- Brink, GF --- "On "Dumping" and the Competition Act of South Africa: No "double remedy"" [2021] DEJURE 1
- Magaya, I & Fambasayi, R --- "Giant leaps or baby steps? A preliminary review of the development of children's rights jurisprudence in Zimbabwe" [2021] DEJURE 2
- du Preez, H & Moblebalwa K --- "Lessons from history predicting a possible tax revolt in South Africa" [2021] DEJURE 3
- Morudu,NL & Maimela, C --- "The indigenisation of customary law: Creating an indigenous legal pluralism within the South African dispensation: possible or not?" [2021] DEJURE 4
- Mateus, S --- "Investigating the extraterritorial application of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights as well as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" [2021] DEJURE 5
- Marais, EJ --- "Makeshift 1190 (Pty) Ltd v Cilliers 2020 5 SA 583 (WCC)" [2021] DEJURE 6
- Arendse, L --- "Falling through the cracks: The plight of "over-aged" children in the public education system" [2021] DEJURE 7
- Maseko, TW --- "The feasibility of the victims of corruption's claim for constitutional damages against corrupt public officials in South Africa" [2021] DEJURE 8
- Ibitoye, TR & Ajagunna, F --- "Sexual autonomy and violence against women in Nigeria: Assessing the impact of Covid-19 pandemic" [2021] DEJURE 9
- Njoko, B.T --- "The admissibility of criminal findings in civil matters: Re-evaluating the Hollington judgement" [2021] DEJURE 10
- Njotini, MN --- "Disruptive technologies and the future of regulations" [2021] DEJURE 11
- Boterere, SG --- "Zimbabwe's natural person debt relief system: Much-needed relief for No Income No Asset (NINA) debtors or 'out with the new'?" [2021] DEJURE 12
- Maimela, C --- "Is discriminating against employees living with cancer in the workplace justified?" [2021] DEJURE 13
- Makore, STM & Lubisi,N --- "Dewesternising the South African social security law: a leap towards an Afrocentric legal curricular" [2021] DEJURE 14
- Mnyandu, N --- "Developing the common law crime murder in relation to physician-assisted suicide and physician-assisted euthanasia: Revisiting the missteps of Stransham-Ford v Minister of Justice and Correctional Development 2015 (4) SA 50 (G)" [2021] DEJURE 15
- Kehrhahn, FHH --- "MT v Road Accident Fund; HM v Road Accident Fund [2021] 1 ALL SA 285 (GJ) Adverse findings against experts and legal practitioners without evidence or a hearing" [2021] DEJURE 16
- du Plessis, MA.R --- "The role of clinical legal education in developing ethical legal professionals" [2021] DEJURE 17
- Munyai, A & Phooko, M.R --- "Is English becoming a threat to the existence of indigenous language in institutions of higher learning in South Africa?" [2021] DEJURE 18
- Vinti, C --- "The Treaty on the Lesotho Highlands Water Project and the principle of "equitable and reasonable utilisation" [2021] DEJURE 19
- Basson, Y --- "Relative poverty in female disability grant recipients in South Africa" [2021] DEJURE 20
- Labuschaigne, M --- "Aquamation: Legal nail in burial and cremation's coffin" [2021] DEJURE 21
- Sibisi, S --- "The Supreme Court of Appeal and the handing over of the bride in customary marriages" [2021] DEJURE 22
- Lazarus, M & Khan, F --- "An analysis of spousal competence and non-compellability in terms of section 198 of the Criminal Procedure Act" [2021] DEJURE 23
- Fokala, E --- "Editorial introduction: Compliance with regional human rights - Focus on East and West Africa" [2021] DEJURE 24
- Biegon, J --- "State implementation and compliance with the human rights decisions of the East African Court of Justice" [2021] DEJURE 25
- Asaala, E --- "Assessing the mechanisms and framework of implementation of decisions of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights fifteen years later" [2021] DEJURE 26
- Kabira, N --- "Monitoring compliance of African Women's Human Rights commitments by the African Court on Human and People's Rights" [2021] DEJURE 27
- Fokala, E --- "Do not forget the Nubians: Kenya's compliance with the decisions of African regional treaty bodies on the plight and rights of Nubians" [2021] DEJURE 28
- Njiru, E.M --- "Adjudication of human rights disputes in the sub-regional courts in Africa: A case study of the East African Court of Justice" [2021] DEJURE 29
- Mutangi, T --- "Status of the implementation of the human rights-related decisions of the ECOWAS Community Court of Justice" [2021] DEJURE 30
- Freitas, S --- "Freedom to agreed-upon religious upbringing of the child on dissolution of a marriage: A critique of Kotze v Kotze" [2021] DEJURE 31
- Dyani-Mhango, N --- "Does the board of a pension fund in South Africa perform a public function or exercise public power when determining death claims under section 37C of the Pension Funds Act?" [2021] DEJURE 32
- Khan, F --- "The impact of COVID-19 on Cyberbullying: A delictual claim for emotional harm?" [2021] DEJURE 33
- Khumalo, B --- "Comply with workplace COVID-19 protocols or face dismissal: A stark reminder from Eskort Limited v Stuurman Mogotsi and Others (JR1644/20) [2021] ZALCJHB 53 (23 March 2021)" [2021] DEJURE 34