- M, van Eck --- "Big data in insurance contracts - a tool for good, or bad?" [2023] DEJURE 26
- Mabaso, F---"Dismissing the blanket approach of interdicting strike brutality: A discussion of Commercial Stevedoring Agricultural and Allied Workers' Union and Others v Oak Valley Estates (Pty) Ltd and Another [2022] ZACC 7" [2024] DEJURE 7
- Mabe, Z --- "The Constitutional disqualification for unrehabilitated insolvents from begin members of Parliament" [2023] DEJURE 3
- Madzika, K --- "Dawn of a new era for permanent life partners: from Volks v Robinson to Bwanya v Master of the High Court" [2020] DEJURE 25
- Magau, P --- "The regulatory nexus between the promotion of financial education and financial inclusion in enhancing consumer protection in South Africa" [2023] DEJURE 15
- Magaya, I & Fambasayi, R --- "Giant leaps or baby steps? A preliminary review of the development of children's rights jurisprudence in Zimbabwe" [2021] DEJURE 2
- Maimela, C --- " Cancer employees and the right to fair labour practices in terms of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995" [2019] [2019] DEJURE 1
- Maimela, C --- "Is discriminating against employees living with cancer in the workplace justified?" [2021] DEJURE 13
- Maithufi, IP --- "Fish Hoek Primary School v GW 2010 2 SA 141 (SCA)" [2012] DEJURE 40
- Maithufi, IP --- "MM v MN" [2012] DEJURE 25
- Makore, STM & Lubisi,N --- "Dewesternising the South African social security law: a leap towards an Afrocentric legal curricular" [2021] DEJURE 14
- Malan, K --- "Constitutional perspectives on the judgments of the Labour Appeal Court and the Supreme Court of Appeal in Solidarity (acting on behalf of Banard) v South African Police Services" [2014] DEJURE 8
- Malan, K --- "The rule of law versus decisionism in the South African constitutional discourse" [2012] DEJURE 19
- Malan, K --- "To what extent should the Convention of Cabinet Secrecy still be recognised in South African constitutional law?" [2016] DEJURE 7
- Maloka, T C; Peach V --- "Is an agreement to refer a matter to an inquiry by an arbitrator in terms of section 188A of the LRA a straightjacket?" (Vol 2) [2016] DEJURE 25
- Mamashela, M --- "A review of the problems encountered by a non-member spouse in accessing their half share of the pension interest during divorce in South Africa " (Vol 1) [2018] DEJURE 3
- Manamela, M.E --- "Secondary strikes and their proportional impact on both the primary and secondary employer" [2024] DEJURE 4
- Maphosa, R --- "Tackling the "shadow pandemic": the development of a positive duty on adults to report domestic violence" [2022] DEJURE 6
- Marais, EJ --- "Makeshift 1190 (Pty) Ltd v Cilliers 2020 5 SA 583 (WCC)" [2021] DEJURE 6
- Maringe, N --- "A double-edged sword: The role of insurable interest in non-indemnity insurance in the light of the Covid-19 pandemic in Zimbabwe" [2022] DEJURE 3
- Marumoagae, C --- "Prejudice emanating from non payment of pension interests due to what is contained in or omitted from divorce decrees" (Vol 1) [2018] DEJURE 8
- Marumoagae, C --- "Recognition of the concept of Contempt of 'Determination' of the Pension Fund Adjudicator's Determination: A missed opportunity - with particular reference to Mantsho v Managing Director of the Municipal Employee Pension Fund and Others (37226/14) [2015] ZAGPPHC 408 (26 June 2015) (Vol 1) [2017] DEJURE 11
- Marumoagae, C --- "The need to provide members of retirement funds which are not regulated by the Pension Funds Act access to a specialised dispute resolution forum" [2019] DEJURE 3
- Marumoagae, M C --- "Does collaborative divorce have a place in South African divorce law?" [2016] DEJURE 3
- Marumoagae, M.C --- "'The status of nomination forms and wills when retirement funds' death benefits are distributed" [2023] DEJURE 38
- Marumoagae, M.C --- "What amounts to "dispositions without value" in the context of section 26 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936?" [2023] DEJURE 13
- Marumogae, C.M. --- "The regime of forfeiture of patrimonial benefits in South Africa and a critical analysis of the concept of unduly benefited" [2014] DEJURE 4
- Maseko, T W --- " An assessment of the realisation of inmates' right to adequate medical treatment since the adoption of the South African Constitution in 1996 " (Vol 2) [2017] DEJURE 18
- Maseko, TW --- "The feasibility of the victims of corruption's claim for constitutional damages against corrupt public officials in South Africa" [2021] DEJURE 8
- Mashinini, N --- "The processing of personal information using remotely piloted aircraft systems in South Africa" [2020] DEJURE 10
- Matasane, M.A --- "Appraising the regulatory framework of the new South African Deposit Insurance System" [2024] DEJURE 3
- Mateus, S --- "Investigating the extraterritorial application of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" [2021] DEJURE 5
- Maunatlala, K & Maimela, C --- "The implementation of customary law of succession and common law of succession respectively: With a specific focus on the eradication of the rule of male primogeniture" [2020] DEJURE 3
