- Osman, F --- "Mshengu v Estate Late Mshengu 9223/2016P: Considering the ownership of house property in customary law" [2023] DEJURE 1
- Abduroaf, M --- "An analysis s 5A of the Divorce Act 70 of 1979 and its application to marriages concluded in terms of Islamic Law" [2023] DEJURE 2
- Mabe, Z --- "The Constitutional disqualification for unrehabilitated insolvents from begin members of Parliament" [2023] DEJURE 3
- Smith, A --- "The extraordinary in the ordinary: the devil is in the (sometimes unexpected) details of section 34 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 and the actio Pauliana" [2023] DEJURE 4
- Knobel, J.C --- "The use of vicarious liability in environmental law to enhance the legal conservation status of birds of prey" [2023] DEJURE 5
- Monareng, K.N --- "LH v ZN 2022 (1) SA 384 (SCA) : Should section 18(a) of Matrimonial Property Act 88 of 1984 apply to all spouses in marriage in community of property, irrespective of when the non-patrimonial damages were received?" [2023] DEJURE 6
- Mupangavanhu, Y; Kerchhoff, D --- "Online deceptive advertising and consumer protection in South Africa - The law and its shortcomings?" [2023] DEJURE 7
- Phiri, C --- "Small companies and regulatory tiering: a legal and economic analysis of Zambia's new regime" [2023] DEJURE 8
- Boraine, A; Swart, WJC --- "NCA Plant Hire CC v Blackfield Group Holdings (Pty) Limited [2021] JOL 51810 (GJ): Some critical observations on the legal effect of a provisional winding-up order" [2023] DEJURE 9
- Chitimire, H --- "Editorial: Special Edition on Rethinking Global Economies, Financial Markets, Corporate Practices & Business Activities Post-COVID-19 Pandemic" [2023] DEJURE 10
- Animashaun, O; Chitimira, H --- "An analysis of the statutory measures adopted to curb tax evasion in Nigeria after the COVID-19 pandemic" [2023] DEJURE 11
- Mudzamiri, J --- "Revisiting the no reflective loss principle under the South African company law regulation: A reflective assessment through the lens of Hlumisa Investment Holdings (RF) Ltd v Kirkinis 2020 3 All SA 650 (SCA)" [2023] DEJURE 12
- Marumoagae, M.C --- "What amounts to "dispositions without value" in the context of section 26 of the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936?" [2023] DEJURE 13
- Kgoale, T.J; Odeku, K --- "An analysis of the legal accountability for artificial intelligence systems in the South African financial sector" [2023] DEJURE 14
- Magau, P --- "The regulatory nexus between the promotion of financial education and financial inclusion in enhancing consumer protection in South Africa" [2023] DEJURE 15
- Chitimire, H; Torerai, E --- "Policy implications and mobile money regulation approaches to promote financial inclusion of the poor in Zimbabwe after the COVID-19 pandemic" [2023] DEJURE 16
- Warikandwa, T.V; Usebiu, L --- "A proposal for international arbitration law in Namibia based on the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration." [2023] DEJURE 17
- Preston, M.J; Peeroo, S --- "An analysis of the possibility to implement a CSI tax levy in South Africa: Lessons from Mauritius" [2023] DEJURE 18
- Uys, A.M --- "South African courts' differing approaches to determining children's views in family law matters" [2023] DEJURE 19
- Thutse,L --- "Does the treatment of arrear maintenance claims of children under the Insolvency Act 24 of 1936 constitute violation of their constitutionally protected rights to social welfare and human dignity? An exposition" [2023] DEJURE 20
- Ncube, P.T; Kabwe, R --- "The regulation of cryptocurrencies to combat money laundering crimes in South African banking institutions" [2023] DEJURE 21
- Sengwane, K; Van Eck, S --- "Monareng v Dr JS Moroka Municipality 2022 43 ILJ 1855 (LC) - Affirmation that resignation by an employee constitutes a point of no return: or does it?" [2023] DEJURE 22
- K, Maunatlala --- "Effects of the eradication of the rule of male primogeniture on the customary law of succession" [2023] DEJURE 23
- K, Mhango --- "Death benefit provisions in the Pension Funds Act 5 of 2019 of Lesotho: Contradictions or deliberate policy choices?" [2023] DEJURE 24
- A, van Coller --- "Chetty v Perumaul (AR313/2020) [2021] ZAKZPHC 66 (21 September 2021): A cautionary note on the self-inflicted injury of disastrous and careless cross-examination" [2023] DEJURE 25
- M, van Eck --- "Big data in insurance contracts - a tool for good, or bad?" [2023] DEJURE 26
- V, Madlela --- "Capital Appreciation Ltd v First National Nominees (Pty) Ltd 2022 ZASCA 85: The connection between share re-acquisitions, schemes of arrangement, and appraisal rights under the Companies Act 71 of 2008" [2023] DEJURE 27
- A, Skelton; K, Ozah --- "Editorial - Reflections on children and law: Special Edition in honour of Emeritus Professor Trynie Boezaart" [2023] DEJURE 28
- T, Liefaard --- "Children's rights remedies under international human rights law: How to secure children's rights compliant/ outcomes in access to justice?" [2023] DEJURE 29
- F, Veriava; M, Harding --- "The Komape litigation - ensuring effective remedies" [2023] DEJURE 30
- Z, M Hansungule-Nefale; M, R Courtenay --- "The expanding role of the curator ad litem in protecting children's rights in South Africa" [2023] DEJURE 31
- B, Dawit Mezmur --- "The calm before the storm? Child rights climate change litigation in Africa" [2023] DEJURE 32
- K, Ozah --- "Informed consent and access to gender-affirming treatment for children in South Africa" [2023] DEJURE 33
- L.A, Barnes Macfarlane --- ""Adapt or Perish": The uncertain fate of childhood contributory negligence in Scotland" [2023] DEJURE 34
- A, Skelton --- "Child rights jurisprudence without borders: Developments in extraterritorial jurisdiction" [2023] DEJURE 35
- J, Sloth-Nielsen --- "Remedies for child rights violations in African human rights systems" [2023] DEJURE 36
- E, Zitzke --- "Transforming a child's claim for loss of earning capacity" [2023] DEJURE 37
- Marumoagae, M.C --- "'The status of nomination forms and wills when retirement funds' death benefits are distributed" [2023] DEJURE 38
- Mtsweni, L; Maimela, C --- "The role and effect of the Constitution in customary law of succession" [2023] DEJURE 39
- Boterere, S; Maimela, C --- "Lobolo with the Equality Principle: The need to realign official customary law with living customary law of South Africa" [2023] DEJURE 40