- B, Dawit Mezmur --- "The calm before the storm? Child rights climate change litigation in Africa" [2023] DEJURE 32
- Bachmann, SM; Frost, T --- "Colonialism, justice and the rule of law: a Southern African and Australian narrative" [2012] DEJURE 20
- Badenhorst, P J --- "Minister of Mineral Resources v Mawetse (SA) Mining Corporation (Pty) Ltd 2016 (1) SA 306 (SCA)" [2016] DEJURE 12
- Badenhorst, PJ --- "Cadia Holdings Pty Ltd v State of New South Wales (2010) 269 ALR 204" [2012] DEJURE 38
- Badenhorst, PJ; du Plessis, JJ --- "Mogale Alloys (Pty) Ltd v Nuco Chrome Boputhatswana (Pty) Ltd" [2012] DEJURE 24
- Badenhorst, PJ; Olivier, NJJ --- "Host communities and competing applications for prospecting rights in terms of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002" [2011] DEJURE 9
- Barnard, J --- "The influence of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 on the warranty against latent defects, voetstoots clauses and liability for damages" [2012] DEJURE 30
- Basson, Y --- "Relative poverty in female disability grant recipients in South Africa" [2021] DEJURE 20
- Bauling, A; Nagtegaal, A --- "Bread as dignity: The Constitution and the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008" [2015] DEJURE 9
- Beckmann, J; Fussel, H --- [2013] DEJURE 29
- Bekink, B --- "From mere Christmas decorations to concrete constitutional ethics" [2020] DEJURE 7
- Bekink, M --- "Defeating the anomaly of the cautionary rule and children's testimony - S v Haupt 2018 (1) SACR 12 (GP)" (Vol 2) [2018] DEJURE 21
- Bekink, M --- "Minister of Police v M 2017 38 IJL 402 (LC)" (Vol 1) [2017] DEJURE 12
- Bekink, M --- "The best interests of the child and the right of interested third parties to parental responsibilities and rights: RC v HSC 2023 4 SA 231 (GJ)" [2024] DEJURE 1
- Bekker, J C; Buchner-Eveleigh, M --- "The legal character of ancillary customary marriages" (Vol 1) [2017] DEJURE 6
- Bekker, JC; Koyana, DS --- "The judicial and legislative reform of the customary law of succession" [2012] DEJURE 35
- Biegon, J --- "State implementation and compliance with the human rights decisions of the East African Court of Justice" [2021] DEJURE 25
- Blackshaw, I --- "Collective sale of sports television rights in the European Union: competition law aspects" [2013] DEJURE 21
- Blackshaw, I --- "Match fixing in sport: a top priority and ongoing challenge for sports governing bodies" [2013] DEJURE 47
- Boezaart, T --- "The role of a curator ad litem and children's access to the courts" [2013] DEJURE 38
- Boezaart, T; de Bruin, DW --- "Section 14 of the Children’s Act 38 of 2005 and the child’s capacity to litigate" [2011] DEJURE 25
- Boggenpoel, Z---"The ongoing battle for secure tenure for non-owners in light of Grobler v Phillips" [2024] DEJURE 8
- Boraine, A; Swart, WJC --- "NCA Plant Hire CC v Blackfield Group Holdings (Pty) Limited [2021] JOL 51810 (GJ): Some critical observations on the legal effect of a provisional winding-up order" [2023] DEJURE 9
- Boraine, A; van Heerden, C; Roestoff, M --- "A comparison between formal debt administration and debt review - the pros and cons of these measures and suggestions for law reform (Part 1)" [2012] DEJURE 6
- Boraine, A; van Heerden, C; Roestoff, M --- "A comparison between formal debt administration and debt review - the pros and cons of these measures and suggestions for law reform (Part 2)" [2012] DEJURE 18
- Boraine, A; Van wyk, J --- "The application of "repealed" sections of the Companies Act 61 of 1973 to liquidation proceedings of insolvent companies" [2013] DEJURE 36
- Boterere, S; Maimela, C --- "Lobolo with the Equality Principle: The need to realign official customary law with living customary law of South Africa" [2023] DEJURE 40
- Boterere, SG --- "Zimbabwe's natural person debt relief system: Much-needed relief for No Income No Asset (NINA) debtors or 'out with the new'?" [2021] DEJURE 12
- Botha, MM --- "The past, present and future of vicarious liability in South Africa" [2012] DEJURE 17
- Botha, MM; Siegert, CM --- "Minister for Justice and Constitutional Development v Tshishonga 2009 9 BLLR 862 (LAC)" [2011] DEJURE 30
- Brink, GF --- "Farm Frites v International Trade Administration Commission Case 33264/14 GN" [2015] DEJURE 17
- Brink, GF --- "On "Dumping" and the Competition Act of South Africa: No "double remedy"" [2021] DEJURE 1
- Brits, R --- "The "reinstatement" of credit agreements: Remarks in response to the 2014 amendment of section 129(3)-(4) of the National Credit Act" [2015] DEJURE 5
- Buchner-Eveleigh, M --- "Children's rights of access to health care services and to basic health care services: a critical analysis of case law, legislation and policy" (Vol 2) [2016] DEJURE 20
- Buchner-Eveleigh, M --- "Is it a competent child's prerogative to refuse medical treatment?" [2019] DEJURE 11
- Buchner-Eveleigh, M --- "Netshituka v Netshituka 2011 (5) SA 453" [2012] DEJURE 37
- Buchner-Eveleigh, M --- "Vermoensregtelike gevolge by die verandering van die huwelikstelsel" [2013] DEJURE 52
- Burring, P --- "Section 49, lethal force and lessons from De Menezes shooting in the United Kingdom" [2013] DEJURE 48
- Buthelezi, C M --- "Let false light (publicity) shine forth in South African law" [2013] DEJURE 35
- Buthelezi, M C --- "J v J 2016 ZAKZDHC 33 (unreported) " (Vol 2) [2017] DEJURE 26
- Buthelezi, MC --- "Like Pontius Pilate of old, the Constitutional Court washed its hands of my human dignity: A critical review of The Citizen 1978 (Pty) Ltd v McBride 2011 4 SA 191 (CC)" [2011] DEJURE 31
- Buthelezi, MC --- "The Citizen v McBride 2010 (4)" [2011] DEJURE 12