De Jure Law Journal
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De Jure Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
De Jure Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
- A, Skelton --- "Child rights jurisprudence without borders: Developments in extraterritorial jurisdiction" [2023] DEJURE 35
- A, Skelton; K, Ozah --- "Editorial - Reflections on children and law: Special Edition in honour of Emeritus Professor Trynie Boezaart" [2023] DEJURE 28
- A, van Coller --- "Chetty v Perumaul (AR313/2020) [2021] ZAKZPHC 66 (21 September 2021): A cautionary note on the self-inflicted injury of disastrous and careless cross-examination" [2023] DEJURE 25
- Abduroaf, M --- "A constitutional analysis of an Islamic will within the South African context" [2019] DEJURE 10
- Abduroaf, M --- "An analysis of the rationale behind the distribution of shares in terms of the Islamic law of intestate succession" [2020] DEJURE 8
- Abduroaf, M --- "An analysis s 5A of the Divorce Act 70 of 1979 and its application to marriages concluded in terms of Islamic Law" [2023] DEJURE 2
- ACoetzee, F; Beerman, R --- "Can an employer still raise the retrenchment flag in interest negotiations? The Fry's Metals case under the Labour Relations Amendment Bill 2012" [2012] DEJURE 22
- Addaney,M, Chuma, N & Moyo, CG --- "Legal capacity of and access to justice for refugees with disabilities in Africa" [2019] DEJURE 17
- Alberts, RW --- "The timeous enforcement of trade mark rights" [2015] DEJURE 12
- Alberts, W --- "Santam Limited v Dial Direct Limited and Joe Public (Pty) Ltd Unreported Western Cape High Court case number 13278/11 (WCC)" [2012] DEJURE 14
- Animashaun, O; Chitimira, H --- "An analysis of the statutory measures adopted to curb tax evasion in Nigeria after the COVID-19 pandemic" [2023] DEJURE 11
- Arendse, L --- "Falling through the cracks: The plight of "over-aged" children in the public education system" [2021] DEJURE 7
- Asaala, E --- "Assessing the mechanisms and framework of implementation of decisions of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights fifteen years later" [2021] DEJURE 26
- Ashukem, J.N --- "Re-thinking Ex Post Facto Environmental Authorisation in South Africa Insights from 2022 NEMA Amendment" [2024] DEJURE 6
- Aukema-Heymans, EW --- "Editorial 46 Vol 3" [2013] DEJURE 31
- Aukema-Heymans, EW --- "Editorial: 45 Volume 2 2012" [2012] DEJURE 16