De Jure Law Journal
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De Jure Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
De Jure Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
- L.A, Barnes Macfarlane --- ""Adapt or Perish": The uncertain fate of childhood contributory negligence in Scotland" [2023] DEJURE 34
- Labuschaigne, M --- "Aquamation: Legal nail in burial and cremation's coffin" [2021] DEJURE 21
- Lazarus, M & Khan, F --- "An analysis of spousal competence and non-compellability in terms of section 198 of the Criminal Procedure Act" [2021] DEJURE 23
- Legwaila, T --- "Tax characteristics of an ideal holding company location" [2012] DEJURE 3
- Legwaila, T --- "The nature of a headquarter company: a comparative analysis" [2013] DEJURE 37
- Levenstein, E --- " The Kariba case - the watering down of the binding offer in South African business rescue proceedings " (Vol 2) [2017] DEJURE 17
- Loock, C --- "Statistical adjustment of matric marks: The right of access to information" [2013] DEJURE 14
- Lotter, M, van den Berg, G, Strydom, S --- "The express power to amend a trust deed where the trust beneficiaries have accepted the benefits reserved for them" (Vol 2) [2018] DEJURE 16
- Louw, A --- "Recent Case Law" [2014] DEJURE 7
- Louw, A --- "Revisiting the limping parental condition of unmarried fathers" (Vol 2) [2016] DEJURE 14
- Louw, MA --- ""Affirmative" (measures in) action? Revising the lawfulness of racial quotas (in South African (professional) team sports)" [2019] DEJURE 19
- Lubaale, E C --- "Taking the incidence of false child sexual abuse allegations more seriously" [2016] DEJURE 5