." De Rebus, December 2014:3 [2014] DEREBUS 223
- "SCA overturns decision on silk." DR, May 2013:10 [2013] DEREBUS 71
- "SCA overturns High Court CCMA representation judgment." DR, November 2013:7 [2013] DEREBUS 209
- 'SCA President calls for increased pro bono in civil matters and the infusion of constitutional values into daily practice.' De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2015:8 [2015] DEREBUS 3
- 'SCA rules that e-mail contract cancellation legal.' De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2015:57 [2015] DEREBUS 28
- "SCA unearths hard truths for VAT vendors." DR, November 2012:57-58 [2012] DEREBUS 74
- "Scam alert - scamster purporting to have paid funds from the LSSA incorrectly into law firm bank account and requesting refund." De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2016:15 [2016] DEREBUS 14
- "Scam fraudsters: Beware." De Rebus, November 2014:14 [2014] DEREBUS 209
- 'Section 156 of the Insolvency Act: A third party's forgotten remedy?' De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2015:27 [2015] DEREBUS 18
- "Section 65A(1) Notice to appear for a s 65 hearing of the Magistrate's Court Act." De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2016:26 [2016] DEREBUS 22
- 'Sectional title: Sale of units prior to Township Proclamation and Erf 441 Robertsville Property CC and Another v New Market Developments (Pty) Ltd 2007 (2) SA 179 (W).' De Rebus, July 2015:26 [2015] DEREBUS 13
- "Security clearances before appointing the National Prosecuting Authority." De Rebus, September 2014:54 [2014] DEREBUS 176
- "Separating the baby and the bath water - garnishee and emoluments attachment orders." DR, March 2013:22-25 [2013] DEREBUS 41
- 'Separation of powers is not constitutional Kryptonite.' De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2015:66 [2015] DEREBUS 32
- "Service in the superior courts." De Rebus, December 2013:48 [2013] DEREBUS 254
- "Service of court process by social media." DR, October 2012:47 [2012] DEREBUS 40
- "Sexual offences courts to be re-established." DR, September 2013:10 [2013] DEREBUS 163
- "Shaun Barns wins SALRC 10th anniversary essay competition." De Rebus, October 2014:13 [2014] DEREBUS 185
- "Should you specialise?" De Rebus, December 2013:13 [2013] DEREBUS 239
- 'Sibisi NO v Maitin: A dual burden of proof?' De Rebus, June 2015:33 [2015] DEREBUS 115
- 'Significant leadership: A programme for senior women lawyers.' De Rebus, April 2015:15 [2015] DEREBUS 61
- 'Significant reforms in pursuit of the ideal justice system.' De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2015:13 [2015] DEREBUS 6
- "Single judiciary discussed at Judicial Officers Association of South Africa AGM." De Rebus, March 2014:8 [2014] DEREBUS 29
- "Social media for attorneys and Minister Sexwale on the rule of law at LSNP AGM." DR, Jan/Feb 2013:17 [2013] DEREBUS 11
- "Social media guidance for attorneys." DR, Jan/Feb 2013:9 [2013] DEREBUS 5
- "Social media in court." DR, April 2013:7 [2013] DEREBUS 52
- "Social networking for attorneys." DR, November 2012:30-32 [2012] DEREBUS 66
- 'Solicitor-general to head Office of the State Attorney.' De Rebus, July 2015:3 [2015] DEREBUS 1
- "Solvency asset management-What does it entail and how will it affect you?" DR, August 2013:26 [2013] DEREBUS 147
- "South African in final of international moot court competition." De Rebus, March 2014:15 [2014] DEREBUS 28
- "South African law coming to grips with cyber crime." DR, May 2013:14 [2013] DEREBUS 75
- 'South African law firms recognised at global intellectual property awards' De Rebus, June 2015:11 [2015] DEREBUS 105
- "South African lessons from UK Bribery Act." DR, Jan/Feb 2013:10 [2013] DEREBUS 7
- "Spotlight on changing the legal landscape: BLA AGM." De Rebus, March 2014:6 [2014] DEREBUS 23
- "Spotlight on law societies AGMs" De Rebus Jan/Feb 2014:10 [2014] DEREBUS 14
- "Spotlight on the rights of unmarried fathers." DR, November 2013:8 [2013] DEREBUS 210
- "Standard suretyship wording is enforceable." De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2016:56 [2016] DEREBUS 30
- 'State Attorney office towards better litigation service.' De Rebus, November 2015:11 [2015] DEREBUS 205
- "State Liability Amendment Act-Process of attachment." DR, September 2013:20 [2013] DEREBUS 170
- "Statistics reflect pace of transformation in the attorneys' profession." DR, September 2012: 6 [2012] DEREBUS 3
- "Stem cell research: is about South African law locking progress?" De Rebus, March 2014:24 [2014] DEREBUS 27
- "Step-by-step guide to mediation in the magistrate's court." De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2016:17 [2016] DEREBUS 17
- "Step-by-step guide to mediation in the magistrate’s court." De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2016:17 [2016] DEREBUS 18
- "Subdivision - end of the road? Options to purchase subdivision of agricultural land." De Rebus, December 2015:46 [2015] DEREBUS 244
- "Sugar-coating guilt - admission of guilt fines - no easy fix." De Rebus, Jan/ Feb 2014:24 [2014] DEREBUS 58
- "Suicide notes as wills on FISA agenda." DR, November 2012:8 [2012] DEREBUS 48
- 'Supreme Court of Appeal practice directions.' De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2015:20 [2015] DEREBUS 10
- "Suretyship and debt review." DR, Jan/Feb 2013:68 [2013] DEREBUS 28
- 'Survey on South Africa's small law firms.' De Rebus, March 2015:8 [2015] DEREBUS 37
- "Swaziland court orders immediate release of human rights lawyer." De Rebus, August 2015: 11 [2015] DEREBUS 127
- "Swaziland judiciary once again in the spotlight." De Rebus, May 2014:15 [2014] DEREBUS 68