African Human Rights Law Journal
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African Human Rights Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
African Human Rights Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
- Tackling inequality and governance challenges: Insights from the COVID-19 pandemic [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 36
- Tension between the individual's fundamental human rights and the protection of the public from infectious and formidable epidemic diseases[Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 12
- The 'Africa we want' in the African Union's Agenda 2063 on the realisation of women's human rights to access justice [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 11
- The 2010 Kenyan Constitution and the hierarchical place of international law in the Kenyan domestic legal system: A comparative perspective (Chapter 7 Vol 2) [2013] AHRLJ 18
- The Administration of Criminal Justice Act, 2015 as a harbinger for the elimination of unlawful detention in Nigeria [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 17
- The admissibility in Namibia of evidence obtained through human rights violations (Vol 2) [2016] AHRLJ 21
- The African Charter: Just one treaty among many? The development of the material jurisdiction and interpretive mandate of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 29
- The African Children's Charter and ending corporal punishment of children in Africa: A work in progress [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 6
- The African Human Rights Law Journal Vol 15 No 1 2015 [2015] AHRLJ 11
- The African Human Rights Law Journal Vol 15 No 2 2015 (Vol 2) [2015] AHRLJ 31
- The African Human Rights Law Journal Vol 16 No 1 2016 [2016] AHRLJ 15
- The African Human Rights Law Journal Vol 16 No 2 2016 (Vol 2) [2016] AHRLJ 28
- The African human rights system as 'norm leader': Three case studies [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 28
- The African Women's Protocol and HIV: Delineating the African Commission's General Comment on articles 14(1)(d) and (e) of the Protocol (Chapter 17 Vol 2) [2014] AHRLJ 33
- The Al Bashir debacle (Vol 2) [2015] AHRLJ 28
- The application of traditional justice mechanisms to the atrocoties committed by child soldiers in Uganda: A practical restorative justice approach (Chapter 8 Vol 2) [2013] AHRLJ 19
- The case law of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights in Libya following the Arab uprisings: Lessons learned for the consolidation and legitimation of the Court [2020] AHRLJ 4
- The challenges for the rule of law posed by the increasing use of electronic surveillance in sub-Saharan Africa [2018] AHRLJ 18
- The challenges of adjudicating presidential election disputes in domestic courts in Africa (Vol 2) [2015] AHRLJ 17
- The challenges to gender equality in the legal profession in South Africa: A case for substantive equality as a means for achieving gender transformation [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 19
- The concept of surrogacy in Nigeria: Issues, prospects and challenges [2018] AHRLJ 28
- The constitutionality of the Fee Exemption Regulations in South African schools: A critical analysis of Michelle Saffer v Head of Department, Western Cape Education Department [2019] AHRLJ 25
- The court record and the right to a fair trial: Botswana and Uganda [2016] AHRLJ 9
- The direct application of the Constitution by ordinary courts and the concept of Shari'a as a source of legislation: A review of the Sudanese Supreme Court's decision in Sudan v Government v ASK [2017] AHRLJ 21
- The domestic impact of the decisions of the East African Court of Justice [2018] AHRLJ 23
- The ECOWAS Community Court of Justice and the horizontal application of human rights (Chapter 2 Vol 1) [2013] AHRLJ 3
- The effectiveness of market-based initiatives for regulating development projects by multinational corporations in Africa with regard to human rights and environmental abuses [2019] AHRLJ 8
- The essence vindicated? Courts and customary marriages in South Africa [2017] AHRLJ 3
- The foundations of 'peace' as a value for the promotion of human rights in Africa [2017] AHRLJ 4
- The impact of climate change on economic and social rights realisation in Nigeria: International cooperation and assistance to the rescue? [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 44
- The impact of COVID-19 on the socio-economic rights of older persons in Africa: The urgency of operationalising the Protocol on the Rights of Older Persons [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 32
- The importance and relevance of amicus curiae participation in litigating on the customary law of marriage [2016] AHRLJ 12
- The Influence of Roman Laws Regarding Same-Sex Acts on Homophobia in Africa (Chapter 5 Vol 2) [2014] AHRLJ 21
- The International Criminal Court and Africa: A fractious relationship assessed [2019] AHRLJ 6
- The King can do no wrong: The impact of the Law Society of Swaziland v Simelane NO and Others on constitutionalism [2016] AHRLJ 13
- The legacy of the Kenyatta case: Trials in absentia at the International Criminal Court and their compatibility with human rights [2016] AHRLJ 6
