De Jure Law Journal
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De Jure Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
De Jure Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
- Daniel, PTK; Greytak, S --- "Recognising situatedness and resolving conflict: Analysing US and South African education law cases" [2013] DEJURE 3
- de Bruyn, D --- "The lack of protection for juvenile sex offenders in South African law: a critical analysis of Section 50(2) of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Amendment, Act 32 of 2007 and Section 18 of the Criminal Procedure, Act 51 of 1977" (Vol 1) [2018] DEJURE 6
- De Klerk, W --- "The Citizen v McBride 2011 4 SA 191 (CC)" [2011] DEJURE 27
- de Waal, E; Cambron-McCabe, N --- "Learners’ religious-cultural rights: A delicate balancing act" [2013] DEJURE 7
- de Waal, E; Mawdsley, RD --- "Student/learner allegations of teacher sexual misconduct: A teacher’s right to privacy and due process" [2011] DEJURE 6
- Deacon, J --- "Are fixed-term school governing body employment contracts for educators the best model for schools?" [2013] DEJURE 5
- Diala, A & Kangwa, B --- " Rethinking the interface between customary law and constitutionalism in sub-Saharan Africa" [2019] [2019] DEJURE 2
- Du Pisani, A --- "A contractual perspective on the strict liability principle in the World Anti-Doping Code" [2013] DEJURE 42
- du Pisani, A --- "A contractual perspective on the strict liability principle in the World Anti-Doping Code" [2013] DEJURE 42
- du Plessis, E --- "Judicial oversight for sales in execution of residential property and the National Credit Act" [2012] DEJURE 33
- du Plessis, M --- "Clinical legal education: Interviewing skills" (Vol 1) [2018] DEJURE 10
- Du Plessis, M A R--- "Designing an appropriate and assessable curriculum for clinical legal education" [2016] DEJURE 1
- du Plessis, MA.R --- "The role of clinical legal education in developing ethical legal professionals" [2021] DEJURE 17
- du Plessis, P --- "Legislation and policies: Progress towards the right to inclusive education" [2013] DEJURE 6
- du Preez, H & Moblebalwa K --- "Lessons from history predicting a possible tax revolt in South Africa" [2021] DEJURE 3
- Dyani-Mhango, N --- "Does the board of a pension fund in South Africa perform a public function or exercise public power when determining death claims under section 37C of the Pension Funds Act?" [2021] DEJURE 32