- Cornelius, SJ --- "Editorial:45 Volume 1 2012" [2012] DEJURE 1
- Kreuser, M --- "The application of section 85 of the National Credit Act in an application for summary judgment:45 Volume 1 2012" [2012] DEJURE 2
- Legwaila, T --- "Tax characteristics of an ideal holding company location" [2012] DEJURE 3
- Swanepoel, N; Bezuidenhout, I --- "The institutionalisation of community service and community service learning at South African tertiary institutions: with specific reference to the role of university law clinics" [2012] DEJURE 4
- Mawdsley, RD --- "Legal issues associated with the use of do not resuscitate orders in US schools" [2012] DEJURE 5
- Boraine, A; van Heerden, C; Roestoff, M --- "A comparison between formal debt administration and debt review - the pros and cons of these measures and suggestions for law reform (Part 1)" [2012] DEJURE 6
- Greenbaum, L --- "Experiencing the South African undergraduate law curriculum" [2012] DEJURE 7
- Van der Vyver,JD --- "Nationalisation of mineral rights in South Africa" [2012] DEJURE 8
- Janse van Rensburg, W; Van Niekerk, L --- "Where does mining stop and manufacturing commence? A critical analysis of section 15A of the Income Tax Act" [2012] DEJURE 9
- Otto, JM --- "Die Toepaslikheid (al dan nie) van die Nasionale Kredietwet op rentevrye kontrakte" [2012] DEJURE 10
- Olivier, L --- "Capital Versus Revenue: Some Guidance" [2012] DEJURE 11
- Carnelley, M --- "Ex parte WH 2011 6 SA 514 (GNP)" [2012] DEJURE 12
- Scott, J --- "Kasper v Andrč Kemp Boerdery CC 2012 SA 20 (WKK)" [2012] DEJURE 13
- Alberts, W --- "Santam Limited v Dial Direct Limited and Joe Public (Pty) Ltd Unreported Western Cape High Court case number 13278/11 (WCC)" [2012] DEJURE 14
- Schoeman-Malan, MC; van Sittert, C --- "Pienaar v Meester van die Vrystaat Hooggeregshof Bloemfontein Ongerapporteerde Vrystaat Hooggeregshof saak nommer 364/2010 (FSHC)" [2012] DEJURE 15
- Aukema-Heymans, EW --- "Editorial: 45 Volume 2 2012" [2012] DEJURE 16
- Botha, MM --- "The past, present and future of vicarious liability in South Africa" [2012] DEJURE 17
- Boraine, A; van Heerden, C; Roestoff, M --- "A comparison between formal debt administration and debt review - the pros and cons of these measures and suggestions for law reform (Part 2)" [2012] DEJURE 18
- Malan, K --- "The rule of law versus decisionism in the South African constitutional discourse" [2012] DEJURE 19
- Bachmann, SM; Frost, T --- "Colonialism, justice and the rule of law: a Southern African and Australian narrative" [2012] DEJURE 20
- Calitz, J --- "An overview of certain aspects regarding the regulation of sovereign insolvency law" [2012] DEJURE 21
- ACoetzee, F; Beerman, R --- "Can an employer still raise the retrenchment flag in interest negotiations? The Fry's Metals case under the Labour Relations Amendment Bill 2012" [2012] DEJURE 22
- Hulme, D; Peté, S --- "Houston, we have a problem! Gaps, glitches and gremlins in recent amendments to the law of civil procedure pertaining to the magistrates’ courts" [2012] DEJURE 23
- Badenhorst, PJ; du Plessis, JJ --- "Mogale Alloys (Pty) Ltd v Nuco Chrome Boputhatswana (Pty) Ltd" [2012] DEJURE 24
- Maithufi, IP --- "MM v MN" [2012] DEJURE 25
- van der Linde, A --- "Longfellow v BOE Trust Ltd NO" [2012] DEJURE 26
- Smit, N; Fourie, E --- "Equity Aviation v SATAWU" [2012] DEJURE 27
- Cornelius, S, Aukema-Heymans, EW --- "Editorial: 45 Volume 3 2012" [2012] DEJURE 28
- van der Bijl, C --- "Criminal liability and policy considerations in the context of high speed pursuits" [2012] DEJURE 29
- Barnard, J --- "The influence of the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 on the warranty against latent defects, voetstoots clauses and liability for damages" [2012] DEJURE 30
- Roodt, C --- "Reflections on finality in arbitration" [2012] DEJURE 31
- Church, J --- "Sustainable Development and the Culture of uBuntu" [2012] DEJURE 32
- du Plessis, E --- "Judicial oversight for sales in execution of residential property and the National Credit Act" [2012] DEJURE 33
- Cloete, R --- "The taxation of image rights: A comparative analysis" [2012] DEJURE 34
- Bekker, JC; Koyana, DS --- "The judicial and legislative reform of the customary law of succession" [2012] DEJURE 35
- Whitear-Nel, N --- "S v Matyityi 2011 1 SACR 40 (SCA)" [2012] DEJURE 36
- Buchner-Eveleigh, M --- "Netshituka v Netshituka 2011 (5) SA 453" [2012] DEJURE 37
- Badenhorst, PJ --- "Cadia Holdings Pty Ltd v State of New South Wales (2010) 269 ALR 204" [2012] DEJURE 38
- Kuschke, B --- "Association belge des Consommateurs Test-Achats ASBL, Vann van Vugt, Charles Basselier v Conseil des ministres Case C-236/09 ECJ" [2012] DEJURE 39
- Maithufi, IP --- "Fish Hoek Primary School v GW 2010 2 SA 141 (SCA)" [2012] DEJURE 40
- Steyn, L --- "FirstRand Bank Ltd t/a First National Bank v Seyffert and three similar cases 2010 6 SA 429 (GSJ) Seyffert & Seyffert v Firstrand Bank Ltd 2012 ZASCA 81" [2012] DEJURE 41