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African Human Rights Law Journal
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African Human Rights Law Journal
>> African Human Rights Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
African Human Rights Law Journal Authors beginning with 0-9 ...
Land-grabbing and the right to adequate food in Ethiopia [2019] AHRLJ 12
Large-scale agricultural land acquisitions and Ethiopia's ethnic minorities: A test for the rule of law [2018] AHRLJ 17
Law and religion in Africa: Living expressions and channels of coperation (Chapter 5 Vol 1) [2014] AHRLJ 5
Laws in conflict: The relationship between human rights and international humanitarian law under the African Charter on Human and People's Rights (Vol 2) [2016] AHRLJ 18
Legal formalism and the new Constitution: An analysis of the recent Zimbabwe Supreme Court decision in Nyamande and Another v Zuva Petroleum [2016] AHRLJ 14
Lessons from Ghana and Kenya on why presidential election petitions usually fail [2015] AHRLJ 7
LGBT rights in Africa and the discursive role of international human rights law (Vol 2) [2015] AHRLJ 14
Liberalisation of Nigeria's abortion laws with a focus on pregnancies resulting from rape: An empirical analysis [Volume 21 No 1] [2021] AHRLJ 18
Liebenberg, S --- "Engaging the paradoxes of the universal and particular in human rights adjudication: The possibilities and pitfalls of 'meaningful engagement'" [2012] AHRLJ 2
Lihiru, V.M---"Domestic and international law contradictions in Zimbabwe's gender quota system" [2024] AHRLJ 7
LM and Others v Government of the Republic of Namibia: The first sub-Sahara African case dealing with coerced sterilisations of HIV-positive women - Quo vadis? (Recent Developments Vol 1) [2013] AHRLJ 10