- Mawdsley, R.D. --- "Legal issues involving student cyber speech in the United States" [2014] DEJURE 10
- Mawdsley, RD --- "Legal issues associated with the use of do not resuscitate orders in US schools" [2012] DEJURE 5
- Mawdsley, RD, Smit, MH; Wolhuter, CC --- "Students, websites and freedom of expression in the United States and South Africa" [2013] DEJURE 9
- Mawdsley, RD; Beckmann, J --- "Language and culture restrictions in K-12 non-public schools in the United States: Exploring the reach of federal non-discrimination law and implications for South Africa" [2013] DEJURE 17
- McGregor, M --- "Judicial notice: Discrimination and disadvantage in the context of affirmative action in South African workplaces" [2011] DEJURE 8
- Meheret, T --- "An appraisal of the Ethopian bankruptcy regime" (Vol 1) [2017] DEJURE 8
- Mestry, R --- "A critical analysis of legislation on the financial management of public schools: A South African perspective" [2013] DEJURE 10
- Millard, D --- "Bespoke justice? On financial ombudsmen, rules and principles" [2011] DEJURE 16
- Millard, D --- "P K Harikasun v New National Assurance Company Ltd (190/2008) [2013] ZAKZDHC 67 (12 December 2013)" [2016] DEJURE 11
- Mnyandu, N --- "Developing the common law crime murder in relation to physician-assisted suicide and physician-assisted euthanasia: Revisiting the missteps of Stransham-Ford v Minister of Justice and Correctional Development 2015 (4) SA 50 (G)" [2021] DEJURE 15
- Modiri, J --- "Race, history, irresolution: Reflections on City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality v Afriforum and the limits of "post"-apartheid constitutionalism" (Joel M Modiri) [2019] DEJURE 7
- Mogapaesi, T --- "An overview of maternity protection in Botswana: A critique of the Employment Act through the International Labour Organisation's Maternity Protection Convention lens" [2022] DEJURE 4
- Mokofe, W.M --- "COVID-19 at the workplace: What lessons are to be gained from early case law?" [2022] DEJURE 11
- Monareng, K.N --- "LH v ZN 2022 (1) SA 384 (SCA) : Should section 18(a) of Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984 apply to all spouses in marriage in community of property, irrespective of when the non-patrimonial damages were received?" [2023] DEJURE 6
- Monyamane, P L --- "Social security 'benefits' and the collateral source rule - an analysis of the three Coughlan decisions" (Vol 2) [2016] DEJURE 21
- Moosa, F --- "Tax Administration Act: Fulfilling human rights through efficient and effective tax administration " (Vol 1) [2018] DEJURE 2
- Morudu,NL & Maimela, C --- "The indigenisation of customary law: Creating an indigenous legal pluralism within the South African dispensation: possible or not?" [2021] DEJURE 4
- Mpedi, LG --- "Molao wa tšhireletso ya leago ka mo go ditšhaba tšeo di hlabologago tša borwa bja Afrika" [2011] DEJURE 4
- Msaule, PR --- "Body Corporate Palm Lane v Masinge 2013 JDR 2332 (GNP)" [2015] DEJURE 15
- Msaule, PR --- "Minister of Safety and Security Sekhoto 2011 1 SACR 315 (SCA)" [2015] DEJURE 19
- Msuya, N --- "The analysis of child marriage and thirdparty consent in the case of Rebeca Z. Gyumi v Attorney General Miscellaneous Civil Case no 5 of 2016 Tanzania High Court at Dar es Salaam" [2019] DEJURE 14
- Msuya,N --- "Traditional "juju oath" and human trafficking in Nigeria: A human rights perspective" [2019] DEJURE 13
- Mtsweni, L; Maimela, C --- "The role and effect of the Constitution in customary law of succession" [2023] DEJURE 39
- Mudzamiri, J --- "Revisiting the no reflective loss principle under the South African company law regulation: A reflective assessment through the lens of Hlumisa Investment Holdings (RF) Ltd v Kirkinis 2020 3 All SA 650 (SCA)" [2023] DEJURE 12
- Mujuzi, D J -- "Evidence by means of closed circuit television or similar eletronic media in South Africa: Does section 158 of the Criminal Procedure Act have extra-territorial application?" [2015] DEJURE 1
- Mujuzi, JD --- "The Seychelles Employment Tribunal: The drafting history of Employment (Amendment) Act of 2008 and its relevancy to understanding the work of the Tribunal" [2022] DEJURE 2
- Munyai, A & Phooko, M.R --- "Is English becoming a threat to the existence of indigenous language in institutions of higher learning in South Africa?" [2021] DEJURE 18
- Munyai, P S --- "Competition law and corporate social responsibility: a review of the special responsibility of dominant firms in competition law" [2020] DEJURE 18
- Munyai, P S--- "Claims for damages arising from conduct prohibited under the Competition Act, 1998" (Vol 1) [2017] DEJURE 3
- Mupangavanhu, Y --- "Fairness a slippery concept: The common law of contract and the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008" [2015] DEJURE 7
- Mupangavanhu, Y; Kerchhoff, D --- "Online deceptive advertising and consumer protection in South Africa - The law and its shortcomings?" [2023] DEJURE 7
- Mutangi, T --- "Status of the implementation of the human rights-related decisions of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice" [2021] DEJURE 30