De Jure Law Journal
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De Jure Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
De Jure Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
- Raath, A --- "Politokratiese kommunitarisme en publieke geretigheid" (Vol 2) [2016] DEJURE 17
- Radebe, KM --- "Assessing the insurmountable challenge in providing the existence of a customary marriage in terms of section 3(1)(b) of the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act 120 of 1998 and the misplacing of gender inequality" [2022] DEJURE 5
- Reddi, M, Ramji, B --- "Section 174 of the Criminal Procedure Act: Is it time for its abolition? " (Vol 2) (Managay Reddi, Bhavna Ramji) [2018] DEJURE 18
- Renke, S, Coetzee, H --- "The circumstances under which section 85(a) of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 can be utilised as an avenue to access or re-access the debt relief measures in terms of the Act" (Vol 2) [2018] DEJURE 17
- Reyneke, M --- "Children’s right to participate: Implications for school discipline" [2013] DEJURE 12
- Robbertze, G & Muller, G --- "Conceptualising the home in law and gender" [2020] DEJURE 20
- Robbertze, G; Mulle, G --- "Conceptualising the home in law and gender" [2020] DEJURE 22
- Roestoff, M --- "Ferris v Firstrand Bank Ltd 2014 3 SA 39 (CC) [2016] DEJURE 10
- Roestoff, M.; Van Heerden, C --- "Nedbank Ltd v Swartbooi Unreported Case No 708/2012 (ECP)" [2014] DEJURE 9
- Roestoff, M; Boraine, A --- "Body Corporate Palm Lane v Masinge 2013 JDR 2332 (GNP)" (Roestoff M, Boraine A) [2015] DEJURE 16
- Roodt, C --- "Reflections on finality in arbitration" [2012] DEJURE 31
- Rossouw, JP --- "Editorial: 46 Volume 1 2013" [2013] DEJURE 1
- Rossouw, JP --- "The potential remedial function of the law in the deteriorating public education system of South Africa" [2013] DEJURE 16