African Human Rights Law Journal
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African Human Rights Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
African Human Rights Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
- Magashula, K.P; Ngwena, C --- "Beyond symmetrical binaries: The emergence of the constitutional recognition of transgender persons in Zimbabwe with reference to Nathanson v Mteliso & Others" [2023] AHRLJ 18
- Magliveras, K; Naldi, G --- "The free movement of people in Africa as a human right and as an economic right: From the African Charter to the African Economic Community Protocol of 2018" [2022] AHRLJ 2
- Maistry, A; Van Schalkwyk, C---"Litigating the right to basic education for undocumented children in South Africa: The role of the courts in advancing access to schools" [2024] AHRLJ 12
- Makunya, TM --- "Overcoming challenges to the adjudication of election-related disputes at the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights: Perspectives from the Ngandu case" [2022] AHRLJ 17
- Mandatory mediation: An obstacle to access to justice? (Vol 2) [2015] AHRLJ 18
- Masekesa, LK --- "A human rights-based approach to implementing Target 11.6 of Sustainable Development Goal 11 in Zimbabwe" [2022] AHRLJ 11
- Mazzuoli, V.O --- "The Inter-American human rights protection system: Structure, functioning and effectiveness in Brazilian law" [2011] AHRLJ 10
- Mechanisms adopted in curbing unsafe infant abandonment: A comparison between Namibia and South Africa [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 38
- Monitoring the Implementation of its own decisions: What role for the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights? [Volume 21 No 2] [2021] AHRLJ 34
- Moyo, A --- "Reconceptualising the 'paramountcy principle': Beyond the individualistic construction of the best interests of the child" [2012] AHRLJ 7
- Mubangiz, J.C; Twinomugisha, B.K --- "The right to health care in the specific context of access to HIV/AIDS medicines: What can South Africa and Uganda learn from each other?" [2010] AHRLJ 6
- Mudau, P --- "Promoting civic and voter education through the use of technological systems during the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa" [2022] AHRLJ 6
- Mudzuru and Another v The Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs and 2 Others: A review (Vol 2) [2016] AHRLJ 27
- Mujuzi, JD --- "Construing pre-1995 laws to bring them in conformity with the Constitution of Uganda: Court's reliance on article 274 of the Constitution to protect human rights" [2022] AHRLJ 23
- Mujuzi, JD --- "Making sense of the Rwandan Law Relating to Serving Life Imprisonment with Special Provisions" [2011] AHRLJ 14
- Mujuzi, JD --- "The rule of law: Approaches of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights and selected African states" [2012] AHRLJ 5
- Murombo, T --- "The utility of environmental rights to sustainable development in Zimbabwe: A contribution to the constitutional reform dabate" [2011] AHRLJ 7
- Mutu, P --- " Leveraging technology to deliver basic education to children in conflict areas of Northern Nigeria" [2023] AHRLJ 9
- Mutu, P---"Strategic litigation for educational equity: Analysing the impact of ISER v Attorney-General on access to quality education in Uganda" [2024] AHRLJ 15
- Mwambene, L --- "Marriage under African customary law in the face of the Bill of Rights and International Human Rights standards in Malawi" [2010] AHRLJ 5
- Mwambene, L; Sloth-Nielsen, J --- "Benign accomodation? Ukuthwala, 'forced marriage' and the South African Children's Act" [2011] AHRLJ 2
- Mwanga, E --- "Who votes in Tanzania? An overview of the law and practices relating to parliamentary elections" [2022] AHRLJ 7
- Mwangi, W --- "Developments in international crminal justice in Africa during 2010" [2011] AHRLJ 12
- Mwangi, W; Mphepo, T --- "Developments in international criminal justice in Africa during 2011" [2012] AHRLJ 11