- The Nairobi Principles on Accountability as a means of monitoring and enforcing the rule of law and accountability for international crimes in Africa [2018] AHRLJ 20
- The Nigerian police force and the enforcement of religious criminal law (Chapter 11 Vol 1) [2014] AHRLJ 12
- The Pan - African Parliament and Africa Union human rights actors, civil society and national human rights institutions: The importance of collaboration (Chapter 3 Vol 2) [2013] AHRLJ 14
- The protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation under the African human rights system [2015] AHRLJ 10
- The protection of asylum seekers and refugees within the African regional human rights system (Chapter 1 Vol 1) [2013] AHRLJ 1
- The protection of individual labour rights in Zimbabwe [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 21
- The protection of vulnerable witnesses during criminal trials in Malawi: Addressing resource challenges [2020] AHRLJ 9
- The rationality test in lockdown litigation in South Africa [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 47
- The responsibility of businesses to prevent development-induced displacement in Africa [2017] AHRLJ 12
- The right not to be arbitrarily displaced under the United Nations Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement [2016] AHRLJ 5
- The right of access to information and national security in the African regional human rights system [2017] AHRLJ 18
- The right of victims of core international crimes to reparation in Nigeria [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 43
- The right to 'unlove': The constitutional case for no-fault divorce in Uganda [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 48
- The right to development, transformative constitutionalism and radical transformation in South Africa: Post-colonial and de-colonial reflections [2019] AHRLJ 24
- The right to equality and access to courts for government employees in South Africa: Time to amend the Government Employees Pension Law [2019] AHRLJ 17
- The right to justice: A challenge for survivors of conflict-related sexual violence in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (Vol 2) [2015] AHRLJ 24
- The right to privacy in the age of surveillance to counter terrorism in Ethiopia [2018] AHRLJ 19
- The right to privacy under the Constitution of Kenya and the criminalisation of consensual sex between same-sex adults [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 16
- The right to reparations in the Contentious process before the African Court on Human and People's Rights: A comparative analysis on account of the revised Rules of Court [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 33
- The right to sustainable development in article 43(3) of the Ethiopian Constitution [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 41
- The rights to life, health and development: The Ebola virus and Nigeria [2017] AHRLJ 10
- The rule of law and democracy in Ghana since independence: Uneasy bedfellows? [2018] AHRLJ 13
- The Sen-Nussbaum diagram of article 11(3) of the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child: Facilitating the relationship between access to education and development [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 3
- The shadow of legal pluralism in matrimonial property division outside the courts in Southern Nigeria [2018] AHRLJ 33
- The story of a legal transplant: The right to free, prior and informed consent in sub-Saharan Africa (Vol 2) [2016] AHRLJ 25
- The subject-matter jurisdiction and interpretive competence of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights in relation to international humanitarian law [2020] AHRLJ 3
- The Sustainable Development Goals and the rights-based approach to development: Compatible or missing the point? [2019] AHRLJ 22
- The tensions between power sharing, justice and human rights in Africa's 'post-violence' societies: Rwanda, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Chapter 1 Vol 12) [2013] AHRLJ 2
- The tensions between power sharing, justice and human rights in Africa's - 'post-violence' societics: Rwanda, Kenya and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Chapter 1 Vol 2) [2013] AHRLJ 12
- The troubled relationship of state and religion in Ertrea (Chapter 13 Vol 1) [2014] AHRLJ 14
- The Zimbabwean Constitutional Court as a key site of struggle for human rights protection: A critical assessment of its human rights jurisprudence during its first six years [2020] AHRLJ 8
- Theologising the mundane, politicising the divine: The cross-currents of law, religion and politics in Nigeria (Chapter 10 Vol 1) [2014] AHRLJ 11
- Towards a transformative child rights discourse in Africa: A reflexive study [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 7
- Transformative constitutionalism and the adjudication of constitutional rights in Africa [2017] AHRLJ 17
- Transitional justice in Kenya and the UN Special Rapporteur on Truth and Justice: Where to from here? (Chapter 4 Vol 2) [2013] AHRLJ 15
- Tufuor, I,K --- "Due process or crime control? An examination of the limits to the right to silence in criminal proceedings in Ghana" [2022] AHRLJ 9
- Twelve years of judicial cooperation between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the International Criminal Court: Have expectations been met? [2019] AHRLJ 7