De Rebus
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De Rebus Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
De Rebus Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
- "Mabunda and Scott elected as LSSA Co-chaipersons." De Rebus, May 2015:20 [2015] DEREBUS 91
- "Magistrates can now act as commissioners." DR, August 2013:11 [2013] DEREBUS 143
- "Managing Intellectual Property recognises local law firm." DR, May 2013:13 [2013] DEREBUS 73
- "Mandate of the ADF discussed at the AGM." De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2016:9 [2016] DEREBUS 4
- 'Marine 3 v Afrigroup: Patent utility interpreted by the Supreme Court of Appeal' De Rebus, June 2015:44 [2015] DEREBUS 120
- "Mediation in Family & Divorce Disputes." De Rebus, September 2014:3 [2014] DEREBUS 178
- 'Mediation: A perfect solution to health care disputes.' De Rebus, April 2015:28 [2015] DEREBUS 67
- 'Meeting between the President and Chief Justice.' De Rebus, October 2015:12 [2015] DEREBUS 176
- "Mentors honoured." DR, June: 8 [2013] DEREBUS 93
- "Mentorship to count as pro bono." DR, May 2013:9 [2013] DEREBUS 70
- "Merger and takeover law - impact on private companies." De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2014:30 [2014] DEREBUS 54
- "Mind over matter-The art of mindfulness meditation." DR, August 2013:48 [2013] DEREBUS 153
- "Mine or yours? A closer look at s 5 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act." DR, August 2013:42 [2013] DEREBUS 151
- 'Minister assures professional independence.' De Rebus, Jan/Feb 2015:11 [2015] DEREBUS 5
- "More light on contingency fees agreements." DR, December 2012:44 [2012] DEREBUS 95
- "Much ado about Duma?" DR, August 2013:55 [2013] DEREBUS 155
- "Muslim marriages and divorce." De Rebus, May 2015:40 [2015] DEREBUS 93
- "Muslim spouses - Are they "equally" married?" De Rebus, December 2013:30 [2013] DEREBUS 246
- "Must-have apps for iPads and other devices." DR, March 2013:19 [2013] DEREBUS 38